2nd Churchill Downs, Daily Racing Form, 1930-05-12

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2nd Churchill Downs pursc 1200 Syearolds and upward Claiming 6 Fur Distinction Oct 17 1921 1174 112 NOTE Claiming price 2500 3ycarolds 110 pounds older 118 pounds Ind PP Uorse Wt Uec Uec43G8G AWtHan 43G8G 9 Tyrol CD 115 121 1214G408 G 118X725 4G408 GEstin 7 113X720 471G4 ISIIidden ISIIiddenThoughts Thoughts CD 103 120 4 103X715 4G198 1 Peace Boy 3 110 710 4G8203 2 Miss Bess M CD 11 113GC5G3 3GC5G3 20 Percentage CD 115 120 1204G0933 7 118X700 4G0933 1C Supreme Sweet 3 105 G95 4G345 190ur Own CD 115 l25m l25m4G9931 5 113 G93 4G9931 3Dorita 3 100 G90 42412 4French Lass 4 103XC90 43325 5 Machete 4 113XG90 Ind PP Horse Wt Ilec Ilec445G21 AWtnan 445G21 7 Zoom 4 118XC93 4G3571 8 Uing True 3 105X690 41991 10Nick Cullop 5 113XC90 38744 11 C M McKenna McKennaM M Sporting Lady CD 102 120 1204G144 4 103XG90 4G144 13 Bob Kernan 4 118XC90 4G883 14 Judge Murphy 4 118XC90 44023 15 Moscow CD 115 121 5 118 G90 40923 17 Bold RobinM 3 110XG90 43410 21 Myth C 113XG90 The past performances of the horses entered in this race together with latest workout and racing record Date Crs DJsTIme Tr Odds WtSt StrFin Jockey PPSts Best Company Class of Rice Tyrol 11 11List l B g 6 by Hapsburg Chaperon Rouge by Louvois List work 129 3 4 115 ft J1 Trainer J Lowenstcin Owner F M Grabner NOT l295Lat 3 llSm 8 111 3 3 5 i 5 ConnllyD 10 ChterBlack 104Sisty lllAnbcllLee 105 0 Oct 9293Haw 3 lllft U5 113 5 5 531 2l ParmleeJ 3 G PlBunynlOSFstMisnllSBlkBeetlellS d Oct 4293Haw 3 l13gd 1C 115 2 5 21 I1 JonesR 8 Charm 105 Black Beetle 115 Shift 113 O Sqv20295LF Il23ft 7 115 4 7 771 G ShropseE 12 BlhgMdenl09TheOkahl09LtIeGyp 103 0 Sepll295LF 3 l12V ft 51 110 4 2 9J 953 ParmleeJ 10 Suitor 108 Klingstone 103 Aleader 105 A Ans3029 LF S 125 ft 215 115 3 2 in lo ParmleeJ 11 PcterParley 112AAolfy 112Milinand 107 A Ats2129niaw 3 112 ft 61 117 7 5 6u 7 MeyerC 12 Princenll2SenrSethl0901dKickao 104 O AuglS HaW 1ft l45V ft 165 112 2 2 2t 5 1 S PoolE 9 EofWwickl03BrdAxell2Flattery 10G O OAAon t Starts 1st 2nd 3rd 3rdLast AAon Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 18 621 621Estin 5360 Estin 1 1 B g 7 by Westy Hogan Veracity by Golden Maxim Last work 129 54 l19ft Jt JtMat2S30StJ Trainer M R Harned Owner Harned Bros Mat2S30StJ 3115 sy 32 116 4 2 1 I3 SmithAV1 G PgauLaddiellGNichelsonllOGuilder 105 0 2530StJ g 103 ft 3910 121 7 5 4 S 3l DaintyF 7 SptIIalhanl21JkCrainl21PirgraphllG O Jiarl9307StJ 3 l15m 12 111 2 1 Is I3 CarrollAV 8 