Daily Racing Form Charts: Thorncliffe Park, Daily Racing Form, 1928-06-05

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THORNCLIFFE PARK TORONTO. ONT.. MONDAY, JUNE 4. 1928.— Thorncliffe Park 1 Mile. Seventh and last day. Thorn-cliff. Park Ra in:.- and Breeding Association. Spring meeting of 7 days. Weather cloudy. Steward KearetMBtlBg Caaadiaa Raciag Associations. F. KeMoa. Stewards. W. A. Hewitt and A. G. Weston. Judges, D. S. Gillies, J. Farrell and E. St. Pere. Starter, Marshall Cassidy. Racing Secretary. J. Mclennan. . KaeJag starts at 2:30 p. in. Cub-ago time. 1 ::;tl p. ml. W iimb att s whip. S spurs. S blinkers. Figures in parentheses following the distance of each race indicate horse, date, track record, age of horse and weight I allied. Indicates apprentice allowance. 5 CC A A fl FIHST RACE— 4 1-2 Furlongs. Edna V.. May 29. 1923— :5o35— 2— 117. Purse ,100. A «-5 Tt TW 19 2-year-olds. Maidens. Foaled in Canada. Allowances. Net value to winner 50; second. 00: third. 00: fourth. 0. Index Horses A Wt PPSt 4 Str Fin Jockeys Owners Ei|u:v. Odds Str t 25025-PIN WHEEL W 114 7 I 2h 2- 1" A TryOB Thornelilfe Stable tl4H-l 0 25088 IRISH SPHERE w 107 1 1 4= 31 21 J Smith neaandIBBI Stable 760 -10 MSM*ROSE SPOT w 111 3 2 I3 lnk 3° W Harvey .Mar vale Paims Stable 185-100 OIL ROCK W 112 8 6 31 45 A- 1 Mergler Thorncliffe Stable f 252 CO PCM PER SIDE w 111 6 4 F F 53 J Mann G Long- 4240-100 25144 LADY CREST w 111 4 3 F 61 61 N Wall J P White 5460-100 24li84 GEORGE LEBOLT w 111 2 8 71 7 7* L Sohacfer Hastings Stable 555-100 2514USTOP.M QUEEN w 111 5 7 8 8 8 N Foden J Sparks 1490-100 ■JCowpled as Thorncliffe Stable entry. Time, :233i. :49. :55i. Track fast. , MUTUr.L-, PAID , -EOUIVALNT BcOKINC ODDS- THORNCLIFFE STAELE ENTRY... .80 .30 .30 14C— 100 65—100 15—100 IRISH SPHERE 7.10 3.10 255—100 55—100 ROSE SPOT 2.40 £0 — 100 MTtMWr— Ck. c, bj Iirst Sight— Sky Rocket, by Star Shoot tialned by F. II. Schelke; bred by Thorncliffe St.ibh . WENT TO PCST— 2:C5. AT POST— 2 nrnutes. Mart izood and slow. Won driving: second and third the same. PIN WHEEL, hard ridden rod close up from the start, passed ROSE SPOT in the final eighth and outfinished IRISH SPHERE The latter was close up throughout r.nd was cat off when his rider attempted to get him through, then came to the outside after beiag taken up and finished with a rush. ROSE SPOT eet a good pace, bat tired after going a half mile. OIL ROCK raced close up, but tired in the final drive. GEORGE LEBOLT propped at th» start. Overweights— Irish Sphere. 2 pounds: 0:1 Rock, 1. eyT/t A rj SECOND RACE— 3-4 Mile. Last One. June 6. 1922— 1:111..— 4— 107. Purse ,100. 2-t3"A~i 0 year-olds ?.r.d upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 3: second, 00; third, 00; fourth. ?50. jnrtex Horses AWtlPSt 4 Str Fin .lo.-ke.s Owners E»|tiiv. Odds sir t 25147- TETRA GLASS w I: 4 113 7 i V F V 1" I McGinis Seagram Stable HS-MQ 24126 ENCAMP wn 4 112 6 I 51 5h 31 21 L Schaefer J J Farrell Jr 450-100 24910 LEMNOS WB 3 118 fl 1 1" 2 21 31 N Wall A S Cushman 890-100 24910 HIGH HOPE w 3 112 12 4 4"* 31 4h 4" D Mergler R L Freeman 11510-100 25310 LINEN KlNti w 3 103 13 2 7h 9 T-. 