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1st Aqueduct Purse 1000 2 YearOlds Fillies Claiming Miss 58 Mile Star SePt 25 1922 5725 2 107 107NOTE NOTE Claiming price 2500 Weight 115 Ibs Nonwinners since June 1 allowed 3 Ibs since April 21 5 Ibs maidens 8 Ibs Index Best at Distance Wt Claim ClaimNo No Horse TrackWt Time AgeToday Price 97666 Polytude Aqu 115 l00 115 2500 97739 AIanova M Aqu 102 100 102 2500 97258 Jeanne S Aqu 111 100 115 2500 97466s Torfrida Aqu 106 100 103 2500 Index Best at Distance Wt Claim ClaimNo No Horse Track Wt Time AgeToday Price 97963 Mae Skilling M Aqu 113 103 107 2500 2500Hopi Hopi M 107 2500 932501 Basquine 110X 2500 2500Black Black Tassel Ml 107 PW1 Best times shown above are from Jan 1 1933 1933jfcFair jfcFair mud runner XGood mud runner Superior mud runner runnerBrackets Brackets won last start figures or 2nd or 3rd last start apprentice allowance allowanceScratches Scratches are shown in Past Performances but in all cases only the latest with ¬ drawal being indicated indicatedThe The past performances of the horses entered In this race together with latest work ¬ out and facing record for this and previous year Polytude June 28 Jam 38 36ft JLt Trainer E A Burke Owner Mrs E A Burke BurkeVale Vale Trk Uis Tim Con Oddi Wt St Str FlnJockeJ PI PI Pee Sts Best Coropanr CoropanrJua2134Aqu Jua2134Aqu 102 ft 1110 107 861 IJ WrightWD5 1500 11 LWkie 114FyDawnllOMkedRe 111 Jual434Aqu 100 ft 2 106 8 7 21 3 PenickS2 150011 JeanneSlllPlyPlum lllTryKey 106 Mayll34IJam 101 ft 5 116 2 2 24 2l RcnickS 2000 10 ChdEyesll6ShPastl08StgeTimes US 5by 734Jam 102 ft 910 116 3 3 21 4 RenickS4 2500 6 Migratell4Prosecutorll4Moisson 114 May 234Jam 9 ft 1110 115 4 2 24 2 RenickS4 2500 5 Patrioticll3GenIFley 115WnD 113 101 115Starts ft 30 115 2 1 2k 51 RoseG5 Maid 9 DiabIessell5Cooneyll5Greenstone 115 Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won 1934 record 6121 1125 Alanova 109 Br f 2 M by Bubbling Over Biscuit Tortoni by Mauvezin J Trainer H E Jones Owner T B Gay Jua2234sAqu 1 100 ft 165 102 1 2 2k 4J McrrittR1 2000 7 EvasivelllTutticuriolOSMFirefly 109 Jual834Aqu 1 100 ft 12 107 2 2 2J 2J PorterE3 2500 7 PollyPIum 110 Torfrida 105 Ogle 112 112i Jual334Aqu i 100 si 20 109 2 1 61 6i WrightWD4 2000 12 Distractg117BkFence 117Dunfox 110 110c Jua 634Bcl 4wc c 54 ft 40 107 2 8 833 5H RichJ1 2000 19 TudorQun 109PeteM115AmusinS 112 112c Jua 134Bcl 4iwc c 4 ft 40 106 849 Wl RichJ 2000 18 RoyalLink 110 Wax 110 Quivira 111 111c M Bel 4iwc c 33 3 ft 40 109 5 12 12l lli RichJ1 2000 22 Dtractingl09Cheshirell2Pfitable 107 107c Ka1934Bel 44vc c 53 ft 60 112 2 8 Ti 7 RicliJ Maid 12 SunnedllSTHusins HSSrBeware 115 1934 record 19 021 Jeanne S 1 T K B f 2 by Gallant Fox Daphne by Ballot BallotJune June 28 Bel 38 36ft LJtJ Trainer J S Healy Owner Mrs S Gooch GoochJual434Aqu Jual434Aqu 1 100 ft 3 111 9 9 4i I1 LbergerE1 150011 PlyPlum lllPolytudel06 iryKey iryKeyJua Jua 834Bcl we 9 ft 10 111 8 8 44 44 HphriesL 2000 14 AiiacrnllOGalFarley lllJWerri Jun 4341Bel we 58 ft 10 1101 977 54 RobtsonA 2250 11 Moisson 110BackFcnce 117AirLine 112 M434Jam 100 ft 7 115 5 7 6 44 WkmanR11 2000 10 Chekall3M Chekall3MsFirefIyllOProsecutor sFirefIyllOProsecutor 112 112MV MV 734 Jam 102 ft 15 115 5 4 34 lk GilbertJ1 1500 6 DistrgilOSteTimesll5ShMyPast 110 1934 record 8 2 00 1325 Torfrida 1 CQ B f 2 by The Porter Miss Montgomery by Colin ColinJune June 28 Aau 38 36sl J UO Trainer W Mulholland Owner Brandywine Stable Jual8345Aqu 1 100 ft 85 105 3 3 34 34 HunterJ1 2500 7 Polly Plum 110 Alanova 107 Ogle 112 Jual434Aqu 1 100 ft 8 106 7 1 I1 1 LbergerE 1500 11 Palasal06HighFinancel09TrQun 106 1934 record 2 10 1 725 JVTae Skilling SkillingTn 1 07 B 2 y Pompey Reunion by Pennant Tn 93 Bel 12 Trainer J Loftus Owner S R Rosoff Jua2634Aqu 1 1KJ1 ft 15e IK 8 8 9i 9 HornF 2000 12 Quivira 109SecndGuessll2Rec5tal 116 1934 record 1 1 07 Cn f 2 M b Morvich Sun Affinity by Sun Briar BriarJV JV I Trainer P Finamore Owner J E Mann First start Basfiuine V 1 1 0 B f 2 b Bud Lerner Basquaise by Samouraf Juno 25 Bel 12 48 ft J LV Trainer nr W Brennan Owner Greentree Stable APc7344Bow A 47gdii5 107 343 3 CoucciS Allw 6 AngelicllONoSaiht 113GoldDream 105 Apc334Bow A 49 si 115 112 1 5 24 14 CoucciS1 2500 11 EverTrue 103AperitifllOBkFence 11 Feh22345Hia i 34 ft 710 111 5 7 64i RobtsonA8 Allw 8 Dasher 108NoSaint 114GayMusic 105 Jaa31342Hia 3 34 ft 6 113 2 1 11 CoucciS1 Maid 12 Angelic 113Migrate 113GreenstonellJ 1934 record 4201 1200 1200Black Black Tassel 107 B f 2 M by Flying Ebony Silk Tassel by Superman JLU 1 Trainer M Hirsch Owner M L Schwartz First start