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■ lmr5rfJ marie jeaT1 2nd hfini ii i helen bab lost I I m 1 I ifl I il I 9 111 Saturdays Parlay If Jfl XWM Wl iJIHy FULL TILT, 6.48, WON ■"E™™™™1™*™™ PHAELDALE, $ 7.64, WON BHONESTY IS THE BEST POLICY— "Field" Never Misrepresents- Thats why any man who has had the pleasure of doing business with me will tell you that "FIELD" WILL GIVE YOU AS SQUARE A DEAL AS YOU EVER GOT IN YOUR LIFE— EVERYBODY GETS THE SAME SERVICE— NO RED TAPE ! ! IS IT ANY WONDER THAT "FIELD" ALWAYS LEADS THE FIELD? REMEMBER— My ads have appeared in this publication for many years, day in and day out. Not here today and gone tomorrow. There must be a reason ! ! Nothing* succeeds like success ! ! W TUESDAY— WILL BE "PAY DAY" FOR "FIELD" CLIENTS— 00 FOR "»■ START WITH ME TODAY AND MAKE YOUR BOOKIE PAY! FREE! SPORTSMANS PARK LIMIT SPECIAL WINNER! FREE! To All Now Clients Subscribing for Todays Long Shot Parlay ! ! ! DONT HESITATE! SUBSCRD3E NOW! TERMS, DADLY! City clients, call in person or phone— FRANKLIN 0596— for messenger service absolutely no charge. Out-of-town clients, wire via Postal Telegraph or Western Union. Service wired by fast telegram. No delay ! ! JACK FIELD, 35 South Dearborn St. Room 708, Chicago, III. Jockey Wm. Munden AMERICAS SENSATIONAL MONEY RIDER PAYS FOR CODE CARD— GOOD FOR SIX CONSECUTIVE DAYS WOULD YOU BE SATISFIED TO WIN 00 WEEKLY ON A BET EVERY DAY OW MY CODE PARLAY? W««k after w««k I have proven to thousands of my followers that a daily play on my parlay has shown a profit of 00 or more. WHAT MORE COULD YOU ASK? Tf you want to be convinced, come up and see for yourself. Give me a trial for six days and that will convince you plenty. WIN YOURSELF A FEW HUNDRED DOLLARS TODAY HERE IT IS— TODAYS LIMIT CODE PARLAY: PIMLICO— Buffalo-6-20. CHURCHILL DOWNS— Jersey-22-8. PAYS FOR SIX DAYS CODE PARLAYS What it would cost you for 6 days telegrams pays for your code card. I send, you my code card, good for six days — codes printed in my ad in this paper every day. Rush your so that I can send you todays code parlay by prepaid telegram and send you my code card to reach you first thing in the morning. ANOTHER LAST-MINUTE PARLAY GOES TODAY Two long shots. Terms, for this last minute parlay, which will be released from my office at 11:45 a. m. Chicago players, come up to the office. I have another Sportsmans Park Special that I am giving free to all followers. For messenger service, telephone RANDOLPH 9211. JOCKEY WM. MUNDEN, 123 West Madison St. 6th Floor, Chicago, III. OCCASIONAL CODE: PIMLICO: Jump-Zero-Horn-Sang-Send. Ready to TOWROPE in this field. NOTE: Ev«r one who bought the OCCASIONAL CODE CARD last Saturday got in on SATURDAYS LAST-MINUTE SPECIAL: Isaiah 7.26, Won Ask your newsdealer for the MASTER CLOCKERS OCCASIONAL CODE CARD. Price, . For sale at all newsstands. if IX II "" TV" 1 tv" OIRECT STABLE INFORMATION Two