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ROCKINGHAM PARK AY JUNE 8 1935 Rockingham Park 1 milo Twentysecond day New Hamp ¬ shire Breeders Association Spring meeting of 29 days Bahr Stall Gate used Weather cloudy Steward representing New Hampshire State Racing Commission C B Stickney Presiding Steward M Nathanson Associate Stewards T Thorp and T W Durant Judges T Sanford T Brown and J Acker man Starter R B Frond Racing Secretary H D Monroe Racing starts at 215 p m Chicago time 115 p m W indicates whip S spurs B blinkers Figures in parentheses following the distance of each race indicate horse date track record age of horse and weight carried Iniicatcs apprentice allowance of 5 pounds 7 pounds 10 pounds FIRST RACE 34 MILE Gold Step Sept Sept 26 1933 110 6 112 Purse 800 CyearoIds and upward Claiming Nonwinners in 1935 3yearolds 110 Ibs older 118 Ibs Claiming pries 1200 if for 1000 allowed 4 Ibs Ket value to winner 630 second 125 third 50 fourth 25 Index Horses Vj Str Fin Jockeys Equiv Odds Strt 110693PAKA FRANKA vn5103 42 31 32 2 Ink StaffordC JPJScezok 145100 14510002987CHIMNEY 02987CHIMNEY 246510911674TODY TOP WB 4 109 7 1 li li Ink 2 HanfordC M Cchord 2465109 570100114792CASH 11674TODY WEST w4108 65 l 6 4 31 KnottK Geneseo Stable 570100 114792CASH SURRENDER 4 114 10 4 2 2J 32i 4s WholeyR M R Singleton 355100 11479 FAST MOVE w 4 114 2 9 9 8 74 51 AllenCE 0 L Foster 3440100 3440100114793TIGER 114793TIGER JOIIIJ V3101 9 3 4U 4l 6 6 DceringJ Mrs J Burks 410100 11485 AIR LINE WB 3 110 1 6 5 5 5 72 PollardJ H Dongan 2495100 249510010971NIMULE 10971NIMULE wB5109 37 6 73 83 8 JohnsonJ Mrs D E Cornwall 7180100 718010011479SUN 11479SUN PROBATE vr4109 58 flA 9 93 WagnerJ Mrs MC Brecn 5270100 527010010585CRESTON 10585CRESTON vB5109 810 10 10 10 10 HaywardR W C Weant 23265100 23265100Time Time 23 AT6 113 Track fast 52 MUTUlLS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS PANA FRANKA 4SO 400 300 145 100 100 100 50 100 100TODY CKIMIJEY 100CKIMIJEY TOP 1360 560 580 100 180 100 TODY 100Winner WEST 430 115 100 Winner Br m by Pagan Pan Damosol by North Star III trained by J P Keczek bred by Keene land Stud Winner entered to be claimed for 1203 1203WENT WENT TO POST 228 AT FCST 2 minutes minutesStart Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same samePANA PANA FRANKA never far from the pace came to the outside of CHIMNEY TOP in the stretch responded gamely to hard urging and outlasted the pacemaker at the end CHIMNEY TOP displayed good speed with ¬ stood several bids from CASH SURRENDER and despite holding on gamely was unable to withstand the winner TODY WEST moved up gradually on the outside in the last fivesixteenths and closed willingly in the drive CASH SURRENDER showed speed saved ground at the stretch turn but faltered at the end FAST MOVE outrun early came with belated speed in the last quarter TIGER JOHN well placed in the first quarter mile dropped back steadily thereafter AIR LINE tired tiredScratched Scratched 11283 Lulu Lite 100 11675 Passing Sun 110 11480 Fair Verbena 101 11752 Billie Wise 113 113Overweight Overweight Air Line 4 pounds SECOND RACE 34 MILE Gold Step