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Entries and Past Performances TIJUANA SUNDAY, APRIL 11 "WKATHKIl CI.OI IIV: THAK 1IIDDY. Tlie figures under the heading "Rec." in the entries below thow the best time of each horse at the distance since January 1. 1925. no matter where it finished. In cases where record was made on other than a fast or rood track, abbreviations show track conditions. » !n i7 IS FIRST T*T KX OF 1»5«. 00403 IS FIUST I5DEX OF APRIL Racing starts at 1:40 p. m. Chicago time. 3:401. | ® Superior mud runner. XGood mud rnnner. I 3: Fair mud runner. M Maiden*. * Apprentice allowance. The followine abbreviations are need to designate . tracks at which time records shown in entries | were made: .Akron Ak King Edward K« i Aqueduct Aq Laroon Park Lr Aurora At Lansdowne Park ...LP Belmont Park BP Latonia La Blue Bonneta BB Laurel La Bin* Grass BO Lexington Lz Bowl* Be *Long Branch LB Brighonse Park Bs Maple Heights MH tBrooklyn Park Br tMarlboro Mb Churchill Downs .... OB Miami Mi tColumnus O* "Mobile Ma Coney Island CI Mount Royal MR ; Connaurht Park CP tNiagara Falls HF | tDufferin Park Du Omaha Om tConneaut Lake ....CL Orlando 0" Dado Park DP tphoemr PI- Delorimlor Dl Pimllc* Pro Devonshire Do Raceland Rd Dorral Do Reno R«- Empire Em tSalt Lake SL Fair Grounds FG Saratoga 8a Fairmonnt Park FP Tampa Ta Fort Erie FE Thistle Down TD Hamilton Hm Thorncliffo Th .Hastings Park HP Tijuana Ti Havre do Oraoa HG tTimoniuo Tm Hawthorns Hw Toledo To Havana Ht TJiTted Hurts T/H Huntington Hu tWheelinr Wh Jamaica Ja 1 Willows Park WP Jefferson Park JP Windsor Wi tKempton Park KP Woodbine Wo Kenilworth Ke tYoungstown To 1 Designates half mile track. Tijuana Mile Track. First Race — 4 1-2 Furlongs. Purse 00. .1 vc«r old* and upward. Claiming. Track record: March 23, 1024 -:53%— 2 118.1 Ma**! Ind. norscAPoRtPog. Wt. Rec. A.Wt Han. , 00131 Relic Wood. 7 .Ti 101 : 5.1*4 4 103.. 725 00521 Now Pink. 4 ..Ti 111 :55 I 110. 720 00659 Deep Pine. ■ .Ti 107 :56s 3 99.715 99781 M.Cadden. 1 4 110x710 00630 Old lied. 8 ...Ti 110 £Mf IIMXHB 00470 Combustion. 9 Ti 109 1 :032s 5 109.700 98529 Chick Bell iU1.2 4 1 05 . . 095 00432 Aggie A. Ml. 6. 3 94.. 090 99919 Mont hello Ml.3 Ti 109 :55% 6 110. .68."., Second Race — 1 Mile. Purse 00. 3-year olds anil upward. Claiming. That* record: Jan. 20. 1924 1:37£ — *— 90. 00471 June Fly. 5 TI 108 1:41% 9 108x725] 00691 llvanpoin. 11 ...Ti 113 1:40% 8 IISXTM 00660 Plentycoos. 9 ...Ti 115 1:42% 0 115.. 715 j 00613* Senator Ilonlaii. 1 Ti 112 1:43 5 7 110y710! 00660 Monopoly. 3 . .Om 112 1:43 5 115 705: 00574 Clenzar. 8 Ti 113 1:45*5 7 IOS. .700 00432 Daisy Wood M.7 4 109.. 6U5. 00602 Top Ryan. 6. . .Ti 103 1:44% 4 111.690 00630 Star Curse iM, 4 I M. MS 00603 Yoogcria. 10 ...Au 107 1:42 7 110X6S0 00622 Day Time tM, 2 Ti 107 1:44 U 3 94.67:, Third Race — 5-8 Mile. Purse 00 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. i Track record: March 7. 1926 :.rjand— 6 — 114. 