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: — . QAIUT RACING FORM - CHARTS .A» | BOWIE , fCcpyiight. 1926. by Daily Racing Form Publishing Co. j BOWIE. MD.. SATURDAY. APRIL 3. 1926. Prince Qmmn Iark il Mild. Third day. Southern Mary ? land Agrii ultural and Fair Association. Spring meeting f 1 days. Weather cloudy. Steward Representing Maryland State Racing Commission, Qiatgt Brown. Jr. Judse-at Ijrtf. Carlos • M. do tiarmendia. Inspector C.eneral. W. Bradley Carr. Stewards. P. J. Miles. Baker Waters and " George Brown, Jr. Judges, John P. Turner. J. II. Anderson. Joseph McLennan and Jotin I!. Campbell. Starter. James Milton. Harm,- Secretary. Joseph McLennan. Racing starts at 2:30 p. m. Chicagj tim«. 1 :.M i . m. t W indicates whip. I spurs. 15 blinkers. Figures in parentheses following; the distance of each tare indicate date, track record, age of hafas and weight carried. "Indicates apprentice allowance. AA/ITT FIRST RACE— 1-2 Mile. April 5. 1924— :47%— 2— 100. Valiant Purse. Purse ,200. 2-W*jT 4 4 year-olds. Allowances. Net value to winner 50 second. 00; third. 00; fourth, 0. Index Horses AWtPPSt |ft Strain Jocke.vs Owners Equiv. Odds Strt « CAPRICORN w lilt 6 3 l* Il P I. McAfee 11 P Whitney t75-10O KI.ORIAN w 110 5 6 4* 5 2» II Shillick II P Whitney t SlHKHK W 1111 1 1 ■" $" ::= C Lang Wood* Garth 1020-100 • JIM CROW w 111 7 4 2- B 4i C Turner S Boss 685-100 ■ •9*97 KSNfl WB 113 4 5 ;.- 41 1*1 J Mail-en W J Salmon 23-100 99640 TRIPALONG WB 107 2 3 Gl 6* 6* B Thpson W ] Salmon t ANKLK ROOT w 107 3 7 7 7 7 D Frogtte J ■ Davis 2555-100 Coupled as II. I*. Whitney entry; . J. Salmon entry. Time. :23%. :48%. Track fast. mutuels paid II. I*. Whitney entry. .50 straight. .40 place. .80 show; Sphere. .70 show. Equivalent hooking odds II. I». Whitney entry. 75 to 100 straight. 70 to 100 place. 40 to 100 show. Sphere, 135 to 100 show. . Winner It. c. by Dis Done Constellation, by Unionist ick trained by E. Hopkins; bred by Mr. ■•ITy layne Whitney. Went to post at 2:31. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won driving: second and third the same. CAPKICOHN showed the most speed and. racing gamely under hard riding, drew away from JIM CHOW in the stretch, but was tiring at the end. EI.ORIAN raced greenly, but came on th ooutside on the stretch turn and finished fast and gaining. SPHERE was badly humped by JIM CHOW, but showed speed and fitmhed gamely. JIM I HOW tired near the end. KNNCI began slowly. ANKI.K BOOT was shuffled back at the start. Overweights-Capricorn. I1-., pounds; Sphere. 1%; Jim Crow. 1. AA J pyQ SECOND RACE— 1 Mile and r.O Yards. April 10. 1919— 1:45.%— 4— 107. Purse ,200. I-UU4 4 O vecr-Md" and upward. Claiming. N»t value to winner 50; second, 00; third. 00; 0. Index Horses AWtPPStli %• % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 00409GAYLY w 5 107 4 2 41 4«k 41 31 U V Stott R V Haymaker 2." 5-10O Hill TOO! SPORT wB 6 1091 1 7 5» 3* ?.- 2" 2 A Li-aste Flamingo Farm Stable 1310-100 00443 tAMOl IT. ACE WB 10 112 I 1 1"* 11 t| l1 3»k v Harvey W onstantine 410-100 00002 SANDPILK ■ 4 112 8 6 7* 7h 6l 5* 4" I Fro-rtte O W Lee 1150-100 00448»DONARITA WB 3 9115 f 8 8 8 8 5- L Edwrds W C Haines ::85-100 . 