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MARYLAND TURF NOTES HOWIi:. Md.. April :!. I. K. IJati. r is s.-ckitiK :i otitr;ii-t aaj sorv-i«-ts of the apprentice 1. Stoiiihardt. which M now held hy Mose tloldblatt. Steinhardt was given ■ verbal release from his obligations by Holdblatt and is endeavoring to clean up the matter in a proper manner. Starter .lames Milton has made arrangements to school the horses at Havre do Grace and IMmlii • . Hob Friend will hold schooling classes at Havre de Jracc conmuru ing Monday, while K. C Walter will school at 1imlico during the Havre de Gfam meeting Stake blanks for the meeting of the Illinois Jockey Club were distributed today. The nominations for the American 1 «-rby dose on May 10. The .1. P. .Tones Stable, numbering tiajMeeJ* ln-ad, now at Iimlico. v. ill be transferred to Havre de Qrtaoa n Thursday. Merritt Mergler, the younger meinb-T of that family, is under call to th stable. A. I.. Weston came o. r from Plrattoo for ■ days racing. .1 V. Mctly transferred the Hostwick stable of twenty-two horses from Helming to Havre 1,- ;race C DoukUis with eight jumpers, and ft I Miller were recent arrivals at Himlieo. Joseph McLennan reported that the Havre de Once stakes -losed .-ry sat isfactorily. i anter was named for all the important three-year-old •• vents. « leorge T. Miller arrived :it HaaMcc with twenty two-year-olds Ike property of Mrs. I.. A. Livingston The two-year-olds are mostly by Kingship and I.oveti.-, and are pronounced a good looking band. B. I «. Snyder outdrew two other claimant-for Jos W Uosenthals Wilkes- Bam for hB,000.