55 F Mann E P Summerfield t 2479G1SARTOOA MAJE wb f. US 3 3 F A"1-" 61 M Pishmn P F Joyce 230-100 25310 SANTA SWEEP WB 3 104 10 8 3" 72 61! 7h H Little Miss D Parsons 505-100 2514G-OLD KID - w 3 109 9 I 10 10h 8: 8s W Harvey 1CI Harvey 6725-100 24814 JoNAH w 4 115 5 11 »*tF 111 FN Foden G W Campbell t 25140 NOON W 5 101 2 10 81 8» 9- 10* C Hall J Nixon 5340-100 ESt«3 ARRANT JADE w 4 108 4 7 F* F M*|Ui A Staikey W H Wright t 24126 TONY RUIZ W 3 106 8 12 lllll3 1210]2,: A Dyson Mrs M Baldwin t 25146 EXULTANT wu 4 109 1 13 13 13 13 13 J Stevens N B Marshall 1640-100 -JMutucl field. Time, .25":.. :473 i. 1:14%. Track fast. , MUTDELS PAID , ,-EO.TjrVALNT BOOKING 0DD8- TETRA GLASS $ 8.70 $ 4.80 $ 4.20 335—100 140—100 110—100 ENCAMP 4.95 4. CO 147J— 100 130—100 LEMNOS V.SO 295—100 Wiiiiier — Or. g. by Tetr.iUma — P.eauty Class, by R.sjn;; Ulan trained by W. J. Donohue; bred in ■aglaai by Lady Ml Celweat Winner entered to be claimed for $:.,00 J. WENT TO FOST— 3:06. AT POST— 1 minute. Sart good nnd slow out of machine. Won driving : second and third easily. TETRA GLASS, away fast, raced LEMNOS into defeat and. holding the lead gamely in the final drive, outfinisl.ed ENCAMP. The latter raced close up and vtas gaining on the winner. LEMNOS showed Ike most early speed and finished well. LINEN KINO raced fairly well. SARATOGA MAJE dropped back after noing the first quarter and raced poeriy. SANTA SWEEP began fast, but quickly dropped beck. NOON ran poorly. EXULTANT began slowly. Scratched— 253101 Donna Alicia. 112: 25388 Laaaie, 110: 21138 Lady Herbert, 104; 25310 Twelve Thirty. KJ2: 25146 DeBO McNeill. Ill; 22333 Partake, 105: 25203 John P oMalley, 107. Overweights — High Hope. I pounds: linen King. 4: Old Kid. 5: Arrant Jade. 1; Exultant, 3. a ~pr~A jt Q THIRD RACE— 5-8 Mile. Jopagan, June 5, 1926— 1:00 i— 2— 119. Purse ,100. 2-year- i34ra:0 olds. C!aim;ng. Net value to winner 50. second. 00: third. 5100: fourth. 0. |nf|, s Horses AWtlPSt Ji M Str Im J .eke..s Owners E|u:v. Odds Sti t 25108SlloWi:i:Y W 100 7 I lnk 1° F 11 P MoGta is Mrs V. V B Cushman 1971-100 2.VI08 EMILETTE W 104 8 3 5» 41 3 2= J Walker E Arlington 660-100 251108 MAKE JACOBY wn 107 2 1 71 S3 61 and N Foden R P Marshall 765-100 25308 MARION MAY wn 108 3 4 2H 21 2"" 4"k F Whithr J E Beal 950-100 25088 CHARMING SHOT w 103 6 7 61 F 4"" "1 N Wall Mrs R J Howell 2140-100 25308 MMOHI.ANP FLING w 112 5 2 31 M 51 6« D Mergler R Parr 260-100 2520! CHARMAINE w 107 4 8 81 7" 7h 71 J Smith Mrs J Zoeller +1980-100 25308 NoN STOP w 108 1 5 4to 61 S« 81 W Harvey WH Smith 5045-lOu OPARANY w 112 10 9 ]0nk10»k10,l 9 T Burns J Arthur , 24964 SHEET UGHTNIrfOWB 109 9 11 9 9i 91 10 J Stevens J Mascla 9610-100 25145 MIKE McDONOLGH w 109 12 12 121012151111111 L Schaefer C Buxton 1780-100 CLEVE PIERCE w 108 13 13 U| 111 12;u12:» H Little F P Itobie f