Riders At Arlington, Daily Racing Form, 1941-06-26


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RIDERS AT ARLINGTON ARLINGTONARLINGTON ARLINGTON HEIGHTS 111 June 25 No less than sixtyone riders have registered for the thirtyfourday season of the Arling ¬ ton Park Jockey Club and more were ex ¬ pected to arrive from the East during the next week Among those who will perform here are Robert L Vedder Jack Richard Earl Steffen Earl Pool Ken McCombs Don MacAndrew Jimmy Berger Warren Yar berry Wendell Eads Preston Mills James G Wilson Jimmy McCoy Willie Garner Herb Litzenberger Jimmy Haritos Arthur Craig Herb Lemmons Thomas P Martin John P Martin Ken Greever Geo Martin Johnny Adams Orin Laidley M N Gon ¬ zalez Glair Critchfield John Mann C Swain R Bohn B Thompson J Beedle E Crow ther F Fox W Gillespie T Haley B Cruickshank E C Myer Freddie Farrell Lee Haskell W Mason N Boyce Wilbur Franfc Winn Herb Lindberg H Hauer T Borton J Robertson W J Owen P Camp Meloche A J Alberts Steve Brooks L C Morris L Sisler M L Fallen R Conley L Wilson C Calvin D Clingman W Lowe

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1940s/drf1941062601/drf1941062601_37_9
Local Identifier: drf1941062601_37_9
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800