99247 iKILAlEA WB 6 110 0 3 2* 2* 2* 4- 6 V Wallis Q K Pruett 955-100 » ©060*TRIBl".NK WB S 107 7 4 3* 5* 71 7 71 L Steinht J J Corcoran 6955-100 99955 P.GS IHOHANN WB 5 112 2 8 6* f.» 5» 6" I C Lang C Tuff 620-100 Time. :25. :51%. 1:16%, 1:44%. 1:50. Track fast. mutuels paid Cayly. .30 straight. .00 pla e. .10 show: Poor Sport, 1.10 place, .50 j | show: Camouflage. .90 show. Equivalent hooking odds-- ;ayly. 20.". to 100 straight. 130 to 100 place, 55 to 100 show: Poor Sport. I | 4."i5 to 100 place. 17." to 100 show: Camouflage. PS to 100 show. j Winner Ch. h. by Transvaal Aire , h Bryu Mawr trained by L. Haymaker; bred by Mr. Thomas i lyde. I Went to post at 3:00. At post 3 minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third j . the same. ;.VVI.Y was saved to the last turn, then moved up rapidly on the outside and. finishing j ! with a rush, held POOH SPORT safe in the final drive. POOH SIOKT saved ground when entering the stretch and fini-hed gamely, but was tiring at the end. CAMOCELAUH set a good pace, but was much used in racing KILAIKA into defeat and tired in tin- stretch. SANDIII.K closed up some ground. DONAHITA was badly outrun. Scratched KMOt Krench I.idy. 102 Overweights Poor S|Kirl . t% pounds; I mania. 3. AA I7Q THIRD RACE— 6 1-2 Furlongs. Nov. 17. 1924—1:19—6—109. Purse ,200. 3-year-olds W--4 4 *J and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50; second. 00; third, 00; fourth, 0. Index Horses AWtPISt Vk .i Str Pin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt ■BBMBT. AI.KNTINK w fi 112 1 4 1" 1| 1- I* C Turner J K Criffith 115-100 ! K6K«; TKN SIXTY w « 107 4 1 2 21 21 Bj J Chalmrs H Hughes 1IH0-100 9941 7 -MARK MASTKK wb 4 11:; 28 51 .r,J 4- ?,- J Leyland International Stable t;75-:00 ! 1 110033 iWAR MAN w 6 112 t» S :,»k .T 5J 4J D Frogtte W C Trover tMS-sttl 97518 KT OV Mlttl II. wu 4 BB 3 6 V V ::«*» .1 Maibcn .1 K Davis 170-100 j I BMM WATTS WB 4 115 S 7 l» s* 9 «« W Harvey C P Winfrey r,s-100 I 00094 i.M APKI. C w 4 108 a 5 73 7" 1- 71 P Croos C C.raffagini 1705-100 j j 9581J BUTTON BRIGHT w 4 107 7 :: 8 S 8 s A Hunt .1 C Bennett 7711-100 Time. :23. :48H, 1:14. 1:21. Track fast. I mutuels paid St. Yalentiue. .30 -tniight. .40 place. .!K show; Ten Sixty. t.,»0 plaee, $«..- 0 show; Mark Master. 00 show. feptivalent b.Kiking odds St. Valentine. 115 to 100 straight. 70 to 100 place. 45 to 100 show: Ten Sixty. .K15 to 100 place. 225 to 100 show; Mark Master. 100 to M show. Winner 15. g. by Theo. Cook Katriona, by Woolsthorpe trained by H. Rites; bred by Mr. J. K. Griffith. Went to |KKt at 3:35. At i»ost 3 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily: second and third driving. ST. VAI.KNT1NK, away wel. showed the most speed from the start and. drawing away from TKN SIXTY in the stretch, was going away at the end. TRN SIXTY raced in closest pursuit throughout and was running well at the end. MARK MASTKK was badly outrun for the first half, but worked his way up on the inside and. coming mi the outside u the stretch, finished gamely. WAK MAN ran a good race all the way. KNUillT OV MKK I II. quit in the stretch and was not persevered with. Scratched— 00107 Mungo. 118: !K»831 Miss Hosedale. 102. Overweights Mabel C . 1 pound; Button Bright, 4 f£ 4 Q £ FOURTH RACE — 5 1-2 Furlongs. Nov. 25. 1926 — 1:06*-and— 4— 118. Springtime Handicap. VfJr-4 5vF Purse ,400. 