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1 116 MILES Haramzada May 21 1 9321 4851 11 Purse 2300 3year olds and upward Claiming Nonwinners of two races in 1948 3yearolds 108 Ibs older 120 Ibs Nonwinners in 1948 allowed 5 Ibs Claiming price 3000 Chart Book BookIndex Todays TodaysDate Index No Horse Date Track Rec Wt Wt WtDec47BM146 47961 Trust Fund Dec47BM146 115 120 120Nov47CD152 48099 Little Matt Nov47CD152 110 115 115Apr47GP1444s 48168 Walloon Apr47GP1444s 119 115 115Jan48GP147 469583JBen Gray Jan48GP147 108 108 48099 Busy Pony Mar480P146 108 120 120Mar47 48168 Atoka Lad Mar47 Haw 152sl 113 110 Chart Book BookIndex Todays TodaysDate Index No Horse Date Track Rec Wt Wt 48368 Kere Nov47 BM 14716 117 115 481652 Raffle House Apr48Trp148 109 120 480953 Karls Best Mar470P146 118 120 483662Favorite Trap Aug47 Ran 1491 113 110 48363 Happy Pilot Jan47Trp147 107 115 lOfl Br 9 8 by Grad Slam Tact by Black Toney IZU Breeder J Oliver Keene 1948 2 1 0 0 1365 Owner H Belle Trainer H Belk 1947 11 2 1 1 3210 May4484Spt 781305m 33 117 95J 89i 7 6 J BaileyPJ4 4000 ArabsFancy113 ChrryBoy113 Myjulie 9 Apr28483Spt 78132Vfeft 22 115 6 66 5 56 J 22 1J BaileyPJio 3000 BessieVance112 Lpolino112 StipulatnIO Dec1347iBM 1ft145ft 2121 2 8 6 57 LitzergW6 2500 81 Mulligatney115 ParPlus118 WRebus11 Dec 3478BM 1ft 146 ft 6 115 1 52256 32 LitzbgW4 2500 84 Barging Lady 108 Tudo114 Good Bid 8 Nov20478BM 1ft 147sl 3 120 1 1412 12 LitbergW6 2500 79 Declared120 Charloble110 RoseTidgs 12 Nov17478BM 1ft 150 hy 65 111 1 12 13 13 LitbergW 2000 66 VainVickie109 Coosada112 Foxyridge12 Nov 7478BM 1ft 1463bft 7 111 1 1 1h 2 LitzbgW2 2000 83 DrRuth120 Ejaybee111 CeeLot 11 Oct31472BM 34113sl 13 114 2 32 35 48 LitbergW 2500 71 Batchfly116 GayHress117 Flitterverse 11 Mar27478Tan 1 140ft 4 1103 37 55 616 LitzrgWS 2500 60 Grhopperll 110 RonRed115 HstMoeH HstMoeHApril April 27 Haw 12 ft 5115b April 22 Spt 58 ft 108hg April 18 Spt 78 ft 136h 136hlirrlp lirrlp Lime RalphLime MnH Viatr 1 1 5 B g 5 by Cee Jay Jay Lucky Churchill by Ralph 1 0 Breeder J R Devereux 1948 3 0 0 0 105 Owner 105Owner M Moskovitz Trainer M Barton 3000 1947 4101 1350 1350May6488Spt May6488Spt 1ft156Vsy 15 110 6 6 532 531 BberRL4 3000 BusyPonyllO DarkLace 110 BigScat 6 Apr2648iSpt 78130ft 46 113 9 9 i 772 43 BberRL4 4000 LittleMillylOS GoldCall 113 WrakfairlO Feb274850P 34117hy 13 113 68 63 64 66 MifoldH4 c300044 CherryBy118 VelvetHls105 CherryWe 8 Nov1447iCD 1ft152gd 6 1105 631 42 1H GartteJia Mdn 54 GayCoqte104 LtDan112 LmckBabe 12 Nov 7471CD 34 115 ft 14 118 8 54 43 31 ChestU4 Mdn 72 FyNofns108 PesBler116 LimkBabe 12 