Latonia, Daily Racing Form, 1934-06-29


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LATONIA The Daily Double on the Winners of the Second and Third Races at Latonia Thursday Paid 11940 for 2 LATONIA KY THURSDAY JUNE 28 1934 Latonia 1 mile Twentyninth day Latonia Jockey Club Inc Summer meeting of 37 days Balir Stall Gate used Weather clear Presiding Steward C F Price Associate Stewards S H McMcekin S Goodpaster and E Hogga Placing Judges L C Bogcnschutz II B Lindcnbcrg and F Burton Starter W Hamilton Racing Secre ¬ tary L C Bogenschutz Racing starts at 215 p m Chicago time 215 p m W indicates whip S spurs B blinkers Figures in paientheses following the distance of each race indicate horse date track record age of horse and weight carried indicates apprentice allowance of 5 pounds 7 pounds 10 pounds Q3 l FIRST RACE 58 Mile Wise Counsellor June 23 1923 59 2 110 Purse 600 2 15June2834Lat orOL rf J yearolds Claiming Net value to winner 450 second 100 third 35 fourth 15 June2834Lat Claiming price 1000 Index Horse EqtA WtlPSt Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equlr Odds Strt 97979AMAZEMENT w09 2 7 6 4 21 14 CanficldL Jones McCoy McCoyw 180100 97754 GOBET w 109 52 2k 2k 3i 24 SeaboG W H Whitehousa Whitehousaw 240100 98056 GOLDEN THRONE THRONE98056PARR w 112 75 41 31 4 34 FowIerG H H Temple Jr Jrw07 450100 98056PARR BOY w07 1 1 1 I1 lk 44 ClellandP J C Ellis Ellisw 420100 97332 LAKAR w 109 4 4 5l 5k 5 51 MeyerJ J S McGinnis McGinnisw 6850400 97682 MISS CONTRARY CONTRARY96546RAGGEDY w 107 6 6 7 7 7 61 YeltonR Cattell Stable Stablew 4650100 96546RAGGEDY PANTS w 110 3 3 3k 61 6k 7 MeyerC W F Knebelkamp 1650100 1650100Time Time 24 49J 102 Track fast 2 MUTUELS PAID r OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS AMAZEMENT 560 280 220 180 100 40 100 10 100 100GOBET GOBET 300 240 50 100 20 100 100GOLDEN GOLDEN THRONE 280 40 100 100Winner Winner Ch f by Blind Play Embarrass by Assagai trained by J P Jones bred by Mr S H Velie Winner entered to be claimed for 1000 WENT TO POST 216 AT POST 2 minutes minutesStart Start good and slow Won easily second and third driving drivingAMAZEMENT AMAZEMENT much the best overcame sharp interference in the first eighth but gained fast thera after and wearing down the leaders won in hand GOBET a keen factor throughout raced gamely but was overmatched GOLDEN THRONE raced evenly PARR BOY quit LAKAR was outrun MISS CON ¬ TRARY showed nothing RAGGEDY PANTS showed early speed speedScratched Scratched 93770 Aunt Myrtle 101 101Overweight Overweight Miss Contrary 1 pound Raggedy Pants 1 QCf SECOND RACE 34 Mile out of chute Sun Flag June 20 1924 109 3 107 secondJune2834Lat yjJ4J Purse 600 3yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 450 second June2834Lat iqo third 35 fourth 15 Claiming price 1000 Index tiurtei EqtA WfllSt Vt Str Via Jmkejs EqntT Odd Ftrt 97684MARIE JEAN WB wa4103 4 103 3 6 51 4k 2k lk PulleyC F P Letellier Letellierw 1750100 97831 BYPHAR w 3 111 9 2 297520LITTLE 61 5k 41 2 MeyerJ R T Taylor TaylorWB 1200100 97520LITTLE BUBBLES WB 3 103110 11 8 71 5k 3 SeaboG Mrs M Hoffman Hoffmanw 7670100 96044 