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EIVERSIDE PAKE Weather clear track fast Racing starts at 200 p m Chicago daylight time 300 p m For Riverside Park Telephone Codes use Post Position number shown im ¬ mediately before the names of all the horses appearing in the entries First Racer4 12 Furlongs Donatipn Purse 400 2YearOlds Maidens Claiming ClaimingTrack Track Record Baby Sweep May 28 1934 54 2 116 116Index Index Post rBest at Distance Wt Claim No Pos Horse TrackWt Time AgeToday Price 11450 8 Nellie BaneAla 106 56 105X 600 11802 10 Phil Marcus RP 112 56 116X 800 80011640s 11640s 4 Popular Vote RP 112 56 116 800 11640 3 Wonder Run Ala 109 56 103 600 11802 1 Desirable RP 109 57 113 800 11802 2 Curley CueRP 109 57 101 500 11640 5 Rockabye RockabyeMoon Moon RP 112 59s 104 500 10615 6 Twilight Color RP 107 l01s 105 600 11615 7 Sanang RP 110 l01s 113 800 9 Gypsy Flame 113 800 Second Race 5 12 Furlongs Donation Purse 400 4YoarOlds and Upward UpwardClaiming Claiming Track Record Overshoes May 30 1934 105 4 115 11643 6 Cheraw JP 115 109 4112 500 11452 7ToP Cloud Bbg 106 107 10 107 X 500 11019 5 Wily Girl JP 103 108 5 107 500 11533 S Crystal Flyer AC 95106 4 112X 500 11233 4 Amour RP 104 110 7 107X 500 11534 8 Orbikrip RP 107 12sylO 107 500 08462 1 Fair Robert RobertM M ED 112 109 5 112 500 03293 2 Lady Dow M 4 101 500 11451 3 Paris Girl M RP 112 l14s 4107 500 11452 10 Parncll Pirate PirateM M RP 110 107 7112 500 500Third Third Race 34 Mile Donation Purse 500 3YearOIds Claiming ClaimingTrack Track Record Doris B June 1 1934 111 4 108 11533 9 Through Fairly 109 700 11337 6 Wild Iris Ala 106 113 169 700 11642 4 Tulip TimeCI 112 115 109X 700 116421 5 Daisy BaneED 103 117 103 600 10377 7 Sure Gamble Ala 110 113 108 600 117235 1 Masked Duchess FG 109 116 106 700 11128 2 Charlie H ED 101 116 105X 500 11803 3Miss Contrary ContraryM M 100 500 11723 8Watch In M Ala 100 113 98 600 11641 10 Polante Rose 100 500 500Fourth Fourth Race Futurity Course 170 Feet Less Than 34 Mile MileDonation Donation Purse 500 3YearOlds and Upward UpwardClaiming Claiming Track Record RecordAltena Altena June 7 1934 108 3 105 116432 5 BONNIE CAP RP 110 111 5 111X 700 70011R05 11R05 4 Chicaro Boy RP 111 l13s 4 116 700 11805 10 Clovinia RP 107 l12s 4 111X 700 10171 1 Krakerjaq RP 111 l13sy 6 116X 700 11721 9 First General RP 105 l17sy 3 108 600 11722 7 Tuneful M 3105 700 11124 2 Kathrine R RP 92117 3107 700 11804 3Mcdina Sport SportM M 11724 6 Aganalda M 4 105 500 10944 8Billy Bountiful BountifulM M 3 99 500 Fifth Race Futurity Course 170 Feet Less Than 34 Mile Donation Purse 500 3Ycar0ds and Upward UpwardClaiming Claiming Track Record RecordAltena Altena June 7 19341 083 105 11235 5 Oxford LadRP 109 113 3 110X 1000 117252 7Firc Star RP 108 113 4103X1100 11805 4 Dominant Star 6 103X 1000 11724 IBank Shot 5 110X 900 11724 2 Overshoes 5 110X 900 11724 6Sweet Peach RP 108 l14m 5 103 1000 11535 3Dixie Binder RP 110 111 5 100X 900 11124 8 Full Up RP 102 109 6 103X 1100 1100Sixth Sixth Race 1 116 Miles MilesDonation Donation Purse 500 3YearOlds and Upward f Claiming Track Record RecordRicciardo Ricciardo July 4 1933 145 4 114 11726s 6Deforred OP 110 146 6 104X 900 11726 3 Northern Water OP 116 1 46 7 117 900 11904 2 Paul T AD 104 145 5 117 X 900 11808 4NuckoIs Boy Bbg 107 147 9 109X 800 11126 1 Evidently SA 107 147 5 114X 800 11022 5Baby Wrack Ala 111 146 7 107X 900 11339 7 Hair Trigger Pirn 107 148 4 117X 900 11807 8 Bobby Sweep FG 106 148 4 117X 900 900Seventh Seventh Race 1 Mile Donation Purse 500 3YearOIds and Upward UpwardClaiming Claiming ClaimingTrack Track Record RecordWhisking Whisking May 30 1934 138 5 114 11411724s 11724s 5 Beige FP 113 140 7 112X 800 80011535s 11535s 6 Blandris 9 107X 800 11727 8 Ogygia RP 109 144 6 107X 800 118062 4 Jcu do Bar AC 107 141 8 107X 700 11643 1 Aurica FP 107 140 8105 800 11538 2 Tremendous Det 113 142 5 102X 700 11901 3 Al Green 8 106X 600 11905 7 Dr Kaiser ED 107 142 4 106X 600 600Eighth Eighth Race 1 Mile and 70 Yards Donation Purse 400 3YearOlds and Upward UpwardClaiming Claiming Track Record RecordKitty Kitty Sue May 26 1934 142 4 104 117272 10 Dixie Dan RP 110 145 8 114X 500 11726 9 Daudet Ala 115 144 5 114X 500 11808 7 Frigate BirdAla 112 149 7 114X 500 117282 5 Straight Play PlayM M 5114 500 50011728s 11728s 6 Bloki M RP 110 147 5114 500 11237 8 Stabilizer Ala 114 146 7 114 X 500 10287 1 Miss Orleans OrleansM M Ala 112 144 6109 500 11805 2 Wading Bird BirdM M 4109 500 10881 3 Ria Nara M t 4 109 500 11237 4 Locket RP 110 144 8 109X 500 500Ninth Ninth Race 5 12 Furlongs FurlongsSubstitute Substitute Donation Purse 400 4YearOlds and Upward UpwardClaiming Claiming Track Record RecordOvershoes Overshoes May 30 1934 105 4 115 11533 2 Hot Shot Aur 113 106 9 112X 500 11533 6 Wingo FP 114 108 8 112X 500 03431 10 Pennant Bearer FP 110 111 6 112X 500 90876 4West Park 8 107X 500 11532 9 Jane H RP 111 l12s 7107 500 10368 1 Little JoyceED 108 109 4 107X 500 11335 3Jim Ned M RP 107 109 4107 500 11232 5 Nervous Lady LadyM M RP 112 108 5107 500 06209 7 Ebony Torch Bbgl07110s 4 112X 500 11534 8 Platinum RP 110 10sylO 112X 500