Sept Sept 26 1933 110 J 6 112 Purse 800 800I 110AHOiO I fl fl 5 3yearolds and upward Claiming Nonwinners in 1935 3yearolds 110 IbsJuncu35Rkm AHOiO Ibs older 118 Ibs Claiming price 1200 if for 1000 allowed 4 Ibs Juncu35Rkm Net vue to vinner 600 second 125 third 50 fourth 25 Index Horses EfitAAYtPPS itr Fin Jockeys EQuiv Odda Strt 11480 FOREIGN LADY w 3 105 11 3 310592CHEROKEE 2rk 2 li li StoutJ Mrs N Ray 670100 670100IVB 10592CHEROKEE SAL we 4 104 1 7 710744YENOOR 64 4 21 2n FaustF Mrs B F Christmas 9625100 9625100vn3105 10744YENOOR vn3105 4 49 9 8 62 34 33 JohnsonJ G Rooney 7495100 74951001V36114 11074 ON SIR wa6114 5 4 41021UJEANNE 5i 52i5445 TrenchardS Miss L C White 149510Q 149510Qw 1021UJEANNE S w 3 101 2 12 12114SOMUBAL 113 92 gnk 52 VagnerJ R N Blackburn Jr 1605100 1605100IVB 114SOMUBAL WB 4 109 10 1 12 14 42 6 DceringJ W II Gallagher 3220100 3220100w 11480 PANBULA w 4 109 9 2 2112873BOBBY 34 3k 74 74 WholeyR L H Smith 1460100 1460100w 112873BOBBY BUXTON w 3 105 8 6 4i 8 8n 8 StaffordC A C Nichaus 380100 380100VB31101210 11179 MARIO WB VB31101210 3 110 12 10 10112342JAMES 9210 92109nK9 9nK9 FallonL P Kandell 1475100 1475100IVB 112342JAMES RIVER WB 6 114 6 5 7nU 7ni40 = KLO Elstonll Mrs A Carfano 125100 125100IV35109 04952 OUR SALLIE wa IV35109 5 109 3 311 11 Hi Hi 11M18 MonaJ MrsRMcKenna 7170100 7170100w 84700 GOLDEN DOT w 4 109 7 8 12 12 12 12 SeaboG E McGarry 7530100 Time 23 43J4 114 Track fast 52 MUTUELS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS FOREIGN LADY 1540 1540CHEROKEE 640 520 670 100 220 100 160 100 CHEROKEE SAL 102SO 3580 6045 100 1690 100 YENOOR 2360 1080 100 100lymclian Winner B f by Polymclian lymclian Dulcinea II by Yankee trained by N Ray bred by Messrs A E Hundley Son W inner entered to be claimed for 1200 1200WENT WENT TO POST 304 AT POST 4 minutes minutesStart Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same sameFOREIGN FOREIGN LADY followed in closest attendance of the pace raced to the front when the early leader began to tire and held sway to the end CHEROKEE SAL moved up stoutly in the last quarter and closed gamely YENOOR moved up stoutly at the stretch turn and closed gamely ON SIR slow to begin moved up fast on the outside nearing the halfmile post and closed willingly JEANNE S closed a big gap JUBAL quit after showing keen early speed BOBBY BUXTON was never prominent JAMES RIVER lacked speed and was never able to cain a prominent position positionScratched Scratched 11593 Santcrno 114 10252 Star Chase 100 100Overweight Overweight Bobby Buxton 4 pounds poundsCorrected Corrected weight Golden Dot 109 THIRD RACE 58 MILE Silver Cord Sept 23 1933 58 6 103 Purse 1000 8 1J 13 A FT yearolds and upward Claiming 3yearolds 120 Ibs older 128 Ibs Non June835Rkm 10 Ibs Claiming price 2500 if for less 2 Ibs allowed for each 100 to 2000 Net value to winner 5750 second 150 third 75 fourth 25 14 Str Fin Jockeys Equiv Oddg Strt 114813WESTY JUNIOR wn6113 62 lh In li li WagncrJ H T Archibald 225100 22510010739PARADUN 10739PARADUN ws3100 71 4 3 2h 23 HanfordC J U Gratton 550100 11671 TWENTY KARAT w3110 47 53 5 5 ° k 3k StoutJ Mrs N Ray 1405100 11183 SANDY