3-year-olds and upward. Net value to winner 75: second. 50. third, 25; fourth. 0. Index Horses AWtPP St .4 ? Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 00406-SKNOR NOKR1S wn a 117 14 1» V l2 ll J M Tagt H r Heilwell L95-100 00406TKSTKR wn 115 » 2 21 l*| 21 25 W Harvey Q C Winfrey 545-100 !»74«8 SINC1.K KDOT w 4 120 t"» 1 4h 4» 4- ::] C Turner J B Irilfitli S5-100 !9li«5MOK MAKUNK III.w 4 102 i I il 51 5* 1» V Wallis P Diniareo 1240-100 ■»74K* 1.IK1TKN NT 11 WB J 110 2 5 ::! 21 :." 5» P Mad. ira R K Potts ::510-100 •;7" ll THOMASINK wb 5 104 :: I »i *• ►; « f Hrown J H Shrevo 742 J-100 Time. :22«». :47*5. 1*9%. Track fait. mutuels jiaid -Si-nator Norris, .!M» straight. $:;.SO plan-, *2.2t» show : Tester. .00 place. .40 show; Single Fool. *2.20 show. ■Baivalent booking odds Senator Norri-. 25*:. i. 10O straight. 90 to 100 place. 10 to 100 show; Tester. IB* to lOO place. 20 to 100 show: Single Foot. 10 to 100 bow. Winner ISr. h. by t lldgel Cypher Cede, by Oisguise trained by H. J. Bcdwell; bred by Mr. It O. Itedwelll. Went to ixist at 4:0S. At post 1 minute. Start good and sliw. Won easily: second and third .Inving. SKNAItlH NOHH1S ,-t a fast pace from the start and drew away in the stretch, but was hard ridd-u to the end. TKSTKH. close up throughout, came fast through the stretch and finished well. SlNiH.F. FOOT was outrun all the way and came wide Sffcea enteriug the stretch, but finished vw-11. MM MAHKONK 111. ran a good race for him. I. IE! TKN A NT II. tired after a half mile. fkg~ 4Di FIFTH RACE— 1 1-16 Miles. Nov. 25. 1915—1:48—4—116. Purse ,200. 3-ycar-olds and W"iOJL upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50; second, 00; third. 00; fourth, 0. Index Horses AWlPPStVi V-. aj Str Fin Jockeys Owners Bsjatr. Odds Str"t O0407 OPntBJMAN w 7 llil I 1 2 21 2 2= 1" • Turner H Q Ite lwell 85-100 0»40K HI.!!-: HII. I, wb 5 107 5 :: ll 1- ll lh 2* W Ilarvy C, . Winfrey :SU-100 •0407 DB OMAKA w 5 110 I 2 41 4»k 4 "* :;■ J Maiben J Farrell Jr 1189-100 9S744 -VIIJ-ACKR wb 4 10". G 5 P.3 ft* H 4 4l 15 Mrs II M -Kin hr-„ :;2»5-100 «»9899 Il.lylK w 4 113 1 G 5 5- 5« 5s 5« 1 McAte,- Mrs A Swenke 510-100 1 »9547 M Mlt I.I w i |t$ ! 4 I G G G G V WaUis F M Kelly :S70-100 Time. :24V :50S. 116«s. 1A2H- 149H- Track fast. mutuels paid Opperiiian. .70 straight. .70 place. .::0 show. Hue Hill. .00 place, .40 simu ; I»r OMara, hB"..-".o show Ii piivaleiit bMiking SsMs K to KB straight. 35 to 100 place, 15 to 100 show; Blue Hill, 50 to 1 H» place. M to 10O show. l»r .Mara. Ci.". to 100 show. Winner IS g. b Pataud Data ing Wave, by lop iallant trained by II. i. Hedwell; bred ly Mr. Phil T him Went t-i l» st at 4 40. At jxist 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won driving: second and third; the amc urPKKMA N folhnvi-il I.I.I I IIII.I, under restraint to the stnt.h. then moved up steadily and. j standing I l-ng drive gamely, outgamed tin- latter in the final strides. BLOB HII. I. showed the most] j ..p 1 fiom the start, sivnl ground where possible and finished rc olutely. lilt. OMAKA finished fast IkfaaCsl *h" stretch. ll.l.AtiKH saved ground on the turus and ran a good race all the way. CLHMTB was tiring at the end. AA iQQ SIXTH RACE— 1 1-8 Miles. Nov. 17. 