HIGHESf POINT w 5 114 1 9 10 10 91 4 CarroIlW C A Grande GrandeWB fl570100 97824 ABDEL WB 6 118 5 4 497980JPATSYETTE 4 lk 1 5k KernW C R Allen Allenw 300100 97980JPATSYETTE w 4 103 2 25 5 2 6l 6 6k ClellandP B W Stivers Stiversw 270100 97617 COUSIN BESS w 3 106 4 1 1977561PANTALOONS 3i 31 3k 71 VailS E J Reed Reedw 1260100 977561PANTALOONS w 4 103 12 8 91 9i 71 8rt TaylorD M Goldblatt 410100 97757LADY OF GRACE ws 4 113 8 10 11 11 81 9k FinnertyR L V Bellevv Jr 780100 97824 MARYNELL w 3 106 73 lk 2 104 101 CheatmR Long Run Stabla 6620100 97825 GENIAL JOE WB 3 1091 612 12 12 12 11 PoolE Glen Helen Stud Stable f 97933 MORNING FAIR WB 3 106 11 7 71 8 11 12 ArnoldG W F Knebelkamp t tMuluel field Time 2314 48 114 Track fast 2 MUTUELS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS x MARIE JEAN 3700 2100 1580 1750 100 950 100 690 100 100BYPHAR BYPHAR 1960 1560 880 100 630 100 100LITTLE LITTLE BUBBLES 5340 2570 100 100Winner Winner B f by Wise Counsellor Margaret St L by Watervale trained by F P Letellier bred by Mr F P Letellier Winner entered to be claimed for 1000 1000WENT WENT TO POST 242 AT POST 11 minutes minutesStart Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same sameMARIE MARIE JEAN prominent from the start and taken in hand early responded gamely and won under a powerful ride BYPHAR held on gamely after moving up LITTLE BUBBLES closed strongly HIGHEST POINT showed good form ABDEL was in close quarters early PATSYETTE quit PANTALOONS was outrun LADY OF GRACE showed nothing COUSIN BESS MORNING FAIR and BYPHAR acted frac tiously at the barrier and began from outside the gate gateScratched Scratched 979173Broadcaster 111 97914Swcct Peach 108 62600 Smooth 114 97824sScore 113 97797 JMidson 106 106Overweight Overweight Little Bubbles 1 pounds Genial Joe 2j IRD RACE 5 12 Furlongs Bradleys Peggy June 27 1927 105 2 115 Touch Me Not Purse Purse 600 2yearolds Maidens Claiming Net value to winner June2834Lat 450 second 100 third 35 fourth 15 Claiming price 1500 if for less 1 Ib allowed for each 100 to 1000 Index Horses EqtA WtllSt K Vt Str Fin Jockcya Owueri Eqnlr Odds Strt w 110 86 4k 35 lk I1 ArnoldG H Oots w 107 48 9 6k 5 21 FinnertyR F Muth 97552 JOHNNY 0 WB 110 6 2 1 I1 24 3 VailS D McKinley 700100 97754 EALCONA w 110 9 10 71 41 31 4l KernW H Wciner f9880100 97680 JUDGE BARKLEY w 110 74 3k 7 6 5k FowlerD II H Ganb 660100 97682 SLANT EYE w 110 11 5 5l 2k 4k 6 HaleL W S Bruce 1800100 180010097552MISSION 97552MISSION CLOCK w 105 13 61 81 8l 71 ClellandP J C Ellis 860100 97616 PRINCE BALLOT wnllOlO 1 2k 51 71 81 YeltonR Cattell Stable 7990100 799010097825VERSICOLOR 97825VERSICOLOR w 105 3 7 8 91 91 91 HuelsmanA G Gould f 94490 GAY JOHN wu15 5 9 10410 11 104 GevingL Mrs G SWnon 5060100 97752 GOLDEN TONE WB 107 2 11 11 11 10k 11 PottsO H W Steele 17510100 17510100fMutuel fMutuel field Time 2V5 49 103J 110J Track fast 2 MUTUELS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDB TOO BUSY 400 260 260 100 100 30 100 30 100 100IDLEWILD IDLEWILD 380 300 90 100 50 100 100JOHNNY JOHNNY 0 320 60 100 100Winner Winner B g by Flying Ebony Dame Nature by Black Jester or