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NEW WEEKLY OUT 35 CENTS FOR SALE AT ALL NEWSSTANDS HIALEAH FREE CODE: 1 Memphis-Might-Petard-Fold-Hedge. 00 Free Code FAIR GROUNDS: Chicago-Fancy-Nexus-Nexus-Honor. Ready for a SMASHING RACE, and today is the day. Hot Mon! And CLATTERING HEELS, we have OUR COM- MON ENEMY, THE LAYERS, ON THE RUN. From one end of the country to the other we administered i one of the WORST DRUBBINGS of the season when LAST WEEKS TOP HORSE: 2.20, Won last Saturday. This is what Jim Smart said: "This may sound like a Russian and, incidentally, it may POP like a COMMUNIST. Im here to tell you that THIS IS THE SPOT to get out of the RED. Caroming around this old racetrack with the abandon of a champ, shading the marks hung up in races every day. Not every clocker on the grounds is HEP to what is transpiring in this particular case. For this reason and others, we expect odds that are LIBERAL and GENEROUS. 6-1 shot." This remark speaks for itself. Suffice to say YOU CANNOT AFFORD to be without the WEEKLY MASTER CLOCKER a single week. Go right now to your newsdealer and ask for the WEEKLY MASTER CLOCKER 35 CENTS AT ALL NEWSSTANDS NOTE: If your newsdealer does not handle it, send for 10 weeks. Remit to the MASTER CLOCKER 440 SOUTH DEARBORN ST. CHICAGO, ILL. NOTE: Get ready again for the probable 10-1 Shot Occasional Today What a SMASHING AFFAIR this trick is. In rare shape and the connections are MIGHTY CONFIDENT OF WINNING. Remember: LAST SATURDAYS OCCASIONAL: Line of Fire 5.00, Won From, one end of the country to the other we cleaned up on this one. For Todays 2 Occasional, ask your newsdealer for the Master dockers Occasional FOR SALE AT ALL NEWSSTANDS IPF" Big Bargain Offer Both Occasional and Late Special, sent one week, 10 Remit to MASTER CLOCKER 440 S. DEARBORN STREET, CHICAGO, ILL. LOOK! We have just received word that YESTERDAYS FREE CODE: Pop Gaffney .20, Won We tell you RIGHT HERE and NOW that you simply CANNOT AFFORD to be without the MASTER CLOCKERS INFORMATION. WINNING OVER 5 DAILY! NO CHARGE FOR NEW SALARY SYSTEM! Average daily profit is well over 25, as shown b the play filed each noon with the Racing Form. Rush your name and address for FREE copy of thi: clever System that really wins. Amazing new angle, All plays to win only; at or away from track. Thre to five horses daily; never more than one in sam race. Small or large capital. With the System youI receive a FREE copy of the sensational "TRIPLE STOP-LOSS CAUTION." Send no money, but writ at once. There IS a way to win. RITEWAY PUBLISHING CO. 433 SOUTH DEARBORN ST. CHICAGO, ILL NEW SYSTEM WE 5 PER WEEK net profit on II flat bets. Will send it to you for .tree trial. Pay later if satislled. CHICAGO SYSTEM EXCHANGE .0. Box 466 Dept. 55 Chicago, Illinois T. M. Ferguson RELEASING BONA FIDE, LEGITIMATE TURF INFORMATION Strictly Two Horses a Day Prompt and Courteous Service to All Out-of-Town Subscribers No Waiting EMT DAILY STRICTLY TWO HORSES DAILY-US The two horses you receive are the horses advertised. Everybody receives the same two horses. YESTERDAYS STRICTLY TWO HORSES: PRINCE FARTHING. 4.40, WON SKIDMORE ., 4.20, WON WIN OR LOSE, PRICES BIG OR SMALL, MY TWO HORSES ARE ADVERTISED EVERY DAY. Everybody positively receives the same two horses the very same day they subscribe. No waiting. No delay. 