Oct22472Kee 34113ft 53 114 4 77 56 61 KnottK2 2000 71 MissEvidence113 Porky114 FastTempo 12 Oct18473Kee 34114 go 14t113 2 9 92 9 2 KnottK 2500 65 Skip Level 112 Lucky B 113 Stargoo 11 11May May 5 Spt 12 m 53h April 25 Spt 38 ft 39b April 22 Spt 34 ft 127b Walloon TTQiioun s X 11 3 5 B 9 7 by Flares May Mornfo by Pompey Bwder j R NevIe A Cfc 1948 5 0 0 0 Owner Mrs S Corbet Trainer 6 Corbet S3000 1947 13 2 3 1 5560 May7485Spt 5560May7485Spt FedIAgntIOMar194870P 78133 si 15 115 861 92 813 911 MartinG6 4000 MidnitOil 115 ArielPal 110 FedIAgntIO Mar194870P 1ft 148 gd 14 111 8 2 81 816 825 HolcmbH3 450053Shuckins108 DmFire116 BrthTaker 8 Mar1748OP 1ft 14545ft 10 112 7 7 7 717 JonesRJ4 650072SirMickey 111 Suiialt 109 LittleStick 7 Mai 34850P 34 112ft 53 112 88 78 76 912 JonesRJ4 Alw 74 GdBabylll Even gFlight113 Lngtidell Febj LngtidellFebj 74870P 34 115fo 17 113 62 7 721 72 JonesRJ4 Alw 45 FlagDr1 112 RiverStch105 SlyTigrts 8 May20 47Haw 1ft 149sl 3 4120 2 24 22 432 SmithFA4 Alw 64 SsyPtricia109 DnaBrand104 FrTens 7 MaylO 476Spt 1ft 151ft 15 113 7 32 54 67 MrtinGio HcpO CoIeyBay107 CampsFst113 DotsRk 10 May 6 478Spt 1ft 155ft 85 126 3 2i 12 2 J Higleyjs cBOOO JodasJoe115 Stell103 Four Tens 7 AprSO 47Spt 1ft 155m 3 124 4 1 HJ 12 Higleyja 8000 TinysChe11l Valnfant110 RoseCyn 9 May 3 Spt 58 rri 107hg April 24 Haw 12 gd 55b Mar 15 OP 34 ft 121b 121bRpn Rpn oen varay Zmv X 1 OR B 9 9 by Head Play Sunny Voice by Golden Sun JQ Breeder MrJ norence F Dibbit 1943 7013 1375 1375Owner Owner j Sands Trainer J Sands S3000 1947 25 2 4 5 5650 Apr17482TrP 5650Apr17482TrP 34113ft 12 114 842 74 651 33 MundnFJs 2250 75 SuesSpecl 110 Secret104 FanarGrieMO Apr15488TrP 1ft149ft 3 112 2 32 34 44 McCoyJ6 2000 60 I Did 115 Stell 108 Twixt 6 Apr1248 TrP 34112sft 62 113 1082 9 852 981 BrinsonW6 2000 76 SergntBill 117 GetGood117 ElOsunall Apr 2483TrP 34 1124 ft 41 110 78 61 6 6 DuffJ6 250070 VegasWheel 121 RedSonnet121 Slower 7 Mar27482TrP 34 112ft 6 11686177 55 35 JasponT 2750 78 NotSoGood109 Hemfox113 BracePlayll Jan12484GP 1 18 1591sm 2 112 33 1412 31 GiffordPl 300044 Drollon 113 Gabe Paul 114 Temeru 8 Jan 6488GP 1ft 147 ft 7 108 21 11 1i 1t KnappEJ4 2500 77 Overtake 112 Ice Lady 105 Alport12 tDisqualified Alport12tDisqualified and placed second secondDec22472GP Dec22472GP 78 12745gd 5 112 2 32 2 3U GiffordPi2 2500 69 DsArgyle109 Pchahelli106 In theWgs 12 Dec 9471 GP 78126ft 9 1178 34 881 6 ArmstrgB 3000 68 AlisonPeters117 RedMars108 Overtake 12 May 12May 9 Spt 38 ft 4015b May 6 Spt 34 si 126b May 5 Spt 12 m 54b 54bBUSV BUSV Trojanuusy Ponv 6 o 19fi 8 9s 4 D Bus K Mattapony by Trojan uusy