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COMPASS 3 For Sala at All Newsstands 35 Cents CentsNEW NEW ISSUE OUT OUTWe We want to bring your attention to our EDITORS HORSES appearing on page 2 of the COMPASS COMPASSNEW NEW ISSUES EDITORS HORSE HORSEBROOMSHOT BROOMSHOT 1390 1390This This was the only horse advised by the editor at Washington Park and our readers cleaned up hand somely when he stepped home homePF PF PLENTY WAS MADE BY ALL OUR 98 WT READERS WITH THESE THESELAST LAST WEEKS EDITORS HORSES HORSESMERIDIAN MERIDIAN QUEEN 3460 WON WONWHICH WHICH WAS FOLLOWED UP BY BYSEMESTER SEMESTER 1230 1230These These Editors Horses win week after week and via only give the reader readerONE ONE HORSE AT EACH TRACK THURSDAYS EDITORS HORSE DON VERN 1640 This horse was advised in number 22 issue and justified everything our editor had said Other long shots last week were CANTROUD 3400 PEGGY J 2115 DUST GIRL 1288 Another feature in COMPASS is our CLOCKERS LATE FLASHES of which we give you three at each track These are sent by our dockers at the last minute minuteLAST LAST WEEKS CLOCKERS FLASHES FLASHESDOGMATA DOGMATA 4034 4034MELOY MELOY 1040 1040PREVIOUS PREVIOUS ISSUE CLOCKERS FLASHES FLASHESCHARTRES CHARTRES 1000 1000Every Every issue of COMPASS is chock full of winners Space does not permit us to list the many other win ¬ ners that COMPASS readers reaped a harvest with ISSUE NO21 CLOCKERS FLASH FLASHSTAR STAR PLAY 6280 6280And And all this is given you without any extra charge chargeFOR FOR ONLY 35 CENTS CENTSI I cant go wrong with information of this kind Get a copy now nowCOMPASS COMPASS PUBLISHING CO 104 West 42nd Street New York City CityTODAYS TODAYS CODE PARLAY PARLAYDETROIT DETROIT Oct38544656 Oct38544656WASHINGTON WASHINGTON PARK Aug 46625272 46625272TODAYS TODAYS FREE CODE CODEEDDIE EDDIE Green48282828 Green48282828TODAYS TODAYS CLOCKERS CODE CODEDETROIT DETROIT Ford61291953