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WORKOUTS Date at left of horses name is last workout Letters following time indicate indicateb b breezing d driving e easily h handily o all out a sulked u eased up upFastest Fastest Time at Each Distance Shown in Black Face Type SATURDAY JUNE 8 WASHINGTON PARK PARKWeather Weather clear track fast ThreeEighths Mile 64 Byrdcl 37b 410 My Dandy 39b 39bBirds Birds Eye 37h 62 Our Chance 37b 61 Bohen Lass 37b Pillage 37h 65 Bdg Trades 37b 65 Rollin Home 36h 54 Fanfcrn 36b 531 Roguish Girl 37b 66 Fair Billy 36h 63 Rapid Bells 37b 531 Firing Squad 37 h 63 Sparta 39b 527 High Glee 38 b 67 Spickeen 38 b 529 Identical 37b 66 Suppliance 36h 527 Love Sick 36h 64 Tomye 37b 65 Miss Pdence 36h 65 Victors Ann 39 b 61 Mabel Miller 36b 36bOneHalf OneHalf Mile 65 All Sorts 52 b 65 My Dainty 49h 66 Boy Valet 51b 64 Onrush 52 b 66 Claremont 52b 65 Polywhisk 52 b 65 China Gal 53b 67 Peter J Peel 49h 61 Dusky Prce 48 h 531 Pr Profits 48h 65 Early Hour 50 d 65 Ralph C 49b 64 I See 49b 522 Synod 56 b 65 Irish Ford 49h 63 Tony Joe 49h 62 Long Rifie 54b 525 Wild Turkey 50b 50bFiveEighths FiveEighths Mile 65 Amern Lassl02h 65 Infinity l06b 67 Arthur Mctzl04 b 62 Jerry H l02h 65 Brd Mdowsl05b 66 Jean Muffin 102 h 65 Bmore Boyl01 d 61 Jge Bonellil03 h 64 Bamboo l02h 529 Lucky Questl04 b 65 Black Hat 104 b 64 Liquidation 103 b 65 Barrido l03h 65 Lady Va Val06b 65 Bugaboo l02h 65 Little Van 104 b 61 Casa Baywdl04h 64 Microbe 103 b 64 Cheers l06b 63 Mr James l04h 65 Court Songl03 h 61 Modesto l02b l02b529Checrus 529Checrus 101 h 66 Night Alarml01h 519 Continuity 103 h 64 Net Profit l02h 63 Chief Pilot l09b 66 Out Put 103 b 65 Cesarc l04h 65 Parsley 104 b 528 Dark Scckerl02b 64 RoI Lornerl03h 64 Dihvin l02 h 65 Soth Gallant100d Gallant100d529Doran 529Doran 103 h 529 Sir J JameslK d 61 Flavor 103 b 65 Star o Warl03 b 65 Fair Quest l01h 67 Stout Heartl02 h 65 Fair Stein l03 b 87 Surveyor 103 b 65 Grace C Al03 h 63 Traitor l02h 65 Gallaclay 101 h 65 Thatagal l02b 528 Good Chcerl06 b 64 Two Bob l02b 67 Holm Brownl04b 62 Toro Pdomol01h 66 Hollyrood 106 b 63 Tryandagain l03h 65 Hope to Dol05 b 65 Westn Lad 102 h 65 Herbar l03h 67 Where Awayl01 h 64 Illeanna 105 b 64 Wizard 103 b bThreeQuarters ThreeQuarters Mile 64 Boe Prcessl15h 67 Judge Blake l15h 64 Brt Bubblel16h 64 Jascha 115 k 523 Black Riverl19 b 525 Mockoy l16h 63 Bedight l16b 65 Maple Riccal18b 61 Blcsd Againl16b 67 Miss Corinnol16b 61 Blind Luck l21b 65 Playdale 119 b b524Calmct 524Calmct Dickl13d 61 Petee BIuel20b 65 Cumberlad l16h 65 Pompohone l17h 65 Enclla 121 b 65 Rubio l18b 64 Gov Laffoonl14 d 63 Silent Shotl16 h 61 Hasty Glancel16b 65 Skip It l13d 65 Hdy Princel16h 64 Stay 117 b 531 Integrity 116 h 65 Toro Nancy 113 h 64 Ima Count l16b 64 Up Wind 115 h 64 Jge Newmanl15h 63 Winder 117 h hSevenEighths SevenEighths Mile 64 Ct Tctrarchl28d 61 Skipsea 131 h 66 Managr Bill128d 