Daily Racing Form Charts: Connaught Park, Daily Racing Form, 1925-06-09

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1 CONN AUGHT PARK OTTAWA. ONT.. MONDAY. JUNE 8. 1925 — nnn mght Park 1 Mile. Sixth Day. Connaught Park Jockey Club. Spring Meeting of 7 clays. Weathor clear. Steward representing Canadian Racing A-s *ci:-tions. Francis Nelson. Presiding Steward. J. B. Campbell. Judges. J. McLennan. L. N. Bate and W. J. Morrison. Starter. Marshall CaaMj. Ra iu Se.-retsry. J. McLennan. Racing starts at 3:00 p. m. Chicago time. .LOO p.m.! W indicates whip. S spurs. B blinkers. Figures iu parentheses following the distance of each race indicate date, track record, age of horse and weight carried. •Indicates apprentice allowance. a/"ks" eQ FIRST RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. Purse 00. 2-year-olds. Maidens. Allowances. Net *JJi0 value to winner 825: second. 00: third. 0: fourth. 5. Inch x Horses AWtPlSt % % Str Kin Jockeys Owners K iuiv. Odds Strt 89991-COZY w 112 4 2 21 1» 1" in L. Morris R W Carter f571-100 88865 ENDOR w 115 5 5 6" 3% 3« 2« J Butwell R W Carter f 90149 = .IISS MAGGIE w B 112 6 6 41 fa* 3 B Kenndy F. E Major 270-100 900961IN1IAN TALES w 115 11 3» 4» 41 41 F Hst.ngs R T Wilson ltSO-100 90040 WKINKLES w» 112 7 4 6» 6« 6« 5 K Renzetti C F Clark 341S-100 89938 BOOTH WEST w 105 3 3 ll 5» Sl 6" O Brassa Thorncliffe Stable 3160-100 SIMPLE wn 112 2 7 7» 7» 7« 7" B Th pson H T Wilson J ARROW VANE w 148 8 8 8 S 8 8 L Jenkins W T Trenholme 16830-100 tCoupled ss R. W. Carter entry: R. T. Wilson entry. Time. 23%. 48. 54%. Track fast. mutuels paid— R. W. Carter entry. .15 straight. .65 place. 60 show; Miss Maggie. 50 show. Eqnvalent booking odds — R. W. Carter entry, 57% to 100 straight, 82% to 100 place, 30 to 100 show: Miss Maggie. 25 to 10* show. Winner — B. f, by Viudex- Crony, by Goldcrest trained by E. Trueman: bred by Mr. F. W. Armstrong!. Went to post at 3:00. At post 2 nrnuos. Ktsrt good and slow. Won driving: second and third the rame COZY raced SOCTH WEST into defeat in the first quarter and. laking the Lad. held it gal*, ly lac llie remainder of the race. ENDOR was en the inside all the way and ran a good race. MISS MAGGIE began slowly, but was ni-li-.l up into second place and tired slighty near the end. INDIAN TAI.ES was shuffled back on the far turn. SOITII WEST set the earlv pace and qu t Scratched— 90148 Herbert. 115; 89814 Sweep Net. 112: Jof. 115; Spring Branch. 105. Q-TkOetQ SECOND RACE— 0-8 Kilo. June 16. 1921— 1 :00%-»io«0 Parxe~ 0*7~T~year-oTd7 tFahJJvaslO t/ Claiming. Net value to winner 25: second. 00: third. 0; fourth. 5. Index Horses AWtPPSt % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Epic Odds Strt 90046 MABEL fETH w 108 2 2 1» 1 U 1 J Kenndy E E Major 515-100 08046 MII.LIGAN w 110 1 1 3 2fc 2 2» F Hstings St Bernard Stable stS-M 90046 EMMA HOAC.LANDw 110 7 5 4» 4* 5" 3» W H nour C B Shafer IEbWM till.; -ll. ALTER GIRL will 6 3 !l ". • J Leyland E K Bryson li.-ll 9«ii!ii i.i-.oer w 110 3 7 5 6« 5" i» j Woods o Barsrsas aaVM P0148JANIS D. wb 104 5 4 6» I* 61 6 R Fisher C P Winfrey 225-luo 89212 SEV CREST WHO 4 6 7" 71 7 7» C Allen R W Carter 5il5-100 89899 Cl.NDERETTA w 101 8 8 888RS licence E F Whitney 15210-100 Time. 23%. 48%. 1:01%. Track fast. mutuels paid-Mabel Selh. 2. 50 straight. 