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workouts! -Nand -wfcjfaandtfr -mfcMtandifr Date at left of horses name Is last workout. Letters following time indicate: b, breezing; d, driving; e, easily; h, handily; o, all out; s, sulked; u, eased up. THURSDAY, AUGUST 18 HAWTHORNE. Weather clear; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. 8-14 Annie Oront :37h 8-16 Oil Queen... :36 h 8-13Babee :39 b 8-16 Pendulum .. :37 h 8-14 Cuddle :39 b 8-15 Suspicious .. :41 b 8-12 Conclude ... :37 h 8-10 Supreme St :36b 8-15Carira :37 h 8-16 Star Lassie.. :39h 8-12 Ebony Lady. :36 h 6-19 Shackelford . :36 h 8-15 Lugen Lgge :36h 8-15 Tonawanda . :36h 8-5 Mai San :38 h 8-1 Timorous ... :38b 8-5 Miss Perftn :37h 8-9 Upon :37h 8-8 Night Jasine :37h 8-13 W, J. Balmcr :39 h One-Halt Mile. 8-14 Blast :49 h 8-16 Kensington :49h 8-13 Conquest ... :47h 8-13 Keaton .... :50b 8-7 Curly Head.. :49 h 8-8 Lady General :50b 8-15 Chu Chu.... :48h 8-15 Mokur :52 h 8-13 Don Tasker. :49 h 8-13 Ondott :48d 8-11 Dandelion .. :51b 8-13 Plutarch .... :53h 8-14 Elbeth Fox :51 h 8-11 Porternesia . :48h 7- 12 Fetch :50 h 7-31 Raffles Chce :51h 8- 2 Garlic :53b Scotch Lsie :51 h 8-14 George Mac :50h 8-14 Spinning Wy :49 h 8-16Gabbo :51 h 8-3 Tombereau . :49h 7- 29 Jessie Dear. . :47h 8-14 Verity Ballot :51h Five-Eighths Mile. 8- 6 Altmark ..i.l:04h 8-16 Lucille K....l:01 h 8-15 Band Wagonl:01h 7-26 Missie 1:02 h 8-3 Escobanete .l:04h 8-13 Old Reb..... 1:04 h 8-5 Go Easy....l:04h 8-8 Palatine ...l,-02h 8-15 Hope to Do.l:01h 7-10 Pre War.. ..1:02 d 8-12 Infinity ....l:02h 8-16 Projectile ...1:01 h 7-31 Ixnay 1:04 h 8-3 Sister Mary.l:03 b 7- 26 Inheritor ...l:04h 8-6 Stroll Along.l:03h 8- 17 In High .... .1:02 d 8-13 Snaplock . . .1:02 h 8-13 Islam. 1:06 b 8-15 Truxton ...1:05 h 8-6 Knhts Gal l:03h 8-8 Tail Wind. ..l:04h Three-Quarters Mile. 8-12 Agatha l:16h 8-17 Little Colonell:19o 8-16 Arrowswift .l:23b 8-5 Lucky Jack. .1:23 b 8-10 Ann Clay. ... 1:17 h 8-16 Nick D l:20h 7- 31 Buds Pal.... 1:20 d 8-14 Oswego Prssl:18 h 8- 15 Buster B....l:14d 8-10 Polyp .l:15h 8-9 Burning Feetl:18h 8-13 Spicson . . . .l:15d 8-13Dattner ...l:16d 8-15 Sweet Peach.l:16 h 8-14Edina l:15h 8-11 Sir Raoul...l:19 h 8-14 Flaunt l:16h 8-14 Suns Son... l:16h 8-17 First Regintl:20h 8-9 Serving Lad. l:16h 8-16 Four Pence .l:23b 8-11 Sir Satin. . . .1:16 h 8-17 Frisky Werl:20h 8-15 Searington ..l:18h 8-11 Gloritone . ,l:15h 8-14 Single Stripel:17h 8-14 Hyklas 1:17 h 8-15 Valencienes l:15h 8-11 Lovely Hills. 