00669 Dorothv Pop. 5.Ti 110 1:01% 6 110x725 00633= losses White, 2Hu 100 l:01*s 6 107x720 i 00633 •Babv Hull. 1 .Ti 93 1:01% 3 95.715 00632 Sly Fox. 9 Ti 113 1:01% 6 107 TMJ ! 00632 l.iuia Caffuey. S j Om 90 1:024B 0. 105 ■ 7H5 00437 Peter Patter, 7.Ti 93 1:02 4 112. . T»H ! 00514 "Larky Laa, tl.Oiu 109 l:t»l% 4 1 05 X ; .i5 | : 00633 Full Moon. 3 ...Ti 111 1:03% 8 110. 690 ; ! 00185 Nick Klein. 4. Ti 111 1:02% 10 112X08511 00516 •Little Tokalon. 10 1 Ti 112 1:02% 4 105. .680 ! Fourth Race — 7-8 Mile. Purse 00. I -.war-olds and upward. Claiming. Track record: Nov. 10. 1916- 1 20 3 115. j 00576 Nona Marie. C... I 95x725 00574 Hard Dealer. 1.. 3 105x720 00688 Range Kins. 4... 4 107.. 715 ! 00661 •Peter Pierson. 8 Ti 111 1:28% 6 107x710 00513 Kthel Brown, ft.. 8 105*705;! 00516 Bronco OM, 3 3 100x700 00476 Marine Corps. 2 Ti 111 1:28% 8 112. .695 00632 •Hamar, 7 4 105 690 Fifth Race — 3 4 Mile. Purse 00. 4 year olds and upward. Claiming. , Track re.ord: Feb. 19, 1925—1:10% — 4—120. | 00576 •Keala. 8 Ti 109 1:15% 6 107X725 ! 00516 Pennon. 7 Ti 110 1:14% 6 112x720 00523 •faatr. 9 6 107X715 0D632 Mac Hale. 1 . . .Hv 114 1 :14% 6 112X710 , 100633 •Waldout. 4 Ti 103 l:15 8 107X705 00661 Cadmus, « Ti 106 1:14% 5 107x700 , 00665 •Mala. ha. 3 ....HP 102 1:13% 4 105. .695 MM .Lick l edi. 5...Ti 113 1:14% 8 112x690 . 00605 Seqiian. 10 Ti 108 1:13% 4 105.. 683 00631s Kinetic. -J. 11 110 1:15 8 109X680 00524 Ik- Harvey, 11. Ti 110 1:14 8 110X075 , Sixth Race — 2 Miles. Sixth Running Tijuana Cup. 0,000 Added. 3-year-olds and upward. , Track record: April 13, 1924—3:24—5—125. | 00528= SANFORD. 4 4 92X750 I 00528 Dr. Clark. 1 .Ti 100 3:28% 9 94.. 740 00247 All Over, 2 11106 2:27% 7 93X735! 00528- Cherry Tree. 3... 7 113®730 , 00528 Spic and Span. I 11105 3:27% 5 90®725 Seventh Race — 1 Mile. Purse . 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Track record: Jan. 20, 1924 — 1:37%— o— 90. 00368» Kingman, 2 11107 1:40% 4 109X725 | 00609 Hob Koy, 6 Ti 104 1:41% 3 104X720 00438 »Mushon, 7 Ti 99 1:40% 3 100. .715 00634 Pathan. 4 Ti 115 1:40% 6 111X710 99989 Cbiva. 3 11 110 1:40 % 6 105X705 00438 Shasta Honna, 111 97 1:40% 3 94x700 | 00525- Katinka. I Ti 107 1:40% 6 105.. 695 00634 Hester Ann, 8 4 109. .690 Eighth Race — 5 1-2 Furlongs. Purse 00. 3 .war-olds and upward. Claiming. Track record: Jan. 19, 1924-1:04% — 4 — 106. | 00665 Meddling Seth. 5Ti 109 1:07% 6 113x725 0O6O4; •Judith Fairview, 4 Ti 105 1:09 6 106X720 00692 Finis Gloriosus. 3 Ti 106 1:06% 5 106X715 00662 Furious P.ill. 20m 110 1:08% 6 108x710 004743 Kitty B.. 1 ...11 98 1:10 3 101*705 00665 •Tubl.v A.. 7 .Hv 112 1:06% 8 108X700 00397 Pawnbroker. 6 11110 1:07% 5 108.. 695 I. 00580 Coldeu Bed, 8 Ti 111 1:07% 11 113 6»0 ] Ninth Rice — Clubhouse Course. , 230 Feet Less Than 1 Mile. Purse 00. 4 year-olds and upward. Claiming. , Track record: March 30, 1926 1 :34%— 5—105. j 00608 My Daddy, 3 5 107X725 00693 Quoin. 5 5 102x720 00315 Royal Oak. 4 6 112x715 0O3C0 Full a Fun, 1 6 110X710 00320 /.ealot. 2 7 105X705 00635 •Hright Idea. 7 4 99x700 99895 •Chilliwack, 6 4 107. 69ft , 00311 Crystal Boer, 8... 4 110.. 690