66 Spicson l34b l34bOne One Mife 64 Almaha l4846b 65 Riskulus 140 h 62 Ctess Binal44h 62 Sandvvrack 144 h hCee Cee Teel44b 526 Shalot 145 h 528 Chce Flightl45h Flightl45hToro Toro Nancy is ready for her best effort effortRiskulus Riskulus impressivelySkip worked impressively Skip It and Calumet Dick were together in a good work LINCOLN FIELDS FIELDSWeather Weather clear track slow ThreeEighths Mile 65 Embarrassed 41 b 64 Stop Gap 37j h Miss Cohort 384 h hOneHalf OneHalf Mile 65 Boys Boy 53h Jeffery 50 h 64 Bosopi 50h 65 Myrtle Brks 52h 510 Cardarrone 53 d 63 Supreme Tip 52h FiveEighths Mile 519 Bar Play 104 d 427 Montaris l06h 61 Behemoth l07b 66 Papyrograph l05h 65 Cloirado 104 d dThreeQuarters ThreeQuarters Mile 531 Dark Entry l19h 65 Liebchen 119 h hSevenEighths SevenEighths Mile 65 Sam Pass l35h Cloirado and Bar Play worked together BAINBRIDGE PARK PARKWeather Weather clear track muddy ThreeEighths Mile 63 Celebrity 42b 516 Northern Sir 44 b 63 Delgado 41 h 64 Payall 43 b bKyodo Kyodo 44 b bOneHalf OneHalf Mile 65 Dorothy W 57b 66 Slip Knot 54 h 529 Eager Bella 534 h 423 Whoa Back 56 b 62 Je Boggess 53h 53hFiveEighths FiveEighths Mila 514 Da Lascaril12 b 66 Sky Baggge109 h hThreeQuarters ThreeQuarters Mile 63 Damon Ladyl24h 66 PillniU l24 b B27 Gn Jasmine122 h Nothing worthy of comment DAYTON DAYTONWeather Weather cloudy track muddy ThreeEighths Mile 530 Bky Puppet 43h 526 Glove 41 h 530 Blondsure 44 h 522 Over Shady 43h 59 Cool Waters 44 h 526 Soldier Boy 43h 66 Envious Miss 44 h hOneHalf OneHalf Mile 524 Castle Cliff 59 h Ms Mascara 58 h 55 Hour Lady 58 h hFiveEighths FiveEighths Mile 11 Dawn Patroll12 h 527 Miss Dolly 112 h J3 Honest SusanlJll h 526 Ragacreek 112 h CHARLES TOWN feather TOWNfeather clear track good ThreeEighths Mile MileH H Dear HearU 37b 523 Last Laugh Laughc c 38 h 61 Italin Harry 37 d 65 La Marquise 37h 37hLongful Longful 37 h hOneHalf OneHalf Mile 65 Busy Ike 51 h Jezreel 55 b 424 Bk Langhe 51 h More Run 51 h 65 Bye and Bye 51 d 530 Sea Finn 50 d Canaanite 49d Stroll Dukt 51h 65 Easr Medal 51h 65 Swinlane 49b 49bEnglh Englh Knit 51 b Tyries Vamp 52 b bFoggy Foggy Dawn 54 h Tiger Cat 51b Gracious 52d 52dFiveEighths FiveEighths Mile 524 Briggs 106 h Harrisbcrger 108 b bCanopia Canopia 105 b Kindridge l03d 45 Easter Dalel08 b Rubens Petl03h Gay Lassie l03h l03hThreeQuarters ThreeQuarters Mile 66 Auburridale 118 h 531 Jsta Teacher117h 64 Decorate 120 b L Worthtonl18 h 528 Doeskin l20h LATONIA LATONIAWeather Weather cloudy track muddy dogs up ThreeEighths Mile 526 Brss Bttons 41 u 64 Miss Sunset 37 h 512 Busy Jay 39 h 65 Nitten Nancy 41h 65 Grey Letty 41h 66 Our Bud 41 h 65 General Boy 39 h On the Go 38 h 61 Hustle Out 43 h Ozomis 40h 67 Hy Rhinock 40h 65 Permelia 41 h 61 Idle Dream 39 h 61 Red Eva 41h 65 King Henry 40 h 531 Silver Hackle 38h 65 Little Brook 40 h 531 Star Bud 38h 531 Little Woolly 40 h 531 Waygood Lad 38h 516 