1925.sh 15 place, .90 show; Mulligan, 6 25 place, 3.13 show : Emma Hc.agland. .00 show. Equivalent booking oddst Mabel Seth. 515 to 100 straight. 207% to 100 psce. 143 to 100 show: Mulligan. 1712% to 100 place. 557% to 100 BBS*; Eninm lieagland. 180 to 100 -h..w. W nncr h. f. by Seth — Minnolette, by al.udora trained by J. Hizar; bred by Mr. Benjamin A. Jon." 1 Went to post at 3:3*. At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won ridden ont: second and third driving. MABEL SETH. racing gamely, took the lead on the last tnrn and maintained her advantage to the end. MILI.IGXN m.eccl up fust after coming into the stretch, but tired in the final drive .in.l l.are-ly outstayed EMMA HUAGLAND. The latter was close up all the way and finished gamely. Kl.APPKK c.llll. qu t Scratched— I.lOOtOISunny Maid. 110; 90046 Buttercup. 116; 90016 Log Fire. 107. UafsMsQsfl 1 THIRD RACE— 3-4 Mil eV June 1, 1983— 1:12%— «-— IliT Purse 00. 3-yoar-old» and tlUDv upward. Claiming. Net value to winner : second, 00; third. 0: fourth, 5. Index Horses AWtPPSt % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 89477 M.I. IN ALL. •■ I 111 I 8 31 21 11 C Allen J A Harper 5171-100 90097 ODD SBTH wt I 111 2 5 3 41 4» 2 W Rnour C B Shafer 325-100 88789 WATCH CHARM, w 4 112 8 3 2« 1 11 3» E Renzetti II McKoever 4470-100 90007 iVNOTE O LOVE w 3 84 3 6 i1 ii | 11 Braaaa B J Morrow 470-100 t898lf HARROW w 3 104 6 3 1" 21 3 6 II Howard J p Grogan 230-100 80778 "TEAS READY wan 4 113 7 1 and■ 6 7« 6" F listings Thorncliffe Stable 1150-100 88858 HI I.I.MAN ws 5 111 1 7 7 7« 6» 7 i: Kenndy Seagram Stable 915-100 1 00005 STROLLER wa 4 113 5 4 6« 8 8 8 R Fisher H R Calwell 1365-100 Contiaaael on eighteenth page. CONNAUGHT PARK Continued from twelfth page. Time. 23%. 47%. 1:13%. Track fast. mntnels paid -All in All. 2 35 straight. 1925.sh 20 place. .05 suovv; Odd Seth. .00 place, 90 ■how Wawh Charm. 0.15 show. Equivalent boosing ixld» All in All. 517% tn 100 straight. 210 to 100 place, 132% to 1G0 thow; Odd Soth. 100 to 100 place. 0". to 100 show: Wat. h harm. 41", to 100 show-Winner — I.r. f. by laist loin — Broom Flower, by Broomstick trained by E. J. Kurman: bred by Mr. A. E Hundley. Went to i»ost at 4 0 At poRt ,3 minutes. Start rood and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. ALL IN ALL Is-gan slowly, but came fast after closing" a gap and. challenging the leaders in the stretch, was drawing clear to the end. ODD SETH. close up from the start. f:ni.-hed fast and gaining . WATCH CHARM raced ItAKKOW to defeat on the back stretch and led to the stretch, where he began to tire. NOTE O LOVE ran well. IIAKHOW set he early pace and quit. S ratrh.-d-KioJIMnskallonge. 112; .10047 Elm. 101; 89yJ3 Mabel K.. 110: 89199 Lady Argos, 105; 80097 Kol Confidence. 100. QA;/ FOURTH RACE— 1 Mile and 70 Tarns. Aug-. 31. 1»22— 1 :43%— 3— 106. HullHandi-*7vrO-l- mm. Purse ,000. 3-year-olds and upward. Foaled in Canada. Net value to winner 1925.sh00; second 00; third. 00: fourth. 0. lndei Hones AWtllSt % % % sir Kin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strl 90098 CHLORIS w 6 10$ 1 1 1 Ill" l1 1» R Fisher H B I-arvey 225-10- 90098 KINGS COURT w f. 112 3 6 5 4 4 2»» 2 B Konndy Seagram Stable laVM 90098 1PKOCTON w 6 116 2 2 r * 2 31 31 3 J Butwell P tl Christopher 295-100 90204 J F u KARA w 7 108 6 5 4 2» 2 4 4 E Renzetti J M Mackenzie 605-100 MMlPCta PIN w 6 104 4 3 6 6 6 5i5« H Howard Thorncliffo Stable 913-10 £9088 DOC GAIETY wb 5 107 5 4 2 6 5 6 6 R Moore ■ Glassco 2180-100 Time. 23%. 