untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1926-04-04


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t»1 GETAWAY J I SPECIALS Y AT ORLANDO Saturday. April 10. is Getaway Day at Orlando. Getaway Day Is Long Shot Day ! sj we expect a couple of hot ones tiiat SHOULD WIN AND PAY PLENTY. DON T MISS THEM and dont forget the date — Saturday. Ann! 10 next Saturday i Just put .00 in an envelope and mail it to us with your name and address and you will receive tsa Specials BY WIRE next Saturday morning. IMPORTANT — Be sure your name and addre*s is given PLAINLY— better PRINT them — then there can le no mistake.. f AI I f"iP»C 219 S. Dearborn St. **L.L.Vjr J CHICAGO. ILLINOIS Dont get STUNG. Positively Noth.ng of Ours Sold by Agents or Newsdealers Anywhere. Parlay Joe "The Shrewdest Turf Manipulator — Amongst Turfman for the Past Twenty Tear*" TERMS — 5.00 Daily— Two Horses Daily— 25.00 Weekly NOTICE — All clients who were on my books last week, must remit the balance of my terms, as per agreement on phone or wire, or your service will be discontinued and renewal of subscription refused. YESTERDAYS PARLAY: Atomin, 2.20, Won Julie, 4.10, Won "STOP LOSING YOUR GOOD MONEY!" LET ME MAKE YOU A "BIG WINNER"! No doubt you have subscribed to other such, and if you didnt receive a fair and square deal, here is your opportunity. Here is your chance to get even with your bookmaker and win yourself a bankroll. Opportunity knocks once. Grasp it. So rush to Western Union and wire your subscription and you will receive your information a two-horse win parlay by phone or wire, all messages prepaid. I dont have to wait for racing publications or inferior scratch sheets to come out in order for me to wire my clients their daily two-horse win parlay. Thats the reason I am known on the turf as PARLAY JOE I receive information days in advance of races, and real information. Now, MR. PLAYER, for thni week only. I am giving a special feature: BIG SPECIAL FEATURE THIS WEEK ONLY— APRIL 2-9 0.00 FOR TEN DAYS SERVICE— 0.00 TWO HORSES DAILY, and during my special feature week YOU MUST WIN ,000. In other words you must win an average of 00.00 daily for ten days, playing 0.00 daily parlay. After I hava shown you a net profit of C3,OOOcS PLAYING 0.00 DAILY FOR TEN DAYS, then I will expect you to remit 15.00 I Ont hundred and fifteen dollars, the balance of my weekly terms, or I will positively refuse renewal of subscriptions from those who fail to live up to their obligations. Again I ask you. MR. RACING PUBLIC. to SUBSCRIBE— SUBSCRIBE— SUBSCRIBE, for your subscription must be in my office Monday. April 5. at 11:30 a. m. in order for ma to give you immediat? service for Mondays races. For the benefit of new subscribers. I give below my record for the past eight days: FRIDAYS PARLAY: CLIFF 3.80, Won NIGHT SHADE . . . 0.20, Won THURSDAY S PARLAY: HOT PEPPER 5.20, Won CARE FREE $ 7.80, Won WEDNESDAY S PARLAY: NORTHRN STAR, 1.20, Won ATOSSA $ 8.20, Won TUESDAYS PARLAY ■ LITTLE TOKALON 6.60, Won LARDI 1.40, Won MONDAYS PARLAY: DR. CARDENAS. . 1.80, Won BROWN BETTY . . 7.10, Won Nothing Released Sunday — Nothing Released Saturday FRIDAY S PARLAY: BROWN TROUT 6.50, Won FIRE UNDER 1.80, Won If you are intorested. rush your subscription of 0.00 for ten days service, by Western Union or Postal Telegraph, with correct name and address, and prcmiso to fulfill contract. I am in no way connected with any other connection in my line, so dont class me with the others. I have no waiting list. I give you immsdiate service. Address me: "PARLAY JOE" 151 West Forty-Second Street. Suite 1218. New York. N. T. Do not be misled by impostors. All city clients, call fiom 9 a. m. to 3 p. m. | 1 ! I j ] YOU ARE INVITED to be among those present when a real treat is served at BOWIE, THURSDAY, APRIL 8 On his "In j the best thing of the Howie meeting will he unentered and should reward the knowing ones by romping home an easy winner at good odds. The horse, tvhieli Is in the hands of one of the eleverest men on the turf, is ready for the raee of his life. He has worked faster in pritatel than anything at the Howie traek this spring, and eould not be asked to meet the best. The field, uhieh he will be In with, will furnish just enough opposition to make this horse a priee but, tthen it eonies to the running, nothing eligible to get in with him, ean make him straighten out. The horse has had the most eareful land painstaking preparation possible to gite a "good horse" and the outcome of the raee is as certain as ean possibly be predicted. HONEST MEN ONLY are invited to get in on t li is. Excuse makers, and men whose word Is not as good as their bontl, need not apply. This advertisement is intended solely for those who can be Implicitly relied upon to keep their word and who wish to do as they are done by. To such men this is the opportunity of a lifetime. If you will wager ten dollars .OO for me, and remit the same to me by telegraph after our horse has won Thursday, you will put yourself in a position to leurn just how good information can be when it comes from the right sources. I expect to hate several more during the Howi;- meeting Uikc Thursday, and I want to get in touch with men who will appreciate real turf information and whom I ran rely upon to carry out Iheir part of a bargain. If yon are one of those kind of men, write or telegraph me at once. Kemember the dat. III! KSDA*. PKII. H, at BOWIK. FRANK F. FOSTER 420 BOND BUILDING WASHINGTON, D. C. WEEKLY RACING GUIDE A PICTORIAL OF THE TURF PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY WEEKLY RACING GUIDE is sold strictly on its merits as a publication that picks the winners. Its regular features include HORSES READY TO WIN. SELECTIONS. CI0CKERS SPECIALS. BEST WORKOUTS TIMELY PICTURES DAILY CODE SERVICE and other valuable data for race followers. TREE CODE SPECIAL FOR SUNDAY Tijuana — Judge - Stable - Saddle WKIKf.Y KVfTNt; QlJIavl 25 Cents a Copy ON SALE AT ALL LEADING NEWSSTANDS DAILY RACING CHART, Inc. PI HI. I MM. Its la* East 32nd Street .New V »rk, N. Y. FREE! FREE! FREE! Wire no money today. Our horse must win to- I morrow or you get our next one free. TERMS 5.00 weekly. Use Western Union or Postal Telegraph oulv. CAP I Suite 801-S06. 1476 Broadway New York Citj FREE! THE SECRET OF BEATING THE RACES " a lG-page booklet of real inside information, by a retired turl speculator. No charge. Simply mail this ad and 4c postage to J K Willis. Box 106G. Fort Lauderdale, Florida. You Can Beat the Races Write TODAY for a copy of "How to Pick tha Horse That Carries tho Cash. It tells you all about the game and explains tho New Superior Method of Handicapping, a thirty-two page book, which will show you how to pick winners with biirprisinir regularity. Write for it todav. SUPERIOR PUBLISHING COMPANY Munsey Buildinp Washington. D C. Advertise in Daily Racing Form

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1926040401/drf1926040401_14_3
Local Identifier: drf1926040401_14_3
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800