BILL WB5123 83 3 2i 344 PollardJ J H Louchheim 270100 11181 GENERAL A wB7110 58 88 4 54 ElstonH Mrs F Williams 2830100 2830100115893PHARATIME 115893PHARATIME w4113 25 62 64 6 6k JohnsonJ H C Rumage 725100 725100115892LORD 115892LORD TOURNAMTwB 6 118 3 4 2k 44 4k 74 AllenCE Mrs A R Smith 585100 5851000963PBELIEVER 0963PBELIEVER WB 4 107 1 6 7h 7 8 8 DecringJ W Elder 5230100 5230100Time Time 23y5 46 101 Track fast 2 MUTUELS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS ODDSWESTY WESTY JUNIOR 650 410 320 225 100 105 100 60 100 100PARADUN PARADUN 550 410 175 100 105 100 100TWENTY TWENTY KARAT 450 125 100 100Winner Winner Br h by Wcsty Hogan Candy May by Wormlcighton trained by G Arvin bred by Mr H T Archibald Winner entered to be claimed for 2000 2000WENT WENT TO POST 338 AT POST 6 minutes minutesStart Start good and slow Won ridden out second and third driving drivingWESTY WESTY JUNIOR fractious at the post displayed good speed from the start fought it out with SANDY BILL for threeeighths and disposing of the latter held PARADUN safe at the end PARADUN vell placed from the start continued with good energy to the finish TWENTY KARAT displayed good speed and held on well under pressure SANDY BILL forced the pace while on the outside but tired under his impost in the last quarter GENERAL A made up ground in the stretch PHARATIME was never able to threaten the leaders LORD TOURNAMENT had earlv speed but was unable to keep pace tiring badly badlyScratched Scratched 115902High Hand II 100 100Overweight Overweight General A 2 pounds poundsCorrected Corrected weight Twenty Karat 110 Sandy Bill 123 FOURTH RACE 58 MILE Silver Cord Sept 23 1933 58 6 103 Third Running Q A C3 JUVENILE HANDICAP 5000 Added 2yearolds June835Rkm Net vaue to winner 4050 second 1000 third 500 fourth 200 Str Fin Jockeys Equiv Odds Strt 10524 WINTER SPORT wB105 73 3h 342411 KnappL A G Vandcrbilt H60100 110632POSTAGE DUE WB 124 10 1 14 2k BejshakJ A G Vandcrbilt f 112812SEABISCUIT walOS 2 8 64 32 3 StoutJ Wheatloy Stable Stable5h 3020100 11399 BRIGHT A EARLY wB105 6 9 5h 5 41 MundenF R Robertson 2615100 10322 PICCOLO WB106 312 II2 9 8 5 WallN C V Whitney 935100 113992JAMBOREE w 114 5 10 9J 10 6k 6 SchaefcrL Greentrce Stable Stablew 1435100 10842 TORITA w 102 12 6 102 11 104 73 WagncrJ Greentrce Stable StableWB 105242SPEED WB 110 11 4 44 41 9 8 FalionL FalonL A G Vanderbilt Vanderbiltwl2 11281 SWASHBUCKLER wl2 82 lh 2i 4 9h PollardJ Mrs J Fisher Jr 855100 11399 PLUCKY JACK WB 107 9 11 12 12 12 IQi FinnertyR II C Riddle 8250100 8250100115882WISE 115882WISE KING WB S8 4 7 6h S ll II2 DceringJ P A Shaw 3175100 3175100107322BILLIE 107322BILLIE BANE w 122 15 52 7 7 12 RichardsH Mr Nightingale 325100 325100ICoupIed ICoupIed as A G Vandorbilt entry Grcontroo Stable entry entryTime Time 23 46 59 Track fast 52 MUTUELS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS A G VANDERBILT ENTRY 520 480 400 160100 140100 100 100 100SEABISCUIT SEABISCUIT 770 285 100 100Winner Winner Br c by Display Snowy by Trystor trained by J H Stoller bred by Mercworth Stud StudWENT WENT TO POST 417 AT POST 4 minutes minutesStart Start good and slow