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Entries and Past Performances PerformancesCHURCHILL CHURCHILL DOWNS TUESDAY MAY 18 18WEATHER WEATHER CLOUDY TRACK FAST The figures under the heading Rec in the entries below show the best time of each liorro at the distance since January 1 1925 no matter where it finished In cases whore record was made on other than a fast or good track abbreviations show track con ¬ ditions OSOS7 IS FIUST IXTEX OF 192C 0118C IS FIRST IXDEX OF MAY MAYRacine Racine starts at 200 p m Chicago time 300 0 Superior mud runner X Good mud runner Fair mud runner M Maidens Apprentice allowance allowanceTlin Tlin followini abbreviations are used to designate tmrs nt which tiint re ords shown in entries were made Akron AkronAqueduct King Edward Aqueduct AqueductAurora Lagoon Aurora Latonia AuroraBslmont Bslmont Park Laurel Bluo Binnets BinnetsBlue Lcxinpton Blue Grass GrassJ Lex Colored Fair FairLing J wi wiBrooklyn Ling Branch Brooklyn Maple Heights r vin Downs Marlboro Clarksburg Miami Columbus Mobile Col wood Park ParkConey Mount Royal Coney Island IslandConnaught Niagara Falls Connaught Park ParkBade Orlando Bade Park ParkDclorimier Omaha Dclorimier Park ParkDevonshire Phoenix Devonshire Pimlico DevonshireDorval Dorval DorvalDufferin Raceland Dufferin Park ParkEmpire Reno Empire Salt Lake EmpireErlanger Erlanger ErlangerFair Saratoga Fair Grounds GroundsFairmunt Tampa Fairmunt Park Tanforan Fcrt Erie ErieHamilton Thistledown Hamilton HamiltonHavre Thornclif f e Havre de Grace GraceHavana Tijuana Havana Timonium HavanaHawthorne Hawthorne Toledo HawthorneHuntington Huntington United Hunts HuntingtonJamaica JamaicaJef Jamaica Wheeling Jef f erso n Park ParkJuarez Willows Park Juarez Windsor JuarezKemp Kemp ton Park ParkKenil Woodbina Kenil worth Youngstown Churchill Downs 1 Mile MileFirst First Race 34 Mile MilePurse Purse 1300 3yearolds and upward Claiming Track record May 24 1921 111 0 128 I oa ay i iTnd Tnd IIon pPostPo Wt RPO AWtHan 01543 Dry Moon 4 Bel 112 l12Js S 114X725 01545 Bradleys Toney Toney1C 1C Lat 107 l1lf 0 112720 11272001E45 01E45 Brunswick 14Lat 110lIl i 8 112 715 01502 Alleden 15 CI 112 114 7 100X710 01615 The Runt 18 CI 102 112 5 1040710 01425 Polly Wale 17 Mia 10r l13s 7 107710 01199 Rats Up 21TJJ 11C 11314 5 110X710 01474 Oseda M 10 3 87X70i 01613 Payman 9 Mia 110 113 5 104X70 01549 Spanish Rove 3CI 104 1124 5 102X705 01605 Brier Hill 6 Lat 10 112 4 10770 01645 Mansillon 12CD 103il13 3 102X705 01680 Antiquarian 20 CI 9S 111 5 4 104X705 99455 Mount Beacon 1 Mia 110 112 5 115 700 99072 Miss Nantuni 2Tij 109 l13 = is 5 94X700 97449 Snow Man 5 CD 100 llCvi 3 102X703 01611 Quince Bud M 7 CI 102 11CJ3 4 llr700 01505 Cup Bearer SCI 108 112 4 117X700 01543 Meb 11 Mia 112 113 3 94 700 70001545s 01545s Muldoon 13 Iat 10S 113 4 112X700 01549 Frances Rock 19 