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DUFFERIN PARK ENTRIES ENTRIESWeather Weather clear track fast Racing starts at 230 p m Chicago daylight time For Dufferin Park Telephone Codes use Post Position number shown im ¬ mediately before the names of all the horses appearing in the entries First Race About 58 Mile MilePurse Purse 700 3YearOlds and Upward Foaled in inCanada ClaimingIndex Canada Claiming Index Post Bestat Distance Wt Claim No Pos Horse TrackWt Time AueTodav Price 97235 10 Toe Dance 6 104X 1WX 96838 6 Ville Crest 3 98X1000 96370 3 Babe Gaiety 4 106 1100 96569 2 Master Bobbie 8 106X 1000 96570 7 Dan McCrim McCrimmon mon 5 106 1000 89316 8 Earthen Jar 6 104 1000 96454 1 Malabar M 3 102X 1200 96754 4 Candy Man 6 106X 1000 94195 5 Childish Talk TalkM M 3106X1000 97159 9 Purple Gold GoldM M 3 102 1200 1200Second Second Race 78 Mile MilePurse Purse 700 3YearOIds and Upward Claiming 97084 1 Single A 5 113X 1200 97237 4 Trajectory 5 113X 1200 97236 6 Distribute 3 110X 1200 97160 2 Sccmego 4111X1200 4111X120097236s 97236s 9 Marveline 3 107 1200 96753 7 Stormer 4 113 1200 120096368s 96368s 3 Barter 6 111X 1200 96568 5 Canny Scot 3 107 1200 96296 8 Happy Warrior 5 116X 1200 1 97236 10 Stirred Up 3 105X 1200 1200Third Third Race 78 Mile MilePurse Purse 800 4YearOlds and Upward Claiming 96755 1 All Forlorn 4 115X 1750 175096755s 96755s 7 Stienuous 4 11 1750 175097084s 97084s 3 Newgro 5111X1750 96753 4 Siss 4 109 1500 97084 2 Crap Shooter 4 111X 1500 97085 5 Meridian Queen 8 109X 1250 969261 6 Energetic Boy 4 114X 1750 1750Fourth Fourth Race 6 12 Furlongs FurlongsPurse Purse 700 3 YearOlds Claiming 97005 6 MR HYDE 113X 1800 970053 7 Chips 108X 1800 97083 8 Sparky 108 1800 180096S392 96S392 4 Trigling 105 1800 96925 1 Candle Fly 106X 2000 97236 3 Hoursend 105X 1800 94900 2 Sir Roland M 102 1600 97237 5 Grand Rock M 105 1600 1600Fifth Fifth Race 6 12 Furlongs FurlongsPurse Purse 700 3YearOlds and Upward Foaled in inCanada Canada Claiming 97235 9 Bald Crest 4 110X 1750 175096842s 96842s 10 Frigid Frosty 5 110 1750 97006 3105X175097235s 8 Sweepstaff 3 3105X1750 105X 1750 97235s 5 Royal Vintage 4 112X 2000 96757 6 Aymond 7 114X 2250 96842 7 Tricky Son 4 41081500 108 1500 96922 1 Irish Davy M 5 105 1500 94830 2 Syndic 4 4107X1750 107X 1750 96215 3 Doer 4 105 1500 97235 4 Uvira 6 107X 2000 2000Claiming Sixth Race 1 M6 Miles Purse 700 4YearOIds and Upward Claiming 96924 7Sir Byron 6 110X 1100 97160 5 Dornoch 5 113X 1200 97163 3 Darksini 6 107X 900 97160 2 Even Stephen 4 112X 800 97241 1 Peggy J 6 111X 1000 96460 6 Flying Heels II 5 103 800 97087 4 Lindsay 8 103X 800 96573 8 Gift o Gab Gab97240s 5 103X 800 97240s 9 Boocap 5 113X 1100 97160 10 Visionary Hour HourSeventh 5 105X 800 800Claiming Seventh Race 1 116 Miles Purse 700 4YcarOlds and Upward Claiming 9724P 3 Below Cost 4 113X 1200 96456s 5 Jane Ellen 5 105X 1000 971632 6 Dccdie 6 110X 1000 97240 2 Mrs Foster 7 110X 1000 97163 1 Yellow Metal 5 108 X 1200 97240 8 Traumagne 6 110 1200 96297 4 Fess 6 102X 800 97163 7 General Toy 6 110X 1000 96214 9 Sue Jones 4 105X 1000 97241s 10 Powder Monkey 5 107X 1000