Horses a Day — In Code Form PAYS FOR SIX DAYS SERVICE BILLY KELLYS RELEASES FOR TUESDAY: AURORA— L-12-23-15-1 6. CHURCHILL DOWNS— U-1 2-2-25-9. WM. BURKE KELLY 423 PLYMOUTH COURT. CHICAGO. ILL. A. J. McKEEVER 145 West 41st St. Fifth Floor, New York City JL TODAYS TWO CODE HORSES: I PIMLICO— Coat-9-25-1 3-2. PIMLICO— Rope-17-22-18-2. ■ PRIVATE POOL PARLAYS B Daily — Two Horses a Day STAND TURF WEEKLY TOR SALE AT ALL NEWSSTANDS— 35 CENTS GRAND Todays Free Code: AURORA— €rand-72-27-71-72. TODAYS CODE PARLAY: PIMLICO— May-18-4«. CHURCHILL— July-39-21. S4 PAYS FOR SIX DAYS PARLAYS GRAND STAND PUBLISHING GO. 1 110 W. 42nd St. Suite 507. New York, N. Y. SYSTEM FLAYERS - - - NOTICE! A«ewdbe«mo**««ly* "««n er?*i. Wffl I .end out »ew I Kentucky Syrtero on tO d»y« free rn«l. Muil pick 3 wmnendaily •teaehtrackoiyouowemnodiinr Se»d for your free copy today. g£ ~ SECOB PUB CO. Dent. 6 AURORA, ILL. ■ COMPASS— 35c. at All Newsstands and Todays Code Parlay: PIMLICO— May-80-32-72-80 Kand CHURCHILL— July-62 48-32 82. Free Code: PUR- ■ pLC— Bill 62-85-12-22. .lockers Code: AURORA— r Dodoe-24.17-17-37. MAN O WAR TURF WEEKLY 25 Cents— ON ALL NEWSSTANDS— 25 Cents | Todays Parlay: CHURCHILL— Dick-49-35-33-55 and f PIMLICO— Melvin-25-21-41-21. Free Code: PIMLICO — Cap-42-34-45-10. i COMBINED TRACKMAN TURF WEEKLY Todays Free Codes: PIMLICO— Spur-24-19-10 and , AURORA— Ace 2-15-2. Chief Trackmans Parlay: CHURCHILL-Red 5-14-23 and PIMLICO— Sam-12 21-8. CARL BRADY 35 cents TURF WEEKLY 35 cents Sold on All Newsstands ITS Straight ,000 Free Code Winners*! AND HERE IS THE FOURTH ONE Todays ,000 Free Code: CHURCHILL DOWNS— Troy-30-56. See page 2, Carl Brady Turf Weekly, sold on all newsstands, price, 35 cents. YESTERDAYS PARLAY: CHUCK B., 7.68, WON POLITEN, 0.80, WON The result is no surprise when you do business with a reputable horseman who is in the KNOW. 2 MORE WINNERS TODAY In code and filed just like yesterdays win parlay. No telegrams. No waiting. Here it is: TODAYS WIN PARLAY: PIMLICO— Gray-14-11. CHURCHILL— Pink-4-22. Regret I cannot state all I know about these "two good things" as my position forbids, but if you only knew what I know you would really beg and borrow to get in on these two winners. If you pass up these two winners, take my tip and stop playing them, as you will never beat this game if you allow two such winners as these are to get away from you. For limit parlays, get Carl Brady Turf Weekly, 35 cents, and see page 4, and you will clean up. CARL BRADY 1841 BROADWAY SUITE 1006 NEW YORK CITY CLOCKERS REVIEW For Sale at All Newsstands— 35 Cents a Copy. YESTERDAYS 5 OCCASIONAL: CLOSING EVENT, 2.54, WON ANOTHER 5 OCCASIONAL GOES TODAY The mighty monarch of the turf. See page six 6, Clockers Review, for full details. Todays Free Code: PIMLICO— Green-3-1. TODAYS CODE PARLAY: PIMLICO— Blinker-9-1. CHURCHILL— Starter-9-1. CLOCKERS REVIEW PUBLISHING CO. 1674 Broadway Suite 914 New York City Weekly Racing Guide DAILY CODE Worlds Greatest Racing Weekly Two Great Free Information Services One Horse a Day Selected by Americas Greatest Experts CARMACS RELEASE FOR TUESDAY: PIMLICO— May-45-18. ASA POWELLS RELEASE FOR TUESDAY: AURORA— Thur.