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OMAHA OMAHA NEB TUESDAY JUNE 8 1926 1 Mile Fifth day AkSarPen Exposition Co Spring meeting of 28 days Weather clear Presiding Judge Dr F W Ashe Associate Judges P Reed and C L Trimble Starter J Don ¬ ovan Itacing Secretary C L Trimble Racing starts at 215 p m Chicago time 315 p m W indicates whip S spurs B blinkers Fig ¬ ures in parentheses following the distance of each race indicate date track record age of horse and weight carried Indicates apprentice allowance FIRST RACE 58 Mile June 27 1925 100 5 110 Purse 600 3yearolds and up ¬ 02559 ward Claiming Net value to winner 450 second 85 third 35 Index Horses Str Fin Jockeys Equiv Odds Strt 02471 DICKS SETII WB 3 107 10 1 1J 1s 1 = 1 1 G Younff B Creech 023fi7 DAN HOGAN wn G 110 7 5 5liK8GLADY 31 3 4s 2l C McEwen Mrs B Broadfoot BroadfootCi liK8GLADY FLAPPER ws 7 104 1 7 Ci 6 3ll 3l J McDald C Cooper 93I8S VINEYARD wn 7 103 4 4 2 = 2 2 4 W Tribner J S Kindscher Kindscher4l U 28 BUCKS SMILE w 4 109 6 3 4l 4i 5i 51 A Maskrid Moser Bros 02104 CASCADE ws 7 103 12 8 8OI99G 73 7J 6l G C Corbett J R Porter OI99G BALLYNEW w S 113 11 2 2UU681 8 S1 7l 71 A Roach G W Ogle Oglelll UU681 BLACK TOM w 3 10g S 12 lll IQi gj gi E McEwen H C Rumage Rumage9l 01412 SROCIC FLOWEUwn S 111 9 9 9l 9l S 9 L Mills S M Sanders 01980PONXA RAY w7 99 211 211Oil 12 12 10s 10 M Hum G F Hum Oil 74 XOLAWN ws 11 109 510 5107i720 10 11 = 11 11 J Shaeffer Mrs J Crum Crum5ta 7i720 ALCATKAZ w S 111 3 G 51 5ta Si 12 12 S Holecko Thompson Bros 1320100 1320100tMutuel tMutuel field Time 23 48 101 Track fast 2 mill iiels paid Dicks Sotli 1 40 straight 500 place 320 show Dan Hogan 400 place 380 tliow Iady Flapper field J20 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Dicks Seth 370 to 100 straight 150 to 100 place 60 to 100 show Dan Ilogan iX to mi place i 0 to 100 show Lady Flapper field CO to 100 show showWinner Winner Ch g by Seth Dixie Mina by St Swithins trained by B Creech bred by Mr Benjamin A Jones JonesWent Went to post at 216 At post 2 minutes Start good and slow Won easily second and third driving DICKS S1CTII took the lead at once and easily won all the way DAN HOfiAN ran well and was gaining on the winner at the end LADY FLAPPER was prominent throughout VINEYARD raced forward v but tired slightly in the last sixteenth BUCKS SMILE ran well ALCATUAX quit badly badlyScratched Scratched OllSiArchie Alexander Ill 02IOvnigwig 111 C03U5 Single Dale 102 02470 Virge 101 JVJIKI Consolation Ill J0712 Jennie Lynn i0 i0Overweights Overweights Dicks Selb 5 pounds Dan Hogan 1 Ballyncw 2 Black Tom 4 Index llones AWtPPSt i Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv Odds Strt Hiii7 = iLACK FRIDAYwn G 105 7 1 4 21 I1 Il F Taylor F Barton BartonS 03470SMALMONIDES w 3 103 11 2 S 5 3i 2s G Mthews c F Jenkins Jenkinslii 023fifiMIE BItDWATR w 11 99 5 7 lii li 21 3l A Swift W M Clem Sons Sons7i 023fi DEEIlTKAlIj w 9 10S 2 5 7i S 61 4 W ImiST J Whito 004 UKGtLAR GIKLwii G 101 3 4 31 4 5i 5 O Mazoue Scovillo Stable Mt09IOMli LATK WB 10 109 10 G 21 3 4k G V Wallis Mrs C Tanner TannerQi 01518 MISS EMERSON WB 5 101 12 9 Qi C 7 7 C Corbett W O Thompson SOLDI E M w 1 W4 C 1 9 7h Si S L Dye L Welch 02170 MACK MULCAHYwn S 109 411 11 IP 10 91 O Young Xancolas OI72f LASSES WHITE WB 5 101 1 3 yi 31 31 10 H West Mrs T Hunt 02105 DAKTAWAY wn 5 101 9 S Cl 10i 11 11 S Holecko I B Waters 02519 KIRKWOOD w S 