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ELECT FOUR NEW OFFICERS Thoroughbred Horse Association to Carry On — To Elect President at Future Meeting. LEXINGTON, Ky., April 27.— Members of the Thoroughbred Horse Association resumed Thursday night their annual meeting, adjourned from the previous night, and elected nine directors to serve on the board of twelve officers. Four new directors were to succeed Messrs. A. B. Gallaher, W. E. Caskey. W. B. Hancock and Edward R. Bradley. The election of five other directors were made necessary by the resignations of C II. Berryman, T. C. McDowell, J. S. Barbee, Thomas Piatt and Hal Price Headley. President E. R. Bradley, before adjournment Wednesday night, had appointed a nominating committee following failure to get only the nomination of John S. Wiggins from the floor. The committee consisted of .1. B. Partridge, Charlton Clay, Messrs. Gold-blatt, C. E. Marvin and H. Hart. When the election of directors was made the order of business Thursday night, following the reading of part of the minutes, the committee submitted the following names to serve on the directorate : W. E. Key, Preston M. Burch. A. B. Gallaher, G. R. Bryson, P T. Chinn, C. B. Irwin, W. F. Knebelkamp and Stuart Tracy. The above were put in nomination and elected without dissent. John S. Wiggins, elected Wednesday night, and Messrs. Desha Breckinridge, T. P. Hayes and C. Bruce Head, holdovers, are the other members that fill out the board of twelve directors. With the conclusion of the election of directors the meeting was adjourned. Only four of the newly elected directors were present and, in the absence of a quorum to perfect organization and elect a president. it was decided to hold the directors meeting during the first week of the Churchill Downs : racing at Louisville. The wholesale infusion of new members on 1 the directorate was held due to rumors of dissatisfaction rsmong members that the directorate in the past has been made up primarily by men who have succeeded themselves. ■ It was this expression that prompted C. H. Berryman to announce his resignation, to be • followed by that of J. S. Barbee. The same cause is said to have prompted T. C. McDowell and Thomas Tiatt to hand in their resignations. Thomas B. Cromwell, who has served as I secretary of the association for twelve years I and who tendered his resignation Wednesday • night, announced Thursday night following the adjournment of the meeting that he had agreed to retain office for the next thirty days. Yesterday there was considerable rumors rife anent the possible happening at last I nights meeting. In some quarters there was a feeling that there might come a dissolution • of the association The general feeling. . however, was that the Thoroughbred Horse I Association should continue to function and 1 a number of the horsemen bent their energies I in that direction. Col. E. R. Bradley, following the meeting, , had the following to say : "I enjoyed being at the head of the turf organization and it is with regret that other f interests that require my exclusive attention i made necessary my resignation. I am sure that the Thoroughbred Horsemens Association - will carry on in successful f ishion under r other leadership and it has my best wishes."