Daily Racing Form Charts: Hamilton, Ohio, Daily Racing Form, 1928-05-18

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HAMILTON, OHIO HAMILTON. OHIO. THURSDAY. MAY 17. 1928.— 1 1-2 Mile. Fourth day. Hamilton Jockey Club. Spring meting of lb davs. Weather threatening. Presiding Steward. J. T. Ireland. Associate Stewards, H. I. Shepard and W. Hangman. Presiding Judge. W. R. Hooker. As-* iate Judge, C. Stands. Starter, G. Wingfield. Racing Secretary, T. J. Brown. Racing starts at 2:1.3 p. m. Chicago time. 2:15 p. m.l. W indicates whip. S spurs, B blinkers. Figures in parentheses following the distance of each race indicate horse, date, track record, age of horse and weight carried. Indicates apprentice allowance. 9 /liUUl FIRST RACE— 4 1-2 Furlongs. Donation C0. 2-year-olds. Maidens. Claiming. Net -dfrOxJvT value to -winner 75: second. 5; thiid. 0. Index Horses AWtPPSt h* Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Book. Strt 2 S310 EI .BEE w lOo 3 1 1« 1» 1 = 1 B Zcchini Mrs W D Bernhardt 1CD-103 21.316tMISS BEAVERK1U. w 101 4 2 2= 2* 2=1 W Bonner C E Deline 810-100 2-15KS ESTHER . vv 102 5 4 5» 4* 3- J Wise FJ E Carver 390-100 24389 FAITHLESS vv 105 6 I 3= 3". 43 K McCray H Garth 710-100 24139 ROCK TRAP vv 108 I 5 41 5* 5* W Madden G S Kilpatiiok 400-100 JIMMAI.BH W 105 1 6 6 6 6 T Malley Mrs W F Meehan 790-100 Time. :5625. Track fast. ,- SURPLUS REFUND- , EQUIVALENT ROOKING , F.LBEE .20 .40 .60 160—100 70—100 30—100 KISS BEAVERKILL 5.60 3.40 180—100 70—100 ESTHER C 3.80 90—100 Winner-B. f, by Jack Hare Jr.— Mary Ware, by Yankee or The Scribe trained by T. Seott; bred by Messrs. L. P. Phelps and C. A. Speith. Winner entered to be claimed for ,000. WENT TO FOST— 2:16. AT POST— 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily: second and third the same. MP took the lead quickly and easily kept it to the end. MISS FEAAERKILL was always in closest and game pursuit. ESTHER C. came resolutely through the Itst quarter and finished "fast. FAITHLESS tired. Scratched— 24.".li".Iax. 105: 23801 Lilly E., 102: 242G4 Saucy Polly, 98. Overweights — Elbce. 4 i ounds; Miss Bcaverkill, 4; Faithless. 3; Rock Trap, 3: Jimmalee, 3. * /Q H ftk ~i SECOND RACE— About 5-8 Mile. Donation 00. 3-year-olds. Claiming. Net value to i±H3y A. winner 75; second, 5; third, 0. Index Horses AWtTPSt »4 i Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Book. Strt 24183 LITTLE HATTIF. vv 106 i 6 5j li l3 I* T Malley J Wash 420-100 M14S*BRIGHT PLUME vv 103 3 3 31 2l 2J 2i G Stabo L Newton 390-100 2422.3 SHBLTON vv 110 4 8 8 7 6 3" li Zcchini Mrs H Rojdey 2140-lt.o 21482 HIP.AM WII.IIOIT wn 105 12 1* P* 3" « J Booth W P Carroll 4360-100 M4U4**CALEONA vv lf,S 2 7 71 4 41 f.l J Wise JMcBride 550-100 2 1319 STOWAWAY vv 10J 6 5 4; 5. V 61 H Brown K Lutz 500-10 MS1»IARCHAIST WB Hi 7 4 €* 8 7* PIC II worth K S Cleveland 1260-100 21348 KINOS ROW vii 103 8 1 1 6 8 8 AV Pmrose F Hayes 290-100 Time. 1:0225. Track fast. - SURPLUS REFUND- , EQUIVALENT BOOKING , LITTLE IIATTIE £10.40 $ 5.00 $ 4.60 420—100 150—100 130—100 BRIGHT PLUME 3.60 4.00 80—100 100—100 6HELT0N 4.60 130—100 Wii.iier— B. f, by Coaler-Delicious, by Delhi trained by V. Adams; bred by Mr. M. J. Barrons. AVii.nor entered to be claimed for MM, WENT TO POST— 