Miss Lizzie 40h 40hOneHalf OneHalf Mile 54 Runamuck 54h 65 Clovis 53h 61 Best Bid 53 h 530 El Bandido 50 h 66 Bils Orphan 55 h 529 Ly Flinders 53 h 63 Camp Cook 54 h 62 Nassa Alone 51h 51hFiveEighths FiveEighths Mile 64 Bird of Bluel07h 64 Kindist Kingl09 h 64 Binocular l08h 65 Leeoran l09h 63 Barrita l08h 65 Lady Pal 104 h 64 Behind Mel07h Novito 109 h 525 Blk Crystall08 h 66 Respond 108 h 64 Bombastic l08h 65 Rebekah l06h 527 Gn and Redl08 h 420 Reunited 108 h 526 Gooseneck l06h 64 Sadie Grnkl07 h h523Jabar 523Jabar 110 h 423 Sarah Wl09 h 65 Kailin 109 h hThreeQuarters ThreeQuarters Mile Mile525Axtel 525Axtel l22h 64 Likewise 118 h 526 Billy Jones 122 h 61 Miss Vincel20 h 64 Begins Haiti 20h 61 Play Lady 127 h 61 Chatuga l26h 64 Prince Deanl24h Deanl24h528Coflier 528Coflier l23h 66 Spoilt Beutyl27 h 65 Exponent l20h 67 Visigoth 120 h 531Hildrum l21h l21hSevenEighths SevenEighths Mile 523 Amern Belle136 h 64 Senoj 137 h 66 Miss Moo 142 h hOne One Mile 425 Sunny Bob 159 h 527 Upon l55h 64 Tiger Claw 157 h hBird Bird of Blue and Behind Me were in company companyEl El Bandido worked exceptionally well in the mud mudLady Lady Pal worked a good fiveeighths fiveeighthsExponent Exponent is training well wellLikewise Likewise worked well wellAll All works were around the dogs OMAHA OMAHAWeather Weather clear track fast ThreeEighths Mile 330 Burng Feet 37h Khamseen 38h Blessefield 36h Little Effort 37 h ColonI B B 38h Ldy Brway 38h Chickahomy 38h 64 Maxie Binder 39 h 511 Enab 40b Montello 38 h 63 Frolicing Sis 37h 47 My Counselr 362 h 65 Golden Tip 37hOneHalf 37h OneHalf Mile MileAna Ana Chestt 52b 527 High Clover 53b Buntee 55 b 66 Jester B 48h 48hCarzanna Carzanna 52Vsh 65 Marchline 51h 51hCathere Cathere Van 51 h 65 Mr Con 49 h 64 Coalizer 51h 46 Ms Twkling 53 b 66 Cn Princess 51 h Parnell Bess 49 h 63 Dustanna 49 h Parnell Bell 49 h hDurandal Durandal 54 b Sonny T 51h 531 Denver Lad 50h 65 Viola C 51h 63 Delia Beach 5lh 66 Warrr Slave 51 h hFiveEighths FiveEighths Mile Anelia Gl03h 63 Sherf Euge102 h 415 Catty l06b 66 Three l05b 65 Lanation l05b 64 Ya Ti 105 h hMuffler Muffler l03h l03hThreeQuarters ThreeQuarters Mile 510 Ems Mother115h 527 Msh Amuletl21 h 65 Elanbee l18h 65 Murs Luck l21b 66 Grey Donl18h 66 Panout 118 h 63 Kent l16h l16hOne One Mile 67 My Wish 149 b bDustanna Dustanna worked from the gate Empress Mother worked impressively Jester B showed speed from the gate Viola C and Marchline were in company Sheriff Eugene showed improvement Murpheys Luck was only breezing Blessefield had his speed DETROIT DETROITWeather Weather clear track heavy dogs up ThreeEighths Mile 65 Atit 40 h 67 Mdcn Dream 39 h 529 Charlotte W 41h 64 Miss Capers 39 h 66 Daski 39h 61 Mad Bud 39 h 527 Glowing Coal 37h 524 More Pep 38h 64 Governor Bill 44 h 64 Mottled 39 h 66 Just Love 38h 64 Single Lady 44 b 66 Kalola 41 h Unlcky King 44 h 425 Lovely Girl 41h 63 Wedge Lad 