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DAILY RACING FORM VOLUME XXXIX. NUMBER 104 TOOTTDED IH IBM Catered •■ second-claaa matter. April _, 180 S, at the post aMIce at Chicago. Illinois, under Act «X March 8. 18WL ■ DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY A iaJIy reflect loo of tbe American turf by telegraph. Published by DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO. • MX PLYMOUTH COTJET CHICAGO. ILL. IIS FOTJETH AVEHUE. HEW YOEE CITY, M. Y. M RICHMOND 6TEEET, EAST. TORONTO. ONT. • Sfti-307 DECATUE STREET, NEW ORLEANS. LA. p 1136 FIRST AVE.. N. W. MIAMI. FLA. " *— TELEPHONE HARRISON 7608 for business and circulation purposes only. This telephone bus no connection with tbe new* or editorial department* and cannot be used to com Bniataate wltb tbem. For Free Phone Results Call Wabasb 7000. SUBSCRIPTION BY FIRST-CLASS MAIL: .50 PBR MONTH PAYABLE IN ADVANCE BACK NUMBERS BY MAIL, 30 CENTS BACH Address all comnronicatrouj, make all remittances aad d send all manuscripts to DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO. 441 Plymouth Court Chicag*. HI *. — • To be considered and answered, all queries to Daily Baeins Form must be sent over the full name and d irith tb* addresa of writer. Tbe names and addressee t •re subject to a local and foreign directory test. 78416 is First Index of 1933 5 =