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OMAHA i iOMAHA OMAHA NEB SATURDAY JUNE 8 1935 AkSarBen Field 1 mile Ninth day AkSarBen Exposition Company Summer meeting of 31 days Weather clear Presiding Steward Dr F W Ashe Associate Stewards W H OGara and W Haycock Judges Dr F W Ashe E W Bury and C Sanford Starter J Hodgins Racing Secretary E W Bury Racing starts at 215 p m Chicago time 315 p m W indicates whip S spurs B blinkers Figures in parentheses following the distance of each race indicate horse date track record age of horse and weight carried indicates apprentice allowance of 5 pounds 7 pounds 10 pounds FIRST RACE 512 FURLONGS Centimeter June 16 1927 105 9 112 Purse 400 g QrT 4yearolds and upward Foaled in Nebraska Claiming Weight 120 Ibs JLJLtvr4 Non winners of two races since May 29 allowed 5 Ibs one race 8 Ibs June835Oma Claiming price 600 Net value to winner 300 second 60 third 25 fourth 15 Index Horses EqtAWtPPSt Str Fin Jockeys Equlr Odds Strt 11459BUD SMITH w 7 107 10 1 64 5 1 1 SmithJJ H E Vanbuskirk 2040100 2040100115402ARROW 115402ARROW HEART w7107 14 52 4h 24 23 RayW Sioux City Stable 630100 63010011459SWEETESTHEARTw4102 11459SWEETESTHEARTw4102 46 4h 3 31 3 GrayA W J Jenkinson 340100 340100117293GLDYS 117293GLDYS McALSTRvv 9 106 5 8 82 73 51 4 SebastianW F Barton 1340100 1340100117292DADS 117292DADS PET WB 8 112 6 10 10 10 92 53 MoranW B J Sheldon 200100 11459 CIND YS LINDY w7110 7 7 9 i 92 8h 64 EthcrtonO P Reed 480100 48010011540LE 11540LE KARONGA w 6 107 2 5 3 6i 6 72 KurinecF H Nellor 4880100 488010011540LITTLE 11540LITTLE SHY w 7 107 3 3 2 2 i 82 PreussV W D Harrison 9860100 11540 ESTER WHEEL w 9 108 8 2 14 I2 42 9 NachelJ W H Van Scoy 4340100 4340100115403SANFLO 115403SANFLO WB 4 112 9 9 74 8i 10 10 SlameyF R C Gilmore 1170100 1170100Time Time 23 47 101 108 Track fast 52 MUIUELS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS BUD SMITH 4280 1680 840 2040 100 740 100 320 100 100ARROW ARROW HEART 740 460 270 100 130 100 100SWEETEST SWEETEST HEART 360 80 100 100Winner Winner Br g by Truant Alice Davis by Ramcau trained by H E Vanbuskirk bred by Mr P W Duffy Winner entered to be claimed for 600 600WENT WENT TO POST 218 AT POST 4 minutes minutesStart Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same sameBUD BUD SMITH well handled and saving much ground throughout found an opening in the stretch and outstayed ARROW HEART after a duel ARROW HEART moved up steadily made a bold challenge in the final quarter but wasnt good enough SWEETEST HEART was hard ridden all the way and finished gamely GLADYS McALLISTER was in close quarters during the first quarter DADS PET broke slowly and closed a good gap CINDYS LINDY was far back most of the way ESTER WHEEL quit badly badlyOverweight Overweight Gladys McAllister 4 pounds Ester Wheel 1 Corrected weight Ester Wheel 107 SECOND RACE 5 12 FURLONGS Centimeter June 16 1927 105 9 112 Purse 500 IbsJLACFXO Qrvo 3yearolds Claiming Nonwinners of two races in 1935 Weight 113 Ibs 800June835Oma JLACFXO Nonwinners in 1935 allowed 3 Ibs Claiming price 800 June835Oma Net vaue to wjnner 385 second 75 third 25 fourth 15 Index Horses EqtA