LAZI SANDS w 104 11 10 13 13 13 13 F Mann J F Adama * j tMataeJ field. Time, :23%, :47%. I:tl%. Track fast. i , MUTUELS PAID v EaTHVALNT BOOKING OEDS-V SHOWERY .95 .60 .93 1971—100 80—100 45—100 EMPLETTE C.55 4.45 22V 1—100 1221—100 JAKE JACCBY 4.05 1321—100 Winner — It. f, by Thunderer — Panasain, by Peter Tan trained by J. Brunner; bred by Mr. T. J. Regaiii. Winner entered to be claimed for ,000. WENT TO PCST— 3:39. AT POST— 12 minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and tliird easily. SHOWERY raced into a long lead on the last turn and s-ied ground there, but had to lie ridden out to eatflallk EMPLETTE The latter began slowly and. racing on the outside, finished with a belated rush. JAKE JACOBY w:.s Knocked back soon lifter the -tart, bat recovered gamely and Halabai resolutely. MARION MAY raced close up throughout. CHARMING SHOT raced wide on most of the turns. HIGHLANO FLING tired. LAZI SANDS unseated J. is rider before the start and galloped around, the track at slow speed. Scratched— -25262 Rea. 108: 25209 Emile F.. 107: 2.".303 Singlestick, 104; 25089 GBBBBBBBBa, 108; 25200 Marty P.., 101; Buecarero. 101. Overwe.ghts — Jake Jacoby, 1 pound; Highland Fling, 4; Charmaine, 3; Non Stop. 1; Sheet Lightning, 3: Mike M Donough, 1. 94iQ FOURThTrACE— 1 1-16 Miles. Mock Orange. Kay 31. 1922—1:45—5—970 Kings Birth- dM tP dt : %J day Handicap. ,500 Added. 3-year-oIeis Bad upward. Foaled in Canada. Net value to winner .92G; second, 00; third, CC ; fourth, 00. Index Horses AWtlPSt i i,3 Str Fin Jockeys Owners Efjuiv. odds Strt 25147 NEALON KAY w 4 112 7 7 3i 31 l1 1»» l»l F Whitkr Mis B E Chapman 145-100 252G33BU O. T. WESTWB 7 119 1 2 63 63 5s 21 21 J Smith flBBtlBIB Stable t310-100 25203 PERLAPIDES WB 4 109 6 6 710 7" 63 43 F F Mann J C Fletcher t763-190 252C3 TAURUS W 5 107 3 1 l"k 2°k 2 3"" 4» C Ralls R H New loOo-lOO 25263:MEERAN wd 4 108 4 5 4h 4J 4nk 6= 5h T Burns J E Smallman 245-100 25263 MANNA DEEBE wn 3 96 5 4 21 l4 3" 5» 6" N Wall J C Fletcher X 24905 DUCHESS w 6 107 2 3 5h F 7-s 7:o 715 L Btetnht Seagram Stable t 2509J GRUBSTAKE W 3 88 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 F Gunn W H Wright 14180-100 tCoupled as Seagram Stable entry: LT. C. Fletcher eutrv. Time, :23*s, :48, »;!»%, 1:39=5. 1 43i. Track fast. , MUTUELS PAID , EQUIVALNT BOOKING ODDS-, NEALCN KAY .90 .10 $ 2.f5 145—100 55— 1C0 271—100 SEAGRAM STABLE ENTRY 3.50 2.75 75—100 37 1—100 J. C. FLETCHER ENTRY 3.40 70—100 Winner — B. g, by Nealon — Ina Kay, by Nasturtium trained by B. E. Chapman; bred by Mrs. B. E. Chapman. WENT TO FOST— 4:23. AT POST— 1 minute. Stait good and slow. Won driving: second and third the same. NEALON KAY rushed into the lead nuickly and gamely held it to the end. REAP OF TnE WEST came fast when called on. bat tired after getting on almost :onnl terms with the winner. PERLAPIDES began slowly but came on the outside and finished fast. TAIIUS took a slight early bad while under restraint, then raced close tin and tired in the final drive. MEERAN had no excuses. HANNA DEEBE ran out badly when rounding the first turn, regained command, but stopped utterly in the last three-eighths. Scratched— 25389:Ichitaro. 