1:15 h Seven-Eighths Mile. 8-15 Betty Beau.. 1:29 h 8-8 Colonial Blel:28 h 8-14 Chicago ....1:32 h 8-17 Wacker Drel:31h One Mile. 8-12 Annan .....l:46h 8-13 Titus l:47h 8-11 Mad Career..l:42 h 8-15 Witeon ....l:48h 8-15 Seven Veils. l:43h One and One-Eighth Miles. 8-17Playdale ...l:55h 8-16 Quibbler ...1:55 h One and One-Quarter Wales. 8-14 Sidney Grant2:14 h SPORTSMANS PARK. Weather clear; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. 8-15 Ante :40 b 8-11 Hypnotism . . :40 b 8-11 Courier :39h 8-15 Rosa de Ca :37h 8-15 Dewey Fly. . . :39 b 8-16 Volcry ..... :39 b 8-15 Englewood .. :42 b One-Half Mile. 8-15 Blk Litning :54 b 8-16Chkee Girl.. :52b Three-Quarters Mile. 8-15 Folamile . . .l:20h 8-14 Money Musk.l:17h One Mile. 8-15 Bumpkin ...l:47h 8-2 Peace Buddy.l:51 b Rost de Cuba showed speed. Money Musk did a good move handily. DADE PARK. Weather clear; track muddy- Three-Eighths Mile. Clela :38b 8-15 Nanny D.... :43 b 8-11 Contort .... :44. b 8-8 Our Pal :39b 8-14 Court Memr :41 b 8-15 Remunern .: 41 b 8-14 Emmaline H. :38b 8-12 Sizzling .... :40b 8-15 Flying Boy.. :41b 8-16 Shasta Lad.. :42 b 8-16 Foreign Play :38b 8-16 Screen Idol. :39b 8-15 Mr. Dick.... :38b 8-13 Town Limit. :40b 8-16 Miss Evans. :40b 8-13 Votan :41b One-Half Mile. 8-14 Alv. Ranshw :54b 8-8 Matadi :54b 8-16 Big Shot.... :54b Pillnita .... :55b 8-17 Charlie Pat.. :53b 8-15 Sea Billows. . :54b 8-15 Flying Silk.. :53d Five-Eighths Mile. 8-15 Low Gear...l:12b 8-17 Lyda Belle.. l:09b 8-15 Little Chip.. 1:13 b Rdio ServicelK7 b Three-Quarters Mile. 8-15 Bder Warntl:26 b 8-15 Manta l:19b 8-10 Dis Dame... 1:19 b 8-16 Surf Board. .l:21b Seven-Eighths Mile. 8-16 Playtime ...l:36b . One Mile. 8-17 Pncefcather 1:58 b THISTLE DOWN PARK. Weather cloudy; track sloppy Three-Eighths Mile. 8-2 Balzar :42 h 8-16 My Luck. .. . :41d 8-11 Donday . . . . :39 d 8-12 Noahs Pride :38 h 8-6 Hippias .... :38 h 8-13 Paul T :40d 8-17 Jean :43 h 8-3 Sir John K.. :38d 8-11 Kelso :42 h 7-13 Six Bits :40d 8-13 Laura Clay. :41 h 8-12 Worm Glow. :39 d 8-9 Marion T.... :41 h 8-13 Yes Yes.... :43 h One-Half Mile. 8-14Angon Ward :52h 8-14 Lucky Man.. :53h 8-15 Dna Linda.. :51d 7-27 Ly Prospero :53d 8-12 Dark Abbot. :54b 8-15 My McClain :55h 7- 31 Fountain ... :53 h 7-30 Oblique .... :54h 8- 12 Free Helen.. :51h 8-14 Sharon :56 h 8-14 Fred Almy.. :54h 8-13 Strng Time. :51d 8-15 June G :56b 8-4 Wild Hour... :54d 8-16 Jaz Time.... :57 b Five-Eighths Mile. 7- 21 Bright Flag.lK6h 8-4 Copper lK5h 8- 16 Belgrade . . .1:05 d 8-15 Donna Vivianl.-04d 8-14 Bubsy C l:06h 7-24 Lincoln Plautl:10 h 8-16 Brown Trap.lK7 h 8-10 Pompon ....1:07 h 8-15 Chmas Nightl:03d 8-11 Regusted ...lK4d Three-Quarters Mile. 8-12 Chris. Pscnl:27b 8-9 Lucky Drift.124 b 8-1 Pauline H...l:22 b 8-14 The Moon... 1:16 h One Mile. 8-2 Laura Fish.. 1:52 h SARATOGA. Main Track. Weather cloudy; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. 8-16 Bubble Up.. :37 b 8-14 Reveille Boy :38b 8-13 Chlo Boy... :38 b 6-10 Robn Cruse :36 h 8-13 Exiled :38 b 7-25 Sir Gareth.. :40 b 8-2 Lullaby II... :35 h 8-13 Traphal .... :35d 8-16 Our Sallie.. :36 h 8-16 Via Appia. .. :36 h One-Half Mile. 7-23 Bel Ora :49b 8-14 Mermenger . :50 h 7-29 Bravissima . :49b 8-16 Pilate :47 d 7- 7 Day Nurse.. :52 h 8-1 Rapscallion . :52b 8- 13 Grans Trade. :49 h 8-13 Saintlite ... :48h 7- 29 Golden Ship. :49b 8-16 Ship Ablaze. :51b 6- 30 Gift Magic. :51 b 8-11 Vote :51 h 8- 15 Gallivanter . :51 b Five-Eighths Mile. 7- 29 Aunt Marsa.l:02h 7-21 Eisenberg ..l:04b 8- 16 Black Sheep.l:01 d 8-14 Keep Out...l:02b 8-10 Barn Dance.l:01d 7-19 Marquetry ..l:02b 8-13Capsheaf ...1:10 b 8-10 Pulis l:04b 842 Dynastic ...l:03b 7-30 To wee 1:09 b Three-Quarters Mile. 8-16 Blck Jacket.l:i7b 7-22 Pomposo ...1:16 h 8-2 Crazy Jane.l:14h 7-29 Pompalo ...1:17 h 8-15 Cattail l:17b 8-9 Roy. Coqttel:19 b. 7- 29 Circle Rmanl:19 b 8-16 Resurrection 1:19 b 8- 16 Distraught ..1:17 b 8-16 Swing Lightl:16 h 8-16 Dunbar ....1:15 d 8-16 Stpenfetchit 1:16 b 8-16 Glorify 1:16 b 8-16 Sunwood ...l:16h 8-14 Integrity ...1:18 b 8-15 Stealaway .l:17b Love Mist... 1:18 b 8-14 Snap Back.. l:13h 8-16Morfair ....1:14 b 8-16 Unwrin Lawl:20 b 8-9 Oriley 1:19 b 8-6 Wonderful ..1H8 b One Mile. 8-13 Al Neiman..l:45 b 8-7 Scuttle 1:44 b 8-16 Chs Troubrl:47 b One and One-Eighth Miles. 8-15 Semaphore .1:56 b 8-13 War Hero.. .1:56 b 8-17 Sunmelus ..1:53 d One and One-Quarter Miles. 8-1 Monday ....2:07h 8-17 Osculator ...2:11 b Sunmelus worked good. SARATOGA. Oklahoma training track. Weather cloudy; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. 7- 16 Arbitrate ... 39 b 7-6 Sand Runner :38 h 8- 11 Parsnip :38 b 8-1 Sun Mission. :39 b 8-14 S. Donaldson :38 b 8-14 Ykers Flash :39 h One-Half Mile. 7- 27 Dud dAilc.. :51 b 8-13 Jubilation .. :51 b 5- 5 Dur. Knight. :52 b 7-26 Pace :51 b 8- 13Durbaru ... :50h 7-23 Woco :51 b 8-6 Electric Gaff :51b Five-Eighths Mile. 6- 6 Array l:03h Knkag Toml34 b 8-8 Gold. Wordsl:04 b 8-13 Peturnal ...1:03 h 8-1 Jean Brown.l:03h 8-15 Tussle ......1:05 b Three-Quarters Mile. 5-20 Almond ....1:22 b 6-17 Lansquenet .1:20 b 8-14 Action 1:21 b 7-25 Torealong ..1:22 b 8-13 Flagstone ...1:20 b 8-7 Upturn ....1:20 b One Mile. 8-9 Light Touch. 