Quickstep Handicap Weights: Van Dusen Seeking Another Stake Victory at Covington.; Torchy or Torch Betty Capable of Upholding Dignity of Dixianan--Van Dusen Establishment., Daily Racing Form, 1939-07-13


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QUICKSTEP HANDICAP WEIGHTS Van Dusen Seeking Another Stake Victory at Covington Torchy or Torch Betty Capable of Upholding UpholdingDignity Dignity of DLxianan Van Dusen DusenEstablishment Establishment LATONIA Ky July 12 Clyde Van Dusen dimunitive Kentuckian who is pac ¬ ing the trainers at Latonia and has enjoyed great success in the stakes decided thus far at the Milldale course will be afforded an opportunity to add another to his credit Sat ¬ urday afternoon in the twentyfifth running of the Quickstep Handicap 2500added fix ¬ ture which headlines the half holiday card cardTorchy Torchy victorious in the Independence Handicap and second in the Charity Day Handicap is regarded as the strongest pos ¬ sibility of the two eligibles that Van Dusen will choose from in an attempt to win his third stake of the season Betty Sweep is the other that was triumphant in a stake for Van Dusen accounting for the Cincinnati Trophy TrophyAlthough Although Torchy has been performing In route races heretofore the fouryearold son of Torchilla Jemima Lee has demonstrated on a number of occasions his capabilities as a sprinter The Quickstep will be decided over the sixfurlong distance and in the event that Torchy is withheld from the race Torch Betty will draw the assignment of up ¬ holding the dignity of the DixianaVan Dusen dynasty dynastyThirtynine Thirtynine are eligible for the Quickstep and a field of twelve or more is expected to be mustered for the dash which promises to result in one of the most spirited duels of j the current season Of the eligibles which appear most likely to face starter William Hamilton in addition to Torchy and Torch Betty are Smith G Baker Srs Janice Brown Hotel Stables Hello Cap Frank Ger ings Franks Boy Mrs Louise J Hickmans Dusty Dawn Frank P Letelliers Southland Beau and Squaw Lady J Cal Milams D catur J B Respess Busy Morn Sonada Stables CNote Mrs W G Sparks Anns Princess and Garrett Watts Silverette Weights SilveretteWeights assigned today by Handicapper Wm H Shelley follow Horse Wt WtTorchy Torchy 118 118Silverette Silverette 118 118Manie Manie OHarall4 OHarall4Sobriety Sobriety 114 114Dusty Dusty Dawn 112 112Dora Dora May Ill IllFranks Franks Boy 109 109Southland Southland Beau 108 108CNote CNote 108 108Busy Busy Morn 107 107Cross Cross Keys 107 107Mad Mad Money 107 107Janice Janice 107 107Gene Gene Wagers 106 106Squaw Squaw Lady 105 105Decatur Decatur 105 105Littou Littou Hickman105 Hickman105Jumping Jumping Jill 105 105Saunderstown Saunderstown 105 Miss Premier 102 Horse Wt WtMiss Miss Sarah 102 102Time Time Please 102 102Buttermilk Buttermilk 102 102Absconder Absconder 102 102Jay Jay D Bane 102 102Montsin Montsin 101 101Steel Steel Heels 101 101Hello Hello Cap 101 101Torch Torch Betty 100 100Sky Sky Ball 100 100Col Col Scott 100 100Imperial Imperial JaynalOOTaken JaynalOO Taken 100 100So So Rare 100 100Dr Dr Holmes 98 98Cooling Cooling Spring 98 98Anna Anna Jay 97 97Alice Alice Highland 97 Anns Princess 97

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1930s/drf1939071301/drf1939071301_29_7
Local Identifier: drf1939071301_29_7
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800