Dowager 112 Aviator llGHobcaw 112J O TA 730Mia 3 117 hy 910 113 5 1 I3 I3 EabyJ1 S TheRunt HOTetraGlass 117Piloteer 110 O in2430Mia 3 l12ft 41 110 4 3 3i 43 DupuyAI 12 Sixty HGMdensTryst 104Repufn 108 O in20303Mia 3 l12ft 135 110 5 3 Il CarrollW 12 ReputationllOTrappy HONoreaster 115 O Dcc2029 = KyP 51flOSft 31 113 2 2 21 21 FrogtteD 12 SptnalIhanll3PhotogphlOO Satogal07 O Noil529Lat 3 l22 ra 175 103 5 4 33i Il HainesF 12 LadyAVitt 102Crestwood HSEfeldee 110 O KotlS Lat 3123 m 710 107 4 3 3 3 SchuttcH 8 MktsBabyl04MissLeel04BoysPrcf dlOO O OWon Starts 1st 2nd 3rd 3rdLast Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd AVon Last year C 1 2 2 1418 This year 6 4 0 1 2595 I Hidden Thoughts 1 Q B y Ias ° n vgbins Eyes II by Irish Lad LadLast Last work 129 34 l14ft LvO Trainer R Slomer Owner C W Bidwill BidwillMar Mar 330Lex fc lllft 8 107 1 2 1 = Il CantonR 12 PnLaddIell9Nevermorell9LyWittl09 0 S30 Lex fclll ft 1G5 112 5 2 2 2J HeigleR1 8 CaptnJS112ShtaLadll7MaePrice 106 O Apr22305Lex fc l10ft 61 113 5 5 4s 4 HcigleR1 S MrsFostrlOOSptsLadylOSShaLadllS O OOct1229Haw Oct1229Haw 3 llGhy 2 93 5 1 I1 1s MarcumJ 12 RycroftrlOSraDntellcl08RGibsnl07 O DcL 7295Haw 3113 ft 51 103 1 1 I11 3i JonesL 12 Bogan 115Watch On HORoycrofter 115 O 6qi3029JHaw 3 115 1 4910 1091 4 3 31 3s JonesL 12 AVHrR HODkAngl HOEvclynL 107 O BcplG2 = LF 3113ft 9 103 4 7 9 = 10 MeyerC 11 GCvelot 112RLeathcr lOGDrincz 107 O Ot t Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 17 415 4050 This year 3 1 1 0 750 PeaC6 Boy 1 BallotJL 1 f hl ° y eace Pennant First Ballot by Ballot JL L U Trainer W F Poison Owner Basil Manor Stable StableJIatlS30JP JIatlS30JP 3 l22hy 71 116 1 1 1 1 PhillipsC 12 SwtChancellGStevenBllGCIearMnlll A 1330FG 1ft l47V ft 30 110 3 7 7t AnrsoruV 10 BrothrRankllOMonticellollOGotoit 105 JI 1130FG 3 114 i ft G 118 1 2 2l 431 AnrsonA 12 Beekoeprl09Choristcrl05BkdApplelOO O Ll530FG ll42sl 43 10314 G G G MartinL G RtktGIarel02ChengTul02BChrltnl07 A JmlO30FG 3 l12ft 13 11G 5 7 G1 G AnrsonA 12 Gambol 111 Kincsen 111 Gotoit 111 A JIvSO29CD gl00 ft 19f 11712 7 7 i 7 1 FrogtteD 13 All Upset 122 High Foot 122Sydney 117 S Nominated for 1930 Kentucky Derby Starta 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 11 0 2 1 500 This year 5 1 0 0 625 Miss Bess B f 3 M by Coventry Princess Royal by Uncle Apr2230Lex fc 111 ft 71 102 9 4 31 2 PichonL11 12 AVinslow 107StopGapl07AVoodAxtonl07 A AOctlO293CD OctlO293CD I l27 ft 185 112 2 2 31 3 DellJ 7 ShowDownllSPrimeval 112nighGcell5 A AOct Oct 529CD GJ 1 122 ft 13 112 7 