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DAILY RACING FOUU VOLUME XXXI. NUJCBEB. 1*3 Kntercd :!•* m otitl-i l.i** matter. April -. UN, a lie po-t-ciffiie at Iulcugo. lilinoiH, under Act A March 3. 1S7B. W. . Mcllurrsy, Publisher and General lUnserr ii.It Purine UltiOr Month* Daily Except Sun. lay L.. lance of tlie Tear. A D.nljr ■■ fill II— of the Ameilein Turf tij Telegraph DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO 441 PLYMOUTH COUHT CHICAGO. ILL 157-159 EAST 32nd ST.. NEW YOBK CITY. N. Y 60 RICHMOND STREET. EAST. TORONTO. OUT 320 EAST THIRD STREET. CINCINNATI. OHIO SI IISCKIITION I1Y FlliSJT-CI.AHS MAIL: May to November. inclusive .00 per inonll. l.eccmlK-r to April. inclusive $."».00 per uionlli PATAU IN ADVANCE. rack nam uy mail, u nana bath TELEPHONE -.US. MAKItlSON. 1 For hmtfneai and circulation purpose* only Thi« telephone has no eonnedkiu Willi tlie nens or editorial departments and cannot be used tn communicate iitlt then: