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Entries and Past Performances PerformancesJAMAICA JAMAICA WEDNESDAY MAY 19 19WEATHER WEATHER dEAK TRACK FAST The figures under the heading Rec in the entries below show the best time of each horse at the distance since January 1 1925 no matter where it finished In cases where record was made on other than a fast or good track abbreviations show track con ¬ ditions 98087 IS FIRST INT rX OF 1926 011SG IS FIRST I3TDEX OF MAY MAYRacing Racing starts at 230 p m Chicago time lr0 Superior mud runner X fiood mud runner Fair mud runner M Maidens Apprentice allowance allowanceThe The following abbreviations arc used to designate tracks at which time records shown in entries were made Akron King Edward Aqueduct Lagoon Aurora Latonia Belmont Park ParkBlue Laurel Blue Bonnets Lexington Blue Grass Lex Colored Fair FairLong Bowie Long Branch Brooklyn Maple Heights Churchill Downs DownsClarksburg Marlboro Clarksburg Miami Columbus Mobile Colwood Park Mount Royal Coney Island Niagara Falls Connaught Park ParkDade Orlando Dade Park Omaha Delorimier Park ParkDevonshire Phoenix Devonshire Pimlico Dorval Raceland Duf f erin Park Rozo Empire Salt Lake Erlanger Saratoga Fair Grounds Tampa Fairmount Park Tanforaa Fort Erie Thistledown Hamilton Thornclif f fo o Havre de Grace GraceHavana Tijuana Havana Timonium Hawthorne Toledo Huntington United Hunts Jamaica Wheeling Jefferson Park ParkJuarez Willows Park Juarez Windsor Kempton Park Woodbine Kcnil worth Youngstown Jamaica Mile Track TrackFirst First Race 8 Mile MilePursue Pursue 1000 2yearoldx Claiming ClaimingTrack Track record May 10 1923 5S j 2 111 111Todays Todays Ind Horse AVtIJcc AAVtllan AAVtllanC0889 C0889 Maid of India 11C735 11C73501C03 01C03 Avltsaek 11 M Jam 315 1 00 109 30 3001420s 01420s Green ilk Jam 113 101 117 99828s Captuin Jack 117 99789 l liff iff dil 114 20 01433 Jenny Demi Jam 10S 102 114 15 01642 RiNLkKil iM Jam 117 103 10S 13 T lip Hell Jam 11C 101L 117 15 Whiskey Him M Jam 113 l01i 112 710 01400 Contemplate M 112 710 Liifinn M 109 765 Li Duse lMJiin 109 103 Itll 705 Atbel OI 112 705 Suky JI Jam 109 103 sy syRegulation 109 700 Regulation M Jam 112 102 102Laska Laska V 112 700 ForeNde HjJ Second Ratio 34 Mile MilePurse Purse 1060 3yearolds and iipviri Allowances Track record May 21 3923 111 3 120 91502 Nedana Aijn 121 113 4 12CX740 01464 Celidiii Jam S 112 3 122X735 01540 Knelid Jam 114 112 3 122 731 01467 = fireen Dragon Jam 110 112 3 115X725 96598 = i iHly Hly Laiielel 313 l131i 3 11 2 720 720Curliiinaa Curliiinaa 3 105 105Third Third Race 34 Mile MilePurse Purse 1000 3yearolds and upward Claiming Track record May 21 1925 111 3 12O 01640 I athenroo d IIili 110 112 01575 Kspanol Mia 11C 113 113Hav 3 113X720 01640 Doiinaviilei Doiinaviilei97043s Hav 103 113 3 10SX725 97043s Ilullilnlc Kinp 311 111 7 IIS 720 01462 Vcshell Jam 115 114 3 110 715 962G7 Dclhi licv Itel 114 114 4 11 sx 715 01640 Shiraz Api 113 114 3 1001710 01065 Shermaii HilC 112 114V 5 11S 705 01575 Ddiietta Aii 114 115 3 105 700 01462 Skit CI 110 113 4 11SX700 Fourth Race 1 Mile and 70 Yards YardsMerrirk Merrirk Handirap 100 Added 3niirclds aiil uarl Track uarlTrack record Miy 15 1923 14 Hi 1 1 4 401GC 01GC SANFOKD Tij 2 1411 4 lit 745 01434 Opperman IIilU 110 144 7110x735 Seventh Son FU 11 1431 Lianc lon Cliaib 5 113 113Fifth Fifth Race 1 Mile and 70 Yards Pur Claiming1Track e 1 XN trcar ldN and upward Claiming1 Track record May 13 1I23 141 i S 124 01423s Dciighiiiit Pin 10S ll 7 US 735 01643 Vallette lam 1O7 1 4rV 4 j 7 01640 1640 Will Wells CD 104 14 l4cV 4 11CX725 00060 0060 Kiiiiioniti Kipp KrJlMJi Hinjissil 411t x72l 01674 iriains Jam 107 147 2 10T 713 0343 Dr T S Dalney Tij 104 144 1i 7 121 710 11640 Play Ilcnir Mia 103 144 144H541 144s s 4 11S710 H541 Cork Klin Jam 3 C 147 i 11 S 710 1571 OCcrra I m 115 145 i 121 701 11497 CiHdngli Ucv M 3 ldt 705 1361 Park Hill Jam 12C 14CU 14CUH640 121x705 H640 Itrothir HillKinp 110 147 4 110700 11572 Mite 3 IdSvTOO 1496 Cc8tigan Jam ifi i43 i43H675 7 121700 H675 Tempesto MJ m 112 lVtm 3 1W70O Sixth Race 58 Mile Purse ldKi 2earilds MnicU Track record May 1C 12 111 111llS730 Jain 118 101 Vt llS730 i Mariner 11S7 PotKiirri Jiiiu 112 101 US 7 Oharusmi Kvatler Kicreatiiiii Afterglow Marylander Arden