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QUEENS COUNTY HANDICAP Discovery King1 Saxon and Other OtherStars Stars in Opening Day Feature Featureof of Aqueduct Meeting NEW YORK N Y June 8 For the open ¬ ing day of the Aqueduct meeting on Monday the card is surely a remarkably one The Queens County Handicap at a mile to which 3000 is added tops with a promised field of eleven tHat comprise most of the best handicap horses now in the New York ter ¬ ritory and the setting for the feature is as ¬ sured first class sport sportFor For the Queens County with Cavalcade an absentee owing to injuries he received when he unseated Johnny Gilbert at the start of the Suburban A G Vanderbilts Discovery becomes the top weight and following him is C H Knebelkamps King Saxon which had his winning streak halted in the Subur ¬ ban The son of Saxon has won the Pau monock Excelsior and the Mtropolitan Handicaps and returning to the mile dis ¬ tance of the Queens County he is sure to have a big following followingOthers Others in the field are Only One Mrs Deering Howes winner of the Dixie Han ¬ dicap over Head Play at Pimlico Mrs John Hay Whitneys Singing Wood S L Burchs Thursday War Glory which now races for F A Carreaud D A Woods Indian Runner the Brookmeade Stables Okapi and Black Gift Coequel from the Maemere Farm Sta ¬ ble and the Wheatley Stables Dasher DasherThe The field for the Queens County Handicap follows Horse HorseDiscovery Discovery King Saxon War Glory Indian Runner Singing Wood Only One Thursday iOkapi Coequel fBlack Gift Dasher Odds 31 31 101 121 81 41 201 151 121 151 301 fBrookmeade Stable entry