2:41. AT POST— IJ minutes. Start good and slow. Woa easily; s: eund and third handily. LITTLE HAITI! saed much ground on the first turn, where the leaders ran extremely wide and. taking a leaf .i ad. was never in trouble afterwards. BRIGHT PLIME was in close juarters and Wtt forced wide on the firt turn, but recovered epiiokest of the leadi rs and raced fairly well in the final drive. S11EI.TON worked his way up on the outside in the lat quarter and finished gamely. HIRAM WII.IIOIT raced fairly well. KINOS BOW ran to the extreme outside on the first turn. S.rat.I.ed— 2l.".17 = St. Cecelia, 103: 21020 Thistle Mood. MS: 24567 False, 303; 23D14 Schley B., 110. Overweights — Little Ilattie. 3 pounds: Stowaway, 3; Kings Row, 3. Corrected weight — Bright Plume. 103. *" 4£AO THIRD RACE— About 5-8 Kile. Donation S500. 4-year-olds and upward. Fillies and -tOlrl Marcs. Claiming. Net value to winner 75; second. 5: tliird. 0. Index Horses AWtPPSt /4 % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Eiiuiv. Book. Strt I4SIS,*KIN FOLKS w 5 105 3 1 1« 1« 1 l!T Malley R Bhepp 210-100 24SISFALLEN LEAF w 4 112 7 4 31 3h 3= 21 L Aron R F Coppage 220-100 2420.7 = ZOY A w 4 109 1 3 41 2 2" 3:J J Congore F Walker 230-100 Z433I •ERINS Brjr»E vv 4 109 4 7 7 51 A- 4= G Seabo Mrs I J Collins 690-100 24223 LE HARIAGE w 4 102 i 6 .rA 6i t VI 3 AVise W R Hall 8840-100 24394 MARJORY HAW vv 11 114 6 5 6 7 7 6 Wr Ca-son W MeXair 6470-100 ItWMJANE ELIZAB*THwi 4 10S 2 2 2" 41 51 7 K MeCiay Mrs C li Pierce 1610100 Time. 1:01. Track fast. ,- SURPLUS REFUND- ,— EQUIVALENT BOOKING , KIN FOLKS .20 .00 .40 210—100 50 — 100 20—100 FALLEN LEAF 2.60 2.20 30—100 10 100 ZOYA 2.60 30—100 Winner — B. m, by The Manager — Dulce Tokalon. by Marel.mont II. trained by R. Shepp; bred by Mr. Clyde Aan Dusen. Winner entered to b«e claimed for 00. WENT TO PCST— 3:06. AT POST— 2 minutes. Start Loo.l and slow. AVon handily: second and third driving. KIN FOLKS showed the most speed throughout and. favored by good racing luck, easily won all tl.e way. FALLEN LEAF, forced wide on the first turn, closed up steadily on the outside and finished gamely. ZOVA saved ground where possible and finished well. ERINS BRIDE began slowly and closed up resolutely through the last quarter. JANE ELIZABETH ran wide on the Hrbt turn and tired In the. last half. Scratched - 239S9 Tollypath, 97: 24147 Lady Abbott. 102. Overweight — Kin Folks, 4 pounds. 9/|r%AQ FOURTH RACE— 3-4 Mile. Donation 00. 3year-olas~ and_upward~Claiming Net ArfiJvFO valuo to winner 75; second. 5; third, 0. Index Horses AWtPP St Vt la Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Book. Strt 24390 ROSE MART KYAXw 4 113 4 4 2" 31 3!i IJ AV Pmrose Guoiaido Bios 3"0-100 23832BKG PARDON wr. 10 115 3 1 I* 11 l1 tiO Seabo C C Paul 610-100 S41M*FRANCES LOUISE W S 110 7 7 5 41 4. 