runy I U Breeder D ft Wood 1948 16 1 2 3 2710 Owner 2710Owner Mrs C Troutt Trainer C Troutt S3 000 1947 15 1 2 2 2 895 May 895May 6488Spt 1ft156Vsy 2 4110 43 34 2h Hi SwainCi 3000 DarkLace 110 BigScat 115 MissPebble 6 May 3488Spt 1ft 153ft 1 112 34 56 5 58 SwainCi Alw BigBrher118 LtftLady113 Dlslsland 9 Apr28485Spt 78131ft 81 115 54 44 32 34 SkoskiA3 5000 Royat 115 Petrified 115 WonderWhy 10 Apr2648iSpt 78 130ft 31 113 75 67 67 5 JessopDS 4000 LittleMillylOS GoldCall 113 WrakfairlO Mar264860P 1ft 147gd 11 102 21 22 33 56 FranklinES Alw 74 MissReal 113 GreatPlains 111 Cloy 8 Mar22487QP 1ft 1475m 8 102 34 33 54 6 FrklinE4 Alw 71 Late Thread 113 Liteco 108 Cloy 7 Mar124870P 1ft 145ft 95 108 33 32 22 46 MtgYyR6 600084Smieslmge115 FrkMnns118 Sunspk 6 Mar 64870P 170147 m 22 111 14 14 14 2U MontgryR3 Alw75FirstDegree116 Jacalitos118 Altuce 6 Mar 2 4870 P 170146 si 31 116 1 2 22 24 MtgryR6 Alw 77 Bellbrook 110 Jacalitos 112 BabyGold 6 Feb264870P 34116 m 21 M15 5U 64 521 451 MtgryR Alw 62 HeresMe 107 UncleRob 115 GoodBaby 9 May 11 Spt 12 m 55b April 20Spt 58 ft 113b April 16 Spt 38 ft 41b 41bA A toko Lad X w Breeder Harvey Raines 1943 2 o o o Owner Mrs G H Emick Trainer R Barnett S3000 1947 21 3 2 3 6015 May7485Spt 6015May7485Spt 78133 si 35 115 971 551 69 8 CalvinC3 4000 MidnitOil 115 ArielPal 110 FedIAgntIO Apr29484Spt 6f124 ft 35 115 10121Q13 9131015 CalvinC7 4000 SomeBid 117 MidnightOil 115 Monitor 10 Oct31473Spt 78134sl 7 114 9 77 42 3 BairdRL6 2250 PatchParty108 WiseTiger115 RiverJklO Oct2547iSpt 1ft154ft 5 120 8 44 2h 2 BairdRL6 2000 Aptizer105 ChryWine117 MaeBrhtIO Oct20472Spt 6f125ft 4 12010 82 68 6 BairdRLS 2000 Bagnell114 Club Car 120 MaihighIO Sep2747iHaw 6 f 120 ft 6 117 12 1113 8r882 BrooksSS Alw 71 MarmadlO SgtRie106 Derivative 12 Sep 3 471 Haw 6 f 120ft 5 11511 86 77 73 FeathW 2500 74 Inverette 117 My Scott 111 Politics 12 Aug28 47iWas 1 139ft 7 11611 53 1 Ih BrooksS 3000 79 QueenJody110 DeepRed112 MissWinksll Aug26 472Was 34115 m 21 11411 87 53 452 DAugoJ 2500 66 GayTown119 WatchChilla113 Maihigh 12 4ug18 47Was Vc i59Vsft 25 118 3 64210 10B BairdRLi 3000 FergiesMd104 Macla116 VdinaVicar 10 May 6 Haw 38 m 38h April 26 Haw 12 ft 51b April 22 Haw 38 ft 37h 1XV l Breeder Richard Smart 1948 4000 Owner T Davis Trainer B Ray 53000 1947 6111 2115 May10487Spt 2115May10487Spt 1ft 156m 4 107 32 34 33 742 KushL3 4000 FederalAgt112 GanadoO Devilslsld 8 May 4484Spt 7813015m 15 113 54 55 56 542 JessopD 4000 ArabsFancy113 ChrryBoy113 MyJulie 9 9Apr28485Spt Apr28485Spt 78131ft 40 115 66 66 78 78 GreenB2 5000 Royat 115 Petrified 115 Busy Pony 10 Mar154850P 341125ft 