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I DAILY RACING FORM VOLUME XXXI. STJXBEX 1*6 l.ulrwl aa nMl-«ha matter. April J. 1S»C. a Hie iKj»t uffie ut Culi-ago, Illinois, miliar Act ul l:i:i li I. 1S79. | W. J. KcHurray, PuMiibtr and Ganaral Manattr IVilli iirlnr Whilrr Month! Dallj Eirept SuDdaT Ealanre at the Tear. / lXnlj Ucfkillun of the American Turf bjl l«rap» DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO 441 PLYMOUTH COURT - CHICAGO. H.L. 157-15* EAST S2nd ST.. HEW TORK CITY. V. T. 60 RICHMOND STREET. EAST. TORONTO. ONT 820 EAST TH1HD STREET. CIMCimJATI. OHIO SIIIISCUIITION IIY FIRST-CLASS MAIL: Hay o Norembor. Inrliuriae .00 per montli Leccniurr t« April. Inclrrrtir* *5.00 per uioutli PATAUI.B IN ADVANCK. RACK M HKEItS UY MA1U 15 CENTS BACH. TKI.EI-IIONK -MS: HARRISON. For I i-inns and rlmilatlen pnrpoaaa onlr TliH trlrphone baa DO connection with th« news or r-iliori:il deparlmenta and cannot be need to communicate «ilU them. 86508 is first index of 1925