93: 25148 Best Bonnet, 00. Overweights, — Meeran. 2 pounds: llanna Deebe, 2; Duchess. 2. «ErErd"k FIFTH RACE— 1 Mile. Fair Gain, Sept. »• 1922— 1 :S84i— 5— 116. Newcastle Purse. «!tltJv Purse ,200. 3-year-olds and upward. Allowances. Net value to winner 50; second, 00: third. 00; fourth. 0. Index Horses AWtlPSt 14 « % Str Fin Jockeys Owners E jiiiv. Odd* Strt 25204-ROCKADY v 4 96 5 V P Ill11- Ill McGin is Thoiudille Stable 1!5-100 2U12 QUICK RETURN wn 4 112 7 5 5"k 3h 2"k 25 2". T Burns J E Smallman 480-100 25391 CLEARANCE w 4 109 2 1 3 41 40. 4« 3" J Walker V. Arlington 170-100 252643SILVER SONG w 5 102 6 4 2« 2« 31 3"k 4" H Thomas Mrs C Garrivan 1075-100 C35148MERE PLAY w I! 3 109 1 6 6° 51 53 5« 5* L Schaefer W J Salmon 680-100 24902 RYDAL ROLKERwn 3 108 3 7 7 7 7 7 6h N Wvatt .Tusta Farm Stable 8910-100 20381 JIMMY BROWN wn 5 105 4 2 41 6" 6= 6"k 7 F WMtkr H Hasledon 4740-100 Time, :233s. :48. 1:U%. l:39-5. Track fast. r MUTUELS PAID , ,-EQUIVALNT BOOKING ODDS ROCKADY .90 .15 .35 195—100 5". ft— 100 171— 100 QUICK RETURN 5.00 3 00 150—100 60—100 CLEARANCE 2.45 221— 100 Winner--Ch. f, by Trap Rock — Lady Clinton, by Mohawk II. trained by F. H. Schelke; bred by Thorncliffe Stable. WENT TO POST— 4:57. AT POST— 3 minutes. Start good and slow. Won handily: second and third driving. ROCKADY sprinted into a clear lead and held it throughout. QUICK RETURN, away well, worked his way to the leader with a rush, but was unable to make up ground in the final drive. CI. EA RANCH raced gamely and outfinished SILVER BONG. The latter raced under restraint early and came gamely whin put to a drive. MERE PLAY ran poorly. JIMMY BROWN showed early speed. Scratched— 25392 Charles 1L, 105; 25311Royal Watch, 105; 25212 Pjgmalion, 100; 25389 Bloomtip, 87. Overweights — Silver Song. 1 pound: Mere Play. 4: Rydal Rollukor. 3: Jimmy Drown. 5. OCT /d CT "j SIXTH RACE— 1 Mile and 70 Yards. Boom. May 28. 1928—1:43—4—109. Purse 200. JUHtij 3. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50; second, 00; third, 00: fourth. 0. Index Horses AWtlPSt *i Vij 4 Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 25091 SETHS HOPE wn 4 113 5 4 4 4- 4". F 1" L Schaefer J A Parsons 747S-1O0 25201 REMEDY wr.5 111 3 1 11 F 1 lh 2* W Harvey G W Foreman 90-100 25148 SiGNOLA WB 4 MO 1 3 3i 3* 2" 3i 3» H Little F P Robie Iljr-100 25SCS*SUN KIN w 3 106 4 5 5* 58 5 4= 4« C Carlisle R Pending 400-100 25205= -MILARIA w 3 94 2 2 2»k 2* 31 5 5» P McGinia A 1 Weston 740-100 24332 DANCING FOOL W 7 110 6 6 I 6 6 6 6 F Whifkr D L Rice 1205-100 Time, :2335, :4325. l:132i. 1:39. 