22 115 129112912101181 BberRL4 500078LowTsn115 GenTsAide110 SeMomt12 SeMomt12Dec3473BM Dec3473BM 34 112ft 4 113 2 53123 23 VolzkeM4 c3600 81 Graviton113 Foregone SingingSir 8 Nov24475BM 1ft 146 ft 95 1 17 4 56 45 55 VolzkeM6 Alw 80 Moaula117 Graviton 114 Maoli 7 1 Nov20 475BM 34 113sl 2 A117 1 551 532 44 VolzkeM7 Alw 77 BurngGingr115 GravitnllS AnxsLad 9 Oct23 475GG 34111ft 11 118 1 43 33 32 VolzkeMio Alw 84 Bettyano108 Nantookit113 Moaula 10 10Oct14475GG Oct14475GG 34111ft 7 115 4 34 3 612 ZufeltG4 cSOOO 86 GoldPomp115 PcessGay115 ForestKg 10 Sep2647iGG 34 111ft 7 120 1 4i 4 13 LitzbgWS Mdn 86 PedroPro120 Bur gGger120 TchFinis 9 9Mar Mar 13 OP 12 ft 51b 51bRnff KOlTie Rnff IP House Hnncp X 1 I ZU 9H Br 9 8 by House Warmer Raffles Chance by Raffles 2835Owner Breeder Curtis Stevens 1948 10 1 2 2 2835 Owner D Emery Trainer D Emery 83000 1947 30 4 4 3 8445 May7482Spt 8445May7482Spt 78133sl 31 117 74244 32 21 MifoIdH 2500 HppyDoellO QunJody111 A La Reigh 10 May3434Spt 1ft 153 gd 11 118 872 55 48 412 MifoIdH 3000 Sunstorm111 OswegoDr111 Wrakfair 9 Apr27482Spt 78133 ft 75 A113 82 43 33 1i KushL6 2000 Ironsweep118 DoraM 113 Salomea 10 Apr14488TrP 1ft1494 ft 95 11022 2 2458 CookWM7 2500 55 Get Good 112 OurBlen 117 Polonius 7 Apr 7488TrP 1ft1464sft 52 10921 21 22 3 PebodyC2 3000 72 GoldBoy 108 Rotamal 116 FossBarker 7 Apr 3487TrP 1ft148go 51 106 53 731 782 716 Duff J4 325054 Game oChce114 Anako104 WHKelly 8 Mar24482TrP 34112 ft 4 11264247 35 32 Duffjs 3000 82 Bracket 106 In 101 FlowingOil 12 Mar18488TrP 1ft 148 ft 32 109 13 H 1 23 MrtensC 300069 GoodBreak 113 Expeditious115 Twixt 12 Mar 9487Trp 1ft 146ft 14 107 97 55 57 u TurnerJio 3250 69 MotieBrand 114 Abim 112 WarEdict12 WarEdict12Knrlc rvari Knrlc s oesi Roct i A T7H Dk b 9 8 by Karl Eitel Buntline by Bunting j Breeder j j coughlin Estata 1948 5102 1 30 30Owner Owner F P Aime Trainer F P Aime S3000 1947 24 4 5 4 4965 4965May May 6484Spt 1ft 155 sy 32 A118 65 46 36 3i SwainC4 Alw Rotate113 Pdygoeasy113 ChipHndle 7 Apr30488Spt 1ft 156 ft 51 115 37 47 441 32i TenglioPS 3000 BobsDrm117 MrDanny112 Alldepds 8 Apr2648Spt 118201 ft 19 115 43 54 6 532 TeglioP6 3500 LeanordG111 QuibsBally113 Dberup 8 Jan17482FG 1ft 15115m 12 113 8 9 9 8 FenglioP4 Alw52SunUber115 StkofPeace110 PtyKnot 10 Jan 9488FG 1ft 147 ft 5 115 21 21 1 1 SpencrTi c2500 83 BayAcre121 PaperCup104 CountChant 9 Dec31 477FG 1ft 148gd 5 1106 44 3 22 SchultzJ6 2500 75 Away 118 Bay Acre 121 MacPlin 8 Dec23478FG 1ft 149 ft 85 107 11 64 44 12 PorchG4 2000 73 Hy Rickey 115 PineTree 105 Unmask 12 Dec 3 47 IF G 34 114ft 20 10810 1013 87 35 SchultzJi 2000 70 