Won handily second and third cased up upWINTER WINTER SPORT a prominent factor from the start moved up fast on the outside through the stretch and was going away at the end POSTAGE DUE away fast raced to the front when called upon and was taken in hand when his stablcmate was safely in front SEABISCUIT moved up steadily and closed with good energy through the stretch BRIGHT AND EARLY raced prominently all the way PICCOLO away zlowly and outrun in the first threeeighths closed with a rush through the stretch JAMBOREE made up ground SPEED tired through the last threesixteenths SWASHBUCKLER had early speed but was unable to keep quitScratched up when the real racing began BILLIE BANE was unable to reach the leaders and quit Scratched 11399Sandy Mack 108 108Overweight Overweight Seabiscuit 3 pounds Plucky Jack 1 Wise King 3 IFTH RACE 1 MILE Piety Sept 11 1934 137 3 100 First Running WHITE 1 Ti S JQ MOUNTAIN HANDICAP First Division 2500 Added 3yearolds and andloc upwardJune835Rkm loc upward June835Rkm Net value to winner 51955 second 500 third 250 fourth 100 Index Horses EqtA Wt IT St V V VL Str Fin Jockeys Equiv Odds Strt 11065 IDENTIFY WB 4 115 1 1 14 11 li 1J I1 FallonL A G Vanderbilt f230100 10902 STOCKS WB4101 910 5 3 2k 2 2 SeaboG Ascot Stable 865100 10902 GENTLE KNIGHT w 4 98 2 7 2 k 2k 34 34 3 HanfordC Golden Rod Stabl 900100 900100116712UP 116712UP AND UP wB3 97 6 5 6445442 43 WagnerJ Greentree Stable 1870100 1870100115913BACHELORDINNERw3101 115913BACHELORDINNERw3101 3 2 31 41 4i 54 5 KnappL A G Vanderbilt 11482GOLDEN FATE WB 3 98 5 3 4 5 62 6 P FaustF Apache Stable 3675100 11285 TERALICE WB 5 101 8 4 91 93 8 8 74 JohnsonJ P M Pike 820100 820100109022DON 109022DON GUZMAN WB 5 111 10 9 8h 81 72 7 83 RodriguezE C W Muller 345100 04918 MOTTO WB 3 97 4 8 7 i 93 92 9 WallN C V Whitney 1910100 11235 VICAR WB4117 7 6 10 10 10 10 10 StoutJ Eclair Stud Stable 580100 580100jCoupIed jCoupIed as A G Vanderbilt entry Time 23 46 11 138 Track fast 2 MUTUELS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS A G VANDERBILT ENTRY 660 370 300 230 100 85 100 50 100 100STOCKS STOCKS 580 380 190 100 90 100 100GENTLE GENTLE KNIGHT 500 150 100 100Winner Winner Ch c by Man o War Footprint by Hand Grenade trained by J H Stotler bred by Mr M L Schwartz SchwartzWENT WENT TO POST 455 AT POST 3 minutes minutesStart Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same sameIDENTIFY IDENTIFY outran his field to the first turn was rated along under slight restraint was roused nearing the halfmile post and was hard ridden through the stretch to hold STOCKS safe The latter under restraint in the run through the back stretch hoved up on the outside of the leader nearing the stretch and despite responding gamely to pressure was unable to overtake the winner GENTLE KNIGHT was a prominent factor throughout trailing early but closing in determined fashion BACHELOR DINNER had speed for the first threequarters GOLDEN FATE tired TERALICE was never prominent VICAR in close quarters at th first turn trailed for the remainder of the trip tripScratched Scratched 11071 Legcnder 95 95Overweight Overweight Stocks 1 pound Up and