Daily Racing Form Charts: Detroit, Daily Racing Form, 1935-06-17


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DETROIT THE DAILY DOUBLE PAYOFF CONSISTING OF BEAUFLOWER AND AXLE PAID 8580 FOR 2 VALE VICTORIAN AND AXLE PAID 4780 FOR 2 DETROIT MICH SATURDAY JUNE 15 1935 Fair Grounds 1 mile Twentyfirst day Detroit Racing Association Spring meeting of 39 days Bahr Stall Gate used Weather clear Steward representing Michigan State Racing Commission J S Young Stewards of Meeting J A Murphy V A Quigley and C E Lchr Judges J F Gallagher J Carey and C F Henry Starter E Thomas Racing starts at 230 p m Chicago time 230 p m W indicates whip S spurs B blinkers Figures in parentheses following the distance of each race indicate horse date track record age of horse and weight carried Indicates apprentice allowance of 5 pounds 7 pounds 10 pounds FIRST RACE 68 MILE Try Sympathy May 29 1934 59 2 109 Purse 800 2year g Od OrfTv olds Allowances AllowancesJine1535Det Jine1535Det Net vaue to winners 35250 each third 50 fourth 25 Ji Ji Str Fin Jockeys Equiv Odds Strt 11970 fBEAUFLOWER w09 33 31 3h 2 I4 HorvathK W S Kilmer 350100 118413 fVALE VICTORIAN wu 112 21 2 12 1 = 1 KurtsingrC Mrs S B Mason 80100 11302 NEDVIVE VB 112 54 4h 2h 33 31 RenickS F M Alger Jr 1370100 12062 MAIDEN DREAM wl2 96 5 5441 4h MauroF L J Marks 860100 11495 BLIND PIG wull5 87 9 6 51 S1 SmithFA S J Molay 1860100 12059 BRILLIANT LIGHT vn 112 48 61 81 83 6 MgomeryR Odessa Farms Stable J2240100 09904 NIGHT PLAY WB 114 15 1 4 6 7 LegeroF Bomar Stable 3640100 12139 EDDIES BROTHER wu 110 69 7 7 7 81 CarrollW Odessa Farms Stable T TPANIC PANIC RELIEF wllO 72 8l 9 9 9 HardyL E E Watts 3070100 3070100Dead Dead heat Coupled as Odessa Farms Stable entry entryTime Time 23 46 100 Track fast 2 MUTUELS IA1D OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS BEAUFLOWER 240 260 240 20 100 30 100 20 100 100VALE VALE VICTORIAN 220 240 220 10 100 20 100 10 100 100NEDVIVE NEDVIVE 300 50 100 100Winners Winners Beauflowcr Ch f by Sun Beau Flower Girl by Pennant trained by W Collins bred by Mr W S Kilmer Vale Victorian blk c by Victorian Aroma by Santry trained by J T Taylor bred by Mr S B Mason MasonWENT WENT TO POST 239i AT f9ST 2 minutes minutesStart Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same sameBEAUFLOWER BEAUFLOWER away well but force wide while racing forwardly saved ground at the stretch turn responded to strong urging and finished in a dead heat VALE VICTORIAN badly ridden sprinted into a good lead after disposing of NIGHT PLAY was unnecessarily cased in the stretch and failed to respond in time to beat BEAUFLOWER NEDVIVE well up from the beginning tired in the drive MAIDEN DREAM lost ground BLIND PIG made up ground NIGHT PLAY quit quitOverweight Overweight Night Play 5 pounds Eddies Brother 1 Panic Relief 1 SECOND RACE 34 MILE Out of Chute Trumpery June 16 1934 110 3 101 101Tl Tl ClaimingJL A 1 Purse 800 4yearolds and upward Claiming Weight 115 Ibs Claiming JL fc A price 1000 1000June1535Det June1535Det Net vaue to winner 500 second 175 third 75 fourth 50 Str Fin Jockeys Equiv Odds Strt 05038 AXLE w6115 35 I1 14 lh I1 HooperC A G Wilson 1070100 12061 ODERIC wn7115 17 21 2 22 22 MauroF A J Halliwell 230100 23010011977BEAU 11977BEAU BON WB 5 110 12 1 4h 54 41 34 ThorntonC Kirk Neil 3140100 11687 STOCK MARKET WB 8 115 11 3 34 3 34 44 BurnsG Oak Tree Stable 2300100 12061 TRAGGAT