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American National Futurity 5,000 Added 5,000 Estimated Value | REOPENS FOR SUBSCRIPTION, 00 EACH June 1 to 15 • To Be Ban Saturday, September 8. 1928 j FOR TWO-YEAR-OLDS. If nominated by March 1. subscriptions S20 each, j 1 This stake to reopen for further subscriptions June 1 to June 15 at 00 each. AH j starters to pay J150 additional, with 5,000 added, of which ,000 to second, ,500 | to third, 00 to fourth, and the fifth to save its entrance and starting fees. Winners of two races of ,000 or one of ,500, 3 pounds extra ; winners of two races of f ,000 or one of 0,000. 5 pounds extra : three races of ,000 or one of 5,000, 8 ! pounds extra. Non-winners of ,500 allowed 4 pounds, of ,000 allowed 7 pounds, j Maidens, 10 pounds. 358 subscriptions received March 1, 1928. SIX FURLONGS I 41 DAYS RACING I SPBIXG MEETING SUMMER MEETING [ , Jane 4 to June 30 24 Days August 27 to September 14 17 Bays FORWARD ALL ENTRIES AND OTHER COMMUNICATIONS TO ■ AMERICAN NATIONAL JOCKEY CLUB I Incorporated | f.lfi N. MICRIGAN BOULEVARD CHICAGO, ILLINOIS MAJOR FREDERIC McLAUGHLIN. Pres. FRANK J. BRUEN. Gen Mgr. I H. D. BROWN, Vice-Pres. and Directing Mgr.