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J A ILY RACING FORM VOLUME XXXII. NUMBER 101 Entered as second-class matter. April 2. 1890. at llie post -office at Chicago, Illinois, under Act of March 3. 187». W. J. MeMurray Publisiier and General Manager. Dailjr During Winter Month*. Paily Except Sunday Halanre of the Tear. A dally reflection of the American tv.rf by teleprapli. nunmn 2087 mum. For business and circulation purposes only. This telephone has no connection with the news or editorial departments and cannot be naed to communicate with them. DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO. 441 PLYMOUTH COURT - CHICAGO. ILL 157-159 EAST 32nd ST.. NEW YORK CITY. N. Y. 50 RICHMOND STREET. _A3T. TORONTO. OMV _ 320 EAST THIRD STREET. CINCINNATI. OHIO 05-307 DECATUR STREET. NEW ORLEANS. LA B-TP.SCIMITION P.Y FIRST-CLASS MAIL MJ to November, inclusive . X» per month PBPcember to April, inclusive .00 per month PAYAM.B IN ADVANCB. RACK NUMItERS H MAIL. II CENTS EACTL To be considered answered, all queries to Daily Racine Form must be sent over the fill name and with tiie aidn-ss of writer. The names and addresses are subject to a local and foreign directory test. 98087 is first index of 1926 tl — : — r-=rr_r