wu4115 68 82 62 52 51 CarrollW A Gaignard 670100 670100OGOSO OGOSO RED MOUNTAIN w8115 4 6 114 114 4 61 MattioliJ Hastings Little f570100 10659 CELTIC PRINCE WB 8 115 7 10 94 84 6h 74 HardyL Mrs R B Allen t t10E60 10E60 GRACIOUS GIFT WB 11 115 2 11 71 74 82 8 MgomeryR F VH Carpenter 1450100 1450100118612TREMOLO 118612TREMOLO WB 4 110 10 2 51 94 94 9h StevensonC Mrs A M Creech 280100 96505 BROADWAY BELLEw 4 110 8 4 64 44 104 10J4 SmithFA Mrs E Spencer t t11861BUSTER 11861BUSTER B w 6 110 5 12 7 104 II2 II5 MojenaC Mrs H Torriente 2130100 213010002347SON 02347SON O SWEEP WB 7 110 9 9 12 12 12 12 RitzF M D Stable 5790100 5790100tMutucl tMutucl field Time 23 48 113 Track fast 52 MUTUELS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS AXLE 2340 840 580 1070 100 320 100 190 100 100CDERIC CDERIC 440 340 120 100 70 100 100BEAU BEAU BON 2540 1170 100 Winner B g by Axcnstein Maid of Orleans by Dominant trained by A G Wilson bred by Mere MereJ J worth Stud Winner entered to be claimed for 1000 WENT TO POST 320 AT POST H minutes Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same sameAXLE AXLE a reformed jumper took command soon after the start responded to strong urging in the stretch and held ODERIC safe at the end The latter forced the pace under good urging but tired after offering a strong bid noaring the final eighth BEAU BON well up from the start made up ground in the drive STQCK MARKET lost ground TRAGGAT showed little RED MOUNTAIN showed nothing CELTIC PRINCE raced wide BROADWAY BELLE quit THIRD RACE 34 MILE Out of Chute Trumpery June 16 1934 110 3 101 t GJ A Of Purse 800 3yearolds Claiming Weight 114 Ibs Claiming price 2000 June1535Det Net vaue to wjnner 625 second 100 third 50 fourth 25 Index Horses EqtAWt PPSt Str Fin Jockeys Equlr Odds Strt 10612VOTE BOY WB109 66 I1 I2 I3 I1 StevensonC Mrs C Van Dusen 260100 260100121402CHINESE 121402CHINESE INDIAN WB 109 14 41 44 34 2 BrysonJ Bomar Stable 560100 11973 JAKOVIA w 110 82 31 24 21 32 WattersE P Sanford 650100 650100l7182HIGH l7182HIGH FLAG w04 3 5 54 5 44 41 ThorntonC A J Abel 920100 11605 MARITION wslOS 9 9 6 62 72 51 SummersD G T Williams 560100 560100U9722HERMANITA U9722HERMANITA w 103 28 85 72 64 64 SmithFA G Rausch 1840100 11299 LEFT OVER w 111 47 74 84 85 74 CraigA Mrs H E Wolfe 510100 510100U9723HOPE U9723HOPE LORING w 101 53 2 31 5 83 MojenaC Mrs H Torriente 1370100 10754 HUSKY LASS WB 103 7 1 9999 TurkC Mrs F Gilpin 6720100 Time 23 47 112 Track fast 52 MUTUZLS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS VOTE BOY 720 460 300 260 100 130 100 50 100 100CHINESE CHINESE INDIAN 540 340 170 100 70 100 100JAKOVIA JAKOVIA 340 70 100 100Winner Winner B g by Torchilla Voterina by Voter trained by C E Gross bred by Mr H P Gardner Winner entered to be claimed for 2000 2000WENT WENT TO POST 354 AT POST H minutes minutesStart Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same sameVOTE VOTE BOY took command soon after the start drew away under good urging weakened fast in the drive but held CHINESE INDIAN safe The latter unable to improve her early position under strong urging was steered wide entering the stretch and closed fast when clear JAKOVIA tired in the last stages HIGH FLAG lost ground MARITION raced wide LEFT OVER showed little HERMANITA was blocked while improving her position in the opening quarter quarterOverweight Overweight Jakovia 1 pound poundCorrected