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WMHENDRIE MEMORIAL TORONTO OnL May 26 Weights were announced as follows for the Wm Hendrie Memorial Handicap threeyearolds and over foaled in Canada 5000 added one mile to be run Saturday May 28 Horse HorseTattling Tattling Ileau of the West WestDuchess Duchess Knockany Ilianariot Attack Taurus Doc iaiety Fatal Dart Listerine Trout let Hoi 1olloi Tricky Take Off OffIerlapides Ierlapides Cloth Hall Evermore Gems to Let Innkeeper Fairbahk Atwoocl Horse HorseIlloom Illoom Tip Fleet Street OTriser Miss Caiety Aninero le Iaily McNeill Qunrtzite Tippance Hecate Eliza Jane i UCKOO Messenger MessengerMeeraa Meeraa Successor Miss Content Natures Darling DarlingXealon Xealon Kay Matchmaker 1lunco Vale of Avoco Weights announced at 12 o clock noon Thuisday May 26 Winners after the publi ¬ cation of the weights to carry five pounds extra