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OMAHA OMAHA. Neb. Wednesday. June 17. 1925 Ak- Sar Hen Park 1 Mile. Tiurtee nlh day. Ak Sar-Be n Evposition Co. Spring Meeting of 22 da v s Weather cloudy. M. war.l r pre sent lag Nebraska Stale Racing i m-inissioil, N. J. Ronin. Pres.ding Judge. Dr. C. W. sle- Associate Judges, C. I. Triinbl.- and P. Reed. Starter, A D McKnight. Racing Secretary C L Trimble. Racing starts at 2 15 p m Chicago time, 3:15. •liida i.t.-s apprenti.e allowance. 90691 TIBST RACE— 5-8 Milo. Sept. 20. 1922 — 1 DOS— 8—120 Pnrao 00 *. year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner, 30, second. 5; third. 5. Eq Odds Ind llorae. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 90584 Col. HburC 116 1« F Horn 170-100 90637 Porter Ella 101 2" O Young 1040-100 88646 Runaway 109 2-J V WalUs JOO-100 Continued on fourteenth page. OMAHA r Continued from truth page. 903 10 Miss Nantura 107 4« A Porgrasa 6.C-10 88781 cornflower W9 .■ ■ ■ Tallin 470-103 I 7»:.m:; s. ttli 109 Ci W Martin IJHU.1 90266 Angela 131 T M Kdwards W0-W1 88460 Misn Dunbar l 5 S It Buckley Ml -It" Time. 1:02?*. Track fast. nuHiiols raid Oaf. Hiinsl.urg. 40 straight. .00 place, .K0 sliow; Pi rti r Ella, place, .0 sl.o ; Itiiiiiiwny, .00 show. Eluirnl.-nt hooking o.Iils Oaf. Hapshurff. 170 to ; 100 straight, M to 101 place, 40 to 100 siovv; Porter K!l:i, L.f" to 100 place. 100 to 100 show- HuDana;, 50 to 1IW show. Winn.r I. Webbs 1 . h, 9. by Colonel Maffitt -Miss llap *»urc. by Hapsburs trained by T. Ken da II: Ired by Mr. F. Fee. Went to cost at 2:19. At post 1 minute. Start Food and slow. Won driving: second and thin the same. ■nkM-MM1 Star of lire, 101; 90584 Stamp. 115; 90041 = Move On Seth. lotl; MMi Furious Mil, 1«»; MOM Brass Hand. 112: imi9 Dr. Scott, 101; 90316 Ix rd Allen. 109; 19004 1 Klarkson, 115; MMI Van Orman. Mi; !»052. liocky Mountain, 105. Ovorweijrht — Settle, 3 ounds. QOfiQ? uvjvua SECOND B ACE— 68 Mile. Sept. 20. 1922— 1:00%— 2— 120. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Fillies and Hares. Claim-in?. Net value to winner 80; second, 5; third. |35. Eq. Odds Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 90365 3 1! of Kliztn 103 f W Martin ir-100 90475Qu. -n Hess 110 »• E Taplin 171-101 88213»laulin,i M. 110 0 A Ko.lriiruez 2770-100 71112 Lady Oxford 105 41 L Steinhart 2460-100 90529 Whiff 103 0 H Blston 1310-100 »0315Kar.»nira 110 r, J Smallw.l 810-101 90471*La. Hello 103 WMJ Carroll 2290-100 Time. l:01Vs. Track fast. mudicls |. aid It. II" of IlKaaliethtown, 40 ■traifrht, .,40 pluee. . CO show; Jueen Bess, .20 plaee. 40 show; rauliii1 M., .00 show. Lu,u.valcnt booking odds - Hello of Klizabethtown, 120 to 101 straijrht. 20 to 100 plaee. ::0 to 100 show: On in l.ess. 10 to 100 plaee, 20 to 100 show; Pauline M.. 130 to 101 show. Winner-Mrs. T. Ilofflers br. m. 9, by Jlek At kin Cloistercss, by Carlton Crange trained by W. Coll: bred by Mr. 11. Warfield. Went to iH st at 2:51. At post 1 minute. Start Kood and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. Scratched 90040 Recover, 110. Overweight Mb of Klizabethtown, 1 pound. 