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For Years a "Menace" to the "Bookies" Ask Any "Old Tinier" Hell Tell You SIT HONESTY IS THE BEST - : SWT POLICY My releases are always advertised WITT OR LOSE! Thats why thousands of clients stick with me year in and year out YOU CANT WIN THEM ALL, BUT MY AVERAGE ALWAYS SHOWS A HUGE PROFIT. Saturdays Parlay: LOW GEAR, .70, .92, 2ND CHUM, 4.82, LOST Fridays Parlay: KINGPIN, 8.84; WON PIGEON HOLE, 0.98, WON Thursdays Parlay: OUTCRY, $ 8.64, WON OUT BOUND, $ 5.96, WON Wednesdays Parlay: BERBER, 6.40, WON LITTLE STOKES, 0.40, WON Tuesdays Parlay: BRANDON ROSE, 6.00, WON MATADI, 4.20, WON CONSISTENT WINNING "INFO" Thats, what beats this game; Millions have been lost by guessing or handicapping. You dont stand a chance unless you are properly connected and I am! Sir ANOTHER PROFITABLE - W WEEK -WP . Just as usual my clients "CLEANED UP AGAIN." MY PARLAYS PAY SUCH TREMENDOUS ODDS, it only TAKES ONE OUT OP SIX TO GIVE YOU A GOOD WEEKS WAGES -3 START THE WEEK RIGHT BT ANOTHER BIG CLEANUP TODAY MONDAY IT WIN 50 ON A PLAY -W DONT HESITATE! SUBSCRIBE NOW! TERMS DAILY TERMS CHICAGO CLIENTS, Call in Person or Phone Franklin 0596 -mj for messenger service no charge. Out-of-town clients, wire via Western Union or Postal Telegraph. Service sent by fast telegram. JACK FIELD 35 South Dearborn, Boom 708, Chicago, 111. 26 YEARS OF ACTUAL TURF EXPERIENCE "Darky" Bob Williams SATURDAYS 11TH HOUR PARLAY: GOLD STEP, 4.26, WON MAKING BUBBLES, 9.18, WON FRIDAYS 11TH HOUR PARLAY: ECHBRTDGE LADY, 2.70, WONIg BtnLUCKITE, $ 9.10, WONTK2 FREE SPECIAL OFFER FREE W ,000 OCCASIONAL "m Insiders Commission Secret Transaction Goes Today Monday Together with My FEEE 00 JOCKEY SECRET FREE GOES WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 26TH All clients subscribing to my 11th Hour Parlay service Monday will receive absolutely free my TWO 2 SPECIALS FREE "Wl MONDAYS 11TH HOUR PARLAY arc two 2 real good things. I have received exceptionally fine word on both horses and have been assured that connections are confident that the Two 2 Horses Can Win AND PAY PLENTY TERMS FOR 11TH HOUR PARLAY S3 PER DAY fWBoth Specials Free for Monday OnIy"5E Mondays Daily Double Code Sold on All Newsstands: LAUREL May-1 9-2-23-2 LAUREL June-14-1-t-4 Terms for "DAILY DOUBLE," 50 cents at your newsstand or for six 6 days service, which will be sent to reach you the first mail in the morning. You may have this information wired you daily if you desire. Outof town clients, wire your subscription via Western Union or Postal Telegraph. Make all remittances payable to BOB WILLIAMS 123 W-. MADISON ST. SUITE 600 CHICAGO. ILL. A RACING MIRACLE THE INVENTION OF THE AGE . Considered the bt and most unbeatable method of making racing pay In the world. It gives you winner after winner. It is atniosf a racing certainty. I I No figuring no handicapping no doubling up after losers flat bets only. Should averace from 5 to 0 per weefc net profit on flat bets. v. - Small Capita Required. You can start out with a bankroll of 0 and sail right along. If you have lost money on the races heres a -chance to gel it all back and plenty more Jaesides. " Copies of the New Wonder System will be mailed i absolutely free. No obligations, no stnngs attached to this ofler. First come, first served. Get your copy .today 1 Start winning! Send name and address to : . EASTERN CODE BUREAU No Telegrams! No Wires! No Telephone Calls! No Expense! JUST WHAT THE SMALL PLAYER