Wt PPSt Str Fin Jockeys Equiv Odds Strt 11650PETRINA B wslOO 14 I3 I6 I3 I3 RayW RayW116503TEE Mrs K C Barnes 380100 116503TEE DEE RUTH w03 51 53 32 22 24 GrayA Mrs J Hill 1070100 11344 PETER RUSSELL wnll3 47 83 6 42 32 JonesL Lebam Roberts 390100 390100116502BRILLIANT 74010011653FINLET 116502BRILLIANT KING vl08 3 5 3 i 44 5 4 4n JordanL MrsM Chadwcll 740100 11653FINLET WB 102 6 9 71 3 61 5 LandryL Seminole Stable 1340100 11541 ULEADUS w 108 10 6 6 54 2 6i MoranW C B Daniels 2200100 10219 NATALIE MAE 108 28 10 9 8h i LakeL Mrs S Griffin 580100 580100DR 252010010224CARBINES DR TWINK WB 110 8 2 24 2 3 82 SlamcyF E Guthric 2520100 10224CARBINES COUNT wl08 910 92 10 9 9 GrillF E R Fain 550100 11650 DELLA BEACH wn07 7 3 42 8410 10 GaithcrA A J Williams 3440100 3440100Time Time 23 46 100 107J Track fast 52 MUTUELS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS s PETRINA B 960 S 520 340 380 100 160 100 70 100 100TEE TEE DEE RUTH 660 460 230 100 130 100 100PETER PETER RUSSELL 440 120 100 100Winner Winner Br f by Chilhowee Whim by Broomstick trained by G Pruett bred by Mr G Sloane Winner entered to be claimed for 900 900WENT WENT TO POST 253 AT POST 4J minutes Start drivingPETRINA good and slow Won easily second and third driving PETRINA B away fast opened up a big lead quickly and held the others safe though tiring in the last eighth TEE DEE RUTH was never far out of it and finished fast and gamely PETER RUSSELL broke brokeslowly slowly improved his position steadily and was going strongest at the end BRILLIANT KING had no mishaps FINLET showed an improved effort DR TWINK quit quitScratched Scratched 11541 Rickety Jane 105 08412 Corky B 110 Overweight Finlet 2 pounds Uleadus 3 Delia Beach 2 THIRD RACE 34 MILE Out of Chute Realist June 25 1927 111 4 108 Purse Purseg NonwinnersAJLtLFlftf g f OrtQ S500 4yearolds and upward Claiming Weight 115 Ibs Nonwinners 800June835Oma AJLtLFlftf of two races in 1935 allowed 5 Ibs Claiming price 800 June835Oma Net vaue to winner 385 second 75 third 425 fourth 15 Index Horses EqtAWt PPSt J4 J Str Fin Jockeys Equlv Odds Strt 11461 DARKEST HOUR wB5112 69 81 83 2412 GraysonH A N Dalton 890100 11345 ALTMARK wi 6 110 10 2 24 2 lh 22 BoucherJ I T Houston 190100 10691 WILD REIGH WB 4 110 8 4 62 4 53 31 LakeL A Zitnik 4660100 11135 PRETTY PEG WB4105 27 54 6 4 42 HanauerC Dallas Stable 7940100 10367 GALLAHAD MAID w4108 9 3 74 74 72 55 MoranW J C Sawyer 1880100 11544 SANTA ROMA WB5110 510 91 92 8 63 SlameyF Peck Parker 870100 07665 MEGAI WB 4 105 11 1 I2 14 34 4 PetrellaP Mrs M Thompson 4420100 10291 TOCAYA wB5105 48 4h 52 C Bs JordanL W E Ball 190100 04159 AUGUSTA w 5 107 1 6 10 102 93 96 GaitherA W Chaffm t 10099 DARIC SEA WB 8 112 7 11 11 11 10 10 MurrayJ Mrs A R Williams 4660100 02048 MANNERS WB 6 110 3 5 34 32 11 11 MorrittN C E Smith 730100 730100fMutucl fMutucl field Time 2V5 47 113 Track fast 2 MCTUELS PAID f OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS DARKEST HOUR 1980 740 620 890 100 270 100 210 100 100ALTMARK ALTMARK 400 340 100 100 70 100 100WILD WILD REIGH 1140 470 100 100Winner Winner Blk g by Pagan Pan Twilight Hour by Hourlcss trained by B J