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NARRAGANSETT PARK PARKTHE THE DAILY DOUBLE ON THE WINNERS OF THE FIRST AND SECOND RACES AT NARRAGANSETT PARK TUESDAY PAID 2220 FOR 2 PAWTUCKET R I TUESDAY MAY 11 1937 Narragansett Park 1 mile Ninth day Narragansctt Racing Association Spring meeting of 19 days Bahr Stall Gate used Weather clear Steward representing Rhode Island Racing Commission J A Doorley Stewards T Thorp C B Stickney and H Reynolds Judges W Moriarity J Davis and F Crafton Starter G WingficlJ Racing Secretary P Horgan Racing starts at 215 p m Chicago time 115 p m W indicates whip S spurs B blinkers Figures in parentheses following the distance of each race indicate horse date track record age of horse and weight carried Indicates apprentice allowance of 5 pounds 7 pounds 10 pounds FIRST RACE 34 MILE Out of Chute Happy Knot Sept 26 1936 110 6 106 12 tAQft Purse 1000 3yearolds and upward Claiming Nonwinners twice since VO 4 April 14 3yearolds 112 Ibs older 119 Ibs Nonwinners since April 30 May1137Nar allowed 3 Ibs since March 31 5 Ibs Claiming price 1600 if for less 1 Ib allowed for each 100 to 1400 Net value to winner 750 second 150 third 70 fourth 36 Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv Odds Strt 406863 GOOD DAME ws5104 91 li li BiermanC G L Weiss 165100 407783ROYAL BIRD wn4114 16 24 24 CanfieldL Miss M White 765100 40595 CONSISTENT WB 3 102 12 4 2i 34 32 3 SmithFA Miss A Doris 635100 406753PEACEFUL WB 4 109 8 7 6 72 64 42 StevsonC P Bieber 840100 40556 JOY FLAG w4114 3 3 72 54 5 5 CouleS J J Shugrue 2900100 40687 THISTLE JOCK wB5114 612 10 9 9k 64 CapertonH Mrs F S Harris 1940100 40157 COPPER TUBE WB 4 113 11 11 12 111 104 7 RtzF Mrs M Eckman 11535100 1153510040233MANY 40233MANY MOONS WB 4 102 4 5 3h 4 ° 4 81 BarbaJ D Stelsing 2255100 225510040686DARK 40686DARK WAR w 7 107 7 2 4 62 8 94 EyeC P Andolino 350100 40645 JIRASOL II WB 8 112 10 10 91 IQnklli 102 ScaboG Mrs J Walker 10275100 10275100SWEET SWEET TOKALON WB 4 104 2 8 H2il2 12 118 jamesc H H Brown 9475100 40686 PETER CAREY w 4 112 5 9 84 8k 7412 HowellR H Plante 14500100 14500100Time Time 23 46 112 Track fast 2 HTTJTTE1S PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDB GOOD DAME 530 340 260 165 100 70 100 30 100 100ROYAL ROYAL BIRD 780 510 290 100 155 100 100CONSISTENT CONSISTENT 390 95 100 100Winner Winner Br m by Morvich Innocent by Tryster trained by W Hodson bred by Mr A C Van Winkle Winner entered to be claimed for 1600 1600WENT WENT TO POST 215 AT POST 11 minutes minutesStart Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same sameGOOD GOOD DAME took command at once withstood stout contention from CONSISTENT disposed of her and had enough in reserve to hold ROYAL BIRD safe The latter taken to the outside nearing the halfmile ground raced into contention with a rush and continued willingly to the close CONSISTENT was a forward factor the entire trip PEACEFUL outrun early came with good courage in the last threesixteenths JOY FLAG was well placed but was unable to make up any ground when called upon THISTLE JOCK closed a good gap COPPER TUBE dropped back immediately after the start but was going stoutly in the closing sixteenth DARK WAR faltered badly after