3 11 2l DellJ 12 ElizabctliKnedy 112MyNo HSCoby 115 A ABeP3029lCD BeP3029lCD 5Jfl07gd 61f 107 10 14 12 9T1 CarrollW 15 Snooze 112 Monnie 112 Zircon 112 A AEejiCO EejiCO Lex 5JflOGft 74 105 4 6 5 5 KdwardsC 7 Gaiadayl TishybologBannrBright 109 A Starts 1st 2nd 3rd AVon Starts 1st 2nd 3rd AVon Last year 4 0 1 1 268 This year 1 0 1 0 100 Percentage II IILast C y Ml way Gossip Avenue by Bulse BulseTrainer Last work 127 38 38ft Trainer W Crump Owner J W Parrish Jtay3029CD GJ f l19ft 2710 115 5 6 6Ma2329CD 4 3 = 1 DuboisD 9 GgeGrmll3TheBatllOStnrFwardlOGl O Ma2329CD 1 127 si 1910 113 4 4 4MajlGSgCD 3 4 1 AbelA 7 LleColonei lOSHerdecn HSEskimo 103 O MajlGSgCD 65 f 120 gd 21 115 5 4 4Majll29CD 4 1 3J1 PoolE 9 Mino 115 Smoldering 115 Cuddle 110 O Majll29CD 1ft l4Gyift 30 110 2 9 9Maj 9 9 PoolB 10 MtieFrnllSEstrStkgslllCartago 111 S Maj 3295Lex l l49hy 1320 112 1 1 1Apr27293Lex 21 2 PoolE 4 KentuckyAcell2Dunmore 112FIorhi 100 A AI Apr27293Lex 1ft 145 ft 26 109 5 1 I 4 PoolE 9 Broadside 110 Cartago 114 Devon 103 S Starts 1st 2nd 3rd 3rdLast AVcn Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 6 0 1 2 Sweet Ch f 3 ty HIgh Time Miss Supreme 1Last 1 Jazbo by Waterboy Last work 130 34118ft J Trainer C H Trotter Owner 0 Terrell Apr2S305Lex fc l10ft 175 113 2 1 J 1 LcgnonC 8 DoritalOS LdyFgersllS NtcPbslll 0 Apr23307Lex fc 110 ft 32 106 3 1 5J Gl LcgnonC1 GoldSteplOSRayBIadeslOSIlyLocustlOS A Aprl730Lcx fc l10ft 1 109 8 3 21 31 LegnonC1 9 Manta 109 Justina 115 Supryse 109 A Yb2730 Mia 5J C l04ft 45 103 3 1 1 2i LeischnR1 9 PcnnantLass lOSMud HOGreenock 115 A ttt22305llia 3111 ft 95 107 3 1 1 2 KnightM P PcnnantLass 109 StandByll9MrDick 950 FiixigSOMia 3 lliysft 35 113 3 1 I1 2nk MurrayT 9 StPrisca 113 Megazza 110 Coady 112 A reU13305Mia 5J f l03ft 17 115 2 1 1 1 MurrayT 7 Buntline 109Benda 109ChcrryLaurel 109 A Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won This year 8241 2100 2100Our Our OAVH 1 BroomstickJXO 1 O Br g 5 by Black Toney Annagh by Broomstick JXO Trainer J Gass Owner C E Hamilton Hamilton3rat25305StJ 3rat25305StJ 5J f 110 ft 920 113 2 2 11 lnk BryantD 8 Ruthie 105BIazoner lOSNevermore 113 O M 21305StJ 5Jfl03ft 15 115 4 5 33 41 FatorE 9 Tin Hat 1200rcstcs II 115Spurricr 115 0 0iI iI 12306StJ 1ft 149 ft 14 114 3 4 5 G JudyJ4 G ElfinStarll3tCrHcStarlOJSilvrSptrll4 O OMaclOCOStJ MaclOCOStJ 1 143 ft Sf 114 4 5 5s 5J3 JudyJ 10 Daffodil 113HhPlnyerll8Aristocratl09 O OJkc Jkc SSO IVIia 1ft l47gd 41 112 G 5 7 ° 77i BarnesE1 8 Your Play 103 Chum 112 Mockery 100 O i a 112 ft 15 114 3 2 