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WIMM*IM SWOR KOUTS! at left of horses name is last workout of horse. Letters following time SDate Indicate: b, breezing; d, driving; e, easily; h, handily; o, all out; n, eased np. | FRIDAY, MAY 20 AURORA. Weather clear; track fast — Three Eighths Mile. Adv. Agent. :41%b 516 Red Follow. . :36%h 3 3 Clans Idol.. :41 b 510 Sland Boy.. :39%h 5-18 Dr. Frland. SlWk 5-15 Squak :36%h 5 14 High Pkcts. :38%h 4-18 Scream :41 b 4 22 Laurie .... :40%b 5-16 Sandboot . . . :36y5h 5 8 Panganath . :36%h 5-13 Southld Lad :42 b 5-16 Roycrofter . :38%h One-Half Mile. 5-13 Buter Beans :47%h 5-17 Consensus . . :49y5h 5 12 Bill Lutz... :52 h 5-18 Lapidary ... :50%h 5 16Bunyora ... :53 h 5-16 Lerack :49%h 5-12Camar -A3l,ih 5-15 Mter Ogden :52 h 5-18 Corbeau .... :51%b 5-14 Single C. . . . :50 h 5-10 Camellian . . :50 h Five-Eighths Mile. 5-17 Ger. Flvnn..l:05 h 5-18 Pr. Pebbles . 1 :03%h 5-11 Happy Lad.. l:03%h 5-18 Silent Shot..l:02%h Three-Quarters Mile. 5-17 Btling On..l:20%h 5-16 Hv Schdor.l:22 h 5-17Caius l:18%h 5-19 Plutarch ...1:21 h 5-17Cesare 1:20 h One Mile. 5-19 Analyst ....1:48 b 5-13 Comet 1:48 h 518Afridi l:524ib 5-14 Little Busterl:48 d WOODBINE PARK. Weather clear; track fast— Three-Eighths Mile. 517Aymond .... :36%b 5-18 Ppin Crcker :37 b 4 20 Babble :37%b 5-17 Par Excelce. :37%b 5-12Evanette ...■38 b 5 8 Paint Box... :37%b 5-17 General Toy. :37%b 5-18 Raysol :37 b 5-10 Gma Delta.. :36%h 3-15 Slapstick . . . :38 h 5-18 Oil Rite :37 b 5 16 Soliloquy ... :37%b One-Half Mile. 5-17 Bronze :49 d 4-26 Mexico :48%h 5-18 Banderlog . . :52 h 5-17 Magnifico . . :50%h 5-18Collingwood. :51%h 5 15 Pat Gaiety.. :51%b 5-17 Dark Mission :48 d 5-17 Royal Guest. :49%d 5-13 Damiseine .. :50%h Rush Hour. . :50%h 5-17 Easter Dndy :48 h 5 14 Springsteel . :48%h 3-17 Fair Bob.... :50 d 5-13 Serfman ... :49 d 5-17 Fess :53%b 5-6 Westy Junir :50%b 5 17 Kg OCnnor :48 d 5-11 Wtys Tvvkle :51 h 5-13 Muskadeen . :51%h Five-Eighths Mile. 5-17 Bwn Torch. 1:02 h 4-28 Huraway ...l:04%h 5-17 Balai dOr..l:C5 b 5-14 Politen 1:05 b 5-5 Frumper . ..l:04%h Three-Quarters Mile. 5-6 Allanah . ...l:16%b 5-16 Playabit ....1:15 h 5-17Altsheib ....1:16 d 5-14 Pardee l:16%h 5 18 Grge De Mrl:15 d 5-16 Red Ronald. l:14%d 5 17 Hayloft ....l:17%h Scuttle l:16%b 5 19 Lucky Jack . 1 :16%h 5-18 Swt Sentntl:14 h Londsun ...l:16%h 5-15 Sunchen ...1:22 b 5-19 Nelson 1:20 h 5-16 Wstys Follyl:14%d One Mile. Billycock ...1:47 h Glenaud ....l:42%h Blue Bannerl:47 h 5 8 Tred Avon.. 1:51 b Dark Mission and King OConnor worked from the barrier together. Sweet Sentiment went handily from the barrier. Easter Dandy went handily from the barrier. Westys Folly and Red Ronald worked together. Mexico and Springsteel worked together. JAMAICA. Weather clear; track fast — Three-Eighths Mile. 5 