going a half mile PETER CAREY broke his leg inside the last seventy yards and hobbled across the finish on three legs He was destroyed Overweight destroyedOverweight Dark War 1 pound SECOND RACE 34 MILE Out of Chute Happy Knot Sept 26 1936 110 6 106 12 April 30 3 Ibs extra Nonwinners since April 30 allowed 3 Ibs since May1137Nar March 31 5 Ibs Claiming price 2000 if for less 1 Ib allowed for each 100 to 1700 1700Net Net value to winner 750 seconds 110 each fourth 30 Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv Odds Strt 11 1 1 11 SchiehF Mrs T Marshall 380100 40732 tJINX WB 104 8 4 31 3 k 3 2 NapierG W J Hirsch 650100 402443 tDOCTOR C N WB107 311 II2 7k 4 2 RichardJ Mrs A M Creech 1030100 103010037148TIME 37148TIME SIGNAL wsl07 1 6 24 22 24 44 EccardR L E Ogle 505100 505100406852WITLESS 406852WITLESS wallO 28 4h 4 5 53 KnottK MrsCWPhelan 2380100 238010040595ERB 40595ERB w04 6 9 8 9 8 6h BarbaJ Joe M Brooks 655100 39785 TELLINGYOU WB 113 12 10 7 84 7 7 LutherT R H New 1015100 101510040420CASINGHEAD 40420CASINGHEAD WB 107 4 7 54 5 6 ° 8 BiermanC F L Flanders 990100 99010040685TRANSCAP 40685TRANSCAP w07 712 Ifli 114 94 92 GreerM Miss E McNeil 10570100 29990 HIVIC WB112 10 3 61 6i 10 104 NealB Mrs F West 810100 40360 LUCKY COLOR WB11211 5 12 12 114112 RitzF Mrs M Eckman 8425100 40732 TOOTSIECAKE w 107 9 1 9410412 12 StevsonC Miss M T Fisher 2885100 2885100tDeadheat tDeadheat Time 23 47 113 Track fast 2 MUIUE1S PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDB DASHALONG 960 480 350 380 100 140 100 75 100 100JINX JINX 390 460 95 100 130 100 100DOCTOR DOCTOR C N 500 590 150 100 195 100 100Winner Winner Ch c by Whiskalong Rash Promise by Grey Lag trained by T Marshall bred by Mr C S Regan Winner entered to be claimed for 2000 2000WENT WENT TO POST 257 AT POST 5 minutes minutesStart Start good and slow Won driving seconds the same sameDASHALONG DASHALONG attempted to run away before the start gained the lead in the run through the back stretch drew clear before reaching the far turn and was rated in front to dominate the running throughout JINX was steadied along back of the pace came to the outside in the stretch and closed with keen speed getting up for a dead heat with DOCTOR C N in the last stride The latter outpaced early moved into contention with a rush and continued stoutly to the close TIME SIGNAL displayed good speed in pursuing the pacemaking winner but flattened out in the last seventy yards WITLESS could never endanger the leaders CASINGHEAD was outrun ERB was unable to keep up HIVIC tired badly TELLINGYOU was never prominent TOOTSIECAKE had brief early speed Overweight speedOverweight Witless 3 pounds Tellingyou 1 THIRD RACE 1 116 MILES Top Row Oct 20 1934 143 3 105 Purse 1000 w olds 108 Ibs older 117 Ibs Nonwinners since March 31 allowed 3 Ibs May1137Nar since December 31 5 Ibs Claiming price 1250 Net value to winner 750 second 150 third 70 fourth 30 Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv Odds Strt 40782U DEMON WB 5 107 4 4 22 14 14 I3 12 BiermanC Miss A Doris 335100 33510040630PARALDA 40630PARALDA 78010040736BALAPIN WB 4 107 8 3 3k 22 24 24 22 RichardJ P Bieber 780100 40736BALAPIN WSB 5 109 9 5 54 6 5 3 32 NapierG L Haymaker 