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Mff the Horse bad liis way! you would relieve his suffering and lameness, stiffness and soreness, ■with good old S/LVE thf HORSE TREATMENT Its not a "blister", beats firing! Makes and keeps them sound; ends "broken down", filled, bowed and sprained tendons — all spavins, ringbone, ankle, foot and other lameness. Horse kept at work. FREE symptom book — the result of 37 years discoveries and experience "doctoring" horses — tells how to diagnose and treat each kind of lameness. Write for it! TROY CHEMICAL CO. 389 State St. Binghamton, N. if. •5.50 a bottle, with signed guarantee. Go to your druggist for "Save-The-Horse Treatment." If he hasnt it, he can get it from his jobber almost overnight — maybe only a days delay in getting horse back in form. Or, write or telegraph us collect and we will fill your order same day received. | First With Past Performances CHICAGC Leascd Wires to All Tracks | Daily Telegraph YES, TELEGRAPH GAVE Aleader, 6.64, Won j ONE OF THE POPULAR questions these days, when a long j I shot goes over, is: "Did the Telegraph Have Him?" Bassett and I 1 McCarty give a remarkable percentage of the long shot winners, j j Monday, one of Bassetts good ones was BOURBON, 610. I I Tuesday, the best winner in the McCarty Good Odds column was j j ALEADER 6.64, Won g There were other good ones in the handicaps of these selec- j j tors Tuesday. McCarty also picked GOSSOON, 8.36, and SIS- j j TER ZOE, 0.14. BROWN BRUTUS, 3.40, was one of Bas- j | setts. . j WINNERS ON ALL TRACKS j ! WINNERS AT ALL PRICES j j Get your Telegraph from the newsstands at 5 :30, a Past Per- j I formance paper with winning selections by j j REGREN— BASSETT— McCARTY 1 " ■" ■ " ■— -»»»»SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSllSSSlSlSSSSlS»SSSSS »»JJJS»»J j SUMMER MEETING j SILVER STATE JOCKEY CLUB j RENO, NEVADA ! OPENS I July 2nd, for 23 or more days 0,000 IN PURSES j Address All Communications to j WM. P. KYNE, Genl Mgr. Riverside Hotel, Reno, Nevada A» ■ **»*MMaMMHSS«aMMaMHMaB«Maa«MM«naSMB*M MB*S|