Durncll bred by Keene land Stud Winner entered to be claimed for S800 S800WENT WENT TO POST 327 AT POST 2 minutes minutesStart Start good and slow Won easily second and third driving drivingDARKEST DARKEST HOUR strongly ridden responded well wore down the leaders in the final quarter and held ALTMARK safe The latter was well up throughout but could not withstand the winner WILD REIGH showed a good effort PRETTY PEG saved ground throughout and raced well TOCAYA was in close quarters and received a badly judged ride MEGAI quit after a half mile mileScratched Scratched 10167 Brown Slippers 105 105Overweight Overweight Darkest Hour 2 pounds Gallahad Maid 3 Augusta 2 Dark Sea 2 FOURTH RACE 34 MILE Out of Chute Realist June 25 1927 111 4 108 Queens gO f Handicap Purse 1000 3yearolds and upward June8 5Oma Net value to winner 750 second 150 third 75 fourth 25 Index Horses Eqt A AVt PI St V Vj Stf Fin Jockeys Owners Equtv OddirStrt 113462POLVOS PRIDE wn4104 2 6 14 IS in 1 JordanL W J Potter Jr 111342CARBON w 5 114 8 2 3i 2 2i 2 SlameyF R L Jones 150100 09815 NO DOUBT WB4102 54 4h 41 42 34 GrayA E ONeil 520100 11346 ROYAL PRIDE WB 4 105 9 7 62 5 54 4 WestW Three Rs Stable 580100 580100100143INTERPRETER 100143INTERPRETER w5104 65 8 8 73 5 2 McCownD H T Palmer 3180100 11126 WAYWARD LAD WB 5 98 7 1 2 34 3 62 HansuerC G M Morris 4740100 4740100112433FRIEND 112433FRIEND JOHN wB5105 38 72 6 6i 7 LakeL L B Treat 1070100 11134 FA YETTE PRINCE wB5104 4 3 54 7 82 8 VailS T Deahl 3450100 08970 JIMMY SUTRO WB 6 105 19 9999 PetrellaP T Lorusso 700100 700100Time Time 23 MY5 112 Track fast S2 MUTUELS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS POLVOS PRIDE 1640 560 340 720 100 180 100 70 100 100CARBON CARBON 320 260 60 100 30 100 100NO NO DOUBT 280 40 100 100Winner Winner B c by Polvo Patti Louise by On Watch trained by W J Potter bred by Mrs W J Potter PotterWENT WENT TO POST 359 AT POST 21 minutes minutesStart Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same samePOLVOS POLVOS PRIDE was rushed into a good early lead withstood repeated challenges but was out to the last ounce to score CARBON moved into contention after leaving the back stretch and was slowly wearing down the winner at the end NO DOUBT made up some ground and finished gamely ROYAL PRIDE was away slowly but closed a big gap under a weak ride INTERPRETER was away slowly slowlyOverweight Overweight Polvos Pride 1 pound Royal Pride 5 Interpreter 1 Fayette Prince 2 Jimmy Sutfo 2 FIFTH RACE 34 MILE Out of Chute Realist June 25 1927 111 108 Purse 1 t Ckl I 500 4yearolds and upward Claiming Weight 116 Ibs Nonwinners JLJLtPJLJL since May 29 allowed 3 Ibs sines May 1 6 Ibs Claiming price 1200 June835Oma Net vaue to winner 385 second 75 third 25 fourth 15 Index Horses EqtA AVt PPS Str Fin Jockeys Equlr Odds Strt 10554POLLY DISKIN w5100 7 79 9 911347POLLY 83 7 42 lh GrayA R Stratman Stratmanw4102 1410100 11347POLLY DEAR w4102 8 3 746451 22 JordanL W E Ball Ballw 3280100 10107 OFF DUTY w 4 105 4 8 811542JLORRAINE 9 93 82 34 HanauerC Dallas Stable Stablen 3070100 11542JLORRAINE S WB111 n 6 111 2 5 in I2 14 4 LakeL J A Grogan Groganw 530100 11651 = JERE