HAS BEEN SEEKING STRICTLY TWO HORSES A DAY IN CODE FORM These Codes Are Advertised In This Paper Every Day " . PAYS FOR CODE CARD GOOD FOR SIX DAYS ArSS we prepay te " T mm.300 nf thafc ne,w code card good for six days, starting Monday, October 24th, until Saturday, October 29th, inclusive. Sensational information during-coining week. Wire now. Receive code card first thing Monday morning by air mail. Our office open Sunday from 11 a. m. to 11 p. m. Immediate service " assured. Mondays subscribers will receive parlay by prepaid wire and code card early Tuesday morning. SATURDAYS STRICTLY TWO-HORSE PARLAY: . ... ur Service Is the Talk of the Entire Country Sensational Information v ST NO TELEGRAMS NO TELEPHONE CALLS NO EXPENSE CVSAVE YOUR MONEY PROTECT YOUR MONEY NO WAITING-NO SUSPENSE THIS . CONCERN IS abxmiai ABSOLUTELY ikY. -jm 100 PER CENT FOR THE PLAYER A Fair and Square Deal Is Assured TWO BIG PRICED WINNERS MONDAY! SUBSCRIBE TODAY! TAvr, IHSREARE MONDAYS STRICTLY TWO HORSES: LAUREL-Pierce-25-14-14-11. -?hNI?aCkaJd:1i"2"12- The first word indicates the track, the second word indicates the race, the - first two and last two numbers gives you the first tvo and last two. letters of the norses name. THE MOST SENSATIONAL INFORMATION EVER RELEASED TO THE PUBLIC -p NO UNNECESSARY TELEGRAMS NO TELEPHONE CALLS NO EXPENSE -M mandltiZ A senuine service, twinning JJSL your i v OFFICE OPEN SUNDAY FROM 11 A. M. TO 11 P. M." W SJst0 Be sure to incIud your S mailing address. Office EASTERN CODE BUREAU 145 WEST 41ST STREET. ROOM 508 NEW YORK CITY SUPREME FLASH TURF WEEKLY For Sale at All Newsstands 35 Cents a Copy W NEW ISSUE OUT TODAY - GET THE $ CASH $ WITH SUPREME FLASH And That Is Just What Over 10,000 Followers Are Doing Each and Every Week LOOK AT THESE FREE CODE WINNERS: Fridays Free Code: WISE COUNT, .50, WON Thursdays Free Code: COLOSSAL, .30, WON "How can you go wrong following Supreme Flash Turf Weekly?" Gives more winners, better prices and its SYSTEM HORSES ARE THE TALK OF THE COUNTRY. Ask your fellow player. . MONDAYS 00 FREE CODE- LATONIA-Jan.-20-8.3-17 Here is one th.vt you can sink the ship on, because we know that everything is all set for a BIG CLEAN- j UP. For code to decipher, buy issue No. 1, and turn to page 2, for sale everywhere, price 35 cents. E A BANNER WEEK -?Sg ON THE TRACKMENS PARLAYS SIX OUT OF SIX Not one losing day CAN YOU BEAT IT? SATURDAYS TRACKMENS PARLAY: GOLD STEP, 4.26, WON GALLANT SIR, $ 6.00, WON FRIDAYS TRACKMENS PARLAY: FAIR IMAGE, 2.20, WON LITTLE CONNELLY, 0.10, WON " START THE WEEK RIGHT -B Play Trackmens Parlay today and every day for ST LIMIT WIN PARLAYS 30 THAT YOU GET DAILY WITHOUT DELAY MONDAYS TRACKMENS PARLAY: LAUREL Gun-36-14 LATONIA Battle-40-29 HOP ABOARD ! GO HEAVY AS THIS PARLAY IS A PIPPIN. If you only knew what we "know" about these two horses you would "HOCK" your family jewels. A WORD TO THE "WISE" is sufficient. So take our advice, get "IN" while the cettine is "good." TERMS FOR TRACKMENS PARLAYS, PAYS FOR SIX DAYS. Wire subscription at once and you will receive Mondays Trackmens Parlay by wire. And will mail you code card for six days to reach you in the morning. SUPREME PUBLISHING CO. 799 Broadway Suite 407 New York City Weekly Racing Guide DAILY CODE Worlds Greatest Racing Weekly Two Great Free Information Services One Horse a Day Selected by Americas Greatest Experts CARMACS RELEASE FOR MONDAY: LATONIA Eight-32-50. ASA POWELLS RELEASE FOR MONDAY: LATONIA Seven-32-25. " FOR