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Rockingham Park ParkBEST BEST BET CROWDED HOURS HOURSClear Clear and fast fastFIRST FIRST RACE 58 Mile 115 P M M2YearOlds 2YearOlds Maidens Claiming ClaimingTel Tel Post Mud Prob ProbCode Code Horse Pos HtMkOdils 2 LIGHT WEIGHT 13 114 41 41Look Look for this one to graduate 11 KRONA 4 109 41 Could cause surprise 15 SEPTEMBER CHILD 8 110 61 61Rates Rates chance to get a share 3 DARK THATCH 14 110 41 12 UNCLE JULY 5 109 61 18 IRISH HERO 11 105 81 5 FREE SPIRIT 16 114 61 4 SKY PIRATE 15 118 61 14 STUMBLE 7 115 81 7 SPEAR 18 102 81 8 JOLLY FAYE 1 115 301 9 BLIND TALK 2 113 101 10 BAV 3 115 251 13 SOCIETY COLUMN 6 115 201 16 TERRY ON 9 114 251 17 SIR ROLLIE 10 118 201 1 SAMBO JONES 12 114 101 6 FLO X 17 10S SECOND RACE 34 Mile 145 P M 3YearOlds and Upward Claiming 13 WEE TUNE 2 103 X 41 41From From barn that is always trying 4 UPPERCUT 11 111 X 51 51Last Last impressive one to beat 16 CALGARY KAY 5 111 X 61 61Another Another that could upset it 10 QUEEN VIC 17 98 X 61 7 WINGED FLIGHT 14 108 41 2 APPOMATTOX 9 111 X 81 12 TIGHT WAD 1 111 X 61 14 DARK DEVIL 3 116 X 81 15 MINNA 4 103 151 17 BIPARTISAN 6 111 151 18 COUNT DEAN 7 111 151 1 FAST MOVE 8 116 151 3 BILLIE WISE 10 106 201 5 OUR ROSE 12 111 X 251 6 BY PRODUCT 13 111 X 121 8 WAR GENERAL 15 116 101 9 MORGIL 16 116 X 121 11 RED LABEL 18 103 301 THIRD RACE 5 12 Furlongs 215 P M 3YearOlds and Upward Claiming 2 LORD TOURNAMENT 10 113 X 41 41Looks Looks like a spot to cash 10 SASSABY 4 104 61 61Back Back in form again tab 1 CIVIL WAR 9 101 41 41Speedy Speedy front runner possibility 11 DANCING LADY 5 102 61 7 JUDGE SCHILLING 1 114 X 41 3 ZULU LAD 11 113 X 81 5 JESSIE D M 13 105 X 61 14 FLAG BEARER 8 114 X 61 4 PANA FRANKA 12 104 X 81 8 LAN 2 98 151 9 MACK SENNETT 3 105 X 251 12 CLEAR KNIGHT 6 110 X 201 13 TAKUS 7 105 X 251 6 FLASHING THRU 14 110 201 FOURTH RACE 34 Mile 245 P M 3 YearOlds and Upward Handicap 3 DREEL 8 118 X 21 21Must Must give this one the honors 7 CARISBROOKE 1 102 X 52 52Never Never better may reverse it 10 THE DARB 4 112 X 41 41Could Could surprise the talent 11 ALL FORLORN 5 108 X 61 2 ACCOLADE 7 106 X 61 5 FURFIBER 10 104 X 81 8 INDIANTOWN 2 108 52 9 BACHELOR DINNER 3 103 X 21 1 CANDY MAID 6 98 101 4 TIME FLIGHT 9 103 X 41 6 DEDUCE 11 102X121 FIFTH RACE 1 116 Miles 315 P M M3YearOlds 3YearOlds and Upward UpwardClaiming Claiming Handicap 6 THE DARB 8 115 X 41 41In In two races may do it here 3 DON GUZMAN 5 119 X 41 41The The one to beat 1 THOMASVILLE 3 111 X 41 41Last Last a corker may take it 2 BALIOS 4 109 X 61 8 SAND BABY 1 101 X 81 4 MORALIST 6 97 X 81 9 FAIRSICKLE 2 97 X 61 5 ROYAL GUARD 7 102 X 101 7 COHORT MISS 9 102 X 81 SIXTH RACE 1 116 Miles 345 P M 3YearOlds Claiming 4 CROWDED HOURS 1 116 85 85Go Go right back to this one 1 HAPPY FLAG 4 111 61 61May May show improvement here 2 PASS UP 5 103 41 41Needs Needs proper placing to score 3 PLAYMORE 6 107 X 61 6 LEANA G 3 98 X 81 5 LOVITO 2 101 X 101 SEVENTH RACE 1 Mile 415 P M M3YearOlds 3YearOlds and Upward Claiming 6 HONEYSWEET 5 111 X 21 21Give Give this one one more chance 4 GENERAL A r 3 113 41 41Getting Getting old but still capable 5 BILLOWY WAVE 4 106 X 21 21At At tops now upset horse 3 MAD WIND 2 113 X 41 2 CABOUSE 1 113 X 81 1 YENOOR 6 100 X 101 EIGHTH RACE 1 116 Miles 445 P M 3YearOlds and Upward Claiming 7 GUIDING LIGHT 2 107 X 41 41Ripe Ripe for a win 5 EUCLID 9 107 X 61 61The The danger one to conquer 4 ST OMER 8 8From From smart barn tab 6 PASS 1 9 ADVOCATE JUNIOR 4 3 PLUMAGE 7 8 HELEN BAB 3 1 WEST STAR 5 2 MARS PALATINE 6