4«. 1:13%. 1:39%. 1:44%. Track fast. mutuels paid Chloris. 50 straight. .50 place. .70 show: Kings Court. 40 place, .65 show; Iroeyon. .0 show. Equivalent booking odds- Chloris. 225 to 100 straight. 75 to 100 place. 35 to 100 show: Kings Court. 70 to 100 place. 32i to 100 show: Procyon. 50 to 10 show. Winner — II. m. by Bexnnt— Flying Flora, by Mauvezin trained by II. B. I.arvey; bred by Sir John Ilendriel. Went to post at 4:32. At post 3 minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving: second and third the same. CHI.OKIS took the lead at the start and. racing JAMES F. OHARA into defeat on the back stretch and li--Id ng on to her lead tenaciously in the final drive, outfinisbed KINGS COURT. The lat er was outpaced in he early running, but fin. shed resolutely and was gaining at the end. PROCYON. close up from the start, tired slightly in the stretch. DOC GAIETY quit. Scratched .KIJlilEl Jesmar. 97: 902IM Beau of the West, 96. Overweight- James F. OHara, 3 pounds. OAOa* FIFTH RACE — 1 Mile. Aug. 29, 1924 — 1:39 — 4—108. Laarentian Purse. Purse ,000. JJ £ 3-yoax-olds. Allowances. Met value to winner 50; socond, J200 third, 00; fourth, 3. Index Dorses AWtPPSt % % % Sir Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds SKI 89018 WAVECREST w 99 6 5 5"* 5 4 -n 1» O Brassa C L Whiting 1170-K* 89859 ORBAT HOCK w 107 4 4 31 1 11 1" 21 H Howard 1 Raymond 45-100 90206 PIXOL.A w 107 5 6 6 4"*314« * F listings It T Wilson 460-100 90150= HALF PINT w 99 1 1 P* 2 2»* P 4 R Fisher W A Woolman 515-101 90150BI.ACK CLIMBER w 10" 1 3 3 4 3"* 5* 5 5" B Kenndy Seagram Stable 3015-10 .901 50 MRS. F1NLEY w 98 2 2 21 6 6 6 f S Larcnce E F Whitney 2600-101 Time. 24. 484. 1:13%. 1:39%. Track fast. mutuels paid Wavecrest, 140 straight, .20 place. .30 show; Great Rock, .70 rlace, .65 ■how: 1ixola. $".61 show. Equival.-nl booking odds — Wavecrest. 1470 to 100 straight, 210 to 100 place, 115 to 100 show: Great Bock. ■ tn 111" place. 324. to 100 show; Iixnl.i. : to 100 show. Winner Ch. f, by Peuuant — Golden Rod, by All liold trained by T. J. Ponohue; bred by Mr. Ilarry Payne Whitney. ■ Wont to post at 5:00. At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the ■ame WAVE! REST, far back in he early running, moved up rapidly after passing the half mile ground and. finishing with a rush on the outside, got up to win in the last few strdes. GREAT HOCK fo-lovved HALF PINT until on the last turn, where he easily took the lead and maintained his advantage alrni.it to the end P1XOLA came fast near the end. but tired after getting to the leaders in the stretch. BLACK CLIMBER quit. Overweight— Black Climber. 1% pounds. QAOCO EIXTH RACE— 1 Kile and .0 Yards. Aug. 31. 1922— 1:43%— 3— 106. Purse 10. 3-t/UasDt yoar-olds and upward. Claiming. Met value to winner 25; second. 00; third. 0; fourth. 5. Index Uoraes AWtPISt V, % % Str Kin Jockeys Owners Equiv. *d.ls Mf*l 90094MARJORIE C wb 3 95 4 5 5 1 1 1= 1* J Jonei W Wicker 781-101 00152»,DilGHNUT wb 6 IDS 1 1 3i 4! 4» I12IO P.riissa ■ J Morrow 960-100 90208 -JACUCK.S wb 7 110 2 2 2 3i P 21 3 R Moore W S Murray 280-100 90208 Hit T S. DABNYw 6 109 3 4 1 2» 3« |4*K Fisher MrJ O H Abbott 1170-10 [ 00203 1H iKY WB 4 113 3 3 41 5» 5» 5 5« B Konn.ly T Sherrard 4I0-1N 90203 TRIGGER w 3 91 7 7 7 6s 6J 6* 6B H Howard M Gorman 606-100 90052 1 •ROSA rKTA wb 5 110 «- 6"* 1 7 7 7 B Thison T Trover 263-100 Time. 24%. 