w w4113 4 113 9 2 32 3h 2h 54 Bolleroj C E Simmons SimmonswSlll 1080100 11241 CHIEFS RANGER w wSlll 5111 67 41 5i 3h 62 RayW I T Houston Houston1B5103 1500100 11243ZORANA 1B5103 36 52 4 7 72 CampP E Robinowitz 100100 114583EL TOTO WB 4 110 1 10 10 10 10 8 WilsonL 7150100 102232LONELL w 5 108 10 1 bs 82 93 93 Leischma LeischmanR M Gibson 730100 11651 BALDY w 4 110 5 4 22 24 6h 10 MoranW W R Jarvis 1580100 1580100Time Time 23 M 113 Track fast 52 MUTUELS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS POLLY DISKIN 3020 1380 640 1410 100 5SO 100 220 100 100POLLY POLLY DEAR 2780 1140 1290 100 470 100 100OFF OFF DUTY 1220 510 100 100Winner Winner Br m by General Diskin Polly A by Wrack trained by J A Stowell bred by Mr M L Allen Winner entered to be claimed for 1200 1200WENT WENT TO POST 436 AT POST H minutes minutesStart Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same samePOLLY POLLY DISKIN away slowly reached contention with a rush after the opening quarter but just lasted to outstay POLLY DEAR The latter closed fast and gamely and would have won in a few more strides OFF DUTY lost ground but finished strongly LORRAINE S showed her usual early speed but tired JERE tired after racing a half mile ZORANA was done after racing a half mile mileOverweight Overweight Polly Dear 2 pounds SIXTH RACE 1 116 MILES Seths Premium June 25 1927 145 101 Purse f I Ol 600 3year ° lds and upward Claiming 3yearolds 108 Ibs older 118 Jt JL f JL JLw w Ibs Nonwinners since May 29 allowed 3 lbsr tworaces since April 18 JuneS35rOma 6 Ibs Claiming price 2000 if for less 3 Ibs allowed for each 250 to 1500 Net valuer to winner 425 second 100 third 50 fourth 25 Index Horses EqtA Wt IP St i Str Fin Jockeys Equlv Odds Strt 114623STORM WB 8 101 5 5 22 23 2 14 1 GrayA L K Kidd 80100 8010010520LATER 10520LATER ON WB 3 97 2 2 4s 42 42 32 2 RayW Miss G Killeen 480100 11347 CONTRARY w 3 105 3 3 I3 I3 4 2 3h PetrellaP J Robilio 610100 11348 ODDESA BEAU wB3105 4 4 3 33 3 41 4s KurinecF W J Ormsby 700100 700100113472CAPTAIN 113472CAPTAIN DANGERwB 6 112 1155555 GraysonH Three Rs Stable 610100 Time 24 W5 11314 140 147 Track fast 2 MUTUELS PAID f OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS STORM 360 240 220 80 100 20 100 10 100 100LATER LATER ON 360 260 80 100 30 100 100CONTRARY CONTRARY 300 50 100 100Winner Winner Ch h by Audacious Spray by Wrack trained by L W Kiddf bred by Mr R L Gerry Winner entered to be claimed for 1500 1500WENT WENT TO POST 510 AT POST 3J minutes minutesStart Start good and slow Won easily second and third driving drivingSTORM STORM rated close to the pace disposed of CONTRARY when ready and held sway to the end LATER ON fractious at the post broke fast but dropped out of it early and came with a rush after fiveeighths CONTRARY opened up a big early lead but tired when challenged ODDESA BEAU was never a factor CAPTAIN DANGER trailed throughout throughoutScratched Scratched 11543 Languorous 97 97Overweight Overweight Contrary 2i pounds Oddesa Beau 2 SEVENTH RACE 1 116 MILES Seths Premium June 25 1927 145 4 101 Purse f fl Qf O 500 3yearolds and upward Claiming 3yearolds 108 Ibs older 118 Ibs