33 33 LeischnR 11 Letalone 113J SptHalhan HSIgor 114 O Starts 1st 2nd 3rd AAon Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won WonLast Last year 12 212 1950 This year 10 1 1 1 710 1 fC B f 3 ty Dodge Azurita by Hessian JLUU Trainer A S Lewis Owner Sorenata F Farm Stable StableApr23303Lex Apr23303Lex fcl10ft 115 108 4 4 41 2 EllswhW6 8 SpeStllSJdyFgsllSNtePbs 1110 1110Apr2130sLex Apr2130sLex fc l10ft 81 107 3 2 2nk 2h EllswtliW1 7 Monniel07MyClyne 107NhtSignal 107 A AAprlSDO AprlSDO Lex fcl10ft 235 100 5 4 2 4 1 EllswhW 9 PatraAnnlOOBrkCloudlllSelcction 112 O OMic Mic lSOStJ 1 14G ft 175o 10G G G G 6 MarnclliJ1 G PlfwsDm 107MrDickl03GdeRitl03 H HM M 1330StJ 3 114 ft 1310 97 2 3 21 21 MarinelliJ4 7 FalsePridell2MrDick95BaronKing 108 H Hllan llan 1030 St J 55 f 103 ft 8 93 5 3 2 2 MarnelliJ 7 JkHowel22PlBoundl02QnTowton 112 H HJtac Jtac 530Mia 1ft l4Gft 21 101 3 2 Il 11 CarrollW1 12 Naylor 109MissDesmond lOSLeilaA 109 O Oreu22303Mla reu22303Mla 3 l125ft 31 105 2 4 3 3 LeischnR 12 GuideRightll4BobShpnonll2Btline 109 O ODcL3029Lrl DcL3029Lrl 2 lUsl 225 110 4 4 3 35J BarnesE 7 Aalenciennes 110KeepOnllOLuscinIall3 M MOct2423sLrl Oct2423sLrl 1 l40V tt 32 100 3 3 2 4 1 HornG 8 MakentelOSColCrumplOSPingCteslll O Or r Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 14 0 5 3 1550 This year 81 4 1 1285 French Lass I fQ B f 4 by Baigncur Norther by Wormleighton JLUO Trainer L Gentry Owner H C Hatch Ben27295AVdb 2 l14V gdl710e 104 3 2 44i 4 TonrowU C PenntLaBsllOTubleTalkll5Cupboard97 H H8on2529 8on2529 Wdb 2 113 ft 2310e 09 7 G C21 3 McGinisP 8 Cools 107TabIeTalk 112PenntLass 110 H HE E n2129sAVdb 2 l13ft 2 100 9 4 7s 7J ConvcyJ 9 OldDiitch HOCoots 117CharlcyJS 115 C CE E nl3295Thf I l27V gd 215 102 6 1 2 3i TonrowR 8 LishtATievl07PatriciaJ1023OmarccnlOG A ABrp Brp 229BB 5J f l05 ft le 105 6 6 5J 431 McyerM C CfpIatell7MsItoscdaloll4LyMaricll4 A in62929BB 5J f l05ft SJ 111 2 2 2k ih ConveyJ C SptIlalianl07FrAnital08CllcyJSlll C Starts 1st 2nd 3rd AVcn Starts 1st 2nd 3rd AVon Last year 28 847 7285 facliete 1 I O Br e 4 by Athdara Dixie Gem by Admonition AdmonitionLast Last work 129 34115ft JJLO Trainer J H Moody Owner Shady Brook Farm Stable OctlS29Lat 1fg l45ft 4 10S 6 7 6 58J HainesP HainesPOctU29Lat 9 Hoy 104 IlomeJames 109 Uiffllaff 103 C OctU29Lat 146 ft 17 103 4 3 2 li HaincsF HaincsFOct 7 SndHoy 112lJigBrothcr 103AVdgain 103 C Oct 5293CD lfe l4Sft 8 103 4 4 5 1 5 HainesP HainesPOct 7 StIilandUoylOSMythl07GldenAVcst 103 C Oct 329eCD 1fg 149 ft 2310 107 3 1 2k 2J Smith V VB 7 JapLac 