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The Pink Sheet Best on the Stands Saturdays Free Telephone Specials: Waimanu, 3.80, Won Marengo, 5.40, 3rd Regren Winds Up Tijuana Meeting with Four Winners: Hominy, $ 6.20, Won San Carlos, $ 5.00, Won Privately, $ 6.20, Won Rockbomb, $ 4.20, Won Bassetts Winners Were: Wirt G. Bowman, 3.60, Won Proctor Hug, 0.60, Won Bassetts Special: Proctor Hug, 0.60, Won Get the Pink Sheet If You Would Be a Winner Watch for the Big Specials at Bowie Daily Racing Guide 441 Plymouth Court Chicago, III. Some Winter "Pippins" INTENSE 2.40, W OX HOLLY BOY 4.30, WON CAKOI 02.40, WON CYCLONIC 4.20, WON REJOICE 5 20, AVON OIL CRABTREE 0.20, WON HERDSMAN 7.80, WON BRILLIANT 0..»0, WON LANOIL 8.20, WON HAMAOAN 0.40, WON BLUSHING MAIDEN 8.80, WON COALESCENCE $ 4.80, WON EAGER 5.20, WON MISS LESTER 7.60, WON BALL GEE.: 7.00, WON EERRONA SETH 0.80, WON PROSPECT 7.00, WON QUEER 6.00, AVON HEATHERYALE 0.40, WON SANABAR 6.60, WON ZING 2.80, AVON COMING BOWIE WINNERS II stiii] jour newsdealer 15 cents for a copy of The Home Stretch, dated April 7. now on sale MQltali In this issue juu will find the word on some pood horses that were prepared at Lexington. Tijuana and New Orleans tor winning efforts at Bowie. These hoies have been secret! prepared and. ■when the do win, will pay big rewards. No matter how smart a plaer you are, you will learn something to vour advantage by reading THE WEEKLY HOME STKETCII. BIG SPECIAL FREE to readers subscribing to THE HUME STRETCH for eight weeks, cost of which is . Our Bowie docker has sent in special word on a horse that will go to the post APRIL 14, and he claims that no mistakes will be made. Send your subscription NOW. Dont miss this special. AVE WILL PAY THE WIRE OIAROES. But, in the meantime, lie Mire to get a copy of THE HOME STRETCH PRICE 15 CENTS Now on sale with your newsdealer. Msikc money orders pavable to The Home Stretch Publishing Co. 627 FHELAN BLDG. SAN TRANCISCO, CAL. NEWSDEALERS: Our publications. HOME STRETt H, RlSTI.ER and WINNER FINDER, pay liberal commissions. Write for particulars. JgL Joe x Asbestos j£ yjl —tOm iNfcme Trade-Marked nnd Copyiifchtcil JPj/ V~~Ml WHO RAN Slfl.11 LP TO A THOUSAND N— "fcb. 1 I Jafi PLAYING HOKSES AT BOWIE «W SandLbVYJV HltMdMs] 1N rilC IA,1Y NEWSPAPERS CTliS JjPtjS «8s!yvJS ARE RELEASING PRIVATE INFORMATION ¥S**133Jf BACK AGAIN— BIGGER AND BETTER Boys, we are now ready once again to show our thousands of former newspaper followers of the famous JOE AND ASBESTOS cartoon the way to make money. You surely all remember our former record and how we ran 0 up to thousands and of the panic created among the bookmakers of the country? Thats all past history and were interested in the present — we want all of our former friends, clients and readers to once more join hands with us in licking the "friendly enemies." Starting todav. April 3, at Bowie, Maryland, we are releasing one 1 horse a day, but a WINNER. The boys with good memories will recall that BOWIE is where we created an absolute furore in the racing world by the number of winners we released in cartoons appearing in hundreds of daily papers throughout the country. Are you ready to get in on this winning information? If you art — join the BIG PARADK of JOE AND ASBESTOS SUCCESSFUL FOLLOWERS NOW Terms will be low in order to give every one a chance. TERMS — , STRICTLY ONE HORSE A 1 A Y— $.". DAILY TODAY— A PROBABLE WINNER AT BOWIE— TODAY One sleeper goes today that has been held up expressly for this particular race, and will be going for the OPENING DAY MONEY We cannot go into details because its up to us to protect Hit connections liehind this good thing, but, if you want a horse that you can bet on with plenty of confidence, here is your opportunity. SUBSCRIBE IMMEDIATELY. Immediate service guaranteed to all followers This office does not discriminate. JOE AND ASBESTOS SABLE BUILDING, 2ND ST. AMI BROADWAY WWW YORK CITY JACK dAILj associates One Horse Daily. Terms We Are Prepared Everything is in readiness for the opening at Bowie. Much time and money have been spent, and our clients can rest assured that no mistakes will be made. Were You One of the Knowing Ones who have followed the Bates Events which set a winning streak that astounded the turf