17 Bank Shot.. :37 b 5-16 Little Lad. . . :38%b 5-17 China Bird.. :37 b 5-17 No Frills. .. . :37%b 5-14 Capt. Jerry.. :38 b 5 14 Resold :37 b 5 16 Don Pedro.. :39%b Truitt Junior :38 b 5-18 Eisenberg .. :38%b 5-18 Tetrarchal .. :41%b 5 17 Euclid :39 b One-Half Mile. 5-8 Dim Rav.... :58%b 5-18 Glidelia .... :50%b 5-10 General A... :51%b 5-16 Reveille Boy :51%b Five Eighths Mile. 5-16 Daily News.. 1:05 b 5 17 Night Patrol.l:05 b 5-18 Flaming ....l:03V3b 5-17 Surtees ....1:08 b 5-17 Fall Apple. . .l:03%b 5-19 Sun Spear. . .l:06%b 5-19 Gallop Alongl:00%d 5-17 Walter Jr... 1:04 h 5-16 Hek 1:04 h Three-Quarters Mile. 5-14 Black Flash. l:17%b 5-18 First Missionl:20%b Seven-Eighths Mile. 5-18 Mareve 1 :30 h 5 18 Okaybee . . . . 1 :30 b One Mile. 5-18 Backfire ...l:44%h 5-9 Mae Sweep.. 1:51 b 5-17Lillie D l:45%b Flaming went easily. Reveille Boy is training well. Okaybee and Mareve were together. Gallop Along worked well, lightly •weighted. BAINBRIDGE PARK. Weather clear; track fast — Three-Eighths Mile. 5-17 Al Green.... :39%b 5-15 Merrily On.. :38%h Adawn :40 h 4-16 Miss Peggy.. :40%b Best Ballad. :40%b 5 9 Mrs. Foster. :40 d 4-24 Coots :38 h Rose O :40%b Fusco :39%h Swincourt . . :39 h Faylin :38M h 4 5 Silent Vote.. :39 h 513 John F :36%d One-Half Mile. 21 Balance All.. :52%d 5 7 Selka :53%h 4 28 Ear Full.... :54 h 4 20 Silver Cord. :54 b Three-Quarters Mile. Budeet l:16%d Laura Fish. .l:17%h Fk Hawley..l:17%h On Trial. .. .1:22 b Gypsy Bloodl:18%d Tricycle ....1:27 b One Mile. St. Marco... l:48%b 4-30 Tortway ....lA7%h WASHINGTON PARK. Weather clear; track fast — Three-Eighths Mile. 5-12Hastv Peter. :38 h 5-17 Mowris :38 b 5 11 Jennie Gal.. :38%b 5 15 Pers Dream :37%h One-Half Mile. 5-19 Edna Carroll :50%h 5 18 Moderation . :53 b Hour Girl. . . :52%b 5 19 Yes :50%h Five Eighths Mile. 5-18 Broad Bill... 1:02 h 5 13 Easter Time.l.-02%b 4 30 Back Kick..l:04%h 5-12 Nora D l:05%b 5-6 Cce Tee 1.04%h 5 18 War Time . . . 1 :08 b "5-17 Ev. Faithful. l:06%b Three-Quarters Mile. I 5 19 Atlil l:18%h 5-19 Plucky Play.l:15%b b 5-8 Booby Bird..l:17%h 5 19 Sundot l:15%h ,, 4 6 Bolinty l:22%b Sans Coin. . .l:16%h Fairlee l:17%h 5-17 Tadcaster ...l:19%b c 5-19 Higher l:14%h Wee Drop. ..l:16%h I 5 16 In Haste.... 1:17 d 5-17 Va Carriendol:15%d 5-17 Jean Lafitte.l:15%d Zida l:16%h 5-19 Late Date. ..l:17M h F Seven-Eighths Mile. 5-7 Bd Meadovsl:31%h 5-17 Vesta 1:31 h * One Mile. ■ Craftsman ..l:43%d 5-19 Jge Lueders.l:46%h h 5-19 Cuddle l:48%b The Choctawl:43%d _ 5-19 Gallant Knitl:40%d One and One-Quarter Miles. 