107BrdaleMiss 104Susiela 104 C B Ti2S293CD l lj j l47 ft 85 103 2 2 2 2 SmithV SmithVBfI 12 Myth 105KlorenceDolan 105ColHob 113 C BfI 12297LF 1g 145V4 10 103 4 3 4 J 43J BryantD 7 IIcrodsll2Laundmanl07I5rnl5rutus 112 C 729LF 1J l5Shy S 103 7 6 4 i 3 = i RussellK 8 ItAYcidel 1102maONl lOOJONeil 103 C Starts 1st 2nd 3rd 3rdLast Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Last year 20 326 Zoom 1 1 O Ch g 4 hy Pennant Ruth Law hy Broomstick BroomstickLast Last work 129 34 l19ft Trainer M Goldblatt Owner H P Whitney WhitneyJin Jin S305FG 2 l12ft 4 109 4 3 33 2U RussellK1 8 IIijhScoroll4UluniullOLdBrdbanel08 il Jan 230FG 2 116 hy 6 110 1 1 I1 I4 RussoliK 7 TSl ovOffl07Seotldll2CntPalatinelO 31723 Lrl 34 l12ft 910 117 3 4 33 3 R Wkman 5 Minotr lOGBcauAVrk lOlMayorWker lOj 314GG Lrl 34113 ft 135 115 967 7J S ODon1112 Neddie 127 Jean Aaljean 100 Marine 112 31103Lrl 34 l13 ft 25 118 5 6 2 1 2 G Fields G CoinColtor 109BtIoAx 107MneCpass 110 31188 HdG 34 113 ft 4910 120 11 1311108J L Morris 1C Neddie 110 Cheers 113 Justinian 114 Starts 1st 2nd 3rd AAon Starts 1st 2nd 3rd AVon This year 2 1 1 0 950 B c 3 by Dominant Mission Bells by Friar Hock Hocki i iist vorK IK illicit ° Trainer F P Lelellicr Owner Southland Stable Stablec2G30JP c2G30JP l14Hft 12 113 5 3 32 2 = DellJ 12 Sunvievll3TliistleJcanl04Aicksburgl09 C Ccll30JP cll30JP 2 l144gd 9 113 5 4 2h 4J DellJ5 12 MissKmsey lOGJar HSMaryEloise 111 C CJU2730FG JU2730FG 2 l13Jift 46 109 9 7 910 94 DellJ1 11 TliomasScthll2Portsurll2Columbus 112 C CFttx2130 Fttx2130 = FG 2 l14 s l 5J 111 2 1 1 1 1 DcllJ10 12 Beekeeper 107 Jean 107 ThelmaL 102 C CTib Tib 530FG 2 l15J gd 6 111 6 2 2nt4 DellJ 8 AiinecGdthlOSPortsurllGMyErise 111 C CJ J h2G30FG 3 l14 ft 8 109S 5 3 4J V DellJ2 9 BtBrownl07EscondidalOSZevesgold 113 C Starts 1st 2nd 3rd AVon Starts 1st 2nd 3rd AVon Last year 6 1 0 0 850 This year 8 8211 2 1 1 1675 1675mCh Nick Ciillop mCh g 5 by Paul Wcidel Sunny Glow by Sunningdale Trainer H Neusteter Owner H Neustoter J n2G305Hav 1 ° l44ft C 108 8 5 4 58J 5s TonrowR4 5 Venezuela lOGBclmona lOlPaeheco 109 C 30Hav 2 llagd 20 103 3 7 Bled LoganL 8 Cmpanini 115OrestesII105Andrositoll5 C j etz6295Hav l l49hy 12 102 2 5 6 5 54 5 LoganL G Torchilla 113ClcarSkyll2KingDavid 115 S Bct2429Hav 3 l20hy 3 110 10 522 4 = 1 ScurlockJ a 5 Andrcsitol07StampdalellOTitleOak 101 A Dctl7295Hav 21 = 12 ft 20 109 9 5 5 58 5 oo ScurlockJ 5 Torchillall2KingDavidll3StampdalelOJ A A3rd Starts 1st 2n l 3rd AAon Starts 1st 2nd 3rd AVon Last year 3D 565 5 5 56467 6467 This year 2 2i 