-1 6-49. FOR CODE BUY ISSUE OF APRIL 29 WEEKLY RACING GUIDE 421 Plymouth CL Chicago. Ill RAY PAXON 320 EAST THIRD ST. SUITE 401. CINCINNATI, 0. TUESDAYS CODE HORSES: PIMLICO— Apple-26-5-11-19. CHURCHILL— Lemon-2M2-26-11. The Chicago Weekly Turf Bulletin and Sports Record Pile*. 35c — On Sale Everywhere — Pnc» 86* TODAYS TUESDAYS FREE CODE: PIMLICO— August-Troy-Omaha-Newark. SUPREME FLASH TURF WEEKLY Todays Pimlico Release: HOOF-7-14. Todays Free Code: PIMLICO— Jan.-24-19-16-4. TODAYS TRACKMENS PARLAY: PIMLICO— Pen-6-17. CHURCHILL— Table-3-15. KENTUCKY COLONEL TURF WEEKLY AT ALL NEWSSTANDS— 35 CENTS A COPY Todays Free Code: CHURCHILL— Red-21-5. Todays System Plays: PIMLICO— Sell-Mming-Stock and CHURCHILL— Sell-Deal-Mortgage. !!«#*«■■■* 011 11 §5% THE HAN WHO ROUTED THCl SMYSTEKItlUV # CHICACO BOOKIES • $ I ■ ¥■ »F • ■«•■• ■WT m ACClAIMED 6Y EVERY WEVSPAPIR »N THE * SI COUNTRY FOR MY SUCCESS f ■ m ;B m fAR. ** % « .....«#*..■ SULLIVAN 4I now rcady main * bookies dokt l ik« : t t !■ ■ r w*TC/r my +SMOfr£* j YESTERDAYS CHURCHILL PARLAY: SATURDAYS CHURCHILL PARLAY: CHUCK B., 7.68, WON PEGGY LEHMANN, 4.90, WON MARIE JEAN, 2ND PULL TILT, 0.W, WUP4 WINNERS or LOSERS, Sullivan always advertises what he gives. Thats why SULLIVAN has such fa y %1 aly many , B0OKffi a large following. GIVE THIS A TRIAL AND "CONVINCE" YOURSELF. was put out of business with this parlay. W Sullivan Has Winners of "Daily Double" Today at Louisville ~WB Comes from the same connections that had Saturdays 5 PARLAY at Louisville. Todays is better sir "FREE" PARLAY TODAY AT SPORTSMANS— DONT MISS IT ~M I know something today at Sportsmans, and IM giving it FREE to all my subscribers. TERMS, A DAY. Chicago players, dont go to the track before you see me. COME UP AND SEE THE LARGE CROWDS AT MY OFFICE. HOW THEY ARE CLEANING UP ON "SULLIVAN" PARLAYS every day! If you cannot come. PHONE RANDOLPH 9195-8196. Parlay sent to you with messenger. NO EXTRA charge for messenger. Out-of-town players, send . Parlay wired you by fast wire. 9. SULLIVAN, 127 N. Dearborn St Suite 1325-1327, Chicago, HI. WILLIAM BROTHERS M7 FIFTH AVE. NEAR 29TH ST.. SUITE 601, NEW YORK CITY OUT OF EACH 00 WON IN TEN DAYS, PAY US 5 SPECIAL OFFER: WIRE S3 FOR YOUR SHARE OF EXPENSES— TEN DAYS SERVICE There are no strings attached to this offer. For ten days vie will wire you a two-horse parlay. A ten-day trial should prove that we handle the best information obtainable at any price. Our connections assure you real information which should prove sensational. Saturdays Parlay: MB. KHAYYAM, 1.60. WON ISAIAH, 7.26, WON YESTERDAYS HORSES BOTH FINISHED SECOND PROMPT SERVICE TO ALL