JP 110 114 3 102 700 700Second Second Race 4 12 Furlongs Purse 1200 2yparoIds Maidens Fillies FilliesAllowances Allowances AllowancesTrack Track record May 21 1921 52 2 110 01615 Floranada 3CD 110 53 3 115 01615 Kritk 11 CnilG 54 lir720 01615 The Hovel 10CD llfi 55 115 711 01503 Candy Dot 14CD 11C 55 115 71C 01578 Wood Nymph 12 CD 108 55 115 70 01580 Reset ta Stone 9 CI 110 55 115 701 01615 Bourbon Girl 13 C1 11C 55 115 700 01580 Melting Star 5 CD no 50 iir 700 01578 Mandolette 2 CI 100 57 115 700 01580 little Borah 8 CI 111 57 115 700 700Marv Marv Beverly 1 H Kmu Kalessi 4 H5 Blue Mask G H5 Bottom Dollar 7 H5 Third Race 1 116 Miles MilesPurse Purse 1P00 3yearolds and upward Fillies and andMares Mares Claiming ClaimingTrack Track record May 24 1922 144 4 113 01505 Meddling Mattie2 B I08X72J1 01549 Mrs Moore 8Lex 90 146 S 104X720 01427 Margate 10 CD 99 148 3 100X71C 01617 Waterflaj 3 CI 91 144 01583 Xtra 7 Lex 95 140 01505 Pretty Politician 9 M II 1001145 B103X703 01543 Lucky Drift 11 4 108X70i 01474 Hullo 5 Lat 99152 8101X703 01469 Susan Rebecca 1 3 99X700 01611 Barluna M 4 3 94 700 00994 Precious lula C 7 109X700 109X700Fourth Fourth Race 68 Mile MilePurse Purse 1300 2yearolds Claiming ClaimingTrack Track record May 20 1912 59 2 113 01612 = Mahatma C 103X721 01548 The Code M 1 113 720 01507 Two Sixty 5 111 712 01578 Lucky Mistake MistakeM M 7 89 710 01203 Bob Johnston M 3 llOr703 01544 Frank Hawlcy HawlcyM M 2 104 700 700Pendragon Pendragon 4 106 106Fifth Fifth Race 1 116 Mllee MlleeMapleton Mapleton Pane PanePurse Purse 1700 3yearolds and upward Allowances AllowancesTrack Track record May 24 1922 144 4 113 01333 BOOT TO BOOT 1 3 93735 01429 Marconi 2 Bel 107 143 4 119725 01547 Devon 5 CD 100 148 8 95X720 95X72001581s 01581s Superfrank 4 Mia 114 143 4 100X715 01581 Bolton 3 JP 102 148 3 950710 950710Sixth Sixth Race 1 Mile MileElizabethtown Elizabethtown Purse PursePurse Purse 1700 3yearolds Fillies Allowances AllowancesTrack Track record May 19 1921 1 3C 8 104 01614 Dark Phantom 4 Lex 121 143 111X725 01614 Teak 11 Lex 121 142 111X720 111X72001614s 01614s Florence Mills 0 Lex 121 140 111X715 01581 Cupids Curse 0 109 710 01614 Parco 3 107710 01286 Beneficent 8 107 710 71001547s 01547s Princess Pan 1 107X705 107X70501645s 01645s Dolly Bay 7 107 705 01614 AVildwood 5 CD 113 141 107X700 01614 Blonde Beauty BeautyM M 2 103 700 01614 Sobrose 10 107X700 Seventh Race 1 18 Miles 107X700Claiming Purse 1300 3yearolds and upward Claiming Track record Oct 20 1921 149 4 119 01647 = Flames 2 Bel 105 150 5 113X725 01573 Phidias 7 5 104 720 01583 = Capt Sam CTam 93 157 8 80 715 715u 01502 Boys Believe Me5 015833 Prodigal 10 u 90X710 01137 = Foolscap 8 JP 100 153 4 108X710 01647 Lady Inez 3 6 101X705 01431 Post Dispatch 4 CD 108 155 5 100X700 01613 Flying Spark 1 8 9X700 i 01651 Altviator 9 Dev 90 157 4 108 700