180100 18010040766MARFREE 171010040777FLOWERY 40766MARFREE WB 5 107 10 2 44 3 3 42 44 BarbaJ D Stelsing 1710100 40777FLOWERY LADY WB 7 107 3 6 64 5 44 56 5 SchiehF H Bieber 385100 40264BOUNDG 38510040264BOUNDG COUNT WB 5 109 2 8 8 10 94 6i ff EccardR P B Codd 2405100 40645 CANPRA WB 4 114 5 10 10 84 8 74 72 TinkerH R C Hanna 2355100 40776CUMBERLAND 235510040776CUMBERLAND w5109 6 9 7 75 72 81 8 GreerM H H Brown 2395100 40639 FOREIGN LEGION w5112 7 7 9h 9110 10 9 CatroneF Mrs M C Breen 20990100 40594 GRAND ANNA wB3 3705100Time 98 1 1 I2 4nk 6nk 92 IQ SmithFA D Hardy 3705100 Time 23 47 113 139 146 Track fast 2 MUTTTELS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDB U DEMON r 870 450 300 335 100 125 100 50 100 PARALDA 100PARALDA 790 450 295 100 125 100 100BALAPIN BALAPIN 270 35 100 Winner 100Winner Ch g by Abbots Nymph Brumina by Brumado trained by H L Campbell bred by Messrs Crunden Skinner Winner entered to be claimed for 1250 1250WENT WENT TO POST 333 AT POST H minutes minutesStart Start good and slow Won easily second and third ridden out outU U DEMON assumed command when GRAND ANNA the early pacemaker gave way then drew clear increased his lead into the stretch and won with speed to spare PARALDA prominent throughout con ¬ tinued willingly to the end BALAPIN was unable to keep pace early and came with good energy through the stretch MARFREE gained a forward position in the run to the first turn was steadied along but was unable to close any ground when called upon FLOWERY LADY made up some ground but was unable to enter into serious contention when placed under punishment BOUNDING COUNT passed tired horses through mileScratched the stretch GRAND ANNA quit badly after cutting out the pace for a half mile Scratched 40776 Lighthceled 114 114Overweight Overweight Canpra 2 pounds FOURTH RACE 4 18 FURLONGS Jackie May 7 1936 52 2 109 Parse 1000 4OS7O 2 year ° Ids Maidens Colts and geldings Special weights weightsfcayll37Nar fcayll37Nar Net value to winner 750 second 150 third 70 fourth 30 Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv Odds Strt 406883HISTORIC ERA WB 115 9 5 42 2k In JaekleJ C H Trotter 405100 405100KINGS KINGS HEIR w 115 1 2 3 V StevsonC Dixiana 180100 180100405933TORCHY 405933TORCHY wl5 3 1 1J 1 3 WholeyR Dixiana t t40S55 40S55 WARLAINE w 115 12 6 54 5 4jr SmithFA W W Adams J1805100 40688 RETLAW KB 115 11 3 22i 4k 5l SmithE Araho Stable 845100 40688 ENAC w 115 6 4 82 6 k LynchJ Mrs W H Cane t tSCOTS SCOTS GUARD wl5 411 7k 74 72 NealB Flying Horse Farm 1800100 1800100GRAND GRAND LIGHT wU5 8 7 6 f 8s LutherT R H New 875100 40593 SWEEP BROOK wsU5 210 9i 92i 92i LaidleyO L C Young 4110100 4110100STOPLIGHT STOPLIGHT wllS 7 8 10411s 10 KnottK Flying Horse Farm 40693 MAORI CHIEF wl5 5 12 12 102 II5 CpanelliA M Naify 9970100 9970100POST POST OAK w 115 10 9 II3 12 12 CatroncF Mrs W Garth 6115100 6115100fCoupled fCoupled as Dixiana entry JW W Adams and Mrs W H Cane entry FIying Horse Farm entry entryTime Time 24 47 54 Track fast I 2CUTUFLB PAID t OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS s sHISTORIC HISTORIC ERA 1010 330 310 405 100 65 100 55 100 IXIAMA ENTRY 230 280 15 100 40 100 100Winner Winner B g by Republic Edith Alice by Pennant