Corrected weight Marition 108 FOURTH RACE 1 116 MILES Thomasville May 17 1934 144 3 107 Purse 800 i f Q 3yearolds and upward Claiming 3yearolds 107 Ibs older 117 Ibs JLv t O Nonwinners since May 22 allowed 3 Ibs Claiming price 1500 if lor less June1535Det 2 Ibs allowed for each 100 to 1000 Net value to winner 625 second 100 third 50 fourth 25 4 Str Fin Jockeys Equiv Odds Strt 11867RIZLA w5105 2 1 2i 2 lh lh 1 ThorntonC L H Miner 270100 12143 FLAG WAVE w5112 1 3 1 I1 23 2 2h ManifoldH IJ Collins 400100 40010012143MIGOSH 12143MIGOSH w 5 99 7 7 I1 6h 52 43 3h RitzF H C Ragan 1680100 168010012063FOXLAND 12063FOXLAND HALL wn5105 3 2 3 3h 4h 3h 41 StevensonC Mrs C Holland 770100 11769 EASY WB 6 114 8 8 8 8 8 51 52 RichardA Lone Star Stable 790100 1214321 PASS WB 6 112 5 5 4i 4 3h 6 6s MojenaC Mrs H Torriente 230100 23010011608CHIPS 11608CHIPS WB4104 4 4 62 5i 6 72 72 BrysonJ W Zakoor 2860100 12058 HANDSOME HAL WB 3 104 6 6 5h 7 7 8 8 TurkC Summit View Stable 3740100 3740100Time Time 25 49 115J4 141 148J Track fast 2 MUTUELS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS RIZLA 740 360 300 270 100 80 100 50 100 100FLAG FLAG WAVE 460 400 130 100 100 100 100MIGOSH MIGOSH 560 180 100 100Winner Winner Ch m by Justice F Lydia B by Sir Martin trained by L L Lycan bred by Mr A B Gordon Winner entered to be claimed for 1400 1400WENT WENT TO POST 424J AT POST J minute minuteStart Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same sameRIZLA RIZLA forced the pace under steadying restraint responded fast nearing the final threeeighths took command under good urging and withstood FLAG WAVE The latter under steadying restiaint while pace making cave way to the winner but came again in the final stages MIGOSH worked his way forward steadily and finished strongly FOXLAND HALL a strong factor from the start weakened in the final eighth EASY made up ground I PASS showed a dull effort effortScratched Scratched 116903My Peter 99 12065 Luna Mica 108 108Overweight Overweight Migosh 2 pounds FIFTH RACE 1 116 MILES Thomasville May 17 1934 1 44 3 107 Purse 800 f An A 3yearolds and upward Allowances Grade D DJune1535Det June1535Det Net value to winner 625 second 100 third 50 fourth 25 EqtA Wt IT St 4 Vt Str Fin Jockeys Equiv Odds Strt 120632 KNIGHTS HOPE WB4112 7 4 33 3s 21 I1 1 HardyL HardyL12063DRASTIC Huntington Stable 550100 12063DRASTIC DELITwB7112 3 6 72 8 5i 3 2 MojenaC MojenaC121452LUXURO F G Haller 2160100 2160100i 121452LUXURO WB 4 105 5 1 1 4 1 1 J 2 3 RitzF Motor City Stable i 1140100 11973 GOLD STANDARD WB 3 105 8 2 24 22 32 4 4 Mgomcr F H Carpenter 860100 11973 DANDY DANCER w 3 101 2 8 8i 74 6H 5s 52 ThorntonC W LeBaron 1060100 119732MON1S TIME w 3 103 10 3 4 4 7b 73 6 ThorntonB Tranquility Farm Stable 3140100 11608 HERE ON wB3102 6 7 6 54 4h 64 7 TurkC L C Pike 8300100 8300100121433PISH 121433PISH TUSH WB3102 4 5 52 6h 84 82 84 StevensonC A Gaignard Jr 1270lOfl 12144 PLUCKY BABY w3 98 1 910 10 10 94 91 MaschekF J B Burnstein 710100 7101001214PSPARTAN 1214PSPARTAN LADY w 5 103 9 10 9 9 = 92 10 10 CraigA F Gilpin 15010Q1 15010Q1Time Time 24 48 114 141 148 Track fast 2 MUIUEL PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS ODDSKNIGHTS KNIGHTS HOPE 1300 640 480 550 100 220 100 140 108 108DRASTIC DRASTIC DELIGHT 1720 880 760 100 340 100 100LUXURO LUXURO 640 220 100 100Winner Winner B g by Bright Knight Sun Hope by Sun Briar trained by G Fardue