1:48 b 8-1 R. V. Winklel:49 b 7- 6 Light View. .1:49 b 8-10 Trieste 1:48 b 7- 12 Prince Sweepl:50 b KENDLWORTH PARK. Weather clear; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. 8- 16 Bronze :38 b 8-16 Ladykin ....-:39 b 8-16 By the Sea.. :37 b 8-17 Moon Phase. :39 b 8-16 Capt. Gilbert :37h 8-8 Par Exlence. :38 b 8-16 Conswater .. :38b 8-15 Partisan .... :37b 8-16 Donald Lad.. :37 b 8-11 Scot Free... :37b 8-15Elcidio :38b 8-16 Toy Town... :38b 8-16 Fly Guy :39 b 8-16 Toki :38 b 8-8 Kirkld Post. :38 b 8-9 Wentworth . :37 b One-Half Mile. 8-16 Bud Broom.. :51 b 7-8 Lordship ... :49 h 8-8 Bill Seth.... :52 d 8-15 Milestone ... :51b 4- 23 Finger Tips.. :50b 8-8 Marie Gaiety :50h 8-15 Footmark ... :50 b 8-16 Serfman .... :52 b Grand Hopes :49h 8-15 Spectacular.. :49h Five-Eighths Mile. 8-16 Abduction ..l:07b 7-29 Petulant ....1:04 b 5- 4 Ballinasloe ..l:03b Three-Quarters Mile. 7- 26 Flying Don..l:17b 7-29 Peter 1:18 b 8- 12 Hot Shot....l:17h One Mile. 8-17Boscobel ....l:43h CONNAUGHT PARK. Weather rainy; track sloppy Three-Eighths Mile. 7- 26 Aliens :42h Mannite .... :39h 8- 15 All Columbia :40h 5-6 Maria :41h 6- 15 Acajou :39h 3-7 Masr Stroke :40h 8-2 Beth Hogan.. :39h 8-12 Optical ..... :41h 8-15Getgoin :40h 8-3 Retainer .... :40d 7- 19Kingsway ... :39h One-Half Mile. 8- 12 Bubola :53 h 7-19 Nas Darling :55 h 5-24 Gifts Lass.. :53h 8-13 Princely Pal. :53 h 8-3 Fair Arrow.. :54h 8-12 Rosclys .... :54h 8-12Goeland .... :54 h 8-12 Skid :55h 8-12Isostasy .... :53 h 8-12 Sorcery .... :53h 7-23 Mongolian .. :54h 8-2 Your Flag... :53h Five-Eighths Mile Athlone Lassl:06h 8-15 Omagh 1:09 h 7-23 Blk Prcess.lK7h 8-13 Rosemrie B.lK7h 7- 30 Black Vim..l:06h 6-20 Tout Feu. ...l:06h 8- 15 Candy Man..l:08h Three-Quarters Mile. 8-13 Fatal Gift... 1:20 h Sweet Call. .1:20 h 7- 30 Jug of Gold.l:21h 8-16 Westko l:19h 8- 15 Mad Mullah..l:19h One Mile. 7-22 Lawless ....l:50h NIAGARA FALLS. Weather rainy; track heavy Three-Eighths Mile 7- 4 Ithacan .... :39h 8-1 Sph. of Bty :40 h 8- 5 Rustic Lad.. :40 h 8-16 Valiance ... :40 h 5- 24 Science Hill. :41 b 8-6 Wrench .... :40h 7-14 Star Play... :41 h One-Half Mile. 7-26 All Forlorn.. :54h 8-16 Pledge :55 h 7- 28 Capacity ... :54 h 7-15 Rock Crest.. :55h 8- 11 Hercndeen .. :56 h 8-16 Stambul .... :55 h 6- 13 0rtona :54h Three-Quarters Mile. 8-17 Albazano ...1:25 h 8-11 Tky Colonel.125 d 6-22 J. George... 127h 6-13 The Hovel. .l:26h 8-6 Mynheer j,.127. h