Up 1 Bachelor Dinner 3 Golden Fate 3 SIXTH RACE 1 MILE Piety Sept 11 1934 137 3 100 First Running WHITE WHITEt1QK t1QK MOUNTAIN HANDICAP Second Division 2500 Added 3yearolds upwardJune835Rkm J 3yearoldsJ JLO 3vf and upward June835Rkm Net vaue to vjnner 1935 second 500 third 250 fourth 100 Index Horses EqtA Wt PP St Str Fin Jockeys Equiv Odds Strt 112853LYNX EYE w 4 114 4 9 9 8 = 63 lk WagnerJ R Robertson RobertsonWB 355100 11285 FIDELIS WB 4 105 7 5 54 4i 3 ° k 2i 2 StoutJ B N Kane KaneWB 1985100 11072 TIME FLIGHT WB 3 97 5 3 1 1 14 I 31 WallN P M Pike PikeWB 1260100 10741 DARK HOPE WB 6 117 8 7 61 51 54 64 4k KacalaJ J W Y Martin MartinWB 300100 11285 OUR COUNT WB 4 96 2 2 31 32 44 4 5 JohnsonJ H C Rumage RumageWB 1085100 115912DOGMATA WB 4 109 1 1 2k 2h 2h 31 62 FallonL A G Vanderbilt 295100 11071 INCANDESCENT WB4107 3 6 83 9 9 82 7 RenoT Mrs J Chesney 6205100 114022SPEEDMORE w4 97 9 8 72 61 72 7 82 HanfordC S A Nielsen 1165100 11285 LEGIONARY ivn4 98 6 4 4 i 849 9 FaustF Mrs L Nimkoff 985100 985100Time Time 23 47 112J 138 Track fast 2 MUTUELS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS LYNX EYE 910 490 400 355 100 145 100 100 100 100FIDELIS FIDELIS 1760 870 780 100 335 100 100TIME TIME FLIGHT 790 295 100 100Winner Winner B g by Wildair Spy Glass by Chicle trained by R Robertson bred by Mr C V Whitney WhitneyWENT WENT TO POST 529 AT POST 3 minutes minutesStart Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same sameLYNX LYNX EYE slow as usual to begin and outrun for the first half mile began moving up leaving tha back stretch closed with a rush between the leaders in the stretch and was up in the concluding strides FIDELIS restrained for the first half mile moved up steadily thereafter wore down TIME FLIGHT from the command but was unable to cope with the closing challenge of the winner TIME FLIGHT drew away into a long lead but weakened in the final threesixteenths DOGMATA followed the early pace and faltered in the stretch OUR COUNT well placed was unable to improve his position under pressure LEGIONARY tired tiredScratched Scratched 11754 Gov Scholtz 104 104Overweight Overweight Incandescent 2 pounds Spccdmorc 5 Legionary 3 SEVENTH RACE 1 18 MILES Sweeping Light Sept 23 1933 1 110 Purse CK 1000 3yearolds and upward Claiming 3yearolds 108 Ibs older JL JLoOA 117 Ibs Nonwinners of two races since May 14 allowed 4 Ibs Claiming June835Rkm price 2200 if for less 2 Ibs allowed for each 100 to 2000 Net value to winner 750 second 150 third 75 fourth 25 Index Horses EqtA Wt PP St Str Fin Jockeys EqniT Odds Strt 11592BRILLFALON w 3 99 5 4 3 3k 3 Ink l WagnerJ Mrs W W Vaughan 545100 11404 PRIMUTE WB 5 104 4 5 41 4 4 3 2 WallN P B Codd 220100 220100115943ADAMITE 115943ADAMITE WB 4 109 3 3 14 1 Ink 44 Jnk SchutteH S F Baez 425100 425100114042REVONAH 114042REVONAH WB 5 108 2 2 21 2 2 2nk 4nk JohnsonJ T F Swords 245400 24540010345CHRYSMUTE 10345CHRYSMUTE w 4 103 1 1 5 5 5 55 HanfordC J U Gratton 490100 490100Time Time 24 48 113J 140 153 Track fast 52 MUTUELS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS BRILLFALON 1290 550 340 545 100 175 100 70 100 100PRIMUTE PRIMUTE 380 310 