Homespun109 CalmPort112 LberKinglO Nov12 478CD 1ft151m 12 11310 813 510 68 FloydBS 2500 52 SilverSpy107 FergiesOnelOl Bayridge 12 May 4 Haw 12 si 52h April 25 Spt 38 ft 41b April 21 Haw 1m ft 147b 147bFnvnrita raVOnte GuildraVOnte Fnvnrita Trnn 11 H Dk b g 8 by Claptrap Queens Favorite by Queens Guild irap 1 IU Breeder s L shackelford 1948 6 0 1 1 735 735Owner Owner M Whitebook Trainer J Morris S3000 1947 16 1 0 4 2495 2495May10485Spt May10485Spt 118202 m 71 113 22 2h 23 23 NormnD3 SplW Vanflag 113 Curler 118 Smart Fox 8 8May May 1488Spt 118200 ft 61 111 14 21 23 32 PorchGS Alw Pilateer111 Vanflag 111 SmartFox 8 8Apr27488Spt Apr27488Spt 118201 ft 95 A113 1h 3 34 4 MifoIdH2 2500 WaryMary106 SnyFly118 RoseExhibit 8 8Mar2048iOP Mar2048iOP 34113 ft 47 115 106 851 76 641 CampR3 3000 78 BKnValleyl 15 BsieVance105 Paprika 12 12Mar114840P Mar114840P 34113 ft 33 112 10211n108210ii CampR4 3000 70 MtysCce105 VtaMTr112StkofPce12 VtaMTr112StkofPce12Mar Mar 34830P 34113ft 20 112 42 42 512 532 CampR2 3000 76 VelvetHeels104 JohnSabo 18 GoldCall 7 7Nov Nov 7478Spt 1ft157m 15 115 7 962 781 6 EmeryWS 3500 Dauberup120 MacPlin1115 CasaLibrdO CasaLibrdONov Nov 4478Spt 1ft154ft 11 1106 64 45 42 SchultzJS 3500 FourFthers120 MacPlin115 BigHope 9 9Oct29 Oct29 478Spt 118201 m 10 1128 45 45 35 TenaglioP4 4000 AgrarnSonltt TreeMntlO FiveAM 8 8Oct25 Oct25 473Spt 118201 ft 12 1154 22 32 351 OroscoJS 3500 PoieW1 112 CasaLre104 SpComet 8 8April April 12 Spt 12 ft 54b April 4 OP 34 ft 120b Mar 31 OP 12 ft 55b Happy Pilot X 1 1 R B g 10 by Ladysman Lucy T by Whichone 1 3 Breeder Howard Dots 1948 1 0 0 0 Owner W T Beezley Trainer W T r Beezley S3000 1947 11 0 3 1 1615 1615May10482Spt May10482Spt 78132m 81 10877 n 812 8 NormnD2 cSOOO KDorko114 Stipulatn111 MsShowMelO Oct31476Spt 1ft 156sl 7 113 5 54 512 43 BendelliR2 Alw EasyDgh115 DgCrate115 GoldRegnt 8 Oct27475Spt 1ft1554sm 4 1085 31 1 24 NormnD2 4500 Peraptera115 SwtGirlie112 HpyJoan 8 Oct22477Spt 1ft 155ft 5 108 7 44 42 22 NormanD7 3000 MacPlinHO VeroLumen112 Calydon 10 Oct1747Spt 1ft 156 ft 3 4108 8 75 32 22 PebodyC4 3000 BenGray108 FFeathers120 SwellChce 10 Oct 2478Haw 1ft 148ft 4 1077 65 43 33 PeabodyC 3000 69 SkyWolf112 BigScat112 HastyVictory 11 Sep12478Haw 1ft 150m 10 10711 Fell BendlliRS 4000 LmdJane109 Mtharine115 AgrnSonIZ AgrnSonIZAug Aug 1 472Was 1 138 ft 11 114 4 3 52 652 SmithFA2 6000 72 RdioJoe116 LkyColonl 117 SverMile 8 JIy22474AP 1139 ft 65 1156 52 54 56 BendelliR4 Alw 73 BrmRideltf DougCrate114 SilrMilelO Jly1647iAP 78132 hy 22 1109 714 6 614 BendliRS 6000 35 Tav108 ValdinaPerion114 MartharinelO May 1 Haw 12 ft 52J b