world? Wire Your Subscription Now ! as the information is going to be better than ever. We reserve the right to discriminate, so rush your subscription now. CHICAGO, ILL. Room 1120 123 W. Madison St. J, J. Desmond I $.1 DAILY— TWO HORSES DAILY j You Have Subscribed to the Best — Now Subscribe FOR THE BEST! ! •DO BUSINESS WITH PEOPLE ON IHE SQUARE" NOTICE, RACING riBf.lC — Do not fall prey to any person who claims to be connected with my office. I have no associate such as that. I also beg to advise I have no sheets for sale on any newsstands throughout the country, so dont be misled by fakirs, do business with my office only, which is located in New York. My telephone number is Caledonia 4CCo. All is in readiness for a big banner Bowie meet and other Maryland meetings. Thousands of dollars have been spent to obtain the best money could buy. Tours truly, J. .1. DKSMOND. is now at Bowie and will personally supervise all transactions, while away from my New York office, I have left in charge a most capable crew of office workers in the business. NOT ONK MINUTES DELAY IN RELEASING MESSAGES THROUGHOUT COUNTRY. As to the superiority of my service, ASK A DESMOND SUBSCRIBER. HE WILL, WITHOUT DOUBT, SPEAK VOLUMES! ! W TODAY MY FIRST BOWIE TRANSACTIONS OO "7M DONT MISS THEM. 9T THEYRE OFF AT BOWIE «| IsTI EXPECT TO HAVE DOUBLE-HEADER TODAY ~| WB* NOTICE, RACING PUBLIC ~M Sarting today, exclusive of my two horses, I am -placing .commissions on the biggest turf plunger in the country. Subscribers desiring same, mark subscription special transaction and remit ?25. To subscribers wanting same, they are released to all over long distance telephone, I paying charges to any point in the United States or Canada. IT TODAY, BIG COMMISSION SPECIAL GOES -» The two horses that you receive are the horses that are advertised — win or lose. If you are seeking bona fide, legitimate turf information, subscribe. One days trial will convince you. Once a client, always a client. W TODAY— 50 TO 1 WIN PARLAY— TODAY ~M Out-of-town clients receive the advertised two horses within an hour after their money Is received. No waiting for my service. A FAIR AND SQUARE DEAL ASSURED EVERYBODY LEGITIMATE INFORMATION— NO GUESSWORK Wire ?5 via Western Union or Iostal Telegraph and receive the advertised two horses immediately. J_ J DESMOND 1123 BROADWAY, SUITE 612 NEW YORK CITY PETER KING THE WELL-KNOWN MARYLAND SPORTSMAN IS BACK ON THE JOB Producing Winners ! My sensational record of producing winners is too well known to the public to need comment. My race track connections are the very best obtainable and I operate with "Shrewd people only. I hope you know what I mean. TODAY AT BOWIE I will uncover a SPEED DEMON which will surprise the racing public by his performance. As only "insiders" KNOW about this one, the price should be 10 TO 1 Wire your subscript ion at once. Terms: $." daily. City clients call at office and meet lETER KING in person, or telephone me and 1 will have a fast messenger deliver my horse to you in lit minutes. PETER KING 1658 BROADWAY, SUITE 408 HEW YORK CITY TELEPHONES: CIRCLE 3084— 309S — 3096. ; INFORMATION DIRECT From Bowie Race Track NO MONEY IN ADVANCE— PAY AFTER YOU WIN On Friday, April Gth, a special goes at Bowie race track. This horse has heen trained to the hour for this race and connections expect a good price and an easy winner. MY TERMS — You wire we the winnings of the day after the horse wins. "Wire or write me your correct street address and your name and I will wire you tlw name of this horse early Friday morning. Address BILL THURBERS 1416 North Charles Street Baltimore, Md. Daily Racing Guide First on Streets with Entries and Past Performances NOELS SERVICE BUREAU. 1547 Broadway, Suite 616, New York City. DOWN AT BOWIE. For the first time in .ears the daily releases of docker Bill Noi-I, who is down at Bowie now clocking for private interests, is offered to the public through his representative Milton Small, 1.V17 Broadway, Suite 61G, New York City. This offer is restricted to fifteen reliable patrons not located in the East. Only conservative business or professional men considered. Wire applications to the address above. Terms: ." for Bowie meeting. Advertise in Daily Racing Form. Ml PLYMOUTH COURT CHICAGO. ILL.