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MARK TIME AT AURORA Officials Prepared and Track Ready for Opening Day Twenty six Nominated for Inaug Inaugural ural Handicap Stable Room Roomat at Premium AURORA 111 May IS With everything in readiness for opening day at the Exposi ¬ tion Park Jockey Clubs course at Aurora Hie Inaugural Handicap to be run next Thursday is the chief topic among the owners and trainers who were fortunate enough to obtain stabling facilities That there will be a representative field is proved by the fact that no less than twentysix fit and ready horses were named for the race It is to be at a mile and calls for three jyearolds and over with a purse of 1200 added addedThe The entries for the handicap are as follows Harrev Stedman Orcen RIazes RIazesJohnny Johnny Jewell Sure Fire Firefiolilen fiolilen Sweep Crosshow CrosshowSkivesdiile Skivesdiile George le Mar MarBlizabotli Blizabotli K Kalboa KalboaDuckweed Duckweed Tick Took TookSlice Slice Deep Thought ThoughtScoop Scoop Outlawed OutlawedIlanork Ilanork Itrownie Smile SmileSilk Silk Sox SaBola SaBolalnst lnst Mail Cavalry CavalryJtoyal Jtoyal Irincess IVgasus IVgasusHelen Helen T Arragosa ArragosaThe The officials who are to be in charge of the meeting put in a very busy day today nnd left no stone unturned in an effort to have everything in spic and span order for the opening day Francis Dunne and Arthur Blanchard placing judges have been hard pressed in assigning stabling room for the past two weeks Cattle barns on the expo ¬ sition grounds and even the huge automobile building have been converted into quarters for the shelter of the horses Cow sheds and farmers barns outside the track also hold their full capacity of thoroughbreds thoroughbredsThere There are so many twoyearolds among the horses here that starter Harry Morrissey sent two of his assistants here ten days daysago ago to teach the baby racers barrier man ¬ ners Hundreds of horses have been schooled schooledevery every morning and the improved track teenis daily with horses being put through their preliminary gallops EW SAIHILIXG ENCLOSURE ENCLOSUREAmong Among the innovations installed since the meeting last fall is the building of a large paddling enclosure in direct view of the grandstand This space is railed off exclu ¬ sively for the winner Heretofore the win ¬ ning horses have taken their honors Immediately opposite the official pagoda which shut off the view of the grandstand occupants The new winners square is built adjoining the judges stand on the paddock side Concrete walks have been built all over the grounds On rainy days patrons wont have to pick their path through the mud as was the case in forme years Horsemen continued to arrive today many of them shipping to the course despite re ¬ peated warnings that every stall on the grounds and even those outside the track had been taken days ago One of todays arrivals was so determined to race his horses here that he brought a large tent along which was pitched outside the track The tent houses six horses horsesIn In an effort to take advantage of the long back stretch a new distance called the Exposition Park Course lias been put on the program This course is seventyfive feet less than six and a half furlongs with a start out of a chute The new course will ive the sprinters two long dashes with one turn and should result in some spirited racing