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# » Entries and Past Performances BOWIE • WEDNESDAY, APRIL 6 * WEATHER CLOlDTi TRACK HEAVY. f ■ # The figures under the heading "Bee." in the entries below show the best time of each horse at the distance since January 1, 1926. no matter where it finished. No time records are shown for a beaten horse over any distance when he is fifteen lengths back of the winner. In cases where record was made on other than a fast or good track, abbreviations show track conditions. «• ■ s 1C0SS IS FIRST IlfDEX OF 1927. 12289 IS FIRST I*DEX OF APRIL Racing starts at 2:30 p. m. Chicago time, 1:30. ® SuiK-rior mud runner. X Good mud runner. :J: Fair mud runner. M Maiden. • Apprentice allowance. The following abbreviations are used to designate tracks at which time records shown in entries were made: Akron Akn Lansdowne Park... L.P Aqueduct Aqu Latonia Lat Aurora Aur Laurel Lrl Belmont Park Bel Lexington Lex Blue Bonnets B.B Lex Colored Fair.L.C.F Blue Grass B.G Lincoln Fields L.F Bowie Bow Long Branch L.B Brighouse Paik B.P Maple Heights M.H Brooklyn Bkn Marlboro Mar Chinook Park Chin Miami Mia Churchill Downs CD Mobile Mob Clarksburg Cla Mount Royal M.R Columbus Col Niagara Falls N.F Col wood Park Clw Omaha .Onu Coney Island C.I Orlando ....Orl Connaught Park . . . .C.P Peoria Peo Crams-ood Park Crd Phoenix Phx Dade Park D.P Pimlico Pim Delorimier Park Del Polo Park P.P Devonshire Dev Pompano Pom Dorval Dor Baceland Bac Dufferin Park Duf Reno Rno Empire Emp Salt Lake S.L Erlanger Erl Saratoga Sar Fair Grounds F.G Tampa Tarn Fairmount Park F.P Tanforan Tan Fort Erie F.E Thistledown Tdn Hamilton Ham Thorncliffe Thf Hastings Park H.P Tijuana Tij Havana Hav Timonium Tim Havre de Grace .... HdG Toledo Tol Hawthorne Haw United Hunts TJ.H Huntington Htn Washington Park. . .W.P Jamaica Jam Wheeling Wh.3 Jefferson Park J.P Whittiei Pa-k Wer Juarez Jua Willows Park Wil Kempton Park K.P Windsor Win Kenilworth Ken Woodbine Wde King Edward K.E Youngstown Ygn Lagoon Lag Prince Georges Park 1 Mile. First Race— 1-2 Mile. Purse fl.200. 2-year-olds. Maidens. Track record : Single Foot. April 5, 1924— :47%— 2— 109. Todays Ind. IIorseAPostPos. Wt. Rec. A.Wt.Han 12287- r.irdwood. 1.. Bow 118 :49%sy 118. .730 11676= Algol, 2 Mia 115 :48« 118. .72T. 12287 OTurk. 3 Bow 1 IS :5Htsy 118.720 11982 Unen King. 4J.P 111 :51% 118. .71.". Miss Prim, 5 113..... Second Race — 6 1-2 Furlongs. Purse ,200. 4 year-olds and upward. Claiming. Track rword : Copiapo. Nov. •£,, 1920 1:18—0— 114. 12311 Long Point, SCI 109 1:2 0 122.73.". 12338- Wild Aster, lOAqu 114 131% 6 llr.730 12311= •Tillie. 