bred by Mr W S Kilmer KilmerWENT WENT TO POST 454J AT POST 1 minute minuteStart Start bad and slow Won driving second and third the same sameKNIGHTS KNIGHTS HOPE going in his best form and a strong factor from the start responded fast after reach ¬ ing the stretch took command nearing the final eighth but weakened in the last stages DRASTIC DELIGH worked his way forward steadily made up ground fast in the drive but cqme over at the finish LUXURQ took command at the start drew away under good urging and was shuffled back when DRASTIC DELIGH came over nearing the finish GOLD STANDARD improved and away fast tired after foraing the pace t the stretch DANDY DANCER had no mishaps PLUCKY BABY and SPARTAN LADY were eliminate at the start startOverweight Overweight Dandy Dancer 1 pound Monks Time 5 Plucky Baby 1 SIXTH RACE 1 316 MILES Cavalcade June 16 1934 158 3 126 Second Bun 1242Cfc nlnff DETROIT DEBBY 25000 Added Syearolds Allowances AllowancesJune1535Det June1535Det Net vaue to winner 17775 second 5000 third 3000 fourth 1500 Index Horses EqtAWt PPSt U Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv Odds Str 106632ROMAN SOLDIER wsl23 2 1 3h 31 34 V I2 WoolfG Sachsenmaier f f11975JSUN Reutcr 180100 180100Mrs 11975JSUN PORTLAND WB 123 5 5 21 24 I2 24 2H KsingerC Mrs S B Mason Mason119752BLACKBIRDER 200100 200100Mrs 119752BLACKBIRDER wB119 667 5h 42 3 3 HsworthC Mrs C Hainsworth 3680100 3680100A 11843 COLD SHOULDER WB 119 1 2 44 4h 2 2h 4 45 = 46 RenickS A G Vartderbilt 1380100 118432FIRETHORN Bll9 4 7 6h 6h 62 63 5 WorkmanR W M Jeffords 230100 11975 POLAR FLIGHT WB 119 7 4 V 14 54 5h 65 HooperC F M Alger Jr 8740100 8740100121443ST 121443ST MORITZ wn119 3 3 51 7 7 7 7 AbelAJ A J Abel 3790100 3790100Time Time 23 48 114 139 158 Track fast 52 MUTUELS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDB ROMAN SOLDIER 560 280 260 180 100 40 100 30 100 100SUN SUN PORTLAND 300 280 50 100 40 100 100BLACKBIRDER BLACKBIRDER 520 160 100 100Winner Winner Blk c by Cohort Miamba by Light Brigade trained by P Reuter bred by Mr H Pulitzer PulitzerWENT WENT TO POST 535 AT POST 2 minutes minutesStart Start good and slow Won easily second and third driving drivingROMAN ROMAN SOLDIER well up from the start was shuffled back when COLD SHOULDER drove through on tl tle e inside nearing the far turn responded fast on the outside when clear took command nearing the final eighth and won with something left SUN PORTLAND saved while forcing the pace disposed of POLAR FLIGHT took command when ready gave way to the yinner and weakened in the last stages BLACK BIRDER away slowly and forced to lose ground while racing forwardly closed boldly COLD SHOULDER used up in improving his position tired after offering a strong bid nearing the final quarter POLAR FLIGHT quit ST MORITZ showed little littleScratched Scratched 12144 Double B 119 SEVENTH R AC El 12 MILES Black Stockings July 14 1934 2331 6 109 Euduranc Purse Purse 1000 Syearolds and upward Allowances Grade E June1535Det Net vaue to winner 640 second 150 third 100 fourth 70 fifth 40 Index Horses EqtA Wt PP St i4 Vi Str Fin Jockeys Equiv Odds Strt 12146BLIND HILLS WB9103 9 8 6h 72 3 I3 I3 RitzF T H Hastings 8170100 12065 WHYMASK WB6111 2 2 42 34 I1 24 24 ThorntonB Tranquility Farm Stable 540100 540100121463SIR 121463SIR DEAN WB 8 105 3 3 54 4h 54 53 34 StevensonC Mrs F D McEIroy 560100 560100122402FOOLHARDY 122402FOOLHARDY