JLJLtF JO Non winners of two races since April 18 allowed 3 Ibs one race 6 Ibs June835Oma Claiming price 1000 if for 800 allowed 5 Ibs Net value to winner 385 second 75 third 25 fourth 15 Index Horses EqtA Wt IT St Str Fin Jockeys Equiv Odds Strt 116542NED 0 wuSHO 3 3 31 42 44 24 14 StulIerDR StulIerDRw Mrs J W Johnston 130100 118152LET HER PLAY w 6 107 2 1 li 11 I2 ink McCownD McCownDw6107 H T Palmer 360100 11812 BROWN JUG w6107 5 4 55 56 58 51 ° 31 GaitherA GaitherAWB Mrs L Knifong 1260100 11244KING TODAY WB 4 108 6 6 2h 24 2l 32 42 GrayA F W Fitch 240100 11542 FINGER WAVE w4107 1 2 4i 41 515 SlameyF Three Rs Stable 1320100 11458 TOM DICK w 3 97 4 5 6 HanauerC B Binion 2540100 Time 24J 24Jr r 4B 114 140 147 Track fast 2 MUTUELS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS ODDSNED NED 0 460 280 280 130 100 40 100 40 100 100LET LET HER PLAY 320 340 60 100 70 100 100BROWN BROWN JUG 340 70100 70100Winner Winner Ch g by Campfirc La Flambcc by Ajax trained by J W Johnston bred by Eclair Stud Winner entered to be claimed for 800 WENT TO POST 545 AT POST 2J minutes Start good and slow Won handily second and third driving drivingNED NED O broke well was restrained for fiveeighths responded well to urging and won going away LET HER PLAY displayed the most speed from the start and held on gamely though tiring BROWN JUG made up some ground KING TODAY was much used in the early stages attempting to overhaul the leader and tired FINGER WAVE was well up in the early stages Overweight Finger Wave 2 pounds EIGHTH RACE 118 MILES David Harum Sept 26 1923 152 6 109 Purse 500 3 t ft o 1 3yearolds and upward Claiming Nonwinners of two races in 1935 A ± tl A O f 3yearolds 110 Ibs older 116 Ibs Claiming price 800 if for less 2 Ibs June835Oma allowed for each 100 to 600 Net value to winner 385 second 75 third 25 fourth 15 EqtA Wt PP St Str Fin Jockeys Equiv Odds Strt 11734 GOLDEN X ws4112 4 4 43 S2 54 22 li GaitherA O Burgess 320100 320100U8163PORT U8163PORT O PLAY wn91122 2 51 4 14 H 22 McCrayK Mrs S Corbet 170100 11654 REGIS PLAY WB 4 112 6 5 6 6 6 52 3 SlameyF J C Wamhuff 750100 75010011464WILCHER 11464WILCHER wB3106 5 6 12 31 3h 34 42 ScbastianW J H Tate 1210100 11654 SCOTCH TOM wB5116 3 3 14 1 2h 6 54 MoranW P Miller 790100 79010011731FANDAN 11731FANDAN wB3103 1 1 2 2 42 4h 6 RayW C Holt 400100 400100Time Time 23 4B 114 141 155jfc Track fast 52 MUTUELS PAID f OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS GOLDEN X 840 380 260 320 100 90 100 30 100 100PORT PORT 0 PLAY 280 240 40 100 20 100 100REGIS REGIS PLAY 280 40 100 100Winner Winner B g by Harperiden Minnie B by Sweep trained by H Dryden bred by Glen Helen Stud Winner entered to be claimed for 600 600WENT WENT TO POST 618 AT POST J minute Start good and slow1 Won easily second and third driving drivingGOLDEN GOLDEN X suffered from interference heading to the back stretch moved up with a rush approaching the final quarter and easily disposed of PORT O PLAY The latter took command with a rush but could not withstand the winner though under a severe drive WILCHER tired badly REGIS PLAY began slowly and made up some ground SCOTCH TOM and FAN DAN quit