King of Navarre trained by H Oots bred by Mr H Oots Winner entered to be claimed for 1000 1000WENT WENT TO POST 318 AT POST 2 minutes minutesStart Start good and slow Won ridden out second arid third driving drivingTOO TOO BUSY in close quarters early rushed into the lead when clear and held the race safe thereafter IDLEWILD gained fast after threeeighths but was not good enough JOHNNY 0 tired under pressure EALCONA began slowly JUDGE BARKLEY was on the inside throughout SLANT EYE tired MISSION CLOCK was outrun PRINCE BALLOT had early speed Scratched 97979 Precious Betty 102 QQ 1 42 FOURTH RACE 34 Mile out of chute Sun Flag June 20 1924 1095 3 107 thirdJune2834Lat J OJL UO purse 600 3yearolds Claiming Net value to winner 450 second 100 third June2834Lat 35 fourth 15 Claiming price 1200 if for more 1 Ib extra for each 100 to 1500 Index Horses Eql A W HPSt Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv Odds Strt 97753RIDGE BLOND w 107 23 21 1 11 lk VailS RidgevSew Stock Farm Sta 160100 16010097753RETTEF 97753RETTEF WB 107 51 1 2 24 24 GruberV W L Brown 410100 41010097619FOGARTY 97619FOGARTY w 107 3 5 4k 3 3 3 ClellandP J F ONeil 750 100 10097755PRINCE 97755PRINCE VIC wn 115 1 2 31 41 4 41 HaleL R L Baker 1020100 102010097685SOUTHLAND 97685SOUTHLAND DUKE w 103 4 4 555 5 PulleyC F P Letellier 190100 190100Time Time 235 47 114 Track fast 52 MUTUELS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS RIDGE BLOND 520 280 220 160 100 40 100 10 100 100RETTEF RETTEF 400 240 100 100 20 100 100FOGARTY FOGARTY 260 30 100 100Winner Winner Ch f by Durbar II Pearl River by Runnymede trained by A S Lewis bred by Mr B Combs Winner entered to be claimed for 1200 WENT TO POST 344 AT POST minute Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same sameRIDGE RIDGE BLOND saved early moved into the lead when urged and outlasted RETTEF in a stubborn duel The latter well handled and close up after relinquishing the lead was not quite good enough FOGARTY raced evenly PRINCE VIC was done early SOUTHLAND DUKE raced poorly poorlyScratched Scratched 97128 Chauvinism 104 QQ1 Q FIFTH RACE 34 Mile out of chute Sun Flag June 20 1924 109 3 107 Ver winJune2834Lat vOJL vOJLaO aO sailles Purse Purse 700 3yearolds and upward Allowances Net value to win June2834Lat ner 525 second S100 third 50 fourth 25 Index Horses E i A VI IlSt Vi Vi Str Illi orkcys Uwnei 97399 BROWN WITCH wu 3 93 1 2 P 21 1 T TaylorD Mrs J H Whitney 650100 97827 PASS WB 5 109 5 6 666 2 PoolE Glen Helen Stud Stable 210100 97828 SALLIE GRAY w 3 104 24 5l 31 3 34 FowlerG Mrs W E Smith 1020100 9704 RIDGE MOR WB 3 109 6 5 4k lk 21 45 VailS Ridgeviow Stock Farm Sta 2660 100 97828 CACTUS ROSE w 3 104 3 1 2l 41 4J 5k CarroIlW Parkview Stable 140100 14010097481OUR 97481OUR SAMMY w3103 43 3k 5l 5k 6 ClollandP R Varwig 710100 710100Time Time 23 47 113 Track fast It MUTUEL3 PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS BROWN WITCH 1500 620 560 650 100 210 100 180 100 100I I PASS 320 260 60 100 30 100 100SALLIE SALLIE GRAY 480 140 100 100Winner Winner B f by Brown Bud Apparition by Sweeper trained by M Goldblatt bred by Mr A B Han ¬ cock cockWENT WENT TO POST 408 AT POST 2 minutes minutesStart Start good and slow Won ridden out second and third driving drivingBROWN BROWN WITCH raced CACTUS ROSE into defeat drew out in the stretch but was hard urged to hold I PASS safe The latter moved up fast in the drive SALLIE GRAY outrun for threeeighths closed fast and worked nut an additional half mile RIDGE MOR tired after takiug the lead CACTUS ROSE raced poorly OUR SAMMY quit Scratched 97619Sweep Like 103 r Continued on nineteenth page r LATONIA LATONIAContinued Continued from eighteenth page 98130 SIXTH RACE 1 116 Miles Chilhowee Oct 6 1924 142 3 115 Old Hickory 98130June2834Lat Purse Purse 600 3yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 450 June2834Lat second 100 third 35 fourth 15 Claiming price 1500 Str Kin Jockeys iwnt n Equiv Odds Strt 96891SVEET MAN H WB 3 110 2 4 I1 I1 14 I1 14 EIstonG M Wing 360 100 100w 978312BOOMS PAL w 3 109 3 5 5 44 3h 35 25 SouthG F L B Stable 280100 97201OLD LADY WB 3 99 613 25 24 2J 3k TaylorD J W Parrish 410100 41010097830EL 97830EL PUMA WB 5 111 4 6 6 6 51 44 4 ClellandP Mrs C Grayson 220100 97915 RICH PHIL w 3 105 13 44 52 6 6 54 CarrollW Chappel Bros 4810100 97685 MY GENTLEMAN WB 4 116 5 2 2 3l 42 51 6 SeaboG W M Ingram 770100 770100Time Time 24 48 114 140 147J Track fast 12 MUTUELB PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS SWEET MAN 920 560 420 360 100 180 100 110 100 100BOOMS BOOMS PAL 400 320 100 100 60 100 OLD 100OLD 100Winner LADY 300 50 100 Winner B g by Dodge Shadowy by Sweep On trained by A Thomas bred by Mr C R Ander ¬ son Winner entered to be claimed for 1500 1500WENT WENT TO POST 434 J OFF AT ONCE ONCEStart Start drivingSWEET good and slow Won ridden out second and third driving SWEET MAN hustled into the lead at once continued gamely but had to be urged to hold BOOMS PAL The latter gained gradually and closed fast OLD LADY forced the pace to the last eighth EL PUMA closed a gap in a poor performance RICH PHIL failed to keep up MY GENTLEMAN was not a factor factorOverweight Overweight Sweet Man 3 pounds QC1 Oi SEVENTH RACE 1 116 Miles Chilhowee Oct 6 1924 142 3 115 Purse 600 thirdJune2834Lat JOJLOJL 3yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 450 second 100 third June2834Lat S35 fourth S15 Claimina mice S1000 Index Uurse ButA WtJHSt Vt V Str FII Jockeys Owners BqulT Odds Strt 979205PRINCESS TOKE WB 4 102 5 4 41 4l 31 I1 14 TaylorD C Van Dusen 97662TWO BROOMS w 3 104 3 1 14 li 21 31 25 HardyG J R Schuster 1400100 1400100979205LAURA 979205LAURA KIEV WB 3 101 42 21 21 li 2l 34 CanfieldL H H Briner 90100 9761 8 MAI SAN wB6109 1 6 68 6 6 45 4 PoolE Mrs J J Troxler 1550100 97826 LANDOVER WB 3 106 2 5 52 54 55 6 5 SeaboG Mrs R C Le 940100 94010097684JULIA 97684JULIA IRENE WB 3 99 6 3 34 3k 4 5 6k ClellandP J F ONeil 2920100 292010097826ABBY 97826ABBY WB 3 103 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 FowlerG J J Griffin 8090100 Time 24J 48 114 1415 148 Track fast 2 MUTUELB PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS PRINCESS TOKE 600 400 280 200 100 100 100 40 100 TWO 100TWO BROOMS 1040 360 420 100 