WB 7 108 8 4 24 51 4h 34 4n MojenaC H A Neal 460100 18010011091KENTUCKY 12240 WAR PLANE wB6111 4 5 lh 14 24 42 52 MauroF C N Mooney 180100 11091KENTUCKY MOONWB5103 5 7 74 9 83 72 6 SimpsonR E Johnson 1450100 145010012146PUBLICATION 12146PUBLICATION w7103 1 1 84 64 7 6h 73 BrysonJ G T Williams 1110100 111010011977BOURBON 11977BOURBON PRINCEwB 5 108 6 6 34 21 f 8 820 ThorntonC B J Hill 990100 10609 LAST BID WB 5 101 7 9 9 84 9 9 9 MaschekF Huntington Stable 2800100 2800100Time Time 25 50 116 143 209 236 Track fast 2 KUTUELS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS 100WHYMASK BLIND HILLS 16540 4740 1340 8170 100 2270 100 570 100 100SIR WHYMASK 680 480 240 100 140 100 SIR 100Winner DEAN 440 120 100 Winner B g by Langdon Hills Our Hazel by Brummcl trained by J Mocklin bred by Mr S Christenson ChristensonWENT WENT TO POST 605 AT POST 1J minutes minutesStart Start good and slow Won easily second and third driving drivingBLIND BLIND HILLS away slowly worked his way forward steadily responded fast after threequarters took command entering the stretch and won easily WHYMASK under good urgingfrom the start weakened after reaching the lead SIR DEAN had no mishaps Corrected weight Whymask 111 Sir Dean 105 EIGHTH RACE 1 18 MILES Bien Fait June 9 1934 150 3 103 Purse 800 3year O A Orr olds and upward Claiming 3yearolds 107 Ihs older 117 Ibs Nonwin S ners of two races since May 22 allowed 3 Ibs one race since that date June1535Det 7 ibs Claiming price 1000 Net value to winner 500 second 175 third 75 fourth 50 Index Horses EqtA Wt PP St ii 1 Str Fin Jockeys Equiv Odds Strt 119772LADY TRUST w5104 7 6 31 2h 11 14 11 ThorntonC W J Palmer 390100 12146 BLACK FLASH wfl5104 6 5 43 3s 2h 23 23 StevensonC Mrs M Allen 130100 12240 FRUMPER WB 8 110 8 7 52 5s 46 32 33 SummersD Saddle Spur Stable 320100 11977 SENATOR MIKE wB4110 4 3 14 1 33 45 4h SmithFA Summit View Stable 2380100 11201 FAUX PAS w 9 110 1 7 7 7 74 54 54 HooperC A G Wilso Wilson 1600100 12329EVELINE F w 8 100 3 8 64 6 62 6h 63 SimpsonR E Johnson 1930100 11977 164010012064DIVIDE DUNFERN WB 7 114 5 4 8 8 8 7 7 GrossE L Sindler 1640100 12064DIVIDE WB 2840100Time 3 101 2 2 22 44 54 8 8 MojenaC Mrs J R Collins 2840100 Time 244 50 115 141 154 Track fast 52 MUTUELS PAI OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS LADY 100BLACK TRUST 980 340 240 390 100 70 100 20 100 100FRUMPER BLACK FLASH 300 240 50 100 20 100 FRUMPER 280 40 100 100Winner Winner Ch m by Waygood Precipitate by Trompe la Mort trained by W F Lutz bred by Mr W B Miller Winner entered to be claimed for 1000 1000WENT WENT TO POST 636 AT POST 1 minute minuteStart Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same sameLADY LADY TRUST well up from the start and saved while forcing the pace took command when ready wal put to strong urging in the stretch and held BLACK FLASH safe at the finish The latter never far back and saved for threequarters tired after offering a strong bid in the stretch FRUMPER made up ground SENATOR quitScratched MIKE used up setting the pace quit under pressure FAUX PAS made up ground DIVIDE M MOverweight quit Scratched 12065 Bright Melody 107 Overweight Divide 2 pounds poundsCorrected Corrected weight Frumper 110

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1930s/drf1935061701/drf1935061701_14_1
Local Identifier: drf1935061701_14_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800