1:4333. Track fast. , m MUTUELS PAID EOUIVALNT BOOKING ODDS-, SETHS HOPE 6.95 .10 .60 7471—100 155—100 80—100 REMEDY 3.15 2.75 57J— 100 371—100 SIGNCLA 5.50 175 — 10O Winner — B. g. by Reth— Dardora. by Bard of Hope trained by J. A. Parsons; bred by Mr. Benjamin A. Jones. Winner entered to be claimed for ,000. WENT TO POST— 5:33. AT POST— 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won driving: second and third easily. SETIIS HOPE raced in close up pursuit of the leaders, saved ground on the stretch turn and. finishing with a rush, wore REMEDY down and got up to win in the last stride. REMEDY raced into an ; easy lead and set a good pace, but gave way when challenged. SIGNOLA moved with a rush on the j outside while rcur.ding the far turn, but tired in the final onarter. SUN KIN was alwa s outrun. MH.ARIA e.uit. DANCING FOOL dropped far back ond was beaten off. Scratched— 25393 Hesper. 110. Overweight — Milaria. 2 pounds. Co-reeted weight— Roths Hope. 113. f E/4J»tf SEVENTH RACE— 1 1-1G Miles. Mock 0:r.nge. May 31. 1922—1:45—5—97. Purse Aai lM ~Sl 4 Ad 5.1. fOO. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to wii.r.er 50; second, 00; tliird. 00: fci:rth. 0. Index Horses A Wt PPSt H =V4 Str Fin Jockeys Owners Iviu.v. Odds Strt .5211 1 INIE SMITH w B 7 114 6 5 7U 61 4! Pul" F Mann P M Bmoli ]2.".-]n 25310 CASTING W 4 106 2 4 21 21 lh P V F WMtkr J J Cornier 415-100 25313 DENTARIA w R S 107 i 2 4 4 31 3nk 3h J Smith P Bracken 6.7-100 25266"OSAGE w S 109 1 1 3J 3"k 2* 21 410 L Schaefer M Colford 3f..V100 gSSSt QUADRILLE wr. 4 109 3 8 6l 78 710 53 5s C Jackson H J Do Ib 2925-100 252 18 BLACK PEPPER w 4 108 7 6 Bj 5» 6h 6« 6« II Little J Boslev Jr 4860-100 23455 si rn rs FLOWER w 7 101 4 7 8 8 8 711 7s A Coleman B Johnson 2570-100 25266 NETTIE SWEEP wn 5 108 8 3 1= 1 S 8 8 H Thomas S Burnside 2110-100 Tims, :24, :49. 1:14*5. 1:41. 1:4735. Track last. , MUTUELS PAIT» , EQUIYALNT BOOKING ODDS-, DIXIE SMITH .50 .03 .55 125—100 50—100 271—100 CASTING 4.60 3.00 150—100 50—100 DENTARIA 3.20 60—100 Winner— Blk. g, by leorge Smith — Coy Maid, by Kingston 1 trained by J. livens; bred by Mr. H. n. Hewitt. Winner entered to be claimed for ,500. WENT TO POST— 6:09. AT FOST— 1 minute. St-tit good and slow. Won driving: second and third the same. DIXIE SMITH improved his position steadily on the inside, came with a rush through the final eighth nnd got up to win in the final twenty yards. CASTING ratfd in closest purMiit of the pacemaker and took the lead on the last turn and raced gamely to the end DENTARIA ran v.ell and finished ; gamely. OSAOE came through on the inside of the leaders and made a challenge, but tired. NETTIE SWEEP tired badly after gning three-miarters. S ratched— 252155Maxie. Ill: 24329 Sun Rajah, 111; 2.-..".121Ifs and Aada, 107: 25214 Montdair. Ill; Sr-llFAtomin. 109: 25313 Al Kripp. Ill: 25214 Isaman. 108: 25310 The Third lrince, 102; 25314 Fire I Boy. 108: 25150 Camilla. 100: 25094 Rosina. 100; 25314 Teluride. 108. Overweights — Dentaria. 1 pound; Osage, 1. Corrected weight — Nettie Sweep. 10S.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1928060501/drf1928060501_10_1
Local Identifier: drf1928060501_10_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800