2C C 31 UrcKcilllIl I i I I O Q B c 4 II by Sir John Johnson Miss Holiday by Jim JimLast Last work 128 34 118 ft 1JL O Gaffney GaffneyTrainer Trainer M Zowenstein Owner M Lowenstein LowensteinJuL JuL G29 = AP 2112 ft GGf 107 3 3 6l ° S15 McDottL 10 JnAaljcanllOAoltcarll9lrtnarlcmll4 A nc 42SSar 5Jfl06rt 30 118 1 5 6IS G15 M Garr 11 Shipmaster HSFlyLight 112Griffin 118 A JIaj262S4CD gl01 m 44 10915 6 7 S W Frnk 8 HigIiScorell2Aermajol09Protection 113 A Starts 1st 2nd 3rd AVon Starts 1st 2nd 3rd AVon Last year 1 Sporting Lady I f Q Chl f Sporting Blood Lady Mildred by Dick Welles WellesLast Last work 113 1m l4Sft JVO Trainer J M Hukill Owner W F Strauss StrausspriGSOLex priGSOLex fclll ift 23f 107 11 10 108J 91 RcevesRo 12 Starllay 112SKcnton 117Scotland 119 C Ali22305Lex fc l10ft 7 108 4 2 35 24 RcevcsR6 S MrsFostcrlOOSIiaIadllSlIidnThtsllS C OcL2929Lat 2 l S hy 215 10211 6 21 I3 RussellK 12 GlsMcClainlOlLeeCoorllOKiffKaff 105 C OctlS29Lat 2 111 ft 18 100 3 5 411 4 J SmithV C Agincourt 103 Iteenie 102i AVilla 105 A Octl529Lat 2 l12f 14310 108 5 4 4 = 1 44J HardyDO G MarysToyl07FryItins 103Lasiandral03 C Oct 429 = CD 2113ft 14 109 5 4 43J lnk HardyDO 9 BannerBright 99TlieMoon 102Jem 112 A Oct 229CD 6Jfl20ft 17f 107 7 6 3 = J 2 i HardyDO T13 KyAcelluGovrlrattllOPfctModl 107 C Starts 1st 2nd 3rd AAon Starts 1st 2nd 3rd AAon Last year 17 221 2264 This year 2 0 1 0 100 100Bob Bob Ji email 1 Q h y Donnacona Winnie McGee by McGee McGeeLast Last work 130 1m 143 ft LO Trainer F Swain Owner Leader Stable StableJtAilSSOJP JtAilSSOJP 1 l53 m 7i 110 4 1 1 I4 CimerakG6 8 LnPlant 112TmyTickle HOAregal 115 C 1 1230 l lg g l47ft S5 105 7 3 2n 1 CimerakG4 8 FArgumentl05BragdociollOBSeth 111 C JTai 530cJP 1 l47rt 7 114 4 3 54 433 SteffenE5 8 CometlllGovSethlllAVch theTimc 113 C Frf 1730 ° G 1fy 148 gd 10 115 1 2 li 2i MeyerC1 10 BrkDaucerllOAValternl05Seabriglitl05 C rdxlSSOFG li l54ft 32 112 4 2 3J 33i RussellK 4 LillianMooar 105Yargee 115 Ilani 114J C Tax 630 ° FG lfs l48V4ft G 107 5 3 2 3 TildenR4 9 nyGibsonllOBkDaneerl07Brillante 102 C Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Aon Last year 19 This year 12 dge Murphy ITS Ch B 4 by Omar Khayyam Great lady by TJltimus TJltimusLast Last work 127 34 l15ft JO Trainer S G Baker Owner B I Baker I 21303Lex fc l09ft 225 113 5 4 4 5 CarrollAV1 7 Ellice 103 Coots 120 Hot Shot 118 C Cfcl Aprl720Lex fcl Ofcft 3 112 4 3 4 = 1 4i GarnerATJ 7 Coots 112 Hot Shot 112 Film 112 C Oct25292Lat ll7 m 6 1081 544 61S RideoutW 5 CterBlackl02NicaragualOSHotSliotl09 C