37 h hOneHalf OneHalf Mile 64 Albane 544 h 63 Marmosa 53 h 64 Bun D 53h 65 Phils Court 57 h 64 Billy I 55 b 64 Pipes Pal 52h 61 Emer J 57 b 64 Playing On 57 b 61 Helen Hatter 55 h 530 Susn Miller 51 h 64 Maystick 55 h 62 Swifty 56 h 64 Merely 53 h 525 Swiss Prince 52h 64 Marfree 55 h 62 Vicki 55 h hFiveEighths FiveEighths Mile 65 All Time 107 h 65 Big Torch 114 b 530 Bostian Gall06h 64 Blue Catl08h 61 Chilla May 110 b 61 Olepal 108 h 64 Dark Whisk 107 h 65 Polonian 111 h 527 Erebus 106 h 526 Pce Heatherl12 b 66 Lucy Dearl07h 61 Theron l08h 522 Morris Rl10 b 61 Tch Maidenl10 h 64 My Surprise 108 h 64 Thistle Jockl09h 64 Night Play lK9h 65 Vote Boy 114 b 65 Old Pappy 112 b bThreeQuarters ThreeQuarters Mile 64 Back Fence 125 b 65 Newaygo 125 h 63 Dothy Hicksl24 h 65 Nice Habits 123 h 63 Full Tilt 119 h 66 Rapid Princel22 h 65 Forgive 123 b 65 Specl Favorl23 h 67 Husky Lassl21h 65 Sy Greysteell23 h 63 Lester P 125 h 63 Sweet Thingl25 h 64 Little Dinahl21b 111 Tabaku 127 b bSevenEighths SevenEighths Mile 64 Sator Mikel36h Mikel36hOne One Mile 67 Chastity 156 b 64 Hosiers Pridel53 b 64 Grn Shadowl53 h 66 Murmuring 156 h 66 Lady150hMad Greyglade 151 b 67 Sptan Lady150h Mad Bud and Miss Capers came from the barrier barrierMottled Mottled and Maiden Dream had speed to ¬ gether flfirs5Full flfirs5 Full goingSpartan Tilt worked well in the heavy going Spartan Lady worked a handy mile mileChastity Chastity and Greyglade were breezing in their works worksBELMONT BELMONT PARK PARKWeather Weather cloudy track fast ThreeEighths Mile 63 Capitol Hill 37 h 61 Rose Crump 36h 517 Light Brcade 37h 63 Significant 37 h 63 Plat Eye 39 b 525 Sun Crump 36h 36hOneHilf OneHilf Mile 64 Advising Aa 48d 62 Nectarine 48 d 64 Blue Gantlot 48 h 66 Prosy 50 h 65 Black Grse 49 h 66 Pullman 49 h 64 Burning Guns 51h 65 Responsible 51 h 66 Battle Statn 53 h 66 Songmaker 52 b 65 Church Call 49h 65 Speed Girl 51 h 63 Flag of War 49 h 62 Top Dog 49 h 62 Joybird 48h 63 Thorson 51 h hJohn John Doe 50 h 62 Tophorn 48h 65 Little Cporal 50 h 417 Undr the Gs 50h 64 Lady Wdom 48 h 66 War Lassie 50h 50hFiveEighths FiveEighths Mile 64 Apple Betty l02h 64 Giant Killerl06 b 63 Beaunada 103 h 65 Hindu Queenl06 h 66 Cabanicr IIl03h 63 Ned Reigh 103 h 65 Good Gamblel04 h 530 Singers Folly 101h 101hThreeQuarters ThreeQuarters Mile 66 Douceur l16h 64 Song l16h l16h529Guidg 529Guidg Star l18b 66 Sdiers Drml17 h 530 Judy 0Gradyl18b 66 Sorrow l16h 64 Mhg Homel16h 66 Ship Exetivel17 h 65 Peace Chncel17h 66 Singing Wood114 h hSeven Seven Eighths Mile 64 Last Boat 129 h hOne One Mile 64 Don Manuell47 b 63 Old Story l44h 66 Head Play 138h 138hOne One and OneEighth Miles 65 War Stripes l55h BELMONT PARK PARKWeather Weather cloudy track fast ThreeEighths Mile MileBshful Bshful Lvr 37h 62 Genevieve 38 h 62 Dark Wizard 37h 57 Rosselli 37h 64 Deliberator 37 h 66 Statesman 37h 64 Differ 37 h 62 Trebor 38 h 531 Dyak 38 h 