31 T Malley W J Mulvihill 290-100 21071 OOBHAM W 7 117 5 5 31 21 2h 41 L Cary Mrs L Carey 5:0-100 !alM*SUN8FRITH -w 5 115 6 6 6nk 6i 6 L K Mo-Cray Thistledown Stable 2710-100 24315 OCCTDENTA wu 9 117 12 4J 51 5» 6= K Zcchini J Gavidia Bh-MI t3M4t*LEONARD G. ws 7 117 8 8 8 8 71 7i T Ginhovv H G Smith 2860-lOf 04295 MISSOURI BOY W 10 113 2 3 7i 71 8 8 L Madden C Yanderjack 2620-100 Time. 1:19. Track fast. SURPLUS REFUND- , EQUIVALENT BOOKING ROSE MARY RYAN .40 .40 .60 320—100 120—100 30—100 BEG PARDON 6.20 2.80 210—100 40—100 FRANCES LOUISE 3.20 60—100 Winner — B. f, by l.antndos — Oo-Oet-Em, by Mediator trained by R. Cuciardo; bred by Mr. M, J. Barron«A. Winner entered to ha claimed for 00. WENT TO POST— 3:36. AT POST— 7 minutes. Mail ;;ooJ and slow. Won ridden out; second and third driving. ROSE MARY BTAN closed up gamely on the outside of the leaders in the stretch and finishing fast, get up to wiu in the last few iirds-. BEi PARDON raced COBHAM into defeat and ra.-ed well in the final druc. PRANCES LOUISE gained steadily on ti-o outside in the last quarter and outfin-lsl.ed COBHAM. The latter had no mishaps and tired. SCNSlRITE finished well. OCCIDENTA could never get up. MISSOURI FOY palled up lame. Scratched -H4M Newt. 107: 24518=0. Mae P., 109: 226.70 Ted. 107: 24349 Dr. Barnes. 106. Carre* ted weights — Ssaspefte, 113: Leonard ;.. 117: Missouri Boy. 113. €P.A..SA FIFTH RACE— 3-4 Mile. Donation 00. 3-ycar-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value Zid-ivUJxyTt to winner 75; second. 5; third, 0. Index Horses AWPPSt % % Str Fie Jockeys Owners Equiv. Book. Strt 24350 GRIERSON w 4 115 3 1 1 P* li li S Banks Mrs J Hope 280-100 24483- Mil PAY wb 8 113 8 5 2= 21 23 2H C Hworth Jerry Bronnenbort 230-100 :.44K5 PAKLOCK vvs 6 113 2 2 3h 4- 43 33 J 1tvic C R Hanimat 210-100 24520 AYI1IT- NOSE vvb 3 107 1 3 V ?, 3»* 4 11 Zcchini Mrs AV V Reeves 990-100 24223 PAT HAMPSON w 8 117 7 8 53 ..- f,3 5 J Hatton F AYood 28-0-100 M1S7*8ARATTU8 MAID vv i 110 6 6 8 61 63 63 J Congore J T Looney 90-100 23K07 FAIKI.IGHT wn 7 112 4 4 6nk 71 7- 73 G Seabo AV V Casey OMM 24071 FREEMASON w 6 117 5 7 71 8 8 8 T Grnhow C A l avis 6560-100 Time. 1:1725. Track fast. . - . /-52 SURPLUS REFUND- , EQUIVALENT BOOKING , GRIERSON 8 7.60 .60 .60 £82—100 80—103 30—100 MIDDAY 3.20 2 20 CO— 100 10—100 PADLOCK 2.CD 10—100 Winner — B. g. by John P. Orier— Diamond Grain, by Fowling-piece trained bv A. Miller; bred by Mr. Thomas Piatt. Winner entered to be claimed for 00. WENT TO POCT— 4:12. AT POST— 5 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third handily. GRIERSON set a good pace, drew away from MIDDAY after rounding the far turn and held the race safe in the stretch. MIDDAY raced in closest pursuit throughout, but was held tafe by the win-m r. PADLOCK saved ground on nil the turns and easily headed WHITE NOSE in the stretch. The latter had no mishaps and tired in the last eighth. Scratched— 24 J33-Iure Bee, 117; 2414o3 .ixon, 110; 2420G Fore Lady, 11,"; 24190 Daniel R. Anthony Jr., 117. Overweight — AVhite Nose. 4 pounds. Corrected weight — Midday, 113. 0/||*4iEr SIXTH RACE— 1 Mile and 70 Yards. Donat on C0. 3-year-olds and upward. Claim-A*"TCJ?iJe» ing. Net value to winner 75: second. ; third. 0. Index Horses AWtlTSt H % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Book. Strt 24481 DOX T. vv 3 100 8 1 I1 1= lJ H lJ W Bonner K G Mailman 1010-100 23529 OLD TOM vv 5 Hi 4 2 3i 31 2!.S 2 2- It Zcchini J R Schuster LiO-100 84h— ILLINOIS KIXG vv 7 110 7 4 6» 4 31 3s 3« J Congore J F Boon 990-100 24317*HAPPY HOBO wb 5 110 2 8 5 5» 5i 41 4"" J AViss Mrs AY M Heath 2820-100 21353*FORn BRENT w i 110 5 6 8 8 7» 6= 5" G Seabo C E Sr Ian 41"0-100 2448i*MASoN TOWLE wb 7 115 6 3 2 2" 4l 5" 6 L Madden M H Jordan 2710-100 M««***LORD DARXLEYwr. 