1924— 1 5525— 3—109. | Purse 200. 4-year-olds and jJ-±o£l upward. CUiming. Net value to winner 50: second. 00: third. 00; fourth. 0. Index Horses AWtPISt % j % Str Fin Jo k. ys iwneis Ei|tiiv. Odds Strt 99744 1 WII.KKS-HARRK wG115 1 1 *| B* 1*| l1 1» W Harvey J w JMseiithal 1G5 100 002H5 ■•MHDKS1 WB4 113 t :: 4 5- B* 31 2; H Thpson P It Cod.l 1 :70 PW H»0«i4 PATRICK wGll". ., | | | ;h :;i J Maibi-n .1 T Johnson G.5-100 0040K HAKIl.s W 1 11a G 4 2» ::j 41 4" 4" Y Wallis J K Pruett BBMM IMI409-Viil.iMI W 4 108 I I 1" 1" 2U 51 .r* D Frogtte If Cooper U-KW 00400 OBAT UABUE8 wlilll 5 I a 41 :•■ | a c Turner H Hedwell Ula-lOO Time. :2«. :52H. 118S. 145%. 200. Track fast. uiulii-U saii Wilkes Barre. 30 straight. 50 place. $.: .10 show Mml. sta, 1. 20 pla.e. SO ■liow Van Patu. k. 21 show. Kquivalent Iniokiiii: .»l«ls Wilkes Barre. 165 !■ 100 straight. 125 to 100 place. 55 to 100 show; ■asBsstl BB ti Mt ttmr*, BM iti 1011 show: Van Patrick, no to 100 show. Wiuiier li I by Ballot Triad, by Star Shoot trained by H. Witmau bre.l by Mr. J. W. Parrisb. W.-nt to p st at 5.HH At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won driving, second and third the sa WIIKES HA KICK steadily improed his |iositiou on I he inside and. taking the lead on the slrel.-h turn, ilivw away, then lir.-.|. hat raced gamely in the final drive. MOMENTA gained steadily on the ba-k •.trei.h. but ran out badly 111 IBs final quarter, then finished very wide. VAN PATHICK made up ground and finished well BAKUS showed good early bpeed. VOLCANO set a good pace, but tired after going a aritc i.RAV i.ABI.KS lan poorly. Scratched «»»4GK,i Smith. 108. 9m* weight uray t.ablea, 3 jKitinda. I | , j ? • " A A A Q9 SEVENTH RACE— 1 1-16 Miles. Not. 25. 1915—1:48—4—116. Purse ,200. 3-yeir-oMs "JtOand and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50; second. 00; third, 00; fourth. 0. Index Horses AWtPPSt/i and % Str Fin Jockeys Owners E |uiv. Odds Strt 00401!»THK BOUr 7 107 7 3 V V l5 1» V J. Steinht Mrs J Bauer 7» 100 00255 -•CbKAIl VTJBW wb 4 107 6 S 3J 2h 2 1 2* 2» K Thpson L B Council 700-100 BMt4*JIMBOM ws 5 109 I 3 4- 4 5» :i" ft* A UsOsBta Flamingo Farm Stable 2010-100 l998K0MtN MAHC w 4 115 4 7 6» G"- 65 6 4" .1 Maiben J T Johnson 478-100 99759 MARY B. w I 101 5 4 2» 3» 21 4* 5* J Chalmrs J Ruonororo PBVMI 99634 -BROTH I, Y T.OVKwb 9 108 117 7 7 51 6« V Wallis ■ Pruett 1U0-100 90305 1THST KD1TION w I 88 2 5 5J 5 4* 7 7 Brown W C Seipp 8l45-:00 Time. :25. :51*s. 1:16%. 1:45%. 1:62. Track fast. mutuels paid The Hull Call. .50 straight. .20 place. .f 0 show; Clear View. .00 | lace. "3.40 show: Jimscn. .60 show. Kpiivalent hooking -The Roll Call, 75 to 100 straight. 00 to 100 plaee. 30 to 100 show; Clear View, 130 to 100 place. 70 to K0 show; Jimson. 130 to 100 show. Winner Ch. g. by Iougli Foyle Heth Stanley, by tiulden Maxim 1 trained by J. Hauer; bred by Mr. Samuel Hoss. Went to post at 5:38. At post I minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily: second and third driving THE ROM, CAM, quickly raced into a long lead and kept it to the end. CLEAH VIEW gained steadily on the inside, and finished gamely. JIMSON came fast through the stretch. MOON MAtilC had no mishaps. BROTHEHI.Y I.OVE lacked early speed. Overweights -Jimson, 2 pounds; Mary B., 3.