49. 1:14%. 1:40. 1:44%. Track fast. mutuels pad Marjorie C, 7 00 straight. .45 place. 50 show: Doughnut. 60 rlace, .43 . show Jacqiiis. 20 show. Equivalent booking odds— Marjorie C . 7S0 to 100 straight. 272% to 100 place, 75 to 100 show; Dough- . not. 280 to 100 place. 122* to 100 show: Jacques. 60 to 100 show. Winner— Br. f, by Wrack— Margaret L.. by Ballot trained by R McKeever; bred by Mr. Adolph B. Sprockets. . . Went to post at I 41. At post 5 minntes Start fair and slow. Won easily: second and third driving KAstlOKH C was caught in the barrier at he start and raced wide on the first turn, hut showed great -peed and. racing inlo the lead midway of the hack stretch, held he race safe for the remainder of Hi way DOUGHNUT raced prominently throughout. JACQUES also raced forwardly all the way DR T S. DABNEY quit HOSA YET A and TRIGGER were caught in the barrier along with the winner and forced wide when going to the first turn and neither was persevered with afterwards. Si rat. lied 902OS OkBtw Flyer. 05. , Vn/aOaC 4 rKVKNTH RACK— 1 lit Miles June 23 1917— 1 45— 3—112. i Purso S800 3-year-JJUifiO-4 o.ds and upward. Claiming. Met value to winner 25; second. 00; third, 0; fourth. 5. | Index Horses AWtPP8t% Vi % Str Fin Jockey Owners Equiv. Odds Strt ! 9015.VB1LL WINFREY il B S Il ! I1 1* H Howard C. P Winfrey 210-BP 80152-I.AGOON w 4 92 3 3 51 3» 51 2» 2 O Bnusa O C Milton 340-100 60052 CORDELIER w 8 102 1 1 1 2 21 3» 3* R Fisher J H Shea 310-10 ! 005I VIBRATOR nlM I I 7CJ41 4* 4 R Hanelli H E Calwell 1630-101 90154 POLO STAR w 3 1021 7 6 61 51 6» 51 6» J Leyland Mrs O II Abbott 4040-100 90048 TABASCOS w 9 103 2 2 2« Is* 1, 61 6" R Moore O Viau 1T75-100 90203 ilt GAI.HAO II w 11 102 4 4 8» 9 9 9 71 A Clautnr G H Dempsey 645:.-10J 99154 2 -Ti IWTONS ROSEw 4 102 6 5 4J 7S 7* 71 8a B Thpson St Bernard Stable 820-100 ■MSI VICE-CHAIRM N wb 8 106 S 9 9 8» 8» 8 9 F listings P P. Codd 915-100 Time. 24%. 49%. 1:14%. 1:41%. 1:48%. Track fast. mutuels paid -Bill Winfrey, .20 straight. 60 place. .70 show; Lagoon. .40 place, 30 ahow: Cordcier. ?:.30 show. Equivada* b.*.king odds— Bill Winfrey. 210 o 100 straight, 80 to 100 place, 35 to 100 show; Lagoon. 120 to KKl p-ic. 65 to 1C0 abas*; Cordelier. 65 to 100 show Winner Ch. g, by Uncle— Moulin Rouge, by H.mjar trained by W. Constantine; bred by Mr. W B. Muller. Went to post at 6 15. At post 5 minntes. Start good and slow. Won ridden out: second and third driving BILL WINKREY was saved behind the leaders until on he far turn from where he raced into the lead and h.-ld it to the end under bard riding LAdOON moved up rapidly coming into the stretch and standing a long drive, outgamed CORDELIER The latter made the pace to the far turn where he was headed by TAKASCON. but came again when TARASCON quit and tired badly in the final sixteenth. VIBRATOR raced into forward contention at the head of the stretch, then tired Scratched ! O100:Tclcseope. 104; 00047 Letterman. 102; 90150 Rosy Jester, 117; 00153 Waratah. 87: 90100 Roxan.1. 105. Overweights Polo Star, 2% pounds; Vice Chairman, 1.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1925060901/drf1925060901_12_2
Local Identifier: drf1925060901_12_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800