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ERBRADLEVS NEW STABLE Palatial Quarters for His Horses Being Built at Fair Grounds 3Iany Improvements Under Way at Louisiana LouisianaJockey Jockey Club Track to Be Completed CompletedBefore Before Next Winter i NEW ORLEANS La May IS What will he one of the finest barns at any racetrack is now nearing completion at the Fair Grounds as the quarters where E R Brad ¬ ley will stable his racers and their attend ¬ ants during the future meetings here hereIn In building this barn on the site of one of the older structures which was destroyed by fire last year Mr Bradley made a sift of his present stable structure to the jockey club to be added to their equipment of equine quarters quartersThe The new Bradley barn will so several stages beyond the last word of luxury for the accommodation of thoroughbred horses and is a part of the 00000 improvement program upon which the Louisiana Jockey Club has recently launched in an endeavor to clinch the title of the countrys finest and most beautiful racetrack for New Orleans OrleansOTHER OTHER I3IPROVEMENTS PIAX EI Other items in the improvement program are the extension of the present grandstand over what is now the office between the present grandstand and paddock the addi ¬ tion of a magnificent series of concrete ter ¬ races sloping in broad steps from the present grandstand level to the lawn at the level of the track the erection of a new adminis ¬ tration building which will also house the jockeys room the racing secretarys quar ¬ ters and the emergency hospital and a great elaboration of the present landscape gardening plan together with an improve ¬ ment of the new clubhouse by roofing over its upper terrace terraceAmong Among other novel features the new Brad ¬ ley barn will have guest apartments for such blueblooded equine visitors as noted figures in the turf may care to send down here for special feature races such as the New Orleans Handicap whose third renewal in 1U26 for a stake of 50000 added should provide one of the greatest allage stakes run on the American turf turfThe The barn will have forty stalls in all thirty of them being for the stable of racers Mr Bradley will run here next winter and the remaining being guest stalls stallsSTEAMHEATED STEAMHEATED STABLE STABLEThe The barn is concretefloored throughout electrically lighted steamheated completely furnished with hot and cold running water and equipped with special tilewalled bath and shower rooms for the horses where they can be washed on inclement days without exposing them to occasional chill breezes breezesLiving Living quarters are erected at the two ends of the barn in twostory additions which also hold the tack rooms the barn offices first aid rooms and the like Spe ¬ cial bins and feed storage space wfll be set apart on the upper floor of the barn and the occupants of the stalls will patronize the automat at meal time for an automatic feeding device is now being installed installedSouth South of the barn will be a space occupied ny a sixteenthmile tanbark walking ring for cooling out the thoroughbreds after their exercise gallops and the entire structure will be surrounded by a shelled driveway with parking space for motor cars enclosed within an ornamental cyclone fence The grounds of the new barn will be landscaped at Colonel Bradleys direction by a corps of landscape gardners gardners3TEW 3TEW ADMIMSTKATIOX BUILDING BUILDINGWork Work on the new administration building and the concrete terraces fronting the grand ¬ stand will begin just as soon as the new Bradley barn has been completed One of the features of the terrace which will en ¬ able visitors to see the race without craning over those standing around them at the level of the lawn will be a tunnel running its entire length where the concessions selling1 soft drinks sandwiches smokes and the like will be housed as for the greater convenience of patrons the entire mutuel department is to be cleared clearedEven Even the present main stairway is being removed and swung around toward the front of the grandstand so as to leave the floor space of the mutuel department clear Last but by no means least in the improvements will be a change of the press box from its present position to a new one just at the eaves of the grandstand roof overlooking the entire grounds without obstruction