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FOR TOBOGGAN HANDICAP Mrs W K Vanderbilts Sarazen Must Carry Top Weight TVortlimore Rated Three rounds Better Than ThanWise Wise Counsellor by Jockey JockeyClwli Clwli Hamlicapppr NEW YORK N Y May 18 Great speed sometimes much coin of the realm to the owner but it also brings its penalties to the horse Such is the case of Saraen the brilliant little chestnut son of High Time owned by Mrs W K Vanderbilt III IIISarazen Sarazen is once more asked to carry top weight in an important stake race the Toboggan Handicap at threequarters of a mile with 3000 added to be run Friday May 21 the opening day of the Westchester Itucing Associations meeting at Behnont Park ParkMrs Mrs Vanderbilts swift running gelding must shoulder 122 pounds if he goes to the post Last year as a result of excessively high weights Sarazen turned rogue became cunning and refused to extend himself This year thus far he has raced kindly kindlyWorthmore Worthmore is next in the list to Sarazen with 12S pounds The Everglades Stables son of Thunderer captured the race last year under 1 pounds defeating the Rancocas Stables Silver Fox and Hurry Payne Whit ¬ neys Noah J S Ward will probably at ¬ tempt to duplicate the feat of High Noon and Octagon with Worthmore and win the race in consecutive years with the same horse High Noon won in 1015 and 1910 while Octagon won in 1S97 in 189S 189SWise Wise Counsellor is rated by W S Vos burgh as being three pounds a poorer horse than his stablemate AVorthmore being asked to carry 125 pounds poundsSilver Silver Fox 121 Sercnader 122 Bracadale 122 Mino 110 Sun Flag 119 and Noah IIS iir ± others among the high weights weightsFollowing Following are the weights for the Toboggan Handicap 5000 added to be run Friday JUay 21 Threequarters mile mileHore Hore Vlt Horse Wt Wte Sara7cn 132 Bucllil 103 103f e f Worthmore 1S Xoon Fire 105 105Viie Viie Counsellor 12S Sir ItoimUl 105 105Silver Silver For 124 Tost Time 105 105Serenadcr Serenadcr 122 Iowhatan 105 Itraradale 122 Mr Iepp 105 105Nino Nino US 1atroon 105 81111 Klas Ill Croyilen 105 105Noali Noali US Marsosa 105 105Kins Kins Xadi 117 iehavo 104 104Shuffle Shuffle Alunic 115 1navo 104 1041nrt 1nrt Mol 11 Devonshire 101 101Single Single Foot 115 Itoek Star 101 101Actuary Actuary 114 Festival 103 103Stimulus Stimulus 114 Itemed 103 103SOM SOM of John 114 Briarbroom 103 103Captain Captain Hal 11 Memory Lane 102 102entitle entitle 11 Hamndati 102 102Janter Janter 11 Turf Light 102 102Cotlosomor Cotlosomor 112 Topboot 102 Nfkiifs Ill Hull Kun 102 102Kim Kim Fish Ill Itosario II 100 100icock icock Man Ill Vntrifucal 100 100Haste Haste Ill Kxtra Dry 10 1 1lialetian lialetian 110 Zuker 100 100raiirano raiirano 11 Phantom Prince 100 100Sivopc Sivopc 110 Cicneral Watson 100 100Sim Sim Seeker 11 Ksret 100 100AVhiskalons AVhiskalons 110 Professor 100 100Color Color Sergeant HKi l ark Jest 100 100Flielit Flielit of Time 103 Sport Koyal 100 100Ijicky Ijicky Plav Fast Mall 100 100Stiniurd Stiniurd 108 Fiddlesticks 101 101Macrnv Macrnv 10S Orestes II 93 93Brown Brown SiiRar 10S Skipalunjj 03 03Manhe Manhe Militaire 10S Chocolate Soldier 98 98Oap Oap 107 Hot Time 9S 9SCatalan Catalan 107 Crossfire 91 91Navigator Navigator 107 Flyman 1 Vespasian 107 Polar Light S SSanitation Sanitation 107 Olympic 95 95Dres Dres Parade 107 Montferrat 35 35Nicholas Nicholas 107 Tallwood 93 93Sim Sim Pal IOC Flecliita 93 93Claptrap Claptrap 105 Tom Tiger 33 33irusliairir irusliairir 105 La Forte 90