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LONG BftANCH ENTRIES ENTRIESWeather Weather clear track slow slowRacing Racing starts at 230 p m Chicago daylight time 130 p m For Long Branch Telephone Codes i use Post Position number shown im mediately before the names of all the horses appearing in the entries First Race 34 Mile Out of Chute Purse 700 3YearOlds and Upward Claiming ClaimingTrack Track Record RecordGolden Golden Fate Oct 4 1933 111 3 110 110Index Index Post Besi at Distance Wt Claim Nn Pos Horse TrackWt Time AsreTndav Prir 11897 1 Imadud NF 105 114 4 110 1500 11796 2Last TimeHia 92112 3 100 1500 11714 3 Meloy Trp 110 112 5 115X 1500 10488 4Ree Trp 105 113 3 100 1500 11718 5 Desert Call Trp 116 110 5 115X 1500 11634 6Centermarch Thf 105 112 6 110 1500 11715 7 Big One Bel 108 114 3 110 1500 116341 8 Maebee FE 115 112 5 113X 1500 114481 9 Dothair Pirn 110 117 117sy sy 3 107 1500 Second Race 78 Mile Out of Chute Purse 700 3YearOlds and Upward Foaled in Canada CanadaClaiming Claiming Track Record RecordStar Star Crest Oct 4 1930127 3 101 11716 lEdvvard M 5 110 1000 100011716s 11716s 2 Royal Vintage 5 110X 1000 11797 3Mythical Lore Thf 108 128 7 102X 800 11636 4 Beech view 3 107 X 1000 11449 5Lost Spirit 5 102 800 11524 6 Sabana 10107 800 11524 7 Prince Rupert 5 109X 800 11444 8 Don Sweep M 4 109 800 117971 9Tabson 6 104X 800 117972 10 Mish MashThf 106 l30m 5 112X 900 11529 llWm Allan Jr 5 104X 800 11636 12 Quatra Bras 8115X1000 11636 13 Mr Gaiety 11 115X 1000 11635 14 Refiner 8 109X 800 11525 15 Galang M 4 112 900 11716 16 Missouri JimThf 104 127 4 109X 8QO 8QOThird Third Race 78 Mile Out of Chute Purse 700 3YcarOlds and Upward Claiming ClaimingTrack Track Record RecordLipton Lipton Oct 10 1934 127 2 119 11798 1 Relativity LB 115 128 4 115 900 11796 2Fascinator 4 109X 700 11716 3 Rock CrestThf 116 129 6 109 700 11526 4 Cantenvood 5 111X 700 11716 5 Kirkland Post 7 104X 700 11639 6 Darksihi 7 114X 800 11635 7 Sea Kale Thf 110 126 9 109X 800 11230 8Tela 8 104X 700 11445 9 Exhibition 4111 700 116382 10 Nuns Way LB 109 128 5 112X 800 11798 llHot Spring BB 109 130 5 104X 700 11714 12 Inherit M 3112 900 11796 13 Timon Thf 113 125 8 111X 700 700Fourth Fourth Race 1 Mile and 70 Yards Purse 700 3YearOlds and Upward Claiming ClaimingTrack Track Record RecordRound Round Table June 7 1934 142 3 104 11530 1 Cudgeldoe Ham 113 146 6 108X 1000 11639 2 George De Mar LB 103 145 13 111X 800 11714 3 Border Knight EmP 105 144 4 112X 1000 11800 4 Caryldon LB 115 145 6 115X 1000 11719s 5 Swagger Stick StickI I QP 113 145 5111X800 11448 6 Virado Wdb 115 146 9 115X 1000 11639 7 Bill Kennedy LB 109 146 7 112 1000 10757 8Bossic Eye 3 100 1000 11798 9 Boscobel LB 111 146 6 113X 1000 11719 10 Our Trouble 5 115X 1000 Fifth Race 1 Mile and 70 Yards YardsGray Gray Coach Handicap Purse 1200 3YearOlds and Upward UpwardTrack Track Record RecordRound Round Table June 7 1934 142 3 104 10755 1 Heiress Wdb 109 143 5 101X 10541 2 Friend Charley LB 112 143 5 99X 07960 3 Unencumbered Lrl liri42 6 104X 10941 4 Biography Lrl 110 143 4106 11896 5 Spey Crest FE 104 142 6 100X 11332 6 Finalist LB 111 143 7 108X 11896 7 Crofter FE 107 143 5104 11332 8 Trey 4 106X 11672 9 Heedless Gal 4102 11637 10 Projectile LB 114 143 5 112X 11332 11 Ilchester HdG 113 144 5 107X 11672 12 Acautaw 5 112X 112XA A Hullcoat and A P Doyle entry Heedless Gal Acautaw AcautawSixth Sixth Race 1 116 Miles Purse 700 3YearOlds and Upward Claiming ClaimingTrack Track Record RecordKhorasan Khorasan June 14 1933 144 5 110 11720 1 Troubanova FE 111 146 8 115X 1000 11801 2Lugano OP 107 146 5 108X 800 11720 3Fusco NF 118 146 5 112X 1000 10943 4 Dedication Thf 106 142 3 110 1000 11753 5Broadvay Miss MissM M 3 96X 800 11801 6 Grandview LB 112 l52h 3 106 800 11719 7 Leadgold LB 104 150 8 117X 1000 11801 8 Bold Bendigo Wdb 109 148 7 113X 800 800Seventh Seventh Race 1 116 Miles Purse 700 3YearOlds and Upward Claiming ClaimingTrack Track Record RecordKhorasan Khorasan June 14 1933 1445 110 11800 lBitter Bark BarkM M LB 102 l55m 3 100 1000 11719 2Beau Kilrane LB 99151 4108 800 11801 3UPset Lad FE 111 146 9 111 800 11720 4 Hillsborough FE 116 146 7 118X 900 11530 5 Powder Monkey Thf 111 148 6 117X 1000 11719 6 Gift Roman NF 105 148 4 113X 800 11714 7Zangvvill NF 107 147 6 112X 1000 11638 8 Sir Byron FE 110 144 7 113X 800 11719 9 Captive MR 115 147 7115X 900