5WTBIG 0 TO WIN PARLAY GOES TODAYS! We have a special department to handle western subscribers exclusively, securing prompt attention. Out-of-town subscribers receive the advertised two horses the very same day their money is received. Subscribe today. Dont wait for tomorrow. The day you miss is the day you lose. Out-of-town clients, remit by Western Union or Postal Telegraph and receive the parlay by fast wire. No waiting. T. M. FERGUSON, 1452 Broadway, New York, N. Y. I offer genuine track information devoid of camouflage and deception. I never misrepresent. There is never any delay. The horses advertised are given promptly. No excuses or alibis. "I ALWAYS TELL THE TRUTH" J Daily TWO-HORSE PARLAY Daily ; YESTERDAYS PARLAY RELEASED: 1 SCOTCH GOLD .20, WON THE HEATHEN LOST WEDNESDAYS PARLAY RELEASED: MARLENE 1.80, WON LOFTY HEIGHTS 6.40, WON TUESDAYS PARLAY RELEASED: HERKIMER 0.80, WON JESEMOLA $ 9.10, WON The above horses were released to all my clients with the advice to go the absolute limit to win. TODAY SATURDAY 50 TO LIMIT WIN PARLAY TODAY SW7- DO NOT MISS TODAYS WIN PARLAY m Play horses intelligently. Subscribe and receive real race track information.. Out-of-town subscribers, wire your 3 by Western Union or Postal Telegraph and receive todays advertised parlay by return telegram. Same as advertised. I ADDRESS ALL COMMUNICATIONS TO I COL. C. JAMES WHITE 153 WEST 42ND ST. Suite 612 NEW YORK CITY Office Open 8 a. m. to 7 p. m. Weekly Racing Guide DAILY CODE Two Great Free Information Services - One Horse a Day Selected by Americas Greatest Expert CARMACS RELEASE FOR SATURDAY: FAIR GROUNDS One-50-27. ASA POWELLS RELEASE FOR SATURDAY: FAIR GROUNDS Eight-3840. FOR CODE BUY ISSUE OF JANUARY 30 , WEEKLY RACING GUIDE Worlds Greatest Racing Weekly 421 PLYMOUTH COURT CHICAGO, ILL i ::::: FREE ; An Interesting Folder That Will Appeal to Every Race Fan ! Write or wire for yours today and j learn how to receive valuable I suggestions s The D-B Information Bureau 2138 East 105th Street CLEVELAND, OHIO Send 50c for Latest Prediction Card DYAK 26.50, WOK was given in Book No. 1288 to Standard readers a weel in advance, 35 cents, newsstands and office. Code No, 204, Book 1289. Standard Turf Guide, 511 Congress Bank, aids., Chicago, 111. Saturdays Kelly Release: FAIR GROUNDS A-7-18-14-24. HIALEAH C-8-17-21-14. USE CARD FOR WEEK BEGINNING SATURDAY, JANUARY 30 - OFFER EXTENDED BV INTRODUCTORY OFFERERS KELLY KODE KARDS will be priced at EACH, and every card will be good for one week. However, as an introduction to new clients and a good will offer to old friends, Billy Kelly will sell Kelly Kode Kards for a limited time for each. Persons wishing to take advantage of offer may send subscription to cover as many weeks in advance as they desire and cards will be mailed to them at the price regardless of advance in price in the meantime. . Kelly Kode Kards Are Not for Sale by Newsdealers or Agents Mail Orders to WILLIAM BURKE KELLY 423 PLYMOUTH COURT CHICAGO The "Pink Sheet" Price, 15 Cents FLYING GIRL Regren Havana Tip.. .40, WON MUELLER Regren and Bassett Havana Tip 6.80, WON NOAHS PRIDE Regren and Bassett Fair Grounds Tip 6.00, WON DIANA D. Regren Hialeah Tip . 6.40, WON LUCILLE K. Regren Hialeah Tip . . .:. 4.90, WON LADY BROADCAST Regren Hialeah Standout 3.40, WON MORSHION Regren Agua Caliente Standout 3.40, WON TALOMOND Bassett Havana Tip 9.20, WON MY SWEETS Bassett Fair Grounds Tip 6.20, WON AND THERE WERE OTHERS IN THURSDAYS "PINK SHEET" SATURDAYS FREE CODES: FAIR GROUNDS Ray-2-16-23. HIALEAH PARK Jack-18-13-5. TO DECIPHER FREE CODES BUY A TELEGRAPH CHICAGO DAILY TELEGRAPH 441 PLYMOUTH COURT CHICAGO, DLL. per Month by First Class Mail S8 per Month by Air Mail C. C. CURTIS YESTERDAYS TWO HORSES: SUN FRIAR See 6th Race HERENDEEN See 7th Race LIMIT WIN PARLAY TODAY Connections Assure Results I will stake my thirty-year reputation on TWO HIDDEN SPEEDSTERS TODAY whose past performances will assure LIMIT ODDS. Bet to WIN ONLY. TERMS DAILY Located Opposite Hotel Sherman : CALL IN PERSON or phone DEARBORN 1489. We send messenger with parlay. - OUT-OF-TOWN PLAYERS, wire via Western Union or Postal Telegraph. 1165 NORTH CLARK ST. SUITE 513 CHICAGO. ILL.