trained by C H Trotter bred by Mr P Laffoon WENT TO POST 407 AT POST H minutes Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same sameHISTORIC HISTORIC ERA in near pursuit of the pace moved up on the inside entering the stretch was in close quarters through the last sixteenth fought his way clear and got up right at the line KINGS HEIR tnoved up fast on the outside wore down his stable companion and just failed to hold the winner TORCHY had the most speed and fought it out in determined fashion to the end WARLAINE unable to keep up tarly finished with good courage RETLAW was in closest pursuit of the pace for the first fivesixteenths then tired in the final quarter ENAC was bothered in the opening threesixteenths GRAND LIGHT was buffeted about soon after the start and was unable to settle into his best stride SWEEP BROOK had to be eased back going to the first turn FIFTH RACE 34 MILE Out of Chute Happy Knot Sept 26 1936 110 6 106 12 maiden or claiming since August 1 Weight 119 Ibs Nonwinners of two May1137Nar races of any kind since April 30 allowed 3 Ibs of two races of any kind since March 31 5 Ibs of 900 at any time or a race of any kind since March 31 8 Ibs of a race in 1937 10 Ibs maidens 14 Ibs IbsNet Net value to winner 825 second 165 third 75 fourth 35 Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv Odds Strt 11 14 StevsonC Dixiana f120100 Hall Miss Warrender 295100 34 34 24 3 BarbaJ B F Lister 1025100 10 81 53 41 LynchJ Belington S Stable 4975100 21 21 425 LutherT P T Chinn Chinn9J 590100 9J 10 84 64 NealB W S Kilme J925100 8 5fc 7 7s CoulcS J J Shugru 2605100 2605100t 71 7 Oh 8 WholeyR Dixiana Dixiana6nk t 40733 GAY BALKO WB 109 9 6 6nk 6 9 94 EyeC P Andolino Andolino4h 3725100 82275 GENAIBI wB104 54 4h 9h 9MO 10 10 SmithFA W S Kilmer 3725100I I ItCourled tCourled as Dixiana entry JW entryTime S Kilmer entry Time 23J 47 112 Track fast 2 MUTUELS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS DIXIANA ENTRY 440 280 230 120 100 40 100 15 100 100NATTY NATTY BOY 370 280 85 100 40 100 100GALA GALA STAR 340 70 100 100Winner Winner B g by Supremus Pompano Girl by Sweep trained by C Van Dusen bred by Mr C T Fisher FisherWENT WENT TO POST 436 AT POST 5 minutes minutesStart Start good and slow Won ridden out second and third driving drivingGOOD GOOD CATCH was hustled through on the inside to gain the lead at the close of the opening three sixteenths withstood determined opposition from MAJOR BOWES in the first half mile then disposed of him and was not threatened at the end NATTY BOY was forced to work his way through the field and came stoutly wlien straightened out for the stretch run GALA STAR raced prominently all the way STAR LOOM trailed until leaving the back stretch then closed some ground MAJOR BOWES faltered in the closing quarter mile TEDDY PATIC was going resolutely at the close GAY BALKO tired after going a half mile LEE HASTINGS could never reach contention GENAIBI tired after racing well placed for he first threeeighths threeeighthsOverweight Overweight Star Loom 2 pounds All Agog 2 Lee Hastings 1 olds 108 Ibs older 116 Ibs Nonwinners since December 31 allowed 3 Ibs May1137Nar Claiming price 1000 No apprentice allowance To be ridden