80 100 LAURA 100LAURA KIEV 240 20 100 Winner 100Winner B f by In Memoriam Duke Tokalon by Marchmont II trained by B F Scheffel bred by Mr C Van Dusen Winner entered to be claimed for 1000 1000WENT WENT TO POST 459 AT POST 1 minute minuteStart Start good and slow bn easily second and third driving drivingPRINCESS PRINCESS TOKE cleverly rated came around LAURA KIEV entering the stretch shook her off after a brief duel then had enough left to easily hold TWO BROOMS safe The latter sent to the front early was taken in hand when LAURA KIEV went to the front but rallied gamely in the drive and closed gamely The latter restrained while racing in close attendance moved up to the front when urged but weak ¬ ened badly in the closing stages MAI SAN made up some ground LANDOVER was outrun JULIA IRENE went nothingScratched well for fiveeighths then tired ABBY showed nothing Scratched 97559 Tommy 110 110Overweight Overweight Mai San 2 pounds Abby 2 2Corrected Corrected weight Mai San 107 Abby 101 QC1 0 I EIGHTH RACE 1 116 Miles Chilhowee Oct 6 1924 142 3 115 Purse secondJune2834Lat OlOJ2 600 3yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 450 second June2834Lat 5100 third 35 fourth 15 Claiming price 1000 Index Horses EqtA WtlPSt Str Fin Jockeys Owners I Equiv Odds Strt 979202PLAY LADY w 4 107 8 7 3 21 1 lk 1 VaSIS Mrs G Leidermeier Leidermeierw r 110100 973385BRUSH DOWN w 5 107 2 2 8 75 4k 45 2 SouthG R L Baker Bakerw 290100 979205REDIVIVUS w 6 112 33 55 3 34 24 34 PoolE R J Farris FarrisWB 4220100 97797YOUNG JOHN WB 6 110 7 5 24 4k 65 3k 44 ClellandP A Johnson Johnsonw 5560100 97919LUCKY AMELIA w 3 96 5 1 7k 812 7 7 5 GruberV Mrs R J Murphy Murphyw 3270100 97916ANNUITY w w3103J6 3 103J 6 8 4 6J 5k 65 65 SeaboG V Meiman Meimanw 290100 29010097478RED 97478RED CINDERS w 4 102 4 9 64 55 2 51 710 TaylorD T H McCaffrey 1410100 141010097729EXCEED 97729EXCEED w 4 107 1 4 9 9 9 9 8 HuelsmanA C T Hall 10710100 97915 KATHRYN WATTLE w 3 101 961 14 810 8 9 CanfieldL H Weiner 21530100 Time 24 48 114 141 147 Track fast 52 MUTUELS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS PLAY LADY 420 260 280 110 100 30 100 40 100 100BRUSH BRUSH DOWN 320 340 60 100 70 100 100REDIVIVUS REDIVIVUS 1000 400 100 100Winner Winner B f by My Play Rasola by McGee trained by J Baylor bred by Mrs C W Moore Win ner entered to be claimed for 1000 1000WENT WENT TO POST 524 AT POST i minute minuteStart Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same samePLAY PLAY LADY disposed of KATHRYN WATTLE after half a mije but was unable to draw clear in a long and hard drive BRUSH DOWN slow to get going closed fastest and probably would have won in another itride REDIVIVUS showed good form YOUNG JOHN was in trouble most of the way LUCKY AMELIA Ml jwkly fjddM ANNUITY wai outrun RED CINDERS quit KATHRYN WATTLE had early speed Overweight Annuity 2 pounds Corrected weight Play Lady 107 OFFICIAL MUTUEL TOTALS AT LATONIA Thursday 3 Races 20040 5 Races 25700 8 Races 34160

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Local Identifier: drf1934062901_18_1
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