Track Records and Comparative Times, Daily Racing Form, 1935-06-28

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Track Records and Comparative Times Herewith are the comparative times and track records for the distances more fre- , quently raced over on the principal tracks of the United States, Canada, Cuba and Mex- co. The value of such information is apparent at a glance when considered in connection i with the best time of each horse appearing in the entries. 1-2 5-8 512 3-4 612 7-6 1 11-16 11* 1H * Track. Mile. Mile. Furlongs. Mile. Furlongs. Mile. Mile. Miles. Miles. Miles Agua Caliente :47 :58% 1:04% 1:10% 1:24 1:38 1:43.1 1:49% 2:02% x Alamo Downs :48% 1:04% 1:10% 1:17% 1:37% 1:43% 1:52% 2:05% / * Aqueduct .46% 37% 1:07 1:10% 1:17% 123 136 1:43 1:48% 2:05% » i Arlington Downs.... :46% 1:00% 1:05% 1:10% ..... 1:25% 1:36% 1:42% 1:49 2:06 Arlington Park :58% 1*4% 1:10% 1:22% 1:34% 1:45% 1:49% 2:01% ? , Aurora :47% :58% 1:04% 1:11 1:38% 1:45 1:49% 2:05% ■ Bainbridge Park :58 1:05% 1:10 1:37 1:44 1:51% 2:07% ■ Bay Meadows :46% 1:05% 1:10 . 1:38% .1:42 131 2:05% ■ Belmont Park 1:02% 1*4% 1:10 1:17% 1:22 1:35 142% 1:48% 2:00 Blue Bonnets .-48 :59% 1*5% 1:11% 1:24% 136% +1:57 1:52 2:04% Bowie 46% :59% 1*5% 1:10% 1:18 1:23% 139 144% 1:52% 2.-07% / Brighouse Park 47 :59% 1*5% 1:11% 1:19% 1:25% 1:38 1:44% 1:51% 2:04% 5 I Charles Town 1*0% 1:20 1:47 1:54 " Chinook Park 48% 1*0 1*7 1:13 1:27 140% 1:46% 1:55% 2:10 Churchill Downs.... 46% :59 1:04% 1:11 1:16% 1:23% 1:35% 1:44 1:49% 2:01% ., * Colwood Park 48% 1*0 1*6 1:12 1:40% 147% 1:54% * Coney Island :58% 1*4% 1:10% 1:36% 142% 1:49 2*2 Connaught Park 1*0% 1:05% 1:12 1:29% 1:39 145% 133% 2*6% I Dade Park ; 39% 1*5% 1:11% 155% 137 145 130% 2:04% 4 Del Monte 1*1 1*7 1:12% 141 146% 133% 2*6 Detroit 39 1*5% 1:10% 1:37% 1:44% 1:50 Devonshire Park.... 49 39% 1*5 1:10% 138% 143% 1:50 2*3% y 1 Dorval Park 48% :59% 1*4% 1:10% 1:38% 1:45 131% 2*6% I Empire City 49% 39% 1*5% 1:11 1:38 144% 131 2*3 I I Epsom Downs 48% :59 1*4% 1:11 1:38% 1:44% 1:52 2*6% k Fair Grounds N.Oj. :46% 39% 1*5 1:11% 1:19% 1:24% 1:37% 1:44% 1:51% 2:04% J J Fairmount Park 1:00 1*5 1:11% 1:38% 144% 131% 2*3% Fort Erie 49 1*0 1:05% 1:11 1:19% 155% 137% 1:43% 1:50% 2*2% 6 Hamilton 48 39% 1*5% 1:11 1:17% 1:24% 139% 1:44% 1:50% 2:04 I Havre de Grace 47 39 1*5% 1:10% 1:38% 1:43% 1:49% 2:05 Hawthorne 48 39 1*5% 1:10% 1:17% 1:25% 137% 1:43% 1:49% 2*1%: ifc ! Hialeah Park 1*5% 1:10% 1:22% 1:35% 1:48% 2:02% £ Jamaica 38% 1:04 1:10% 1:38% 1:42% 1:49% 2*1% * I I Jefferson Park :47 1*0 1*5% 1:11% 1:37% 1:44% 1:51% 2:06 Kenilworth Park 39% 1:05% 1:11 1.24 1:44% 1:51 2*3 Lansdowne Park .... 48% 39% 1*6 1:12% , 137% 1:45 1:51 2*5%, li j Latonia 48% 39 1*5% 1*9% 1:19% 1:25% 136% 142% 1:48% 2*0% K j I Laurel Park 39% 1*4% 1:10% *1:27 1:26% 137% 1:43% 1:49% 2*2 Lexington 47% 38% 1:06% 1:11% 1:26 1:37% 142% 149% 2*3% 1 I 1 Lincoln Fields 39% 1*5 1:10% 1:22% 1:34% 1:43% 1:50 2*3% 4 I Long Branch .59% 1:06% 1:11% 1:27 1:39% 1:44% 1:52 . Longacres 38% 1*5 1:10% 1:37 1:43% 1:50% 2*4 Mount Royal Park.. 48% 1*0 1*5% 1:12 121 139% 1:43% 1:53% 2:06% i I Narragansett Park 1:00% 1:05% 1:10% 1:37 1:43% 1:50% * I Oaklawn Park 47% 1:00% 1*6% 1:12 1:19% 1:25% 1:39 1:44% 1:51% 2:06 Oriental Park 47% 39 1*5 1:11 1:27 138 1:43% 1:50% 2*3 I Fimlico 47% 1:00% 1*6% 1:10% 154% 1:26 1:37% 1:44 131 2:04% fe Raceland 47% 1*0 1*5% 1:12% 1:19% 154% 138% 1.44 1:52% 2*4% i Riverside Park 47% 1*0 1*5 1:11% 1:38 1:45% 1:52% 2:06 Rockingham Park 38% 1*4% 1:10% 1:26 1:37% 1:43% 1:49% 2:05 Santa Anita 47 1:10 1:22% 1:36% 1:42% 1:49% 2*2% A Saratoga. 47% 37% 1*4% 1:10% 1:17 153% 1:36% 145% 130 2*1% and St. Johns Park...... 48% 1*1% 1*7 1:13% 1:40% 1:48% 136 2:10% Stamford Park 1*0 1*5% 1:11% 1:39% 1:44% 1:53 2:05 Syracuse 39% 1*4% 1:10% 155% 1:36% 1:42% 1:53% 2*2 Tampa 48 1*2% 1*6 1:11% 1:40 1:45% 1:53% Tanforan 47% 1*0 1*5 1:11% 155% 1:38% 1:43% 1:50% 2:03% and Thistle Down Park.. 49 1:00 1*6 1:10% 1:39 1:43% 1:51% 2*4% Thorncliffe Park .... 48% 39% 1:06 1:11% 1:24% 1:38% 1:44% 1:51% 2*6% £ Tropical Park 46% 39 1:04 1:10 1:25 1:37% 1:43 1:50% Washington Park 39% 1*5% 1:11 1:23% 135% 1:44 130% 2:02 Woodbine Park 47% 39% 1*5% 1:11% 1:26% 1:38% 1:44% 131% 2*4% £ "Track slow. tTrack heavy.

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