CODE BUY ISSUE OF OCTOBER 22 SECRET SOCIETY SPECIAL MONDAY 57 Per Cent Have Won Over a Period of Four Years MONDAYS SECRET SOCIETY SPECIAL IS: LEEKS Harp-8-31. ARE YOU A MEMBER? If not, send in a self-addressed, stamped envelope and you will receive a membership card by return mail. Its free. WEEKLY RACING GUIDE 421 Plymouth Ct. Chicago, El. BUY NOVEMBER ISSUE NOW r , A PAES ALL DEALERS 23 G ft-iWc.""0 SEVEN BIG NEW FEATURES Z KfgSI IongShot Super SPEciALfGOEs to-oav I . PBUY HORSE 6. JOCKEY-USE CODE WGL29 JyJ " LATONIA-4th-Corn-Strap-Rye. E j 11 VfYPAlflf l2 MAW WH ROUTED THE"! S W YA1 Cill IffUm Chicago bookies $ ftR. SULLIVAN M sUbook?es J tm m rww readyacain dont like t "Happy Days Are Here Again" Get "Prosperity" Blues Following "Sullivan" HERE IS WHY EVERYBODY IS "HAPPY"-LAST WEEKS RECORD-READ EM AND WEEP SATURDAY PARLAY; FRIDAYS PARLAY AT LATONIA: Trfv?MTr,A.,K, Mri HV 96i3-90 2ND RUNNING WATER, 0.90, WON TRYANDAGAIN, .50, WON DUELIST, $ 8.68 WON CRrJAfSSDAYS PARLAY AT WEDNESDAYS PARLAY: Sra., 9.56, WON MOUNTAIN ELK, $ 8 70 WON HIGH STORM, $ 7.82, WON BERBER, SlS WON TUESDAYS PARLAY: "MONDAYS b PARLAY- PARLAY PANA FRANKA, 0.40, .44, 3rd LA FERIA, BUD CHARLTON, 5.06, Lost NEEDLES $ 4 24 WON CAN YOU DO AS GOOD? If you can, YOU DONT NEED "SULLIVAN." But CAN "YOU?" W START THE WEEK "RIGHT" BY FOLLOWING "SULLIVAN" -g t,i2517oneday- But Siyc us a a fair tr5al a"d we will CONVINCE YOU that the racing 5 rame CAN BE BEATEN. Youve tried the rest, NOW GET "THE BEST." MONDAY, IVE GOT WINNERS OF "DAILY DOUBLE:" TTou know what that pays. Here is your chance to get a hat full with a bet FJ? "FREE" LATONIA PARLAY GOES MONDAY SHOULD PAY S50-S1 -8 BF TERMS, A DAY-CHICAGO PLAYERS, "STOP-LOOK-READ" It will pay you to drop up to my office and see whats s;oing on. YOURE UNDER "NO OBLIGATION " I will show you PROOF that I have the GOODS. IF YOU CANT COME, PHONE ME RANDOLPH 9195-9196 rm s ny PARL4Y,fa sealed envelope with messenger. NO EXTRA CHARGE FOR MES-witrrap Out of town players, send your S3 and will PARLAY n . you get my by FAST WIRE. NO VA1UNG. Parlay sent immediately on receipt of your subscription. Mysterious" MR. SULLIVAN. 127 N. Dearborn St.. Room 1327, Chicago. HI. The "Pink Sheet" price, 15 Cents AMOUR, McCarty Sportsmans Park Tip, 3.64, WON NICK D., Regrens Sportsmans Park Pay-Off, 5.76, WON FULL UP, Regrens Sportsmans Park Standout, 5.44 WON MATADI, Bassetts Laurel X Special, 5.20, WON MONDAYS FREE CODE HORSES: LATONIA Erie-38-50-37. LAUREL Rome-35-32-50. TO DECIPHER FREE CODES BUY A TELEGRAPH CHICAGO DAILY TELEGRAPH 441 PLYMOUTH COURT CHICAGO DLL. per Month by First Class Mail ?8 per Month OJ MaJJ !!Prominent Horseman!! ESTABLISHED MAY, 1920 ON THIS PAGE FOR TEN YEARS 00 REWARD we offered the above reward to to able anyone that prove statement ,j any made in this 2, Wf ? re7;d.remains ""claimed. Wd are extending the offer in order ?hau fellow who doub H ed that f could we out so many long "priced winners in succession must be fuVconvbced8 our weekly cnents" " t0 that "ot the i toS. " SATURDAYS: KUVERA, WN RECENT RELEASES: ,rAT? MARSE ROBERT, $ 9.30, WON MOUNTAIN ELK S S.7ft wnv LA SALLE, 3.30, $ 4.90, 3RD CHENE, S14 J2 wSS BRANDON ROSE 6.00, WON GRAND PRINCE, ftfo wSn won , DAILY SERVICE BY FAST WIRE DAILY Out-of-town clients, remit via Western Union or Postal Telegraph. ? PROMINENT HORSEMAN 1560 BROADWAY SUITE 1510 NW YQRK Jif . ,.: TELEPHONE BRYANT 9-9230-OFFICE HOURS 10 A. M. TO 3 P. M. - FREE PHONE RESULTS CALL WABASH 700o"