9nfiQ"* THIRD RACE— 3-4 Mile. June 3. 1924 UO»0 | ||¥ I Ml] Purse 00. 3-year- olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 80; second. 5; third. 5. Eq. Odds Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 90269Swcoptona, 93 l" V Wallis 901-100 90316.;. A. SeottJr.llO 2i J Smallwd 1220-100 00040s Lnil ValntlnolOS 14 M Wdwards 210-100 •047.1 Pop Shot 106 4 ■ Taplin 130-10 »0471fncle Seth 103 5» ■ Holicko MM-M1 90106,ltuddy 109 CI II Elston 153!-10 83187 Recomendatn 115 7 L Gray 1040-100 Time, 1:14. Track fast. mutuels paid -Sweeptona, 1.20 straight, .80 place, M show; John A. Scott. Jr., .20 place, 00 show; Lord Valentine, 20 show. Einivalent booking odds — Sweeptona, 960 to 100 straight, 340 to 100 place, 90 to 100 show; John A Scott. Jr., 310 to 100 place, 100 to 100 show; Lord Valentine, CO to 100 show. Winmr — II. F. MoClains br. f, 3. by Sweep— Prtmbutton by llachelors Ilutton trained by B. F. McClain, Jr.; bred by lien Helen Stud. Went to post at 3:23. At post 1 minute. Stsrt good and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. Overweight — John A. Scott, Jr., 1 pound. QftfiQd FOURTH RACE— 1 Milo. Sept. 20. OVVU-X 1924—1:38—5—106. Purse 00. 3-yoar-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner S0; second, 5; third, 5. En.. Odds Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 90268 Whito Haven 109 l» It Dority f20-10 96526 «P1 inn Lula 91 2»5 V Wallia 400-KO 90420Mucboblige 102 2 K OUrien tUOO-lOb 90r 87JT. ilII.mnour llr. 4» C Ircnwod 810-100 90527M-. oln May 100 5, H Murdock t 90271*Misi.ouri Hoy 105 CJ II Creeso Mi Ml 90627 Mannikin II. 110 7- .1 Shaffer 1670-100 90367 line, bus 113 S- It Uuckley 4160-100 MiM Boss! 110 9 L Mills isto-ioo 90526 "lUb. Flowers 95 10 M Edwards 400-10" 90527 mliniil 110 11» 1 Ury 3980-10H 88324Lu IPs McteorlOO 1J O Duncan t tMutuel Field. Time, 1:43%. Track fast. mutr.cls paid— White Haven. 2 40 straight, 40 place, 40 show; Flying Lulu, 00 place, .20 show; Muchobhge. field. .9 show. Equivalent booking odds -White Haven, 520 to 100 straight, 220 to 100 place, 120 to 100 show; Flying Lata, 180 to 100 place. 110 to 100 show; Muchoblige field, SO to 100 sli.w. Winner -Mrs. F. H. Porlands b. m. 9, by Rour-bon Beau — Miss Thompson, by C.oldorest trained by F. Borland ; bred by Mr. M. Doyle. Went to post at 3:52. At post 1 minute. Start Kood and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. Scratched -90477 Acceleration, 100; 90581 Car, 110. Overweights — Muchoblige. 2 pounds; I-enln May, 4; White Haven. 4; Flying Lula, 1. flflfiQt5 FIFTH RACE— 1 1-16 Miles. June 21. avJH J 1923_1:46__C— 113. Purse 00. 4-yoar-olds and upward. Claiming. Net valuo to winner 60; second, 00; third, 0. Eq. Odds Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 90477 Rrimstono 110 V E Taplin 1S0-KXI • ISZOJolly Cephas Ml -: C MiCorkle 180-100 90422 I. ucy Kato 104 l» C ireenwl 91i,-100 90477 yoiivw 103 4j I Hainswlh 510-100 90268 Man h Lad 103 5« II Elston 710-lfO 90319 Louis 107 7 C Lindsay 29C0-1O0 Time, 1:48S- Track fast. mutuels paid — Brimstone, .00 straight. 00 place. 