by appren ¬ tices who have not ridden five winners winnersNet Net value to winner 750 second 150 third 70 fourth 30 Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv Odds Strt 405983TRANSIT LADY WB4111 8 3 3 32 2 In ink ClutterA J W Cohen 150100 40457 WILEY BBRYAN WB 4 113 5 2 1 11 In 2 2s KenneyF P Bieber 1840100 40775 LADY DEMOCRAT WB 4 111 7 9 53 52 4 31 3h McCadnW Joe M Brooks 780100 40264 PLAY BOOK WB 5 116 1 4 22 2 33 4 42 MillerL 240100 40731 IVY MAXWELL WB4108 9 8 61 62i 65 53 55 MastrnniJ Kayfetz Bell 1170100 40307 OGYGIA WB 8 111 2 1 73 7 73 i 6 CagleF Mrs A M Creech 840100 40690 SAINTED WB 6 113 4 5 42 4 5 63 7 GervaisV Mrs P Plante 4935100 49351004JD598 4JD598 BAY BUDDY WB 4 113 6 7 82i 8 83 8 82 WitmerG Mrs W Hodson 2485100 57959 BRUCE DALE WB 4 113 3 6 9 999 9 BoyceJ B C Murphy 6475100 6475100Time Time 24 48J 114 140 147 Track fast 2 MUTUELS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS TRANSIT LADY 500 360 280 150 100 80 100 40 100 100WILEY WILEY B BRYAN 1500 860 650 100 330 100 100LADY LADY DEMOCRAT 430 115 100 100Winner Winner Ch f by Transmute Watchola by Olambala trained by M B Cohen bred by Mr T Piatt Winner entered to be claimed for 1000 1000WENT WENT TO POST 511 AT POST 2J minutes minutesStart Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same sameTRANSIT TRANSIT LADY reserved back of the pace until leaving the back stretch moved up on the outside of the pacemaker when reaching the stretch and gaining a short advantage held WILEY B BRYAN safe to the end The latter took command going to the first turn and fought it out in determined fashion all through the stretch run LADY DEMOCRAT suffered some interference around the first turn and closed a good gap PLAY BOOK was a stout factor for the first fiveeighths tiring thereafter OGYGIA was jumped at the first turn by BRUCE DALE and was unable to threaten SAINTED raced well for a half mile BAY BUDDY was outrun SEVENTH RACE 1 116 MILES Top Row Oct 20 1934 143 3 105 Purse 1000 Nonwinners since April 30 allowed 3 Ibs since March 31 5 Ibs since May1137Nar December 31 7 Ibs Claiming price 2000 if for less 1 Ib allowed for each 100 to 1700 Net value to winner 750 second 150 third 70 fourth 30 Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv Odds Strt 406912PEERLESS 21010040438REDRESS PAL WSB 4 109 1 1 33 33 32 2nk 31 NapierG MrsJMcGraw 210100 40438REDRESS WB7109 2 7 52 4 4 45 2 Richard J Mrs A M Creech 2330100 2330100397473SORCERESS 397473SORCERESS w3101 8 3 2 2s 22 l 32i SmithFA Miss A Doris 715100 40675ALBUQUERQUE 71510040675ALBUQUERQUE wfl5109 5 2 1 1 In 3 4 EccardR P B Codd 700100 275100405993BEVEAU 40691 THE SINGER w 6 114 6 6 8481 7 52i 53 BiermanC F L Flanders 275100 405993BEVEAU w5112 9 9 fr 6 6k fr MayT E A McMann 685100 40691 DYAK WB 8 116 7 8 9 9 9 7 7i LutherT F J Valli 2745100 40781 ODDESA BOY wB3105 4 5 7 7 82 8 82 NealB Bristol Stable 2060100 40277 LEONARD WILSONws 5 112 3 4 4nk 51 5h 9 9 HightshoeR Mrs V Wyse 3370100 3370100Time Time 24 47 112 138 145 Track fast 2 MUTUELS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDB PEERLESS PAL 620 400 280 210 100 100 100 40 100 REDRESS 100REDRESS 1440 720 620 100 260 100 100SORCERESS SORCERESS 100Winner 500 150 100 Winner