4 Bow 102 l:24 sli 4 104.. 72.". 12311 The Seer, .I.Agu 113 131% 4 110. .720 12349 Harry Carroll, 2 Bow IOC 1:201011 4 112x71.". 11736» I.emnos, 1 4 112. .710 12338 •Douctta. 5... Bow 102 1:20 4 106x705 12314 Gaffney. 6. .. .CD 103 1:20% 5 111. 705 11675 Night March. 7 Aqu 111 1:20 5 111X700 06226 Washington, 9Aqu 106 1:20% 8 116*700 Third Race — 6 1-2 Furlongs. Purse ,200. 4 year-olds and upward. Claiming. Track record : Copiapo, Nov. 23, 1926— 1:18%— €—114. 12311 *New Hope. C.Aqu 109 1:22 5 103x735 09213 Candymaker, 5... 5 112.. 730 12289 •Davenport, 2 4 111. .723 09258 Sea Sand. 10. Bow 109 1:21% 9 1120720 04216= Queen Navarre, 11 CD 98 1:22% 4 107X715 11417 Bessie Gersbel, 4 Bow 111 1:19% 6 107X710 03525s Gaffer. 8 4 111X710 10507s Ihist Brush, 1 5 107*710 08749 »Kd Pendleton. S Bow 114 1:24% 7 111*703 06956 Clarimonde Hope,7 4 111.. 703 11529 El OJdiane, 9... 4 111. .700 Fourth Race — 3-4 Mile. Purse ,200. 3 -year-olds. Claiming. Track record : Fresco. Nov. 23, 1926— 1:12%— 2— 109. 10239 Complaisance, 9 Bow 105 1:14 100. .733 12339 •Indian Light. 7 Lrl 103 l:15Vtm 107X730 10365 Fable. 2 Bow 107 1:13% 113X723 11539 Ourieda, 3 ...F.P 107 1:14% 103. .720 07807 Dangerous Kittv Ml. 1 Lrl 97 1:18 103. .713 11820 •Foretime, 4 F.P 116 1:14% 113.. HO 10994 Captain Jack, 5 Mia 103 1:15% 110. .710 09279 Star Mirth. 6 107. .703 09279 Paulotta. 8 .Wdb 115 1:15% IOC. .703 11113 Sporting Life M, 10 Hav 103 1:15% 105. .700 Fifth Race— 6 1-2 Furlongs. Princeton Handicap. Purse ,400. 3-year-olds Track record: Copiapo, Nov. 25, 1926— 1:18%— 6— 114. 09224 SUN FORWARD, 2 Sar 119 1:21s 114X745 12313 Contemplate, 5... 100.. 735 11494 Fore Lark. 1 112.. 730 12313= Tip Top, 4 102.. 723 11709 Artilleryman. 3... 104.. 720 12290 Pleasant Smiles, 7 110.. 713 09224 Long View, 6 98.. 710 Sixth Race— 1 Mile and 70 Yards. Purse ,200. 3-year-olds. Claiming. Track record: Flat Iron, Nov. 25, 1926—1:43—3—102. 11418 Mercedes ».. IMia 97 1:46% 107. .730 11739= Tipporary Mary M 4 104.. 730 12348* Graylings Lady. 2 Mia 100 1 :47% 109® 720 12348 Gnome Second. 3 F.G 106 1:48% 111. .720, 12315 Queen Bessie. 6 j Bow 103 l:55%h 100*715 12315 Tahoma Mj, 5... 102. .710 Seventh Race — 1 1-8 Miles. Purse ,200. 4 -year-olds and upward. Claiming. Track record : Harry Baker, Nov. 27, 1926—1:54% — 4—109. 12288= •Harlan, 5 Mia 111 1:54% 5 104X733 123163 •Trajanus. 4 ..C.P 106 1:36% 8 104x730 12341 First Edition, 9 Lrl 102 1 :59%h 4 110x725 12293 «Who Knows Me, 8 7 107x720 imp «SiM-edy Prince, 7 Kmp 110 2:00sy 5 112.. 715 12288 »E1 Canoe. 1 ..15.11 93 1:36% 5 104X710 118261 Molly I/ockct. 2.. 4 102 710 12346 •Pyroot. 3 5 104x703 12316 Fuo. 6 M.H 122 1:52 5 109x700