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PHAR LAP JOGS TWO MILES AGLTA CALIENTE Mexico, Jan. 29. Phar Lap, the Australian champion, made his first appearance on the Agua Caliente track this morning when he jogged two miles. Jockey E. J. Martin, the Australian rider who accompanied the horse from Australia, was astride. Martin has applied for a riding license which will likely be granted, and he may be seen in action before long. Phar Lap will not make a public appearance at Agua Caliente until one week from Sunday, according to owner Davis. On that day a special program will be arranged to honor the big Australian invader, and it is likely that he will be galloped under colors. Owner Davis leaves today for San Francisco, where he will remain to await the arrival of jockey Elliot, who is now Amer-ica-bouncV Elliot is expected to arrive in this country February-12.