6 110 3 7 7» 7 8 8 7l T Malley Mrs P. Mock 100-100 24439 CORFIE vv 9 115 1 5 41 6h 61 71 8 J D Smith H T Palmer 2340-100 Time. 1:49%. Track fast. SURPLUS REFUND- , EQUIVALENT BOOKING s DON T 2.20 .80 .20 1010—100 190—100 6C— 100 OLD TOM 3.20 2.60 CO— 100 3C— 100 ILLINOIS KING 3.40 70— 10C AVinner— B. g. by Donnaeona— Lady Bonero, by Tony Bonero trained by G. II. Marlman: bred by Mr. T. AY. Garwett. Winner enteed to be claimed for 00. WENT TO POST— 4:41. AT POST— J minute. Start fair and slow. Won easilj : second and tliird the same. DON T. took the lend at once and easily won all the way. OLD TOM held second place safe all of the last half and made a game but unsuccessful attempt to overhaul the winner in the stretch. ILLINOIS KINO raced well. MASON TOWLE tired badly. LORD DARNLEY, away in a tangle, had a rough race. Scratched 84431 AValespa, US; 24." 20: Jimmie Shannon, 115; 24437 AVest Point, 118; i4435 Four Courts, 115. Overweight — Don T.. 4 pounds. Corrected weight — Mason Towle, 113. * /| AAA SEVENTH RACE— 1 Mile and 70 Yards. Donation 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claim-UlFU ing. Net value to winner 75; second, C.75; third, 0. Index Horses AWtPPSt K K % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Book. Strt 24520 -MADPENSTOAYN w 6 118 8 4 4» 41 41 2- 1". J Hatton R Lucas 180-100 24437 LP. MAC MILLAXws G 110 I 1 3- 31 Z 1" 23 AV Bonner Mrs I Hicks 1110-100 244S73ARI EX vv 4 113 1 3 61 61 ..- « 1 3" J Pevic J S Baldwin 250-100 24485= SOiTX PACIFIC w 7 110 4 5 21 2 2" 3i 41 AV Kempt C H Morrison 350-100 24487 BOAZ vvb 5 115 5 8 7 1 71 71 5= 5= L Cary F AVood 6880-100 S411«*BEAR GRASS was 7 US 7 7 8 8 8 T- 6= C Hworth C H Everitt 1250-100 24348 TICA BARRY vv 3 106 2 2 P* V V 6nk 7- R Zcchini K S Cleveland 1620-100 24270FLAXK ATTACK w 5 108 6 6 5» ■ - 6 8 8 G Seabo M M Herd 1410-100 Time l:502i. Track fast. r-w"* SURPLUS REFUND , EQUIVALENT BOOKING » KADDLNSTOWN .60 .20 .80 180— 1C0 6C— 100 40— ICO DR. MAC MILLAN 8.00 4.80 300—103 140—100 ARDEN 2.83 40—100 Winn.r— Ch. g. by Marten— Far Up. by Fariman trained by R. Ltuas; bred in England by Messrs. Arnolds. AVinner entered to be claimed for 00. WENT TO FOST— 5:12. AT POST— minute. Start good and slow. AAon easily; second and third he same. MADDKNSTOWN moved cp with a ru*li while roundim: the far turn, came through on the inside when entering the stretch Bad won going away. DIE. MAC MILLAN. close tip threw Bleat, made a game race in the Stretch, but failed to withstand the winners challenge. ARDEN suffered from serious interference on the far turn, when TEA BARKY w.:s sharply crowded back, cutting him off. but he raase again la the last eighth and outgamed SOUTHERN PACIFIC. The latter tired after forcing the eariy pace. TEA BARKY tired and was sharply crowded back on the hut turn. Scratched— 24508 Bud-Bud, 115; 24521 Tom Hayes, 101; 2156S Jasonctte, 113; 24483 Golden Armor. 110. Overweight--Tea Barry. 2 pounds. Corrected weight — Bear Orass, 115.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1928051801/drf1928051801_10_1
Local Identifier: drf1928051801_10_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800