111 S 12 12tMutilel 12 12 12 12 E Taylor Mrs E W Fox tMutilel field Time 24 48ls I0l7i Track fast faststraight 2 mutuels paid Black Friday ia2J straight 640 place 500 show Malrnonides 5 5show jSt show Ijdie Broadwater field i4O i4OEquivalent show Equivalent booking odds Black Friday 510 to 100 straight 220 to 100 place 160 to 100 nionide 190 to 100 place JW to 100 show Ladle Itroadwater field 70 to 100 show Winner B c by Black Toncy Simona by Watervale trained by F Barton bred by Mr Thomas B Cromwell CromwellWent Went to post at 248 At post 7 minutes Start good and Iow Won easily second and third driving BLACK FRIDAY was close up from the start and taking the lead in the stretch won caslnc up MAIMONIDKS was on the outside all the way and was going fast at the end LADIK BROAD WATER showed the most early speed and finished gamely DEERTRAIL made up ground and finished well REGULAR GIRL and HOMEPLATE tired tiredScratched Scratched O22lOJIove Pirate 106 00632 Rose Doyle 90 02366 Tom Ellisoa 104 90472 Service Fla 109 J7223 Sea Beach 111 00544 Imperial 105 105Overweights Overweights Goldic M 3 pounds Maimonides S THIRD RACE 58 Mile June 27 1925 100 5 110 Purse 600 3yearolds and up ward Claiming Net value to winner 480 second 85 third 35 Index Horses AWtPPSt Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv Odds Strt 01652BROWN TROUT w 4 109 S 4 3 21 li H Garner J U Clark 270100 02328GOOD HOPE WB 8 105 10 2 21 1 V 21 H West K M Hollenbeck 330100 95422 MISS PARNELL w 9 104 2 6 5 31 3 V Wallis R H McCrosson 1040100 92827 MATTIE SEE w 7 109 11 5 502100BITTBUN 4 4J 41 4 W Tribner W Vanscoy fl640100 02100BITTBUN w 7 104 8 8 71 8 S 5l C Corbett H E Cassity 12SO100 01985 WIKIUP PAPOSE w 4 104 9 1 5 61 5 6 C Rails P Emmert 1620100 97230 SENATOR CROWws 10 112 7 10 10 10 9 7 J Gerrity J E Armstronr t 0193GWINCHESTER w S 111 411 l 91 10 8 E Cpenter T McBrido 650100 02471 PRETTY BILL w 3 102 1 9 8 7i V 91 F Taylor W Mikel Sons 910100 004612 ROYAL KISS w 3 92 3 7 11 11 11 W Jmic Mrs W J Potter 1430100 143010001344APRES 01344APRES MOI WB 3 90 a 3 1 3 7 11 O Mazoue Faulkner Morrison 1210100 1210100tMutuel tMutuel field Time 24 48 101 Ttack fast 2 mutuels paid Brown Trout 740 straight 460 place 3CO show Good Hope 520 place 400 show Miss Parnell 460 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Brown Trout 270 to 100 straight 130 to IOO place 80 to 100 show Good Hope 1GO to 100 place 100 to 100 show Miss Parnell 130 to 100 show showWinner Winner Br f by Troutbeck Mammy by Sempronius trained by J R Clark bred by Mr Edward Cebrian CebrianWent Went to post at 322 At post 14 minutes Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same BROWN TROUT passed GOOD HOPE into the lead in the stretch but was tiring and barely lasted to outfinish the latter GOOD HOPE raced gamely after being headed and would have won in another stride MISS PARXELL was kicked while at the post but raceil gamely and mvle a good finish MATTIE SEE was close up all the way PRETTY BILL wore himself out by his bad rct behavior APIIES MOI quit quitScratched Scratched O21 07 Crimp Ear 109 02470 Machiavelli 104 06197 Julia K 104 9722S Little Beach 104 02367 Mary Hogan 92 01597Coach Whip 104 02429Beu Kripp 100 100Overweights Overweights Mattic See 3 pounds Senator Crow 1 FOtTRTH RACE 5 12 Furlongs May 31 1924 l05 i 107 Purs 600 3yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 480 second 85 third 35 