2. CO show; Jolly Cephas, .0J place, J2.40 show: Lui y Kate. .00 show. Etiuivalent booking odds- -Brimstone, 180 to 100 straight, 50 to 100 plai e, 30 to 100 show; Jolly Cephas, 50 to 100 place, 20 to 100 show; Lucy Kate, 50 to 100 iliow. Winner— Mrs. I. S. Wishards b. h, 5, by Palo Alto — Hoop Skirt, by Sunstar trained by U. S. Wishard; bred by Mr. A. K. Mai-onibcr. Went to post at 4:24. At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily, second and third driving. Overweights — Ijouis, 1 pound; Lucy Kate, 3. | I Qncqn SIXTH RACE— 1 Mile. Sept. 20, 1924 0jjoj Irlf | — 106.1 Purse 00. 3-year- olds and i pward. Claiming. Net value to winner 80; second, 5; third. 5. Eq. Odds Ind. Horse. Wt. Iin. Jockey. Straight. 90421 Clip 112 1= V Bowles UK-MI •0271-TI,, Colonel HO :j 11 Murdock 123:-100 90271 Kn.rinito 1CS "» A Rodriguez t •OIUi/ii.i; 103 4- l YounK 1940-1..-O 90586--W". ITInllljIM 3 M Edwards 520-100 MIM Eiinillo Me 110 V II El.ton 4U0-ll« 90587 llogon Jr. .110 7 J Smallwoo.l 84006 10S SJ B Buckley 3070-10 90212, "lnlliwak ttj i ; Taplin 1020-10J 90528 I.olla 1 113 P j u Spicer C0l0-10i 9052«l»otli - Hyan 100 11* V Wallis 1020-1OI •0538 liipsy Joo Ml U I. iliay I430-1O, tMuli.! fii-ld. Time, 1 :43. Track f aat. paid Clip, field. !21.40. straight. 4 pla,-,.. 20 show; The Colonel. H2.SO place. 0 110 tkow; En. rmite. field. show. Bqiii» l»«,king odd. CUp, field. .»70 to 101 straight. 370 to 10O place. 210 to 100 show; lii. Colonel, 540 to 100 pla.-e. 400 to 100 show; Eacrin-ite, field. 210 to 100 show Wiiirii-r J. Bulmers blk. g. 9. by Sain Clip Hook, by Watercress trained by J. Itulmer. MM by Mr It. Combs. Went to |.ost at 4 45. At post 1 minute, start good ajst slow. Won driving, neoiid and third Ml same. Scratched -U05S3 Whipsaw, 110; SSIlel Swenson, 115. Overweights--Zing. 5 iounds; Clip, 2; Lotttt C... 3: En.rinite, 3; Aleso, 3. 9 VUW0I 0 fiQ 7 SEVENTH RACE— 1 Milo. Sept. 21. l-tt ITT I Wt] Purso 03. 3- year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winnor 5480; second. 5; third, 5. ■q. iMhls Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Mnlglit. 90531 Tom Owens 110 ll II Elston MM-K» 9ll3I9«I!obby Allen 106 2 C H:i.nsw,M 840-11.3 HS324"Brownie SmilelCO ?,i V Wallis 240-1: 90583 Hay Atkin 110 41 P Horn 3320-101 90639 KieUzunas 110 5" R Mcllugh 2C40-1O0 90531 "Ella Wood 110 C L Cray 1031-10 90527 110 7J S Holicko 1120-10 90363 Marino Corps 110 Rj E Taplin Ms-MI 90528Ncttio Colo 105 9J I, St.inhart 3360-100 90532 Ocsa. Byng 110 10--J J Shaffer t 90526 Bittern 10* 0 O Young 2170-luO tMuluel field. Tim-,. 1:43%. Track fait. mutuels paid— Tom Owens, field. 0.40 straight. .20 place, .80 show; Bobby Allen. M.M place, .20 show; Brownie Smile. $.1.40 show. Equivalent booking odds -Tom Owens, field, 1220 to 100 straight. 20 to :00 place. 90 to 100 show; Bobby Allen, 150 to 100 place, 110 to 100 show; Brownie Smile. 70 to 100 show. Winner — F. Marmots eh. g, 7, by Dr. Leggo — Flush of iold, by Royal Flush III. trained by F. Willi! bred by Mr. Adolph B. Spreckels. Went to post at 5:26. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. Scratched— 90.VS2 Lecnrack, 110; 90531 Lasting love. 100.