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To Close July 1 1926 1926Kentucky Kentucky Jockey Chit INCORPORATE To Be Ran RanDuring During Autumn Meetings Meetingsof of 1927 and 1928 Kentucky Jockey Club Stakes Stakesfor for 1927 1927Tor Tor TwoYcarOhls In 1927 Foals of 1023 Jfow Yearlings 10000 Added AddedTOTAL TOTAL ESTIMATED VALUE OF 3 00000 TO BE RUX UURIXG AUTU3IX 3IEETIXG 1Q27 f fff AJJ J Bjr subscription of 1000 cack yll Cll AQUCU fash to accompany entry For Fortwoyearolds twoyearolds foals of 1925 1000000 added hy the KENTUCKY JOCKEY CLUB INCOR ¬ PORATED of which 150000 to the second horse 30000 to the third horse fourth horse to save Its stake Colts and geldings to carry 122 pounds fillies 110 pounds The original nominator of the winner to receive 50000 of the second horse 25000 of the third horse 10000 10000DECLARATIONS DECLARATIONS AND PAY3IENTS To remain eligible the following cash payments must be made January 1 1027 cash payment each entry 2500 July I 127 cash payment each entry 5000 25000 additional to start startAcceptances Acceptances through the entry box the day before the race at the usual time of closing ONE 311 LE Latonia Championship Stakes Stakesfor for 1928 1928ForThrccYearOlds ForThrccYearOlds In 102S Foals of 1325 Now Yearlings 15000 Added AddedTOTAL TOTAL ESTIMATED VALUE 3000000 TO BE RUN DURING AUTU3IN MEETING 1023 tlC finn AAnA Br subscription of 1500 each pJdUUU I IU U CIcU cash to accompany entry For Forthreeyearolds threeyearolds foals of 1025 1500000 to be added by the KENTUCKY JOCKEY CLUB INCORPORATED of which 300000 to second horse 200000 to third horse 100000 to fourth horse The original nominator of the winner to receive 100000 of the second horse 50000 of the third horse 30000 of the fourth horse 20000 Colts and geldings to carry 12U pounds fillies 123 pounds poundsDECLARATIONS DECLARATIONS AND PAY3IENTS To remain eligible the following cash payments must be made January 1 1027 cash payment each entry 2500 January 1 1928 cash payment each entry 5000 starting fee 50000 additional additionalAcceptances Acceptances through the entry box the day before the race at tho usual time of closing In addition to first money the owner of the winning horse will be presented with a beautiful trophy ONE AND THREEQUARTER 3IILES Entries Close Thursdayf July 1926 ADDRKSS ALL CO3I3IUNICATIONS TO TOKentucky Kentucky Jockey Club ClubINCORlORATKIO INCORlORATKIO INCORlORATKIOCovington Covington Ky J N CAMDEN President PresidentM M J AY INN VicePresident and General Maiiairir CIIAS F PRICE Associate Manager DANIEL E OSULLIVAN Associate 3fanager SHERMAN GOODPASTER Secretary and Treasurer