Index Horses AWtPPSt Yt Vs Str Fin Jockeys Eqniv Odds Strt r a 114 2 4 2J 2 1 11 W Renn E W Fouts 220100 96178 CANNY LADY WB 7 104 5 S 3i 3 2 2 A Swift H Cotton 1S50100 01783 SLIPERY SMILEwB 5 114 6 5 41 4 3i 3i C Grnwd D Richards 980100 02320 = GOLDEN RED w 11 114 82 5 5 51 4 II West Griffin Edwards 200100 01447 QUOTA w 5 106 4 8 7 7U 6 1 5 E McEwen H C Rumage 222MOO 222MOO01940MULHULL 01940MULHULL w 3 97 1 7 88 7 6 M Hum C Hill 2320100 99336 END MAN w 9 109 3 3 1 = Il 4 7 = O Mazoue W H Robinson 590100 59010096194SETHS 96194SETHS BACON WSB 4 109 7 1 6 6 1 S S G Mthews Fort Garry Stable 870100 870100Time Time 23 49 107 Track fast 2 wuttiels paid Lemon Seth fi40 straight 400 place 340 show Canny Lady 1440 place 40 show Slippery Smile 5GO show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Lemon Seth 220 to 100 straight 100 to 100 place 70 to 100 show Canny Lady G20 to 100 place 270 to 100 show Slippery Smile ISO to 100 show showWinner Winner Br g by Seth Lemon Girl by Madstoue trained by E W Fouts bred by Mr Benjamin A Jciics JciicsWent Went to post at 402 At post S minutes Start good and slow Won driving second and third the fame LEMOX SETH followed EXD MAX closely to the stretch turn then took the lead when the latter tired and held it to the end CANNY LABY raced well through the last quarter SLIPPERY SMILE was a forward contender throughout EXD MAN set a fast early pace and tired tiredScratched Scratched 02367 Hun Conaway 106 00853 Picnic 114 02471 Little Jennie 92 0251S Fern 89 ftORTOO FIFTH RACE 5 12 Furlongs May 31 1924 105 J 6 107 Purse 600 3yearolds ArfcPvPO nd upward Claiming Net value to winner 480 second 85 third 35 Index Horses AWtPPSt Vi Vi Str Fin Jockeys Equiv Odds Strt 01720JBLACK PRINCE w 9 109 5 5 51 2 2 I H West N Tiller 92472 = BIG SAPP w 6 105 4 3 3WB I1 11 2 H Garner Mrs E J Looper Looper3i 01298MENAGE WB 5 109 7 1 1w 3i 4i 3h 3J L Saucier B E Rogers 01560RED MILL w 5 109 9 9 9w 9 9 6 4 H Hay G W Fritz 02475BLACK MASK w 5 103 1 8 8W 8 6t 71 5l F Taylor W Roper Jr 02470MALTHUS W 5 106 2 G Gw 41 3 5 61 W Lamon R Black 014 4 HENCE w 5 114 S 4 7 i 7 8 7 L Neal W J Hayes 02312 BAGGAGE KING ws 3 105 3 7 65 5 1 4h 8 T Buell Swastika Stable 51100 02290 ANNA CHESTNUTw a 106 G 2 21 81 9 9 V Wallis I C Gallup 2110100 2110100Timo Timo 24 48 i 107 Track fast 2 mutuels paid Black Prince 4SO straight 260 place 240 show Big Sapp 280 place 260 show Menage 320 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Black Prince 140 to 100 straight 30 to 100 place 20 to IOO show Bi Sapp 40 to 100 place 30 to 100 show Menage 60 to 100 show showWinner Winner Blk g by Tony Bonero Clothes Brush by Ben Brush trained by E Tiller bred by estate of Mr F J Pons PonsWent Went to post at 439 At post 2 minutes Start good and slow Won easily second and third driving BLACK PRIXCE close up from the start saved ground when entering the stretch and raced inlo a long lead in the last sixteenth BIG SAPP set a good pace but raced wide on the turns and rtuneo his chances MENAGE was close up from the start RED MILL closed a gap MALTHUS ran a gocd half halfScratched Scratched 02290 Karonga 101 02367Matinee Idol 111 023GC Dust Brush 106 02564 SIXTH RACE 1 Mile Sept 20 1924 138 5 106 Purse 600 3yearolds and up ¬ ward Claiming Net value to winner 480 second 85 third 35 Index Horses AWtPPStyt li Str Fin Jockeys Equiv Odds Strt 02310111 AMIGO WB 3 90 2 3 61 7s 7i 3 I1 W Imig