531 Tribunal 37 h hOneHalf OneHalf Mile 66 Aristo 50 h 62 Hunterdon 50 h 56 Conquer 50h 63 Kawagoe 52h Dr Traprock 50 h 67 Mly Gnock 53 b 510 Greybroom 50 h 66 Waster 49 h 61 Glenbroom 50 h hFiveEighths FiveEighths Mile 64 Blk Caesar103 h 522 Love Lyric 104 h 64 Dartle 105 b 65 Otway 105 b 64 Dodgson 105 b Tux Pan 106 b bLollies Lollies l03h 63 Zay 104 h hThreeQuarters ThreeQuarters Mile 64 Epitaph l17h 66 Roseblm 114h 63 Jamaica 120 b 63 Sablin 117 h 64 Patchpocket 122 b bSevenEighths SevenEighths Mile 62 Brown Twigl35 b bOne One Mile 63 Ariel Cross l45h 61 Ebony Ladyl45h 64 Abbots Last144 h AQUEDUCT AQUEDUCTWeather Weather cloudy track fast ThreeEighths Mile 66 Flagmaster 36h 517 Niggertoe 41b 527 Jack M 39 h 63 Vitox 40 h hOneHalf OneHalf Mile 423 Black Watch 53 h 527 Manual 52 h 66 Becteach 50 h 55 Miss Glory 50h 57 Can Take It 50h 530 Palma 48h 48hCherd Cherd Lady 50d 64 Royal Fox 48 h 322 Dowdy Dell 51 h 64 Reminding 48d 66 Drusus 52h 63 Shot Gun 53 h 515 Epical 51 h 510 Sylvia G 51h 530 Fra Diavolo 48d 64 Thruster 48h 529 Irish Play 50 h 531 Top Topper 51 h 64 McKinley B 50 h 525 Wynn E 48h 48hFiveEighths FiveEighths Mile 66 Blue Donna 103 h 66 Spanh Title 106 h 66 Clappg JanelK3 h 511 Turf Beauty 112 b 511 Fervid 104 h 59 Waterset 104 h hThreeQuarters ThreeQuarters Mile 66 Claimant l18h 67 Robn Crusoel18 d 529 Clap Handsl19 h 66 Stone Martinl18 h 517Chatain l18h 65 Tudor Queen115h 67 Flowery l18b 529 Vera Cruz 119 h hSevenEighths SevenEighths Mila 61 Briarlube 132h 65 Mked Queenl37 b 416Canimar l33h l33hOne One Mile 64 Apprensive 144h 526 Kungsholm 148 b 61 Galnt Princcl48d Princcl48dOne One and ThreeEighths Mile 64 Irish Sphere203 b 65 Only One 154 h hJAMAICA JAMAICA JAMAICAWeather Weather cloudy track fast ThreeEighths Mile 66 Ace of Spades 36d 412 Miss Tad 39 b 66 Col Bixer 36d 63 Mynah 36h 515 Exeter 37h 528 Stolen Color 39 b 64 High Treason 36 d dOneHalf OneHalf Mile 65 Dick Merrill 52b 64 Marcasite 50 b 66 Galloping On 49 d 66 Steel Cutter 49d 66 Iron Bound 49 d 65 Vince Farley 49 d 517 Jim John 55 b bFiveEighths FiveEighths Mile 66 Abbots Trickl04 b 63 Mist Hawk 108 b 65 Baby Chard 101d 65 Playoff l03d 66 Evening Hourl03h 64 Ruffy l04d 65 Finnette 103 b 66 Stately 105 b 63 Fractious 104 h 65 Sophisticated l03h 64 Flopsie 103 d 62 Vale of Tearsl04h 66 Knowing 104 h 66 Velvet Maskl04h 66 Maryvictoria 105 b bThreeQuarters ThreeQuarters Mile 65 Apprentice 115d 66 Lativich 119 d 64 Abner 117 h 63 Sweet Brooml19b 66 Ever True 120 b 65 Sturdy Ark l16h l16hOne One Mile 66 Rhodesia 146 d 66 Walter Hl45 d LONG BRANCH BRANCHWeather Weather clear track heavy ThreeEiqhths Mile Mile522Maebee 522Maebee 38b 66 Paravant 39 b bOdd Odd Catch 39 b 530 Rug Shower 38d 65 Playing 38b 531 Safari 40 b bOneHalf OneHalf Mile 522 Big Bus 52 b Pokeaway 52 h hChickpen Chickpen 52 h 525 Pre Dunral 51h 61 Judge Pool 54 b 66 Rurl Shower 55 b 64 Little Sargt 54 b 66 