5-14 Bar Hunter.2:12 h a I CHURCHILL. DOWNS. Weather rainy; tarck fast— I Three-Eighths Mile. 5-12 Apple Cart. :33 b 5-15 Opinion .... :39 b 5-18 Ben Blair... :392/5b 5-14 Old Depot... :39%b 5-12 Back Log... :36%h 5 18 Old Hillside. :41b * 5-5 Bch of Lilies :38%b 5-16 Otherwise . . :36 b * 5-10 Billy Champ. :36%b 5-9 Parn. Bound :35%d I 5-1 Curly Head.. :35%d 2 26 Preferred ... :37 b 5-10Daudet :38 b Prcess Octa. :37%d « Dixie Dame.. :37 d 5-11 Roy :38%b a a 5-18 Field Goal.. :43 b 5-17 Ridge Lady. :38 b 5-10 Grand Union :38 b Ridge Wise.. :38%b ■ 5 -16 Go Fetch.... :39%h 5-12 Shephd Boy :43 b i 5-18 Heavy Sugar :35%b 5-17 Sizzling . . . . :36 b ] 5-8 Hornsby . . . . :38 b Sprt Marvel :37 b * 5-17 Low Gear. . . :37 b 5-17 Tweeny . . . . :36 h * 4 24Lonwin :38 b 5-13 Telamon . . . :38 b ] 5-17 Light Eagle.. :36%b 5-18 Tetwrack ... :39%b 5 13 Mhys Luck :38 b 5-17 Unencubered :36%b 1 5-17 Mad Flight.. :36 b 5-18 Woodworker. :37%b 5 15 Niato :36 b I One-Half Mile. 5-11 Artistry .... :52%b 5-9 Modn Qun. :50%b 5-13 Bts Mrland :50%b 5 8 Olive Sabath. :50 b • 5-15 Blast :53%b 5-18 Plumage . . . :49%h 5-10 Col. Sam.... :50 b 4-19 Plum Wild.. :53%b 5-17 Caw :53 b 5-18 Respond .... :50%b 4-30 Dixie Lad. .. :53%b 5-17 Spanish Way :53%b , 5-17 Geraldine ... :53%b 5-18 Stock Market :48%b 2-28 Gladys S.... :49 h 5-11 Smear :48%h 5-18 Jack B :49%h 4-28 Tea Tax :53%b • 5-18Joretta :50%b 5-16 Wise Advote :50 b • Five-Eighths Mile. I 5-17 Alma S 1:04 b 5-18 Jmy Moran.l:04%b 5-18Bargello ....l:04%b 5-18 My Prince. . .1:07 b ■ 5-17Captn Loganl:03 b 5-12 Miss Careful.l:06%b 1 4-26 Gammerson .l:04%b 5-13 Ozite 1:06 b • 5-15 H. Thoughts.l:03%h Three-Quarters Mile. i 5-17 All Hail 1:18 b 5-19 Minnie Gage.l:17%b , 5-17 Asphodel ...1:17 b 5-19 Sprtg Ladyl:18%b ] 5-18 Darwin 1:16 d 5-4 Suntica l:17%b 1 3-20 Eleanor M...l:17%b | One Mile. 5-17 Irene T l:43%b 5-11 La Feria. . . .1 :52%b ] Curly Head showed speed under a drive. Sizzling and Mad Flight went together. , Dixie Dame was all out. Light Eagle showed speed under a pull. Smear did a nice move. Bargello and Jimmy Moran went to- i gether. , Darwin was all out. Suntica was under a strong pull. Irene T. did a nice move. DOUGLAS PARK. Weather rainy; track fast — Three-Eighths Mile. I 5-18Danton :38%h 5-14 Nanny D.... :38%u ; 5-19 Flying Feet.. :36%d 5-17 Peter Parley. :44 b 5-15Infinate .... :39%h 5-17 Playtime .... :40%b 5-6 Kenton Boy. :41 b 5-18 Stallman .... :41 u i 5-5 McComas ... -.45 b 5-18 Sweet Lassie. :42 b 5-13 My Hobby... :41%b 5-18 Spring Flight. :37M;d 5-18 Mijo :36%d One-Half Mile. 5-17 Miss Evans.. :51%h 5-l1 Prudy Basil.. :52 b 5-18 Oscillation .. :50%b. Five-Eighths Mile. 5-17Chiltex ....l:04%h 5-16 Strt Singer.l:07%b 5-17 San Presto. .l:06%b Three-Quarters Mile. 5-17 Big S k....l:22%b 5-16 Mai San. . . .l:19%b 5-17Laguna ....l:17%h 5-17 Rip the Rip. 1:16 d 5-17 Lady Batts..l:22 b 5-17 Thrushway .l:19%h Seven-Eighths Mile. 5-17 My Sis 1:31 h One Mile. 5-19 Big Brand.. l:45%b Mijo and Flying Feet showed speed together. Nanny D. was eased up the last eighth. Rip the Rips work was a standout this morning. Cold