J A Gordon 1930100 02294 JOLLY CEPHAS w 9 103 6 G 8 8 8 6J 2 M Hurn Mrs E C Sutton 1010100 02289 WOOD LADY WB 5 106 3 1 4 41 3 2 3 H West R Emmert 2340100 02289 SUPERVISOR WB 4 111 4 5 5 = I 2J 7i 4 S Holecko A White 1080100 108010002523THE 02523THE COLONEL WB 6 106 10 10 71 6 4 5 5 J Morar Mrs E J Looper 710100 71010002294SMART 02294SMART GUY WB 9 106 7 7 3 2s lh 1 61 O Mazoue B F McCIain Jr 2460100 2460100TULSA TULSA WSB 9 113 1 2 2f 3 61 4 7 L Dye C Sawyer 60100 02307 PRAISEWORTHY WB 5 111 8 9 10 10 10 9 S C Corbett Emeryville Stable 3860100 96257 SILENCE ws S 111 5 4 1 51 5 S 91 W Renn W H Walker 3380100 338010002106BULSEUOSE 02106BULSEUOSE w 3 91 9 8 9 9J 3 110 10 F Taylor E E Shepherd 3530100 3530100Time Time 25 49 115 142 Track faat 2 mutuels paid Mi Amigo 4180 straight 1940 place 1280 show Jolly Cephas 860 place 560 show Wood Lady 1200 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Mi Amigo 1990 to 100 straight 870 to 100 place 540 to 100 show Jolly Cephas 330 to 100 place 180 to 100 show Wood Lady 500 to 100 show showWinner Winner Br f by Semprolus Virgiedot by Gold Ball trained by J W Burton bred bv Mr L L Allen AllenWent Went to post at 509 At post 1 minute Start good and slow Won handily second and third driving MI AMIGO raced gamely through the last quarter and taking the lead in the stretch held JOLLY CEPHAS safe The latter was badly outrun early hut closed a big gap and finished fast WOOD LADY showed improvement and was prominent all the way SUPERVISOR raced wide ou the stretch turn but came again and finished gamely SMART GUY TULSA and SILENCE tired tiredOverweight Overweight Bulserose 2 pounds SEVENTH RACE 1 Mile Sept 20 1924 138 5 106 Purse 600 3yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 480 second 85 third 35 Index Horses AWtPPSt1 Vi Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv Odds Strt 02476PRAISE WSB 6 116 10 4 3 y 1 1 1 A Roach D W Godfrey Godfrey02476STAGE 02476STAGE STAR ws 5 104 6 5 41 51 5J 2 2 L Dye M Shores 02524 MISS LIBERTY w 6 105 5 9 7 6s 3 31 31 A Swift H E Cassity 02368 BUXBURY w 3 95 7 7 6 4 41 5 4 O Mazoue G F Jenkins 01441 VOORFLOR w 4 10S 4 G 51 7 7 Gl 5 V Dennis W Roper Jr Jr01628CHET 01628CHET w 6 113 1 3 2s 1 21 4 G1 J Gerrity G C Coakley CoakleyC2110 C2110 ROSEFIELD w 10 110 9 8 8 8 81 7s 7 S Holecko T B Waters 02475 RED ARROW w 6 112 2 1 1 3 GI 8s 8 J Guy Mrs W J Pottt Potter w 3 90 8 10 9 9J 9 9 9s W Imig C A Cook 01412 COL MCHMONT w IS 106 3 2 10 10 10 10 10 D Emery B Johnson 0020100 0020100Time Time 24 49 114 140 Track fast 2 mutuels paid Praise 460 straight 320 place 300 show Stage Star 140 place 300 show Miss Liberty 500 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Praise liO to 100 straight 60 to 100 place 50 to 100 show Stage Star 70 to 100 place 50 to 100 show Miss Liberty 150 to 100 show showWinner Winner Br g by Martinet May Weasmer by Cunard trained by D W Godfrey bred by Messrs Williams Bros BrosWent Went to post at 540 At post 1 minute Start good and slow Won easily second and third driving PRAISE closer up than usual in the early running took the lead when called on and drew away with ease in the stretch STAGE STAR saved ground on the stretch turn and taking second place held it to the end MISS LIBERTY was close up all the way BUXBURY ran well CHET and RFD ARROW tired tiredOverweights Overweights Stage Star 1 pound I5cd Arrow 1 Additional charts on eighteenth page