Samoan 54 b 511 Mine Boy 55 b Virado 55 b bThreeQuarters ThreeQuarters Mile 66 Biography 125 h 65 Earthen Jar 121 b 530 Candy Feast l22h 61 Fair Mole 122 b 61 Dothair 125 h 530 Langstaffe l22h l22hOne One Mile 520 Mr Gaiety 155 b bCandy Candy Feast and Langstaffe went handily together togetherJudge Judge Pool and Samoan breezed together Prince Dunroyal liked the going ROCKINGHAM PARK PARKWeather Weather cloudy track fast ThreeEighths Mile 64 Airy Heiress 38 h 429 Frisco 36b 36bBay Bay Buddy 39h 66 Gallant Mac 37 b 64 Bromide 38 h 529 Happy Knot 36h 521 Black Scout 36h 64 Jolly Faye 36h 531 Close Call 37 h 528 Mexico 38 h 61 Cohort Miss 36h 65 New Deal 38 h 63 Count Dean 37 h 529 Photography 39 h hCfire Cfire Emblm 36h 64 Prty Patricia 38 h 65 Derek 37h 65 Richstrike 36 d 520 Debbie 35 h 520 Slipper King 39 h 63 Dream Kiss 38h 38hOneHalf OneHalf Mile 63 Aegis 51h 530 Night Mare 50 h 65 Brophy 49 h 64 Old Reb 53 h 66 Chatteress 50 h 66 Peeper 49h 66 Chatmoss 49 h 64 Paul Junior 50 h 64 Cancel 5l h 64 Prince Fox 49h 522 Dancg Mack 52h 530 Registerite 52 = ih 519 Dancg Cloud 51 h 64 Squawkcr 51 h 64 Great Haste 50 h 59 Starogan 48 h 513 Golden Effort 49h Stepping In 50h 63 Golden Spur 50h 527 Sound Money 51 h 64 Herkimer 54 h 64 Secured 49h 49hJoy Joy Flag 59d 63 Teeter Totter 49h 62 Johnstone 53 h 65 Treasury Key 48h 65 Micabil 51 h hFiveEighths FiveEighths Mile 66 By Product 111 h 62 Mixed Partyl02 h 66 Blind Talk 107 h 528 Prple Knightl02h 62 Bally Bay l02h 64 Princss Alicel06 h 65 Chewawa l05h 66 Range FinderliOSvsh 65 Dark Devil l02h 65 Serenabit 105 h 64 Darkling 106 h 63 Squeeze Out l01h 63 Dancing Dolll04h 67 Sobriety l01h 530 Informal l03h 64 Star Fire 104 h 62 Jubilee Jim 105 d Sun CIothingl04h 65 Juniority 105 h 66 Square Riggerl03h 64 LadyAdairl03h 64 Wee Broom 104 h 64 Madwind l0146h l0146hThreeQuarters ThreeQuarters Mila 63 All Forlorn 114h 64 Grdpas Boyl21h 64 Antarctic l16h 64 Just Arnicanl17h 66 Agrarian l15h 65 Kissinbug 117 h 67 Border Kingl21h 527 Little Easterl19h 61 Currants l17h 527 Maddest l17h 65 Character l17h 64 Palatine l16h 65 Chirac l21h 515 Playmora 117 h 64 Cabouse l16h 62 Raycart 117 h 64 Dreel l17h 64 Uppercut 120 h 525 Fox Artist l16h 63 Yap 119 h 61 Glyndon Bellel15h Bellel15hOne One Mile 65 Alads Dreaml43h 530 Lonmeg 143h 63 Camp Parolel48 h 62 Leana G 144 h 62 Fairsickle l46h 64 Red Cap II 149 h 65 Howard l457sh BLUE BONNETS BONNETSWeather Weather clear track muddy ThreeEighths Mile MileBound Bound West 43 b 531 Grass Broom 44 h 526 Crystl Beach 43h 64 Hry Bowman 43h 65 Diana 39 d Lsome Glory 42 b 61 Errant Lady 43h 66 Lison 437sh 523 Flying Start 44 h Spook 43 h h530Faine 530Faine 41h 64 Tee Off 42b 42bOneHalf OneHalf Mile 66 Alderman Jk 55h 527 Partisan 54 b 64 Cudchic 56 b Palm Beach 55h 65 Gingery 54h 65 Rustic Qstn 53h 64 Happy Lady 55h 529 Shady Girl 56 b 66 Merry Freda 55 b 63 Titantic 55 b 67 Oiseau Noir 53 k