Wave worked late yesterday evening half-mile in :49% handily. Chiltex did a nice move. My Sis was well in hand. Big Brand was under a hard pull throughout. BELMONT PARK. Weather clear; track fast — Three-Eighths Mile. 4 20 Boiling Over :36 h 31 Okapi :37 h Chicane :39 b Propontis . . :36 h Cy t. News. :36 h 5 17 Pilate :36 h 5-18 Foxey Quiller :39 b 4 9 Price Tag. ..:38 b 4 9 High Tariff. . :39 b 1-16 Sonnelli . . . . :37 h 5-18Mabla :36 h Sweep Pic... :37 h 4-1 Maeantic . . . :39 b Sangfroid ... :384/£b 516Maebee :36 h 4-22 Wrack On. . . :38%b Maentico. . . . :39 b One-Half Mile. 5 18 Beacon Hill. :48 h 5 10 Golden Way. :50 b 5 16Cree :50 b 5 14 Inception . . . :50 b Clear :51%b 4 22 Inspector . . . :51 b Cracker Cap. :50 b 5 18 Novelist :50 b 5 17 Curacao .... :47%h 5 4 Nimule . . . . :51 b 5-18 Equipoise ..:50 b 5-11 Pcock Alley :49 h 5 17 Fourteen . . . :51 b 5-18 Polisher . . . . :51 b 5-12 Fdal Times. :49 h 5-16 Semaphore . :48%h 5-17 Grand Time. :51 b Scarlax . . . . :51 b Five-Eighths Mile. 5-12 Comparison .1:03 b Wave On l:02%b 5-14 Dark Secret. 1:06 b Wding Ringl:06 b Three-Quarters Mile. 4 22 Bill Kennedyl:18 b 5-18 Gusto l:15%h 5-19 Boiling Wterl:15%h Soupcon ...1:17 h 5 17Caplin l:16%h i One Mile. Azucar 1:45 b 5-12 Faireno ....l:404/ih 5-17 Almond ....l:44%h 5-17 Pitasche . . . .l:45%h 5-19 Bubble Up.. 1:43 h 5-7 Swatter ....1:46 b 5-8 Easy 1:43 h Friday being an off-day with trainers, no fast moves were attempted. Beacon Hill showed good speed. Peacock Alley went handily. Bubble Up went a handy mile. Boiling Water went smartly. Novelist went handily. Comparison and Wave On went together. AQUEDUCT. Weather clear; track fast — Three-Eighths Mile. 5-18 Be True.... :38%h 5-16 Ipral :36%h 5-6 Eter Herald :36%h 5-18 Jimmy Sutro :41 b 5-15Footsure . . . :39 b 5-18 Traumel .... :39 b 5-15 Hel. Lamaze :38 h One-Half Mile. 5-17 Arie :53 b 5-17 Sis Largo... :51%h 5-19Blary Castle :49%h 5-17 Star Royal.. :51%h 5-14 Gay Colors.. :52%b 5-17 St. Omer. . . . :52 h 5-16 My Joanne.. :51%d Tansy :50%h 5-18Ruley Lee.. :52 h Five-Eighths Mile. 5-15Denon l:04%h 4-22 Miss Rome. .l:04%h 5-16 Ming Sun... 1:03 h 5-17 Sweeperman l:04%h Three-Quarters Mile. 5-10Bvant Daysl:16 h 5-11 Little Avantil:21 b 5-15 Keith 1:21 b 5-10 Sea Going. . .l:22%b Seven-Eighths Mile. 5-17 Logos 1:29 d 5-17 Upturn 1:37 b 5 8 Laura Gal..l:33%b One Mile. 5-19 Genial Host.l:45%h One and One-Quarter Miles. 5-19 Bo Ballot... 2:12 h LINCOLN FIELDS. Weather clear; track fast — Three-Eighths Mile. Luna Mica.. :38 h Seven Up... :38 h 4-18 Mintogee ... :36 h One-Half Mile. 4-18 Night Vtage :50%h Three-Quarters Mile. Dark Hope.. 1:17 h 5-10 Worthington 1:17 b Muskoday . .l:15%h Seven-Eighths Mile. Master Ace.. 1:35 b One Mile. 4-18 Ryal Chargel:46%b Muskoday was well in hand. Worthington looks and acts good. ,|