Oct23295Lat 2 l13m 2110 108 96 5 5 KnightM 9 ARanshawlOOBlueAshl01ChatrBrkl03 A Octl729 Lat 2 112 ft 13 105 6 4 Bl 3 SmithV 1 Crofton 108 Lady Gossip 107 Boris 103 C Octl229 = Lat 2 lllft 63 108 S 8 G3 al SmithJ 9 Virado 103LadyGossip 102Crofton 103 C Oct 420CD 126 ft 16 108 3 B 6 6 DuboisD G Lady Gossip 105 Chip 103 Virado 105 C Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd AVon 15 203 1500 This year 2 2WOSCOAV WOSCOAV I 1 Q ch h 5 fcy Stefan the Great Nantokah by Ultimus UltimusI I ist work 130 12 51ft Trainer J F Schorr Owner E B McLean oT29293Bow 2 lllft 7 111 10 9 9silO ° FcrminA 713 CandyPigllCLadyMarlolOSSunMdlerllO C K t2529 = Bow 2 l127sft 9 109 8 1 I2 1 FerminA 114 TheTartar 114LadyMarie 114Cadilla 104 C Koi2229Bow 2 l124 ft 145 118 10 11 S4 742 AmbrseE 214 Kingbird HGIlundalell3CalgaryKay 111 C Kotll29 Kotll29iPJm iPJm I l4G ft 10 11G 4 2 43 4 AmbrseE 3 J Electa 109 Jesirah 109 Passing By 114 A Koi l29 = Pim I30 l47m 2910 113 7 1 I3 2J SerioJ 9 GoldenArrow 117Banton 107ntisset 109 C COct2S294Lrl Oct2S294Lrl 2 l12ft 215 116 10 8 G51 35 FerminA 12 Candy Pig llGThe Tartar 112Lassa 112 C CStarts Starts 1st 2nd 3rd AVon Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 13 2 2 2 2550 2550Bold Bold Robin 110 mB B c 3 M b bLast by Colonel Vennie Mockig Bird by Dick Welles Last work 128 12 40ft Trainer A Go Goldblatt Owner J B Respcss I 2oCO Lex 1 l41 ft 71 112 2 3 431 V GooerW1 12 AdAxtonll2BaAVeel07EasterMornll2 A ApclS30Lex fc lllft 20 114 1 2 43J G71 GoolcrAV8 9 StrlJay HOLdyFingers lOOAbeth 100 C Oct30 Lat 2 119 m 1710 115 6 3 4 1 614 DuboisD 9 BillyCliamplloDkEntryllaVladimirllS II Oct2229Lat 10 115 4 3 3 i 4 J DuboisD 12 NitCryll5AAildolivcll5MintSwpgsll3 il Starts 1st 2nd 3rd AVon Starts 1st 2nd 3rd AVon AVonr Last year r 2 This year 2 2mB mB m 5 by Golden Maxim Hasty Chick by Hastings Trainer E Kaiser Owner E B B 0 Hickman HickmanVJT VJT 150 m 61 107 4 4 5 717 SchutteH S Duelist 113OoUlcnAVest 103Account 108 C 1J 151 ft 2 105 1 1 Il 1s SchuttcH 7 OldTimcs 103Dragon lOGHoldKast 10CJ C l lr r l47 ft 3 111 4 1 1 2 SchutteH G Account 112 Duelist 112 Lancer 112 C lie l4Sft 85 107 1 2 21 2i CollinsJD 7 SlandBoylOSGdenAVest 103IreneT 100 C S293CD l ITC 6 l47ft 7 105 6 1 I4 1 CarrollW 12 Machetel03KrenecDolanl05CoIIob 113 C Starts 1st 2nd nd 3rd Von Starts 1st 2nd 3rd AVon Last year 0 3 2 0 2750

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1930s/drf1930051201/drf1930051201_7_2
Local Identifier: drf1930051201_7_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800