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WILLIAM GARTH PASSES AWAY Head of Noted Family of Virginia VirginiaTurfmen Turfmen Dies at Charlottesville Charlottesvilleat at Age of Seventy CHARLOTTESVILLE Va June 15 William Garth for almost half a century a familiar turf figure died here late Wednes ¬ day at the home of his daughter Mrs Bessie Wingfield He was seventy years old He had been in failing health for a considerable time and for the past few seasons was an infrequent visitor at the race track His horses were in charge of his brother J Woods Garth Six children Mrs J P Jones Mrs C V Wingfield Mrs Mary Garth Peyton J Woods Garth II Hugh Nelson Garth and Miss Daisy Garth and a sister Mrs Edgar Michie also survive Mr Garth was a widower widowerA A descendant of Thomas Garth founder of the family in Albemarle County where he became the owner of an estate of 600 acres Mr Garth was born at Bordwood the home of his parents J Woods and Mary Edmonds Garth He attended the University of Virginia where he was a center on the football team In early life Mr Garth en ¬ gaged in agricultural pursuits but while still a young man he devoted special atten ¬ tion to breeding thoroughbreds At various times in his turf career he trained for prom ¬ inent sportsmen including J S Cosden and Ral Parr For many years he raced his own string of horses in this country and Can ada One of his favorite thoroughbreds was T S Martin named after the late United States Senator Thomas S Martin of Scottsville Va VaMr Mr Garth married Miss Josie Blackwell of Fauquier County and for many years their home Ingleside was a rendezvous for eastern turfmen and the center of many sporting and social events eventsFollowing Following the cortege to the plot where generations of Garths are interred were members of his family and many friends Services at the grave were simple in keep ¬ ing with his oftrepeated wish