OUT-OF-TOWN. AS WELL AS CITY, SUBSCRIBERS! SUBSCRIBE! SUBSCRIBEl TODAY— TWO BIG LIMIT WINNERS— TODAY TODAYS PARLAY SHOULD WIN AND PAY St FOR S3— RECEIVE TEN DAYS SERVICE MONDAY, MAY 8TH, AT PIMLICO— SPECIAL TRANSACTION GOES— DONT MISS IT— SUBSCRIBE TODAY! ! We know that if you are on the square you will send in your share after we show the above profit. Those not fulfilling our requirements will immediately be taken off our telegraph list. You play a S3 win parlay for ten days on the two horses we wire you. When the ten days are up, wire us 5 out of each 00 you have won and we will continue. Overhead expenses obtaining this information are enormous, In order to help with same, we require you to teleeraph now via Western Union or Postal Telegraph, which amount may be deducted from our share at the end of ten days. fiUfTELKlSPH The "Pink Sheet" Price, 15 Cents ON SALE AT ALL NEWSSTANDS WINNERS AT PRICES EVERY DAY AND ON ALL TRACKS ERECH, McCarty-Bassett Tanforan Tip, paid, 0.80 FULL TILT, McCarty Churchill Downs Tip, paid, 16.48 PEGGY LEHMANN, Bassett Churchill Downs Tip, paid, 14.90 SHASTA BROOM, McCarty Tanforan Tip, paid, 12.00 RACE STREET, Regren Havre de Grace Tip, paid, 8.40 SPRINGSTEEL, Regren Havre de Grace Tip, paid, 9.20 ROYAL RUFFIN, Regren Havre de Grace Tip, paid, 9.20 CON AMORE, Regren Havre de Grace Standout, paid, 5.40 OSCULATOR, Regren-Bassett Churchill Downs Tip, paid, 4.88 —and others, some of which were Bold Type Specials. RACE STREET, .40, was the Winning Free Code Horse. These Code Horses, released in Chicago through Wabash 7000, have maintained a winning record that has meant BIG PROFITS TO THOUSANDS OF REGULAR PLAYERS. Last week, for instance, there were SEVEN WINNERS IN SIX DAYS, only one paying less than even money. There was only one losing day last week and very few through March and April TUESDAYS TWO FREE CODES: AURORA— Nice-27-36-41. CHURCHILL DOWNS— Erle-*O-3fM0. TO DECIPHER FREE CODES BUY A TELEGRAPH CHICAGO DAILY TELEGRAPH 441 PLYMOUTH COURT CHICAGO, ILL. per Month by First Class Mail per Month by Air Mail irst Race, Second Race, Third Race, Any Race f SYS TO LOGY |j GIVES YOU THE WINNERS | Dont Be an Antique — Be Modern | DONT WAIT TO FOLLOW THE CROWD— BE FIRST I * SEND IN YOUR ORDER NOW— GET THE MONEY BEFORE THE ■ CROWD KNOCKS THE PRICES DOWN K temple Dancer, 1.84, Won lj itepbrother, $ 9.20, Won | Early winners of Mondays races. An owner of a volume of Systology • es not have to wait for late races to get winners. He gets them from the I ! irt and keeps on getting them. ] EIGHT TESTED SYSTEMS— SPEED CHARTS— BETTING METHODS— PERCENTAGE TABLE— WINNING , FAVORITES— PROGRESSION RATES All in One Leather-Bound Volume 1,000 WORTH OF INFORMATION FOR 0 ■ ! 2ND IN YOUR ORDER NOW— DONT WATT— EVERY DAY YOU WAIT I YOU LOSE MONEY | SYSTOLOGY IS ONLY 0 PER VOLUME— THE PRICE MAY GO UP I PLYMOUTH SUPPLY CO. [ ,3 PLYMOUTH COURT CHICAGO, ILL. 5