90 100 55 100 100ADAMITE ADAMITE 340 70 100 100Winner Winner Ch c by Gonfalon Brilliance by North Star III trained by G Kelley bred by Mr W W Vaughan Winner entered to be claimed for 2200 2200WENT WENT TO POST 601 AT P9ST 1 minute minuteStart Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same BRILLFALON under steadying restraint until leaving the back stretch moved up on the outside assumed command in the stretch and drew out but had to be hard ridden to hold PRIMUTE safe The latter restrained early came to the outside for the drive and finished with good energy ADAMITE had good speed held on gamely but was unable to keep up in the drive REVONAH forced the pace but faltered in the closing test CHRYSMUTE was unable to reach the leaders EIGHTH RACE 1 AHLE Piety Sept 11 1934 137 3 100 Purse 800 3yearolds g QCTO and upward Claiming Nonwinners since May 14 or three races since JLJLOtJ May 1 3yearolds 108 Ibs older 118 Ibs Nonwinners of two races since June835Rkm May 1 allowed 4 Ibs Claiming price 1000 Net value to winner 600 second 125 third 50 fourth 25 Index Horses EqtA Wt PPSt Str Fin Jockeys Eqniv Odds Strt 114852GENL LEJEUNE WSB 6 109 9 6 4 2 22 1 In WagnerJ F White 220100 220100114032GRACIAS 114032GRACIAS w5109 2 1 54 3 3 34 2h HanfordC P S P Randolph 430100 43010010978BRIGHT 10978BRIGHT BIRD SB 6 109 4 2 2i 44 4 4 3 KnottK L Haymaker 425100 42510011478CYNWYD 11478CYNWYD w 3 94 3 9 14 H I 2 4 JohnsonJ H Neusteter 930100 93010011185BUNGALOW 11185BUNGALOW ws 4 104 8 5 92 93 93 5 WimmerB G H Pearce 1090100 11074 APPLE FRITTER w3 99 6 4 h 6 5 6 64 WallN M Colford 1550100 155010011074MATHIAS 11074MATHIAS w 4 109 10 7 84 72 7 7n FaustF H P Plante 12940100 11478 COMING BACK w 4 109 5 3 3 ° lf 5nk 64 82 83 TrenchardS E W Grew Jr 955100 95510010846OUR 10846OUR PAL w 9 109 7 11 10 10 10 9 9 HaywardR S Leneck 16480100 11593 DAISABURO WB 6 114 11 12 12 IF H 102 102 WholeyR Mrs S Cleary 10690100 11180 MIGRATE WB 3 103 12 8 8 72 8411 11 GreerM Mrs P A Shaw 5190100 519010011593HAWK 11593HAWK MOTH wn4104 1 10 II1 12 Broke down DeeringJ MrsTMDeBord 1915100 1915100Time Time 24 48 113 140 Track fast 52 MUTUELS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS GENERAL LEJEUNE 640 410 320 220 100 105 100 60 100 100GRACIAS GRACIAS 430 340 115 100 70 100 100BRIGHT BRIGHT BIRD 380 90 100 100Winner Winner Br g by General Thatcher Columbia II by Master Good trained by F White bred by Mr P M Burch Winner entered to be claimed for 1000 1000WENT WENT TO POST 632 AT POST 1 minute minuteStart Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same sameGENERAL GENERAL LEJEUNE racing in his best form moved up on the outside wore down CYNWYD for th lead before reaching the stretch and lasted to stall off GRACIAS The latte rmovcd up steadily and closed with a rush on the outside through the stretch BRIGHT BIRD well up closed with a rush to get up in the final strides for third place CYNWYD displayed good speed but tired after racing threequarters BUNGALOW made up ground APPLE FRITTER was never a threat COMING BACK tired after racing half mile HAWK MOTH broke down badly badlyOverweight Overweight Migrate 4 pounds