B g by Prince Pal Vagrant by Man o War trained by J McGraw bred by Swingalong Stable Mr T Young Winner entered to be claimed for 2000 2000WENT WENT TO POST 545 AT f9ST 1 minutes minutesStart Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same samePEERLESS PEERLESS PAL was steadied along after being outrun by ALBUQUERQUE and SORCERESS was shaken up after leaving the back stretch came through on the inside of the leaders at the stretch turn and taking command in the last sixteenth drew clear at the end REDRESS reserved early came to the outside for the closing test and was up in the last few strides to wear down SORCERESS for the place The latter forced the early pace shook off ALBUQUERQUE but was unable to stave off the bids of the first two ALBUQUERQUE faltered in the final quarter mile THE SINGER was never able to reach a forward position BEVEAU was never a threat DYAK was going gamely in the late stages after having trailed most of the trip ODDESA BOY was outrun outrunScratched Scratched 40778 Pay Rack 109 36076 Shansi 107 107Overweight Overweight Oddcsa Boy 1 pound EIGHTH RACE 1 116 MILES Top Row Oct 20 1934 143 3 105 Purse 1000 1000A A OQJ71 4yearolds and upward Claiming Weight 114 Ibs Nonwinners since 1400Maylld7Nar APril 30 allowed 3 Ibs since April 14 5 Ibs Claiming price 1400 Maylld7Nar Net value to wjnner 759 second 150 third 70 fourth 30 Eqt A Wt PP St Str Fin Jockeys Equiv Odds Strt 40777ROSEPATH WB6104 2 1 1411 1411w 11 I2i I2 NapierG T J La Presti 290100 406442STILL ALARM w 41051 8 74 8 fr 3i 2f CapertonH Mrs F C Dunn 755100 40736 KING BONNY ws5114 8 3 3i 2 a 2 2ik ik 3 LynchJ Mrs E Haughton 1900100 406468CHAMBERSBGERwB4114 9 4 ff 6 4 ° k 4nk 4 StevsonC Miss A Doris 910100 40644LAST ROMANCE w 6 101 6 99 9 74 63 54 JaekleJ H F Carr 705100 40646 BULSTRODE ws5109 7 7 8 7 82 5 6 BiermanC Mrs R Russell 470100 40762PRINCE POMPEY WSB 6 109 3 2 2i 4 439927KINDRED 5i 72i5 HowellR Mrs J C Richardson 555100 39927KINDRED SPIRIT WB 5 104 5 6 5 5 54B77BLESD 9 9 8s EccardR Mrs E Gilkcs 1310100 4B77BLESD EVENT WSB 7 104 4 5 4 3 3 8 9 BarbaJ 0 H Rowe 1330100 IUAL OOKIHO ODD ODDROSEPATH ROSEPATH 780 490 380 290100 145100 90110 90110STILL STILL ALARM 730 530 265100 5100 5100KING KING BONNY 1010 Winner B m by Swecpstcr Primrose Path by Pebbles Drained by J Badame bred by Mr H P U Hatcli Winner entered to be claimed for 1400 1400WENT WENT TO POST 621 AT POST 3 minutes minutesStart Start good and slow Won handily second and third driving ROSEPATH took command at once drew clear in the run to the first turn was steadied along in Iront and was never seriously threatened STILL ALARM was in trouble repeatedly and closed in determined fashion when obtaining clear sailing KING BONNY was fonvardly placed from the start and held n willingly although tiring slightly near the end CHAMBERSBURGER came over at the fii BULSTRODE and although closing some ground was never a serious factor LAST ROMAN gap BULSTRODE suffered interference in the run to the first turn and was unable to threaten thereafter PRINCE POMPEY faltered after going fiveeighths BLESSED EVENT quit to a walk in the final eighth eighthScratched Scratched 40644 Longful 104 104Overweight Overweight Still Alarm 1A pounds